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The Ten of Me

Discussion in 'The Asylum' started by Sporadic, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. Sporadic Site Dev Moderator Director

    Mar 26, 2013
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  2. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    +291 / 0 / -0
    I come on to DTR and see i get mentioned hmm sounds like fun. I guess it could be about anything then

    1) My real name is Mindy. People call me Min for short

    2) I love to Role Play (something I was introduced to last September on JD  and rather enjoy) I've come a long way since then. Now I run a few groups on here, the TBRP site and FB page as well as a few chats. I'm pretty much the 'go to gal' when it comes to the RP's but i enjoy it

    3) I'm actually a shy person IRL. It take me time to get used to someone before I am comfortable with being around them (Ive been like this all my life)

    4) Aside from a few people I speak to online i pretty much keep to myself. I have more online friends then I do IRL, I just don't trust too many people. Those I did trust eventually ruined that trust.

    5) Nothing against girls but I don't get along with them to well (most of it has to do with a few things that happened in my past). I tend to butt heads with other females and some tend to annoy me. There are a select few I talk to from time to time but I have always been able to get along better with guys. I'm able to talk with guy and joke around with them (they dont get offended as easily lol). But no matter what I've always been one to listen to someone if they are going through a rough time and offer my advice. I speak to a lot of people on DTR through skype and help them out when I can. I've been through some tough times in my life so i can relate to a majority of people when they tell me how they feel and i don't criticize people on the situation.

    6) I don't get offended easily. So if you want to crack perverted jokes have at it. Most likely I'll go along with it lol. I believe everyone has a bit of pervertedness in them no matter how much they deny it :p

    7) After two years of putting it off (due to personal issues)  I have finally decided to take my states exam to be a fully licensed Nail Technician since jobs around here sucks and I haven't been having any luck with getting one. So I'm currently restudying all my notes for my exam.

    8) I enjoy playing video games, listening to music, chatting with friends . In my spare time I'll play some video games. I own quite a few systems from the NES to the 360 tho I haven't played my systems lately (recently been playing a lot of League of Legends with some people on skype) .  I enjoy listening to music. There have been a few times I have spent hours chatting with people exchanging music we like. I listen to music on a daily bases. People sometimes randomly send me music on skype or here  to check out (I used to get music videos on JD all the time but not so much here) the only type of music I dont like is the hardcore heavy metal one where the person is screaming and you cant make out a word they are saying (cant remember the name of it lol)

    10) Im 18 at heart but I'm actually 28 IRL. I'm currently in the middle of a divorce so things have been a bit tough for me this past year. I am a mother of 3 .  My oldest is 6 my youngest is 3. Only a few select people know about my real age and the fact I have kids.
    I made the mistake of rushing into things out of high school when I should have taken my time. I married 2 years out of high school. When your young you don't see the red flags that go up when they are there they tend to get ignored.  Now that I'm going through my divorce I realize all the things I ignored back then that could have prevented a lot of heartache over the years.  But its something I take as a lesson learned there isn't much i can do but move on. There are times  I think I should have taken the time to live my life and enjoy it while I was young but I was too much in a hurry to settle down. My children are the best thing that came out of that marriage. So now Im hoping for a new and better beginning with me and my kids :).

    My advice don't rush into thing right after school. Take your time a live your life while your young cause you will never get that time back.

    I dunno who to tag so ill tag a few people from my TBRP group

  3. Hurricaneria Trophy Hunter

    Apr 28, 2013
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    +3 / 0 / -0
    Well once again, Miss Ella Serenity has pulled me into another DTR based...thingy...XD So with that, I shall state 10 things about myself! They're in no particular order by the way, just things I come up as I go. Be advised most of these are quite personal, but since I feel comfortable talking about it here, go crazy.

    1. I try to keep this relatively in the shadows, but I am a big Odd Future fan, and an even bigger Tyler the Creator fan. Mix that with my (quite recent) biggest passion for anime, and my love for gaming soundtracks (especially from Kingdom Hearts :D), I believe I am quite a unique person.

    2. I have a mild case of Asperger's Syndrome. It's a form of autism that impairs any form of communication, be it verbal, body language, or even writing and typing/texting; however, I excel at other things like logic and creativity because of it. Those who happen to see my posts may notice that my way of bring my points across may be "off" or somewhat confusing to understand. However, like I said, since my condition is mild, my friends IRL have taken it to saying that I have "Ass-sliders." HAHA! GET IT??

    3. I am very shallow. If at first glance you're body doesn't amaze me, I won't even bother thinking about the possibility of a relationship or how good the sex would be. Though if you have naturally big boobs or nicely shaped boobs, you're pretty much guaranteed a spot in my book. I've only ever had one girlfriend in my life though, and I've had a blowjob from another, but other than that, I really don't have experience in the sex category.

    4. I have this uncanny ability to bewitch any adult who I haven't known for a long straight amount of time, meaning, if I've known you since I was born, but we only ever saw each other at the most once a week - on average - I'll be the biggest sweet heart you've ever known. Useful for catching cougars if anything.

    5. Third sex/relationship-based fact in a row huh? Last one, promise. This one's a strange one, and personal at that, but here we go...I had my own f***ing harem in my freshman year and was too much of a dumbf*** to notice. It consisted of 1.) My girlfriend at the time 2.) My friend from the 3rd grade, who I knew liked me for a long time, then gave me a BJ two years later 3.) A girl one year older than me whom I met through "2" then I ended up hooking her up with my best friend, but still wanted me since he had major anger issues. She liked me because my girlfriend mistreated me a lot, and she thought a sweet gentleman like me shouldn't be put through drama like that. Later on though, this girl became the main source of my drama in my sophomore and junior year because then she started pulling games on me 4.) An underclassman in my group who always went complete tsundere on me. She turned into a whore after she finally gave up on me. I'm still quite ashamed I missed her cries for attention 5.) A friend I knew since we were both born. She's a complete bitch when I'm not around, and is like a second mother to me. We haven't spoken in years. - One day though, I strive to experience a harem for myself and for real this time. Maybe it'll be more like playing the field and being honest about it, but still.

    6. IF YOU TELL ANYONE I TOLD YOU THIS THEN I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND CUT YOU...Anyway, I want to be a light novel writer. I can do some simple things on Photoshop and Illustrator, so I can write the volumes, and make my own photos to go with it. I am currently writing an ecchi series on a creative writing site, and I have planned a short sex/family troubles story and a futuristic cyberpunk story. I'm brainstorming some fantasy ideas too, one being a clash of epic fantasy and a single anime-esque badass.

    7. I am a Rubik's Cube solver. I've been solving the 3x3x3 since the 8th grade after a tutorial from a youtuber named "Thrawst," and the 4x4x4 since junior year from a youtuber named "Rob's World". Since junior year, I've been going up in cube size. I am now currently at the 7x7x7 since June this year, and I may stay that way for a while because it takes me twice as long to solve a cube bigger than the next. 3X3 time is about 60 secs. 4X4 about 150 sec. 5x5 about 240 sec. 6x6 about 540 sec. 7x7 about 1080 sec. Every time someone tells me that solving the cube is hard, I tell them, "Naa, it's really not. You just gotta put in the time to watch tutorials on youtube and practice them. It's like riding a bike, you don't forget."

    8. I am currently working my first ever job - ever. I am a nineteen-year-old male CERTIFIED home health aide. I was trained for two weeks in June, then fully licensed in October. I started my 30 hour a week case two weeks ago and it's been going really smoothly. This'll be a unique opportunity for me too, since my youth can be molded into who or whatever needs me the most. Actually, my case manager at the agency said she wants to put me in an elderly day-care facility that's requesting men, if I can get a good recommendation from my client(s). When I told my friends IRL about this, they started teasing me about having my own harem in the future. Thus my realization and goal from fact 5 came in fruition.

    9. My common sense in high school was so low, I sometimes didn't even know I was being bullied verbally. I was really wimpy too. One day, I finally caught on and punched someone square in the face in October of my sophomore year; there was quite a pool of blood, and people to this day still praise me for it. After that, everything started to change. I saw that my group of friends were a bunch of losers, and I left them in junior year following my best friend's good example. Classmates started treating me with respect, but my senior year was super lonely since I basically reset my reputation way too late. It wasn't until July after graduation that anime saved me from the pit of darkness in my heart. I made new friends right away, and got into a TCG, Cardfight!! Vanguard.

    10. It's been my absolute dream since I was 12 to learn Japanese as fluently as I can and visiting Japan for an extended period of time. I want to see it's historical sites, natural landscape, and other things. One thing I have planned is to bring a bunch of my guy friends, crash a hostess club, and end up taking the ladies to a love hotel. ;)

    Tag some people, hmm? Who can I tag? @mizore178 @shadowlinks @natsuru-san @eclipse
  4. Natsuru-san Trophy Hunter

    Apr 22, 2013
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    +21 / 0 / -0
    Oh wow, not one but two mentions for me here. Ok, it's taken me a while to find the time for this so here I go. Some stuff about me that you prob never knew about me. Before that though, dang Red! >_< No anime? But how am I going to do that? I'm a Kämpfer you know whose from an anime. Oh this'll be so hard. xD

    1. I wear glasses and fyi for those who don't wear them, it's a pain in the butt to keep em clean. I still love wearing them though and think they make people look cooler/hotter. :)

    2. I have a sister and family though I don't normally talk about them.

    3. I've had over 100 cats in my life time and 3 dogs in my life time. No I am not kidding on that number of cats and yes it reads one hundred cats and yes I love each and everyone of them.

    4. After being forced to leave behind our last Cat who had health probs and was 15 yo (I think), I've not had another Cat or animal/pet since then and it's been close to two years since we were forced to leave him behind. :( I was told by family he was put in a rescue shelter and was adopted and the shelter was told of his health probs but can't confirm this and wish I could/knew what really happened to him since the people that told me this was my family that told many lies to us, did terrible things to me and my family and so on.

    5. I've been betrayed/back stabbed/hurt/shunned etc. by people, school, friends and even family and I was even bullied since 1st grade. Out of fear for my life (Since it kept getting worse and worse etc.) I asked my Mama to take me out of school and let me do home school before I even got into 6th grade and she did. Unfortunately this led to new probs for me since I had no one to interact with aside from cats/dogs and my Mama and sister and later thanks to pollen and bugs I stopped going outside and mostly stayed in doors for more than 10 years of my life...

    6. I still stay in doors mostly but will go out when I want to/feel like it etc. or if I need to and don't mind it at all and enjoy it. Oh and I love the rain and it makes me happy usually. :)

    7. I'm not a Hikikomori anymore but I was one for 10 or so years of my life at one point. See #5. Only real difference is I didn't fear going out doors, unless you counted the fear of the bugs flying around/getting on me (Ironically I didn't use to be scared of em, what happened?) and the dislike of the pollen/heat/cold.

    8. I don't know why but at some point in my life I got to where I get scared when I go into the woods so I try to avoid doing so.

    9. As a result of #5, I have trust issues. Sure I can open up and start talking and trust people but when it comes to personal details about myself/my family etc. I don't normally talk about it/tell people.

    10. I'm thankful and glad to be alive even though I've lost a lot/never got certain things in life etc. etc. which most people take for granted and despite how I grew up and how it was a war zone with family growing up/most of my life and there are things I wish were different/that I could do differently/change but can't/isn't possible.

    11. I'm a religious person/Kämpfer however, that said I have my own beliefs, which I've come to believe after years of reading the bible and so on. These beliefs differ from most Christians but "Christian" is what my belief is closest too. That said these beliefs of mine are what I truly believe to be the truth based on what I've read/studied etc. etc. and if people disagree with me then that's fine with me, we can agree to disagree. lol

    12. My skin color is white and I live in the US.

    13. I don't care if this is bending the rules a little here but, I'm somewhat into cosplaying. I've yet to cosplay but hope to someday and should I still be here then when and if I'm ready too/am finally cosplaying I'll be putting up a pic of myself here in DTR for all to see. You all get 1 guess at who I'd cosplay as. xD FYI this could be years down the road so isn't likely to happen, sadly...

    14. I'm a picky eater and have been for most of my life. Now that's changed a good bit and I'm finally trying new foods such as spinach. (It's alright but gets more and more bitter the more you chew it)

    15. Not sure if this is the picky eater bit here or just me but, I only eat certain foods mostly. While I've found more healthy forms of some of these foods I still mainly eat the same things on a daily basis. Such as 1 sandwich a day (Whole wheat bread) plus other stuff to go with the meal including fruit and veggies. Oh and I rarely ever eat a snack/desert unless it's with my meal.

    16. My fav foods are Pizza, Ice cream and Strawberry milk shakes. :)

    17. I don't mean to be but come off as rude/maybe mean at times and yes even blunt. I blame a few things for this and one of which is the lack of social interaction I've had, so sorry if this happens, I try my best to not hurt anyone's feelings. :(

    18. When I was a kid I HATED music and didn't care for it. Ironic since as I got older and thanks to anime I came to LOVE music. Speaking of which I wouldn't be who I am if it wasn't for anime and my Mama etc.

    19. I'm into gender bender, trap (Imo can be offensive), transgender, body/mind swap/switch and yuri and I don't discriminate etc. against anyone though I admit I give trolls and mean people the cold shoulder but that's not the same thing as discrimination.

    20.  If you haven't already noticed, at times I can talk a LOT! And by a lot, I mean PAGES worth of talking. (Or in this case typing)

    @Bedheadred (Please read the above OP. ;) ), @Hikikomori and @Sir-maddy. ;)
  5. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    +328 / 0 / -0
    I'm not waiting. Nope not me. Now why would I wait for this huh? I'm completely ignoring this thread.

    So yeah I'm really waiting here :). Also I screwed up my previous attempt to mention someone and I want to redeem myself.
  6. Sporadic Site Dev Moderator Director

    Mar 26, 2013
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    @Doomguy I don't really think we're waiting anymore to be mentioned.
  7. Sporadic Site Dev Moderator Director

    Mar 26, 2013
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    +981 / 0 / -0
    1. I still have my original Star Wars figures. I have to hide them from my brother because he tries to switch out his R2 for mine (the head on his makes a funny clicking noise when he turns it.)

    2. On that same note, I hid all the Lego wigs from my brother so his people were always bald.

    3. I refuse to get a smart phone. If it were up to me, I'd have no phone. No good every comes from people finding me (work, my mother, etc.)

    4. I still sleep with my Grumpy bear Care Bear from 1983.

    5. I rarely speak in real life unless I am spoken to or have something important to say. When I do speak, I speak concisely, with few words. I tend to write the same way so if you send me a long pm and my response is short, please don't be offended. It is just my nature to conserve words.

    6. I have a compost bin with 9 worms in it on my patio. I compost to enrich soil for my patio garden.

    7. My parentals have been married 41 years and still live in the house I grew up in. My son went to the same schools I did. My brother and I live in the same apartment complex.

    8. I leave my Christmas tree up all year and just switch out the ornaments. I have 6 different trees that I rotate.

    9. I used to play the piano, flute, piccolo, trumpet and french horn. I was a band geek. At band camp, I brought home the counselor ;)

    10. I am wearing flannel sock monkey pajamas.

    gogogogo @Doomguy @Shogun13 @Ovyda @Supernatural-Knight
  8. Sir-Maddy Finger Lickin' Good™

    Apr 20, 2013
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    +260 / 0 / -1
    I got picked again by Natsuru..

    1. I have a picture of Emma Stone of my door wall
    2. I'm interested in what is going on with Seiyuu's, I guess you could say I'm sort of a Paparazzi person.
    3. I'm quite racist.
    4. I'm a very clean person, I like my things organised according to size and my room to be clean at all times.
    5. I spend more than 5 hours on the computer each day.
    6. I get very easily jealous of other people.
    7. I'm quite self-conscious of my self.
    8. I graduate on Thursday
    9. On weekends, I usually go to bed between 1 and 2am.
    10. Anime related: I have several Waifus, but Rena still tops them all.

    @karmadelta and @doomguy
  9. Ovyda The Phantom Member

    Apr 11, 2013
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    +82 / 0 / -0
    But you need to mention only two right? And I was mentioned as 3rd and thus... I don't need to do this again :p Beside Bato, SK and Spor I doubt anyone else even reads what I write, so I am not really interested to spend my time thinking what to write that they wouldn't know about me already...
  10. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    +328 / 0 / -0
    But you need to mention only two right? And I was mentioned as 3rd and thus… I don’t need to do this again :p Beside Bato, SK and Spor I doubt anyone else even reads what I write, so I am not really interested to spend my time thinking what to write that they wouldn’t know about me already…

    I'm not done collecting information on you yet! phone number, address, and credit card is still needed ;)

    Alright round 2!

    11- I like to play older video games from my childhood. I'm not really interested in the modern shooters and still pick up and play old ID games like Doom and Quake.

    12- On the topic of games, I completely dominate in Halo 1. With the op pistol of course :). Needless to say I was not happy with the nurf of that gun

    13- I HATE cheese. I'm Okay when it's on pizza but put it on anything else and I'll remove it. Ironically I do love milk. Must be the smell that bothers me.

    14- My love life sucks. Nuff said.

    15- I don't speak bluntly. I will always choose my words with care.

    16- A cup of coffee is the only thing I need to get going for the whole day. I try to limit my caffeine intake in order to keep that benefit going.

    17- I don't drink beer. Yeah I'm boring I know. Just give me a ice tea.

    18- On the topic of alcohol, I have a ridiculous high tolerance to it. I'm more likely to fall asleep first before losing my inhibition.

    19- I'm interested in history. I'm trying to learn a little Chinese history but having a lot of trouble figuring out the names. At least I know most of the details of their revolution.

    20- I'm really sensitive on the inside. I do my best not to show it outside (poor effort of that now lol). Really glad I was born a guy, would have hated to deal with the girl bullies.

    Edit: Oops pressed submit by accident. @Jaysp656 and @Wampa, I call you to enter the public trial room to confess your crimes!
  11. KarmaDelta Trophy Hunter

    Apr 13, 2013
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    +7 / 0 / -0
    1. Hodor
    2. Hodor
    3. Hodor
    4. Hodor
    5. Hodor
    6. Hodor
    7. Hodor
    8. Hodor
    9. Hodor
    10. HODOR!

    and just to add one more,

    11. Hodor... Hodorhodorhodor, Hodor. HODOR! Hodor, Hodoooooor!

    @sporadic and eh, forget it, @sir-maddy
  12. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    +179 / 1 / -0
    Edit: Oops pressed submit by accident. Jaysp656, Wampa, I call you to enter the public trial room to confess your crimes!

    Did you hit send before tagging them, cause it doesn't notify them if they're tagged via edit.
    @Jaysp656 @Wampa
  13. Sir-Maddy Finger Lickin' Good™

    Apr 20, 2013
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    +260 / 0 / -1
  14. Wampa Trophy Hunter

    Apr 13, 2013
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    +0 / 0 / -0
    very well doom i just hope your not the judge...unless you bring in dancing lobsters then its fine
    here we go again
    1. Favorite non anime movie is fight club but i cant talk anymore about it
    2. My favorite type of character is a bipolar character, fine one minute kill u the next. Probably the reason for the former
    3. Am currently going through a pathfinder campaign with my half orc druid named Drulgore (didnt name him)
    4.I am currently single
    5. I have modded the hell out of every computer game that i own. You think left 4 dead doesnt have Lucy and admiral hacket in it i beg to differ
    6. the mods i get for games usually turn them into anime filled moe games. my favorite tank on world of tanks is mami tomoe tricked out
    7. I am getting a ps3 for christmas to finally play all the games i have wanted to but could not play. Valkyria chronicle looking at you
    8. I am going to Setsucon at Penn state college in Jan. with my friends.
    9. i am the soul person to blame for a certain friend of mine being close to obsessed with madoka... hindsight wasnt a horrible idea
    10. Currently trying to find a few select shinies in pokemon when i am supposed to be writing a paper
    I call @noobs and @roy-blue as my witnesses in this trial
  15. Roy-Blue Trophy Hunter Chat Moderator

    Apr 28, 2013
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    +36 / 0 / -0
    For those that don't just ask:
    1. I'm brutally honest and not shy about almost anything (nothing I can think of, but what I'm sure Karma will figure out).
    2. I devilishly good looking (it almost hurts).
    3. I am incredibly narcissistic (if you weren't getting that vibe).
    4. I've been a brilliant writer since the day I was taught enough words to form a sentence (publishing my first book in the second grade)
    5. I'm actually a math genius, though I've always hated the subject (I've gotten a couple of awards and always been recruited for Math League and such).
    6. My worst subject in school was always History (or the alike).
    7. I have a photographic memory (which somehow got me through Science but not History).
    8. I've probably had more pets than I have family members (which is saying something).
    9. My family name can be traced back to the Italian Mafia (though I'm not giving away that information)
    10. I've actually been to a lot of places within the US but I've never "lived" anywhere but various places within Florida (as in for more than a Summer).

    I'm not really sure who to tag, but: @blazer and @ledlump
  16. Noobs I Love Trophies

    Apr 22, 2013
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    +631 / 3 / -1
    will post mine when i have time... i posted just to flag that i read this. hehe
  17. Shogun13 Lord of the Dance

    Mar 27, 2013
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    +28 / 0 / -0
    Hmmm I was apparently tagged in this thread so.....

    1. I tend to keep facial hair due to my relatively high voice and afro, so I don't get the androgynous Pat problem (though I like having a beard regardless and I feel naked without my mustache...)
    2. I normally fall asleep to a fan in the summer because my parents always did that as well.
    3. Vanilla Coca-Cola makes me think of summers of my youth because my mom would give us two dollars to buy it after we were done with summer camp each week.
    4. I have a friend who calls me preacher because he associates people who don't panic and are relatively set in their ways to preachers.
    5. I told my brother that I'd be getting him a birthday present, but I sorta got busy and forgot to buy it.
    6. In a way, I've only ever played myself in paper RPGs (like D&D, CoC, etc.) because I always make the character that's needed and plays straight man.
    7. I know a ton of Jewish mysticism and Jewish law despite the fact that I am very much a Reform Jew.
    8. I still haven't watched anime other than one night since last years August or September.
    9. When I take off my glasses, I apparently look much younger. Speaking of which, once a "comedian" (I mean she's trying hard, but I never found her funny and I've heard her plenty of times in high school) made the joke that I'm basically 40.
    10. The reason I haven't been on as much extremely recently is finals and the internet connection crapping out in peak hours.

    Hmmm I'll do two relatively normal ones and the off-beat one.
    @Sporadic @Baconman8910 @Colme
    Oh btw, whenever you see this Colme happy belated birthday.
  18. Colme Canoeless Ascetic

    Apr 7, 2013
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    +3 / 0 / -0
    Hrrffhfhhf. Huh? Somebody summoned me? Excellent.

    1. I just finished reading the full text of William James' "Principles of Psychology." After that jaunty 1400 page romp I better get a decent mark on this term paper.
    2. I fall asleep to a fan even during the winter.
    3. Although not a religious person (albeit perhaps a spiritual one) I go to church every Sunday for the sense of community and because I take an interest in my partner's spirituality.
    4. I spend most of my free time playing tabletop RPGs. My favourite is undoubtedly Apocalypse World, although lately I've been playing a lot of Mistborn. I prefer "story-games" that focus on character interaction over combat mechanics or that sort of thing.
    5. I have no free time.
    6. I joined the Canadian military this year.
    7. My favourite book is "On Liberty" by John Stuart Mill.
    8. For my birthday someone made me a neon-blue cake.
    9. I eat mostly pasta and bread.
    10. As of this post I have completed one of my six exams. Yay.

    @Shogun13 bet you weren't expecting me to respond first, huh? :p
  19. Shogun13 Lord of the Dance

    Mar 27, 2013
    Likes Received:
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    +28 / 0 / -0
    Hrrffhfhhf. Huh? Somebody summoned me? Excellent.1. I just finished reading the full text of William James’ “Principles of Psychology.” After that jaunty 1400 page romp I better get a decent mark on this term paper.
    2. I fall asleep to a fan even during the winter.
    3. Although not a religious person (albeit perhaps a spiritual one) I go to church every Sunday for the sense of community and because I take an interest in my partner’s spirituality.
    4. I spend most of my free time playing tabletop RPGs. My favourite is undoubtedly Apocalypse World, although lately I’ve been playing a lot of Mistborn. I prefer “story-games” that focus on character interaction over combat mechanics or that sort of thing.
    5. I have no free time.
    6. I joined the Canadian military this year.
    7. My favourite book is “On Liberty” by John Stuart Mill.
    8. For my birthday someone made me a neon-blue cake.
    9. I eat mostly pasta and bread.
    10. As of this post I have completed one of my six exams. Yay.
    @ColmeIt's a "my mom's birthday" miracle!Also you forgot to put down new people. And I sort of thought that it would either be something more medieval or Nietzsche but I can see it, I guess we can have deontology vs. utilitarian arguments now...
  20. Noobs I Love Trophies

    Apr 22, 2013
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    +631 / 3 / -1
    another set of 10 from me.

    1. i havent ordered anything on the internet.
    2. i really hate doing is washing of dishes.
    3. i can still read without reading glasses despite of me always in front of a computer for long periods of time.
    4. i like going to beaches than mountain hiking.
    5. i currently have a long hair.
    6. i touch type.
    7. i speak 3 different languages. english is one of them.
    8. i am yet to buy my own cellphone. the one i am using is a handmedown from my big sis.
    9. i sleep without a pillow and a blanket.
    10. i had been nominated and voted as the class prince charming when i was in high school. idk if it was a joke or not. it was a split decision and won with 2 votes more.

    @bk-201, @supernatural-knight

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