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Playstation Showcase On May 24th 1 Pm Pst/4 Pm Est

Discussion in 'Video Game News' started by DubAnimeLover, May 17, 2023.

  1. DubAnimeLover Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    In all seriousness though... I'm just going to assume it'll be an hour of stuff I don't care about. But obviously... you never know. I'm trying to keep my expectations low... but that's easier said than done anymore lol

    There are rumors of Konami stuff, MGS3 Remake, new Mortal Kombat (potentially a reboot), Spider-Man 2, Final Fantasy XVI (even though I honestly don't want to see it anymore as I'm already sold on it) and so on

    As far as what I'm hoping to see... (difference between expectations and predictions)

    Stellar Blade (it's intrigued me)
    Armored Core 6 (see above)
    Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (release date maybe?)
    Persona 3 Remake and/or Persona 6 (release date for former; latter unlikely but I'd SCREAM)
    Kingdom Hearts IV (first world revealed to be Star Wars so my prediction can be right; extremely unlikely)
    Final Fantasy IX Remake (lolyeahright)
    Reveal of the next Digimon Story (lolyeahright. Never going to happen)

    Let's just assume none of those things will happen... lol :(

    I want PlayStation to blow me away... but I doubt they actually will. You bet your ass I'm still watching though lol

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