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What Games Are You Currently Playing?

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by Phi., Apr 12, 2013.

  1. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    I still refuse to update to AE because I want my mods to not be ruined. XD
  2. DubAnimeLover Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    +17 / 0 / -0
    I finished Gravity Rush Remastered last night when I obtained the Platinum. My 10th Platinum believe it or not. No this wasn't planned. It just worked out this way. The game had a bit of a slow start but the story did eventually get pretty interesting eventually. A bit too short overall and exceedingly frustrating at times (especially to get the Platinum) but I'd say I enjoyed it overall for the most part. But nothing 'outstanding' and it was very disorientating at times.

    In case you can't tell I also started Gravity Rush 2 last night. MUCH better so far graphically speaking at least. But I suppose I shouldn't be all that surprised really when the first game was a PS3 game that was just 'remastered'
  3. urayamashi Trophy Collector

    Jul 11, 2020
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    just finished A Plague Tale: Innocence. ironic to play this game while the pandemic is still going on. i rate this game black plague/19
  4. DubAnimeLover Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    +17 / 0 / -0
    I finally got to try out Fall Guys since it went F2P. I tried it out on my Switch.

    I can see why people like it that's for sure. It's extremely fun... I'm just really bad at it :oops:
  5. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Finally started Zelda BotW again recently after infinite hiatusing it a few years ago. It's going good.
  6. DubAnimeLover Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    I finished Gravity Rush 2 and got it's Platinum. Overall... about this franchise... it wasn't good but it wasn't bad either. It was very disorientating at times and overly difficult as well. As for Gravity Rush 2 specifically... there were times when it was better than the first game... and other times when it was worse than the first game. I kind of feel like the story was all over the place and did a little too much with not enough time to do it all. I don't know I can't really describe or explain it and I'm not good at this sort of thing. But I'm not going to say I regret buying or playing them because I got 2 Platinum Trophies out of them and saying that would feel like a hypocritical contradiction. But it is what it is I guess. It's not that I was disappointed... that's another game right now that we'll have to see gets overtaken or not.

    Would I get a Gravity Rush 3 were it to be made? Well... let's just say... I'd feel obligated to even if I may not necessarily want to.

    Next up for me, which I started last night, is Tales of Graces f. I've only played about an hour-ish of it so far... and... I'm loving it already. Shockingly. I wasn't expecting to like it this much honestly this fast after hearing it had bad story but great gameplay. I can see why most say it has great gameplay though. Definitely enjoying it and it's super fun. I just don't think I'm very good at it right now lol. We'll see what happens obviously.
  7. DubAnimeLover Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    It took far longer than it probably should have to be completely honest with you... but I finally finished Tales of Graces f last night as well as the extra Lineage & Legacies story.

    Honestly... I don't have much to say. But don't take that as a bad thing. In fact... the game shocked the hell out of me in multiple different ways. It looks like everyone was right. The story... wasn't great for the most part. It was good at the start. More so than I was expecting. But after the first 10 hours or so... it plateaued. But in the end... this didn't have an effect in any way whatsoever. Because the gameplay? FANTASTIC. AMAZING. Other key words. lol.

    Probably the best Tales of system I've seen and experienced since Berseria. So freaking fun. So great. Just the best. I wish more Tales of did **** like this. It is what it is I suppose. It even over-took a Tales of that's been my favorite forever. But it was the only Tales of I played until I realized I was a fool for not playing more. I feel like even more of a fool now. lol. But it doesn't matter anymore. I'm definitely sticking with this franchise for good now. So yeah... the gameplay alone is why this game was so god damn good and so god damn great and ended up shockingly high in my Tales of list. Hell... outside of Xenoblade Chronicles 2... this was probably the best game I've played this year thus far. But that says more than it's supposed to since I haven't really played a lot of 'good' games this year. So take that however you want. Please play this game. The gameplay alone makes it so worthwhile. I don't care it's stuck on PS3 (and I guess Wii) right now. It really is worth your time just for the gameplay alone. But do whatever you want to obviously.

    Here's my updated Tales of list for those who care about that sort of thing:

    Graces f
    Symphonia 2

    Next up for me... which will start either tonight or tomorrow night... Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time. Not exactly ideal for a break from Tales of. It's just pain and suffering. But it's what's next. So I'll have to deal with it whether I like it or not or if I want to or not. Oh... and my next Tales of is finally the one that I hear about constantly... Abyss. After Crash 4. Uh oh..... :confused:
  8. DubAnimeLover Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    +17 / 0 / -0
    I finished Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time. I don't have much to say about it honestly. The game was... fine. I just would have enjoyed it a hell of a lot more if it wasn't SO GOD DAMN HARD. It is what it is I guess.

    I also started Tales of the Abyss officially last night. The 3DS version. It's the most recent version. I have to admit... this game is great so far and I'm only 3 hours in so far. Mieu is probably the cutest damn Tales of mascot I've seen in the whole damn franchise thus far. Story is fantastic so far as well. In the end though... there's only 2 major problems that I can see right now that's really holding this game back for me... 1, Luke is the jerkiest MC I've ever seen (but I'm aware that this changes eventually. Can't wait to see that) and 2, this game is stuck on what I would call 'out of date' consoles at this point. PS2 and 3DS. That's about the only things holding it back for me that I don't think I'll be able to confidently overcome.
  9. DubAnimeLover Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    I downloaded the Splatoon 3 Splatfest World Premiere for this weekend because it's free. Which is the best kind of price. Even though I just got my 3DS back... I still might give it a try. Please be aware that I will likely be shit at the game and still probably won't buy or play the full game.
  10. DubAnimeLover Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    I finished Tales of Abyss. Yeah... I can't let the fact that this game is stuck on 'out of date' consoles hold it back. Seriously. I can't. It was the best god damn Tales of game I've ever played. No questions asked. It wasn't even close honestly. God damn AMAZING from start to finish. Best god damn character development for the entire party I've seen in a very long time. It might even be better than some Final Fantasy mainline games I've played. They need to port this again. No questions asked. Period. 3DS is closing next year so there's no excuse anymore. I can't praise this game enough honestly. I can't. Luke is now my favorite Tales of MC and again it's not even close. If you can find a way to play this game... DO SO. You won't regret it. IMO. I guess. Whatever. Either way next up, which I've already started as of last night, is Trails of Cold Steel 3.

    Also here's my updated Tales of list for those who want it:
    Graces f
    Symphonia 2
  11. DubAnimeLover Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    +17 / 0 / -0
    I finished Trails of Cold Steel 3 last night. I don't have much to say. Fine, I guess. I had less of a ridiculous time than the first two games I can say that much at least. But there were probably multiple reasons for that. The most obvious one being that I played it on Easy because I refused to go through anymore BS after the prior two games in the series. It's probably how I'm going to play the Trails franchise because it's a little too over-the-top ridiculous in terms of difficulty at times. It was also probably because of changed mechanics and some new things I learned from a Discord friend from the prior two games as well. Either way I'm finishing this for good with Cold Steel 4 next. Yes I'm still playing it on Easy :oops:
  12. DubAnimeLover Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    I finally finished Trails of Cold Steel 4 and the Trails of Cold Steel franchise in general this past Wednesday. Obviously there are still other games in the franchise I need to play. There are a lot of things I could say... but I won't. I guess... I just wish I didn't struggle with it as massively as I did. I'm legitimately unsure of how I struggle so much with these games but are completely fine with literally any other JRPG for the most part. Or at least the ones that I play.

    The games are... fine I guess. They really are 'Persona Jr.' as my Discord friend put it that got me into this in the first place. But they aren't as easy as those IMO (much harder). I have some issues with story stuff but Tales of and Final Fantasy and I guess even Persona too in a way have spoiled me when it comes to people who I feel need to be 'put in the ground' actually have that happen to them as opposed to this series and franchise. Overall... the games... and franchise... are fine for what they are I suppose. I just would have enjoyed them more if I didn't struggle as much as I did. I need a break from this franchise for quite awhile though and I'll be getting it because I won't be playing another one until I get to the first Crossbell game that just came out this year and was finally localized. Just... don't expect me to play these on anything else other than Easy difficulties from now on because clearly I struggle too much for unknown reasons. My end of the year list is unchanged.

    I've already started my next game/first game of 2023. Tales of Xillia for PS3. I'm playing BOTH games back-to-back. Will I regret it? Who knows. Time will tell obviously. So far though... it's actually really fun and I'm super intrigued.
  13. DubAnimeLover Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    Tales of Xillia has finally been completed. I'm... kind of annoyed honestly. Not at the game mind you... it's just the fact that after being unable to play it for over 10 days... when I managed to finally have time to play it again... I was literally at the end of it. So... yeah... forgive me for being annoyed lol. :mad:

    This is probably the best Tales of I've played from the PS3 era. Honestly... it's not even close either. Graces is good and all... don't get me wrong. But Xillia just had everything. There were moments when it felt like the story was plateauing... but when that happened... something would happen that would make me interested in it again. In other words... it was like an up and down roller coaster ride. But I don't mind that kind of story. It keeps you invested and interested. The gameplay was great too honestly. Just as good as Graces. It even had more stuff in it that I liked that Graces didn't have. So yeah... overall great experience. Nothing else for me to say really. I can't praise it more. Just more fuel for me to wish for a time machine so I can go back and beat myself up for not playing all of these games sooner lol. Jude is probably my second favorite Tales of MC and Tales of character in general. Whose my favorite? You should already know the answer to that from my personal GOTY list last year... :p

    It was just great honestly. Teepo is probably the best Tales of mascot since Mieu. Can't wait to see more of him... ;)

    Here's my updated Tales of list if that's a thing you care about

    Graces f
    Symphonia 2

    I'm playing two 'buffer' games right now before my next one. Two demos from the Nintendo Direct that were announced and released. Kirby's Return to DreamLand Deluxe, which I've already completed, and Octopath II which I might be close to reaching the hour limit on. It's hard to really know for sure.

    What's my next game you ask? Shouldn't it be obvious? It's a repeat of the Symphonia situation!! Sequel time!! Tales of Xillia 2. I hope this isn't a repeat though where everyone hated the sequel. Though I personally loved Symphonia 2 but clearly that's literally only me. I guess we'll find out soon enough...
  14. Noah526

    Mar 15, 2023
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    I'm only playing two games at the moment since I don't have much time to play. They are God of War Ragnarok and Counter-Strike.
  15. DubAnimeLover Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    At long last... I FINALLY finished Tales of Xillia 2 last night. I'm sorry it took me so long. I really am. But it's hard to play games when you have a job. It really is. Sometimes I can play it... sometimes I can't. Plus sometimes I feel like I just don't have enough time to play it or other things come up that prevent me from playing it.

    All that really matters... is I finally finished it. There's A LOT I could say. There really is. But I don't want this to turn into a text wall. So I'll try to just discuss key points. First of all... this game isn't as good as the first game. I'm sorry but it's just not. Is it bad? Not really. However... the story drags once you hid the midpoint of the game and becomes incredible repetitive. Luckily, for me at least, it wasn't as bad as the repetitiveness that occurs in Tales of Graces and is actually a little better and makes things a bit more unique and interesting than that game. But it definitely plateaus and feels unnecessarily padded. But I'm unbelievably persistent. So I point myself through it. But not everyone can do that obviously. In the end... it was worth it due to a major story point that happens later. Which got me interested and invested in it again. But it does take to long. Not only that... but things are massively contradicted from the characters in this game from what happened in the last game. I'd have to give spoilers to delve futher, and I won't, but just know that things that were story points in the main game are contradicted in this game and it seems like hypocrisy. The game tries to justify it and I suppose it does so and it's one of those 'but thou must' situations but things are still massively contradicted.

    Also... silent MC's don't work for this franchise. I'm sorry but they just don't. For me at least. That's what the MC (Ludger) is. A silent MC. For the most part. He's not silent for 100% of the game. I'd put it more around the 90% range in terms of his silence. Have I been babied with the other games and the MCs always talking? Sure you could say that. But it just becomes really obvious with this game that silent MCs just don't work for Tales of. Also... the other major character... the child... (Elle) is honestly and probably the most annoying character I've ever experienced in the entirely of the Tales of franchise and I'd even go as far as to say the most annoying character I've seen in games in quite a long time. She's a brat. I'm sorry but she just is. She has her moments and I'll give her that and some of the battle victory stuff with her is great and hilarious but that doesn't make up for how annoying and how much of a brat she is. Sorry this is just how I feel. It's no wonder I got the first ending that I got.

    I liked the 'mini Social Links' this game did though. I even feel like this game gave better character development for the characters than the first game did because of this. It makes me feel like this should have been in the first game. So better job there.

    Overall... there are definitely A LOT of problems with this game. But it's also very similar to Final Fantasy 13-2. So if you liked that game then you'll more than likely like this game too. At the end of the day it's up to you what you do. Do I recommend it? I would still say yes but I'm the type of person who feels obligated to play sequels when they are made. I don't really think it's something you can just ignore and act like it doesn't exist. You can do that if you want obviously but the game does have good moments and better character development than the first game while being harder than the first game (at least for me anyway. Or I was just shit at the game. Assume the latter for now I guess)

    But it's up to you at the end of the day obviously. I would still say it's worth a look. Here's my updated Tales of list. Just know that I'm done with this franchise until Arise. Oh and it's an overall list. If I was to do, say, a list for the stories of the game... it would be a completely different list. Same for gameplay, etc.

    Xillia 2
    Graces f
    Symphonia 2

    Next up... I'm finally back to current gen (sort of) with PS4. I'm finally getting around to pandemic games. Persona 5 Strikers is next and I'm hoping to begin it tonight but we'll see.
  16. DubAnimeLover Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    I finished Persona 5 Strikers last night. Decent game for the most part really. Is it as good as Persona 5? Well... the answer to that... is obviously no. But I feel like it's a little unfair to compare it to an outstanding game like that. The game... accomplishes what I feel like it set out to do. Which, IMO at least I guess, is for a decent sequel to an outstanding game. Yes the gameplay loop gets repetitive really quickly and no character development outside of the new characters and maybe Haru but it is a 'Warriors' game so maybe that's just what these games are like? I don't honestly know because this was my first 'Warriors' game so feel free to educate me on this matter if it bothers you that much. Either way... I still enjoyed my time with this game and still feels like it was a decent sequel to Persona 5 overall.

    I already started my next game. Which is... Balan Wonderworld. Oh boy. So far... there's only one thought I have so far. Is this game what it's like to be on drugs? :confused:

    Will I survive this game? Who knows. Place your bets now I guess.
  17. DubAnimeLover Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    It is with a heavy heart... that I announce that I have officially dropped Balan Wonderworld. This piece of shit game (which is putting it nicely) really is as bad as everyone claimed it to be. It really is.

    I hate having to do this too. I really do. Because this is just not something I do. It really isn't. I tend to finish what I start. But I just couldn't with this. I really couldn't. I don't even remember the last time I did this... it's very possible I've never done this. EVER. So what does that tell you? Exactly.

    I could go on and on about how bad this game is. But to make this as short as possible... nothing in this game makes sense. Period. It really doesn't. This is not how platformers are supposed to work. It's an absolute NIGHTMARE for collectibles, especially for someone like me who likes to get, or try to get, them. I hate it when people are right. I really do. I hate being in the 'majority' but clearly everyone is right. Doesn't make the situation or make me feel any better.

    So whose to blame? It's not 100% Square Enix like everyone wants to point to. Yuji Naka is known to be unbelievably nitpicky and difficult to work with. So, for me at least, it's 50/50 between him and Square Enix. So I don't want to hear that it was fully Square Enix. That's BS. But whatever. The fact that this finally happened to me, and with this, tells you all you need to know really.

    Last time this happened... I found a replacement. But I had money to do so at that time. I don't now. So everything just moves up. I took a little bit of a 'break' to recover from this. Nier Replicant is up next for me and it may start as soon as tonight. If I feel like it I guess. I may need more time. We'll see.
  18. DubAnimeLover Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    After what probably took WAY longer than it should have... Nier Replicant (PS4) has FINALLY been completed and the Platinum has been obtained.

    First of all... I'd be lying if I said that getting this Platinum didn't kind of 'ruin' my experience with this game. Because this Platinum was probably the WORST Platinum I've EVER attempted and done.

    However... if you take the frustration I had with the Platinum away... (which you could legitimately make the excuse and argument I can and absolutely should do) this was an absolutely AMAZING game and experience and GREAT game overall. It really was. When I experienced everything this game had to offer for the first time (when I wasn't worried about certain trophies) it was just OUTSTANDING. I suppose the question now is... is it better than Automata? I thought about this... I really did... and I'd say... it isn't. I'm sorry but it's just not. But that's a tough bar to cross and shouldn't be held against it. Which I don't. Obviously. Automata's 'endings' were all so different than each other... that they honestly and really did feel like completely new experiences and even new games overall. Replicant... only had some slight cutscene differences with some new cutscenes overall. Things didn't really become 'new' until Ending E. So it just can't compare. But it can't really be held against it either. Also... unlike Automata... there weren't any 'joke' endings either (though I'd say this was a good thing) but obviously that also means there weren't any 'funny' endings either. Both games did an UNBELIEVABLE job when it came to making me care and feel things about 'side characters' that I don't tend to feel in other games or even overall in general.

    To me though... and again obviously this is just me... things were pretty gray in Automata. But it was pretty clear, again to me at least, where most fault lied in Replicant. Yes it's been explained to me so don't even bother. I still don't feel any differently. Sorry but I just don't. I don't care what the Shades really are. They were clearly in the wrong here. But I get that the Nier series has a 'morally gray' area overall. I just couldn't and didn't feel sorry for them. Sorry. I just didn't. But again just me.

    The reason my experience was 'ruined' was because of the material grinding for the weapon upgrading (I'd go as far as it say it's ten times worse than it is in Automata) and the kind of ridiculous speedrunning stuff. But overall... I'd say this game is officially the game that I've played this year that has 'stood out' the most for me. Though... considering what I've played this year so far... that's not really saying much and says more bad than good. Especially with half the year basically over already. But obviously there's still six months left so that can and possibly will change. We'll see obviously.

    Do I recommend this game? Absolutely I do. Just be warned that if you attempt the Platinum like I did... it's likely going to ruin your experience. I'm not saying don't do it. Do whatever you want. You can clearly see I managed to get the Platinum. I'm just saying this a thing to keep in mind if you want the Platinum bad enough.

    Next up for me... is Biomutant. Which I will also be attempting the Platinum for. I just hope it isn't as bad as this one was. A lot of mixed reviews for this one. But just 'mixed' and not 'mostly bad' like Balan did. So hopefully I can get through this one. I may be able to start it as soon as tonight.
  19. DubAnimeLover Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    I finished Biomutant last night (PS5 free upgrade after having issues running it on my PS4. No I don't know why) and got it's Platinum trophy as well. That's two Platinum trophies I've gotten back to back. That's stopping already lol. Unless for some reason you don't count the next game I'm going to play.

    The second time in the last couple of months... the reviews are accurate. Unfortunately. Were there times I enjoyed the game? Absolutely. Were the graphics really pretty and the best I've seen in quite a long time possibly all year so far? Yep. Not even graphics can save games sometimes though. Story wasn't that great (generic apocalyptic story), characters weren't that interesting except for a few (some side characters, the MC you create/control and the antagonist (sort of). World was... okay but it was 70% forest and not enough variety (IMO). Graphics? Very pretty. Gameplay? Too many mechanics that I feel like I still didn't fully understand even after beating it. Borderline BOTW/TOTK ripoff (IMO. Feel free to educate me otherwise). I mean I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it. I did. At times. But I got too frustrated and had no idea what I was doing, where to go, or what order to do things in. Problem with open-world games I guess. I had to switch to Easy and the guide I used/got was useless so I stopped using it. Took me 20-ish in-game hours to get a 'hang' of things. That's too long IMO. Was it a personal skill issue? Yeah maybe but that's still too long for me to feel like I'm not struggling (mostly). I get too long-winded with these things. The point is... the reviews are accurate and I see why and understand why it got mixed reviews. It's still fun. At times. But it just doesn't succeed in most areas. plus there's that borderline BOTW/TOTK ripoff situation. But hey... I'll take an Easy Platinum. No matter what kind of game it is.

    Next up for me... I'm back to playing my Nintendo Switch again. For one game only lol. The finale Ori game and the finale of the Ori franchise it appears anyway. I believe I read somewhere that Moon Studio is 'done' making Ori games so RIP. Unfortunately really. I guess. I could be wrong though so feel free to correct me on this. Ori and the Will of the Wisps.
  20. DubAnimeLover Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    I finished Ori and the Will of the Wisps last night. Definitely better and easier than the first game that's for sure. More enjoyable as well. Great music that I was actually able to enjoy. Blind Forest had great music too don't get me wrong but I couldn't really enjoy it due to getting frustrated every couple of minutes it felt like. Very emotional too. Game did a great job making me hate the main antagonist that's for sure lol.

    Honestly... I didn't like the way the game ended. Sorry. I just didn't. Not because it was bad per se... and it actually made sense honestly and obviously... but I just don't like when games end like that. I just don't. Because I still just feel like 'well what was the point then?' I won't outright say it but you'll know what I mean if you've played it I guess. It had a Persona 3 like ending.

    Either way it was still enjoyable and very cutesy. Had a better time than the first game too. Great overall. But clearly... the franchise is over with that ending. RIP. I guess.

    Astro's Playroom is technically next for me but it's a very short game with an easy Platinum but it's a cutesy Platformer so why not? lol. Sackboy A Big Adventure after that. My first 'official' PS5 game... :eek:
    #1020 DubAnimeLover, Jul 16, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2023

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