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The Mandalorian Season 2 Trailer: Mando And Baby Yoda Seek Out The Jedi

Discussion in 'Movie and Television News' started by BK-201, Sep 22, 2020.

  1. BK-201 The Black Reaper Moderator

    Apr 20, 2013
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    When The Mandalorian began on Disney+, so much of the show was shrouded in mystery – we didn’t know what exactly it was about, or where the story was heading. Nobody even knew about The Child. And while we know a little more than last time heading into Season 2, the upcoming season has still remained tightly under wraps. We know that Giancarlo Esposito’s Moff Gideon is back, and that he has the Darksaber. There are (officially unconfirmed) reports that Ahsoka Tano will appear, played by Rosario Dawson, and that Boba Fett will be in the series. But aside from the continuing search for Baby Yoda’s (sorry, ‘The Child’ if you’re a purist) origins, the direction of Season 2 has been a mystery. Now, we know a little more thanks to the trailer for the new episodes. Check it out here.

    Phew. There’s a lot to unpack here, but the biggest is surely the mention of the Jedi – and the fact that it seems Mando’s mission this time around is to seek out our favourite Force users in his quest to find out more about The Child. “You expect me to search the galaxy and deliver this creature to a race of enemy sorcerers?” questions a sceptical Din Djarin. “This is the way,” comes the reply. Elsewhere we see the return of Cara Dune and Greef Karga (in natty new outfits), a sea-faring shipping planet, and a mysterious hooded Jedi figure. All that, and some rocket-pack action, a cyclops guy, fighting arena and more.

    And now, for our obligatory paragraph dedicated to the real MVP. There is a lot of Baby Yoda in this trailer, and he’s – spoiler alert – adorable as ever. He stands in the snow (thank god he’s still got that teeny-tiny but somehow oversized fleece-line coat) looking slightly forlorn. He goes on a boat, possibly for the first time. Does he like it? We’ll find out. And he gurgles sweetly as Mando prepares to fight a bunch of burly dudes intent on causing him harm. He is – our reports can confirm – still the cutest thing in the galaxy. Wherever he goes, we go.

    If that trailer wasn't enough, here's a stunning new poster for Season 2.

    So there you have it – no sign yet of Boba Fett or Ahsoka, but a hint that things will get a bit more, er, Jedi-ey this time around, and a lot of cute footage of The Child to obsess over while we wait for the Season 2 premiere on 30 October. This is the way.

    Source: https://www.empireonline.com/movies/news/mandalorian-season-2-trailer-mando-baby-yoda-seek-out-jedi/

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