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What Are You Thankful For? 2019

Discussion in 'Contests, Events & Activities' started by Miss Elegent Serenity, Nov 19, 2019.

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  1. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    In the spirit of American Thanksgiving approaching we're doing another edition of what are you thankful for?

    For this event we tag people from the forum and say why you are thankful for knowing them, what you appreciate about them, like about them or why you are thankful they are on this site. It can be simple stuff like, "I enjoy reading your posts" to "I'm thankful for all your support as a friend." Or we just say what we are thankful for in general, friends, family etc.

    The holidays are the time of year to appreciate what we have and the people in our lives that we share those things with. There is no exception to why sharing that on this site is any different considering the bonds we have made here with each other.

    Simply post in this thread to start. I'll post mine soon.

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  2. Sporadic Site Dev Moderator Director

    Mar 26, 2013
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    Horrifyingly sad that nobody has responded lol.

    I'm thankful for my amazing @Staff that continue to work diligently on this site. And I am thankful for this great community who is still with us today.
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  3. Samet Chan Altair-imperial

    Oct 30, 2016
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    I'm thankful for all your support as a friend. :)
  4. BK-201 The Black Reaper Moderator

    Apr 20, 2013
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    I'm thankful for being part of this awesome community.
  5. Hishahi

    Sep 3, 2019
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    I'm thankful for that there is nice and awesome pepppe on this website to talk to I give the staff members 100 respect your devotion to the website is in incredible I just know I'm happy to have talk to a couple staff members on here I hardly talk much on here because extremely busy but I'm working way up to talking more
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  6. Hishahi

    Sep 3, 2019
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    Lol I wrote a typo I meant people
  7. Supernatural-Knight Asylum Game Master Moderator

    Apr 21, 2013
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    I had to look up when this even was. So I'm not actually late yet. Hmm should I wait another few days then?

    I'm thankful for all the idiots I've met over the years on here. You've really helped me waste a lot of time, it was never boring whenever responding to everyone over the years. While it is sad many of them have moved beyond this site in that time, I'm even more thankful for those of you that still come back to visit this place. It wouldn't the same without you. I'm glad I've still got so many shitposters to keep me company here. I feel closer to you guys than some of my actual friends from high school, most of which I haven't seen much at all recently.
    @BK-201 @Noobs @Batosai @Negi-Springfield @Mafiacow thanks for helping me waste my life with this medium. Without your help I might have moved on to doing something productive with my life by now.
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  8. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Ok sorry it took me a while to get mine up. I have been really busy with preparing for Thanksgiving then to top it off my oldest son was sick for 4 days, thankfully he is feeling much better.
    Ok where to begin, I have so many people to be thankful for so I apologize if I forget user names.

    To start, I am thankful for my hubby @Sporadic for being an amazing husband and father. For working hard and being the main supporter of our family this year, while I recovered from a Thyroidectomy surgery due to cancer. He has been very patient and caring while I adjusted to a new body and new meds, having my thyroid removed has def been challenging at time for me, I have good days and not so good days and Spor has been very supportive and caring throughout the whole process. I am also thankful for all he does with this site. He works a lot with his job, and often times works on the site on his days off even when he is tired and just want to rest. We have both dedicated a lot of our time in order to keep the site up.

    I am thankful for my beautiful children, even tho at times they drive me up the wall, they are my reason for living even in my darkest days. They are my light and my reason for living. I probably wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them, they give me purpose. A lot dont realize how much my children mean to me but put simple, before my 1st born, I honestly didn't care what happened to me. Now i have 5 beautiful children who's smile, the silly things they do, the craziness they bring, brighten my day. I am their world and they are mine :)

    Next I want to thank @Guts and @Dungeon Master for being such amazing friends and being there for me for the past, going on about 6 or 7 years now. You both have always been there for me when i needed someone to talk to, been there through my tough times and without you both, my RP club would have probably died by now. So thank you both for being a part of my life and I truly hope we continue our friendship for many many years.

    I want to shout out to my RP club and everyone who has dedicated time in posting and keeping our stories go. @Larryman555 , @Core , @Enigma and anyone else who I have forgotten. Thank you all for the amazing adventures we have and will continue to have. Soo many great memories came from my RP club and I hope to make many more wonderful memories.

    I want to give a shout out to @BlackHeartedRose for also being such an amazing friend as well as dedicating a lot of her time uploading content to the site. Both her and I have been working closely together to keep things up to date as well as adding extra sources so that our users aren't left with broken series. It is definitely a long and tedious process considering how many anime we offer. Back in February we lost our main up-loader and the site kinda fell behind. We both buckled down and in a matter of two weeks got the site caught up. From there we started tackling the report anime section and request anime and are pretty caught up. Now most of our work flow is uploading newly released episodes and adding second sources. Blackheartedrose has also been someone I have been able to talk to when I needed to vent, I have had many conversations with her where I was sitting in tears over something and she has always been there to listen and help me feel better about myself. You are a sweetheart and I love you for it <3 thank you for always being there and I hope someday we get to meet in person and I can give you a great big hug for being there for me.

    I want give a shout out to our forum moderators, and our amazing users who have dedicated a lot of their time in keeping our forum alive @BK-201, @Supernatural-Knight , @Negi-Springfield , @Mafiacow @Batosai , @Lince . You guys are totally awesome and I thank you all for your hard work and dedication. Without you, we wouldn't have anyone welcoming our new members who post, we wouldn't have anyone helping with the forum games or have a functioning forum in general.

    @Roy-Blue , @Vapen , @Unianonanymity , @Zeenjayli , @WTFBBQTIME and any other chat mods or former mods. Thank you all for keeping our chat safe for our users, deleting the the pesky bots and making sure users behave themselves. Without you guys we wouldn't have the smooth running chat that we do.

    @SkeLo Thank you for all your help despite everything you are going through, I know times have been tough and I hope 2020 is a better year for you.

    @Samet Chan thank you for all the help with the site and helping Spor tackle certain things that have popped up. You have been an amazing help and we greatly appreciate it . I also want to give a shout out for gaming LOL with me. Once i get a new computer I should be able to play more :)

    @Jaysp656 even tho you have retired, you have still helped us on the site when needed. We appreciate all your help and know we can rely on you when something needs fixed. Also thank you for all the hard work and dedication you have put into the site. You have done so much and continue to do a lot even tho you have stepped down as staff. Not many are willing to do that, so thank you for always being someone we can rely on when needed.

    @Rouge_assassin thank you for being another great friend and for keeping me up to date on situations that occur, I know we dont talk much, but I always know if i ever needed someone to talk to, you are someone i can rely on. I do hope you consider getting back into RPing with us ;) .

    @w133prb and @K.D.G Thank you both for helping us with the content section of the site. w133prb thank you for holding down the fort there for us for a while. Thank you K.D.G for your constant reports and for offering and helping us get back on track with the site. Thank you both for the time you dedicated to the site, it was greatly appreciated

    To all my other amazing friends who chat me up, check up on me or those I have random conversations with, exchange lewd anime images with or whatever other random things we get into, thank you all for being supportive, amazing and keeping my life interesting. I have so many friend on this site, everyday is a joy to be around you all and for that I am thankful to have this site just to talk to you all.

    To our FB team and anyone who has helped post on the FB pages. Thank you all for you dedication in posting content for our fans. I know at times it can be a lot to research material and find the right things to post, and for that I thank you. Keep up the excellent work and helping us to continue climbing that "like" ladder.

    To all our amazing fans, donators, users, etc. Thank you all for your continued love and support, honestly the site wouldn't be alive today without all your help. We had solely relied on donations for the past few years and when push came to shove, you all were willing to help when needed. We appreciate all the continued support, you all deserve credit for helping keep the site alive, so thank you all <3

    I am also thankful for this site, it has been my second family since 2012 and I can honestly say I am addicted. Every morning, I log on just to check up on things, check to see if anyone messages me, makes a post etc. This is my second home and an escape from reality from time to time cause we all know how much real life can suck at times. This place has always been my go to.

    For those that celebrate, I truly hope you all have an amazing Thanksgiving. I also wish every one of you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Krampus, Yule, and any other celebrations I may have missed. I hope you all have an amazing new year as well and I wish the best for you all in 2020.
    #8 Miss Elegent Serenity, Nov 26, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2019
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  9. Noobs I Love Trophies

    Apr 22, 2013
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    well in the light of the celebrating thanks giving, ill be giving thanks to the celebration of light well. no thats not it..

    despite what we have become now, im still thankful of the sheer dedication of the staff for running the site. like really. where are you guys running to from the site? where are you now?
  10. Servo Trophy Hunter

    Oct 30, 2018
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