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    shedninja the sites biggest bug

~tenebrarum Saeculorum~

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Miss Elegent Serenity, Jan 30, 2020.

  1. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    ~Tenebrarum saeculorum~

    Welcome to the dark ages, where not only do you have to worry about surviving the plague, famine, illnesses, early or sudden death. You also have to watch out for the beasts that live in the dark. They can be anywhere, caves, deep forests, beneath villages, in castle dungeons or even under your bed!!

    Are you a beast in the dark just trying to live a natural life or maybe a beast whose goal wreak havoc and cause total chaos. Or are you a human, dedicated to track and kill these evil beast to save humanity?

    choose your character and your own plots and story line. Most importantly have fun!!

    Character sheet Info:
    Human/ beast/creature: ( IE: vampire, witch, etc. can be vague to be mysterious)
    Backstory: (not required)
    #1 Miss Elegent Serenity, Jan 30, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2020
  2. shedninja the sites bug/bug maker Moderator JustDubs Site Admin

    Dec 14, 2019
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    Ok looks fun so I guess I'll start off
    Name :: Lucy ein
    Sex female
    Age ::10(300) years old
    Weapons :: knife , poison and wire
    race:: nord Vampire
    Lucy was turned 300 years ago at the age of 10. The vampire who turned her killed here mom and dad so now she is an assassin. She uses her child like looks to get near a target and strike. She prefers to use her fangs but is proficient with a knife. Also she is into alchemy so making poison is not a problem for here.

    She is slender built with golden hair reaching to her shoulder. She is wereing leather armer. she has a salchle on here belt for herbs potions and poison. Next to that a 7 inch long knife with a deer horn handle enchanted with a absorb health spell.She has pale white skin and red eyes. Also she is shy by nature

    Lucy is walking in the forest out side of a town ....
    #2 shedninja, Jan 30, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2020
  3. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    +26 / 0 / -0
    Name: Isolda Oak
    Sex: Female
    Age: 27
    Species: Human/Warewolf
    Bio: Isolda is a free spirited young woman from an unknown clan. She's spent most of her life on the road and feels more ta home in the wilds than in a village. With her time spent in the forests and occasionally caves and old mines, her knowledge of the various monsters and spirits of these places is extensive if shallow. She has a guidebook that she's been working on to make her rich. An Explorer's Guide to the Wilds and the Creatures You'll Find There.
    #3 The_Lullabye, Jan 30, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2020
  4. BlackHeartedRose The Bookworm

    Feb 15, 2015
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    +68 / 0 / -0
    Name: Maya Lynn
    Sex: Female
    Age: 15
    weapons: None.
    Human/ beast/creature: Human
    Backstory: When Maya is younger; she finds a bearlike creature hiding under her bed. He snuck into her house while trying to escape the cold. Maya and the creature strike up an unlikely friendship. Maya allows him to stay with her. Then one day, the unthinkable happens. Maya’s parents are murdered. She and the creature decide to escape together. The creature promises to keep Maya safe. For now, they are hiding in the shadows…trying to find whoever killed her parents.

    Name: Trevor
    Sex: Male
    Age: Unknown
    weapons: Claws and Teeth
    Human/ beast/creature: Shape Shifting Bearlike Creature
    Backstory: Trevor sneaks into Maya’s room to get out of the cold when she’s six years of age. He’s surprised that she allows him to stay. He remembers her being scared of him at first. He can change from a bearlike creature into a human form. He slept under her bed in human form. When he needed to hunt he changed back into his bearlike self. When Maya’s parents are killed, he vows to protect her. Now, he is hiding in the shadows with her. They are trying to figure out whom or what killed her parents.

  5. shedninja the sites bug/bug maker Moderator JustDubs Site Admin

    Dec 14, 2019
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    Lucy is walking in the forest and comes across a bear she looks at it and the bear looks back. with no clue she just keeps on walking around "now were is that night shade? " Lucy asks she comes across a blue bell shaped flower "well that's a death bell not what I have ben looking for but hey that will work." Lucy exclaims out loud as putting the death bell in her pouch. "now time for me to head off to the town"

    Lucy is walking north heading off to the town mainly to find a cool dark place to stay for the day but also her next target is in the town. she finds an abandon house in the south western corner of the town and calls it a night. "as much as I hate killing people I need blood now I need to find the target but until then" Lucy closes all the blinds in the shack and starts making a poison.

    she takes the death bell and mixes it with some fresh mountain water and her secret her own blood you see it can turn people but for around 3 min it makes a person extremely weak so it works well when combined with a death bell. Lucy puts it in a glass bottle ''now that is done on to the next part of the plan ." Lucy pulls out the piece of parchment that has a picture of the target on it show is a female in-between mid teens to late 20.

    ''Ugh I hate this job but a girl has to eat " Lucy says before going to sleep in the darkened room she unsheathes her knife and puts its on the bedside table. then she puts her satchel on the side takes off her armor and changes into a night gown 'it is as pale white as her skin. Lucy blows out the candle light and goes to sleep.
    #5 shedninja, Jan 31, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2020
  6. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Name: Scarlet
    Human/ beast/creature: Human/ TBD

    Backstory/ intro:
    Born a princess, she grew up a sheltered life behind castle walls. She was basically a prisoner in her own home, forbidden to go beyond the walls that surrounded the castle. "You're the next and only heir to the throne, this is to keep you safe" he father would constantly say when she aked to adventure beyond the walls.
    The older she got, the more adventurous she became. At the age of 13, her mother had passed away, leaving her feeling even more lonelier than before, her mother was the only one who would spend time with her, and with her father always needed by the people, he was always busy. So she began wondering every area of the castle, until she as able to fund a tunnel that lead outside the walls of the castle. When her father was busy, she would often go out and enjoy what little bit of freedom she could get here and there. She often enjoyed the scenery and just being outside and beyond the walls. The court yard just wasn't fun when she had no one to play with and walls all around. When she ventured out, she never strayed far, she often played near the walls.

    As she got older tho, she started to stray further and further away from the walls and began discovering the world beyond. Not far from the walls was a forest, one she was always to afraid to go into, for she was told stories of evil creatures that resided in there, ones that would steal a child's soul in a heartbeat, or creatures that would take over a human body. As curious as she was, she was always to afraid to venture into the woods.

    Meanwhile, in the darkness of the woods lurked a being in the shadows. The being had stalked Scarlet for years, watching her every move, waiting patiently. The creature took interest in the girl, and the power she had being a princess and the only heir to the throne. This intrigued the being, so it waited, and waited, and waited, until the right opportunity.

    One day when Scarlet was 17, she and her father got into a huge argument. He had discovered that she was sneaking out beyond the walls and threatened to have someone watch over her at all times. This upset Scarlet, as being able to go beyond the walls was the only thing she had to look forward to. In a rage she stormed out of the throne room, ran through the castle. She kept running and running, disobeying her fathers wishes, she again went beyond the walls. But this time she kept running and didn't stop. Before she knew it she was deep within the forest.What was even worse, was the sun began to set. Leaving her in total darkness. Scarlet became frighten, she had never been in the woods before, nor has she ever been beyond the walls past dark.

    The shadow watched, watched the girl run into the woods and become lost. I kept its distance as to not be discovered just yet. It waited for the right moment, when she was at her lowest point, it wasnt long before whimper could be heard. The creature circled the girl in a distance watching as she sat on her knees crying, begging for someone to find her.
    "Are you lost littler girl?"
    the creature spoke in a raspy tone
    "I could help you, I can help make all your dreams come true"
    It moved closer, hovering just above her, the creature reached out and fondled the girls hair, while whispering in her ear
    "All you have to do is .....let me in"

    Scarlet froze when she heard the voice, she was frozen on the spot, unsure of what the creatures intention was. She started into the woods, making sure to not make any sudden moves. But when she felt the creature touch her hair and whisper into her ear, it sent chills down her spine. She reacted fast, jumped up and moved away from the creature with haste, but when she turned around, the creature was no where to be found. This terrified her even more, was she imagining it?
    "W-who's there?"
    She called out.

    The creature spoke again, but this time its voice echoed above the tree tops
    "I promise I'll keep you safe and sound, I'll give you everything you've been dreaming of"
    The creature moved swiftly past Scarlet and was suddenly behind her
    "Just let me in"

    The chilling feeling as the creature flew past her only terrified her even more. Scarlet began running, yelling, calling for help.
    "Please if there someone out there, help me"
    Suddenly the air got cold and crisp, as if it was suddenly winter. As she exhaled, her breath could be seen in the air and she was suddenly very cold. She kept running until she came across a lake, but the lake was frozen solid.
    "H-how is this possible?"

    The creature was suddenly behind her.
    "Magic my dear child, and there is more of it, I can give you everything you ever wanted, everything you ever dreamed of. I'll keep you safe, keep you under my control, all you have to do is JUST let me in"

    The voice sounded angry when it emphasized just, all she wanted to do was get away from the creature and without thinking she began running across the ice. She got towards the middle of the lake when the ice began to crack beneath her, next thing she knew she was underwater in the freezing waters. She has managed to swim up enough and attempted to pull herself out of the water, but the ice was so thin and slipper, it just kept breaking beneath her and she just couldn't get a grip.
    she yelled, but no one but the creature responded

    It hovered above the tree tops and its voice echoed
    "You know what you must do child and all this could be a simple dream...Let....me....in"

    She was desperate, and honestly didn't have another choice, she slipped again and found it hard to keep her head afloat. Her body was freezing and she could barely move.
    was all she said before she went under.......

    ......To be continued
    #6 Miss Elegent Serenity, Jan 31, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2020
  7. shedninja the sites bug/bug maker Moderator JustDubs Site Admin

    Dec 14, 2019
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    Lucy wakes up and see that her knife is missing "you have got to be kidding me now I have to go to the black smith and I got this knife from my old coven" she opens up her satchel and pulls out a clear glass bottle full of a white paste. well applying the white paste to her skin " ugh this stuff smells like death but I have to put this stuff on in order not to burn to death" she pulls out a coin purse from her satchel " well time to go to the black smith".

    Lucy puts on her street cloths no need to were armor here I feel safe plus I need to observe my target in the inn. Lucy heads east to the black smith. ''hello little girl what brings you here you want a wooden sword '' the black smith asks. Lucy who is sick of people thinking that she is a kid slams 500 gold on the counter '' your best knife please" the black smith garbs a knife the display case "is this for your mom or dad " the blacksmith asks. Lucy who is sick of this guy looks at him In the eye and says '' you know since I have been a nice customer why don't ya give me that knife for free" the black smiths eyes go white " ok here you can have your gold back too " Lucy walks out with a steel knife with a oak handle.

    Lucy head off to the inn to get site of her target in one table there is a mid teen girl with a boy that smells' of a shifter. at the next table there is a women late 20's who dose not look like she has ever made an honest liveing. sitting at the bar is a lady in her late teens to early 20's. now my target is this 18 year old wait staff so I walk to here ::sobbing:: "miss I cant find my mommy '' Lucy says to the waiter " ok kid what's your name " the water askes "Lucy my mommies name is heather" Lucy says "ok can you take me to the place were she was last" the waiter ask ''okay i will" Lucy says

    Lucy takes the waiter into the alley and Lucy says " sorry abut this miss but I have to kill you " what are you talking about " Lucy jumps on top of her neck and puts her fangs into her neck and drinks her dry. Lucy walks away leaving the corps of the waiter on the ground. well now that I ate time to head back to the house....
    #7 shedninja, Feb 1, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2020
  8. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Her head hurt, among the other parts of her body that were sore, her head was the worst part. Standing up and looking around the sunlight clearing she followed the sound of frogs and moving water, coming out of the forest next to a stream. Splashing the water into her face she wiped the dirt and muck from her skin into the water. Squinting into the light she tried to decide what direction the road was in before setting off.
    Standing at the edge of the forest and watching the merchants and other travelers, Isolda waited for a break in the traffic before emerging. She tried to straighten her tattered clothing so it would make her look as respectable as possible and made sure her hand lantern was still there. Once on the road she was somewhat less on edge. Now she only had to worry about people thinking she was gutter trash instead of a bandit.
    It took most of the day to walk to the nearest town, no one would give her a ride even though she offered the few coins she had on her person. As she neared the gate the guards on duty gave her a hard stare. Clearly they didn't like the idea of letting her in, not that she blamed them much. Cutting off the road she walked off into the woods a ways before cutting back to find an unobserved entrance.
    The slums weren't hard to find, and slipping in wasn't that difficult either. But the residents of the slum knew their own, and she kept getting suspicious looks. "And here I thought us poor folk were supposed to stick together," Isolda grumbled to herself.
    While looking for somewhere to sleep she made her way past one of the taverns in the area, hoping for scraps. Slipping into the alley and keeping her eye out for waste barrels, she tripped over something on the ground. Cursing she looked down and saw the pale terrified face of a woman. She looked around quickly, making sure no one was nearby. If she was seen by the corpse she'd no doubt be found guilty of the crime. No one was in sight.
    With her stomach rumbling and guilt gnawing at her conscious, she pulled a dagger from her pouch and made the cuts quick. Scampering off to a building that looked abandoned from earlier, she found a hidden spot and set herself to fill her stomach.
    Something about the smell of the limb was off, a scent she vaguely knew instinctively but couldn't place.
  9. shedninja the sites bug/bug maker Moderator JustDubs Site Admin

    Dec 14, 2019
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    lucy is in the house that she currently resided in looking for kerosene or some kind of mead or heavy wine she has to burn the body because of were she desired to kill the wait staff some people might eat it out of hunger. now uesly lucy would pose as a undertakers assistance but since the waitress lived in the slums no point so the next best thing is to burn it for 3 reasons. first per events the dead from becoming undead{{you could also take out there heart]] secondly if some one were to eat any body parts they could turn into a vampire {{ vampire's have a death like sent around them}}. or lastly some guard might see the fang marks in the neck and I would have leave this town and I don't want to. lucy grabs some flint from on top of the hearth.

    lucy heads off to the alley way where she took care of the body and starts soaking it in the flammable liquids. were on the left arm of the corps there is no arm just crude knife marks tho crude it sill is done right who eve did this dislocated the limb before cutting and that is important for 2 reasons either they are incerbledy strong or has delt in undertaking before
    (this is a away fom context thing but if you work with a dead body there is something called braking the limbs in the death industry were you message the muscles of a corps to make it more movable )
    "well shit i hope the person did not eat it because if they did wll there are going to have one hell of 3 day i hope i can find them before hand" lucy says as she lights the body and walks away

    lucy heads to the inn and waits to see if the person who ate the limb seeks here out "bar keep could i have some tea" lucy asks
    the bar keep hand lucy a mug of mead "this is not what i asked for" lucy exlames ;;the bar keep gets close to her ear :: "we both know your not a kid" lucy looks up and sees a blond haired women mid 30's lucy askes" ya whats it to you bitch" the women slaps lucy '' is that any way to talk to your mom" "mom my moms dead" lucy says

    lucy gets up and runs away back to the old house....
    #9 shedninja, Feb 3, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2020
  10. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    +33 / 0 / -0
    Name: Known as Gabriel, real name is Drumik
    Sex: M
    age: 30
    weapons: Warhammer
    Race: Orc
    Backstory: Like most halflings or full bred races Drumik started his life as a slave among the kings orders, Doing arduous labor, abused when he disobeyed, like most orcs Drumik wasn’t short nor skinny, He stood around 7 feet, and was practically pure muscle given his slave labor, he ate whatever he could to stay alive, rats, worms, grubs, etc. Eventually, a kind king liberated the land he was woefully working on, cleaning house of the corrupt and vile landlords and kings, releasing the slaves of their own volition. Drumik had no idea what to do or where to go, so he walked, and walked, and walked. Humans weren’t too fond of non-humans in every village he went, no matter how capable, or how strong, Drumik was getting skinnier by the day, a starved orc, it wasn’t a rare site, but he still was. Finally, on a long beaten path he went into the forest when he saw royals start to make way. The foliage was thick, as the brush. He made his way towards a seemingly endless abyss, before he looked towards the ground and saw footsteps, they were small, but impacted as though someone was running, a child maybe? Drumik followed where they went and by the time he emerge he saw A teenage female human laying on the frozen river, she could not remain there as it would eventually cause hypothermia, Drumik did the moral thing and grabbed her, he carried her through the forest and back onto the road, He looked around to see if any carriages were transporting anything, to no avail, Drumik shouted, a bellowing roar, it was clear he wasn’t human by the shear gruff and animalistic tone that came out of his mouth. It alerted the nearby village, out of fear the king sent his men to investigate what was going on, as well as to investigate where his daughter has gone. When the Kings knights arrived, they had their swords at the ready. Seemingly prepared to kill. Regardless of Scarlet in his arms. Drumik though had the expression of anger, kneeled. And for the first time spoke to a human. “I mean no harm, to you or this girl.” He gently placed her on the ground, Maybe they didn’t trust his protruding teeth from his bottom lip or his rugged appearance from doing nothing. “I found her, half drowned, freezing to death, I’m homeless, jobless, and wondering. A freed slave, I ask only one thing, if I’m to be taken, please don’t take me as a prisoner.”

    Drumik, stood from his kneeling position without much concern for his life, Scarlet now laying on the ground. He stepped back and let them grab her their gaze and swords never at ease. Until finally, the head knight grabbed a hold of Drumiks wrist. “Come, Orc. The king will want an audience with you. I cannot promise you amnesty, but I won’t treat you like a prisoner.” He got onto the wagon along with them as they went back to the castle.
    #10 Guts, Feb 3, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2020
  11. shedninja the sites bug/bug maker Moderator JustDubs Site Admin

    Dec 14, 2019
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    Lucy is in the house walking back in forth "crap crap crap" debating why that lady was acting like her mother also she acted like she knew who she was and that's not a good thing " what was that lady vampire shifter witch or elf " Lucy pulls at her hair out of frustration " maybe she is my mom they only found 2 chard bodies so maybe she is heather " well it has been 300 years since her family was killed what happened is they burned the bodies so her mom might still be alive.

    the sun is bright so lucy calls it a night and sleeps

    -----------------------------------------------heather{Lucy's mom}-----------------------------------------------------------------
    Sex: female
    weapons: eastern sword {samari sword}
    Human/ beast/creature nord vampire
    about: she is 5' 7" thin with blond hair weapon is a 27" long sword enchanted with blinding spell {if someone gets hit by this they become blind} she was turned 500 years ago and she had to turn her daughter because hunters found out who she was and who her husband was and killed also here friend was killed too now she curranty works as a bar keep in a town

    2020020308110200-74EA5D8C57EB2F39A242F585A490F51B.jpg 2020020307015800-74EA5D8C57EB2F39A242F585A490F51B.jpg
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------heathers view of the past events -----------------------------------------
    heather just started working at the inn and a 10 year old girl walks in " welcome to our inn" heather says so i just watch she dose look like my daughter well the little girl talks to the new wait staff that just hired and she leaves but when she passes by me i smell a very unique odder the smell of a vampire. i wait for about 2 hours and they dont come back so i let the head bar keep know that ill be out for a bit.

    heather checks the alley ways and finds a dead body looks at her shoulder at the crook of the neck and sees 2 small holes were the artery and veins are. :: lets out a deep breath :: 'well I guess my Lucy is alive " ;;the sound of foot steps approaching :: a pore looking female late 20's come's to the body pulls out a dagger and stars cutting the limb off and walks away with it. '' ugh crap she needs the blood of the vampire that killed that girl or she will become one with the night. within 3 days"

    well the next day Lucy walks in to the in and asks for tea well she must be in her hundreds by now so some mead wont hurt her
    i give her a mug of mead and she says " that's not what i ordered " so i whisper in her ear ''we both know that you are not a kid" and she respond by calling ma a bitch so i slapped
    her "is that any way to treat your mother " i ask
    " my mom is dead" lucy says and she runs away

    well im shur as hell not dead

    i go back to tending bar
    #11 shedninja, Feb 3, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2020
  12. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    They arrived at the castle, Scarlet was taken to her room, her maidens dressed her in warm clothing, built a fire and placed her in her bed under warm blankets to warm her body. It was a miracle the girl survived, and the only way she was able to was thanks to the creature. As the maidens exited the girls room the whispered to each other
    "Strange how the child managed to find a frozen lake in the middle of summer, do you suppose it was magic?"
    They both looked back on the resting girl and the other maiden spoke

    "Not only that but the child survived falling into the freezing temperatures, it has to be magic, a very strange one at that, I just hope the child is ok"
    They exited the room and headed down the hall to go about their daily routines.
    "We should probably check up on her later"

    the other maiden nodded in agreement
    "Let's bring her something warm to eat, for when she wakes up"

    The king, overnight had suddenly became deathly ill. Doctors couldn't explain this sudden turn of events but the king had very little time. He was more concerned about his daughters safety than his own health. While Scarlet was being tended to, the head knight took Drumik to see the king, but instead of taking him to the throne room, he was taken to the kings chambers, where the king laid ill in his bed. The knight walked up to the kings bedside and knelt
    "Your majesty, your daughter has been found. She is alive and being tended to as we speak"
    The knight stood up and motioned towards Drumik
    "Your majesty, this is the man who found your daughter and brought her to us safely. He said he found her half drowned and freezing to death. When we picked Scarlet up, her clothes were drenched and her body was as cold as ice. I have reason to believe there is evil magic in the forest that caused this. My men went back and discovered a frozen lake with a hole in the center"
    The knight looked back at the orc
    "If it wasn't for him, she would have died"
    The knight looked back at the king
    "Your majesty, if I may overstep my position a bit, I feel we owe this man for saving Scarlet"

    The king, barely able to keep his eyes opened, nodded in agreement. He looked up at Drumik and motioned for him to approach. He reached his shaky hand out to the orc, took a deep breath and spoke in a raspy voice.
    "Thank you...please....watch over her... protect her... and in return...my guard will make sure you.....have everything you need."
    The king looked up at the head guard and gave a slight nod.
    "Make sure he....is well taken care of.....for saving my daughter"
    The king closed his eyes
    "Please....tell my daughter I love her...and that...she will make....a great queen...."
    He motioned for them to leave, turned his head to rest. The kings breathing worsened, it was obvious he was soon to die.

    The guard looked at Drumik and gave a slight nod of approval
    "It is the kings wishes to make you an official protector of his daughter, if this is a position you would like to uphold, you will be given shelter, paid a great sum and provided food when needed. But only you can say whether you want to take the offer or not"
    The guard awaited for Drumiks answer, if he chose to become the official protector of Scarlet, the guard was prepared to show him where he will be staying.

    As Scarlet slept, the creature exposed itself. When Scarlet agreed to letting the creature in, it became one with her, but only it could separate itself from her. The creature hovered over her, watching her as she slept. It reached its hand out and brushed the hair away from her face.
    "My vessel, I knew you would give in, I just had to do a little convincing"
    it chuckled evilly. It decided it was time to look around, get to know its surroundings, beginning with Scarlet's room. As it flew around the room, it spoke
    "The only reason you are alive, is because I kept you alive. If it wasn't for me, you would be at the bottom of the lake by now"
    it hovered over to the window, looking out at the horizon and the town below, studying
    "I'll protect you for as long as your body remains my vessel, I'll control you when I see fit, you will be one with me. It's time, time for change, time to allow creatures to roam freely, and you are my ticket in making that happen"
    Just as it said that, dark clouds suddenly loomed over the castle and town.
    "When you wake, the king will be dead, and with you being the next heir to the throne, is the perfect opportunity for me to begin. I'll eliminate everything in my path to get what I want, starting with your father"
    It laughed
    "you wanted freedom, now you have it. With your father gone, you'll become queen and I'll take you being queen to my advantage"
    It laughed again this time exiting the room through the window. The creature needed to feed in order to keep possession of the girls body and the only time for that was when she slept during the night. Light was the creatures weakness, that and fire. For a creature to continue to use magic in that way, it needed to feed as much as it could while its vessel rests.

    ....one more post and ill be up to present, just gonna give Guts a chance to respond before continuing

    Name: Scarlet
    age: 19
    Human/ beast/creature: Human possessed by a shadow creature
    Human: eyes are blue, skin is of normal complexion
    When creature is posessing: eyes are red, skin is as pale as snow
    Image of Scarlet:


    Sex: Unknown
    Age: unknown
    Weapons: none
    Creature: shadow demon who possesses humans
    Weakness: Light and fire
    Advantages: darkness, immense feeding
    Image is of creature, but has no legs

    #12 Miss Elegent Serenity, Feb 3, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2020
  13. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    +33 / 0 / -0
    “I accept...” Drumik growled out, it was his natural tone. It was not meant to sound aggressive, but, humans might not see it that way. “I will need training, and to build my strength. I was a slave, so I will take any job that isn’t that to live my life as a free man” He turned to the knight, knowing nothing of Royal etiquette so he didn’t bow, he didn’t kneel, he stood towering over him. There was a lot he needed to learn, and a lot for these knights to learn.

    “Shouldn’t you be a protector to the girl, not me?” He questioned, as he only just passed by, he merely helped a dying person, he never knew her origin, He had every right to watch her die, but he has a heart. “I only did the right thing, I helped those in need, as I helped my family in slavery.” He began walking to follow the head knight.
  14. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Isolda hadn't been able to sleep. Her stomach was cramping and a bad taste was in her mouth, one that she knew she knew, just couldn't name. How she knew it was another matter, but it had a bitter taste like some of the concoctions the healers would use.
    "Maybe she was poisoned," she grumbled in minor agony, "Or I found a new disease. That could be fun."
    She chuckled at the thought of herself sweeping into town after town, the citizens clutching their throats and falling over. pestilence taking their bodies. This felt worse than the time she ate that horse that one time. The worst part about it was that while the flesh in her stomach refused to settle, her hunger didn't abate.
    You need to leave this town. Came the whisper from her lantern as it began to glow. A glowing form appeared before her, holding out a hand with long claws.
    "I need food. Something warm and bloody." A thought came to her mind. That arm had been oddly bloodless, even as she cut it from the shoulder. At the time urgency was what mattered, couldn't risk being seen. Being accused of cannibalism wasn't high on her list of priorities.

    Shuffling out of her hiding place she made her way into the foot traffic of the slum quarter, clutching her stomach. Folk who noticed kept away from her, making shunning motions. A particularly rotund man caught her eye, grimacing in pain she forced herself to move on. He'd fill her belly, he had to.
    "No, no! Have to leave. Leave! Before..." falling to her knees she threw up in the street. Cries of alarm went up at this and the street cleared. In the distance the jingling of chain mail and boots made her whine and get back to her feet. Moving quickly as she could she made it back to her entrance into the city as the guards approached her. Diving into the slow moving water she splashed her way out into the cleared area around the walls then into the forest.
    It was hard going and her stomach demanded more and more from her with each step. Then there was the barking of a dog and the sound of goats. The goatherd lounged nearby keeping an eye on his flock, dog barking as it picked up her scent. She growled lowly and approached the dog and the man.
    The dog pounced as the goatherd stood with a shout and rushed over to pull the dog off of her. Bones cracking she threw herself upon the man. Long sharp teeth digging into his throat and face, the dog biting her leg, goats bleating as the creature near them revealed itself. A loud howl broke what had once been a serene afternoon. Replaced with the sound of dying goats and the wet sounds of tearing flesh.
  15. BlackHeartedRose The Bookworm

    Feb 15, 2015
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    9 Years Earlier

    “Maya, it’s almost bed time, sweetie,” her mother calls from the kitchen. Maya is sitting in the living room with her father, Marcus. Her father is reading a newspaper. Maya is playing with a couple of her dolls on the floor. Maya stands up to put her dolls away. She goes over to her father to give him a kiss on the cheek. Her father has a very serious look on his face.

    “Daddy, are you okay,” she asks softly.

    Her father blinks and wraps her up in his arms. “Yes, sweetie, I’m okay. I’m just worried about the increasing beast attacks.”

    Maya nods a little bit. Her father sighs and kisses her on the forehead. He begins to speak again. “Honey, you must not go outside for a couple of days. There is a rumor going around that a beast is in the forest. A few bodies have been found, including your best friend’s mother.”

    Tears pop into Maya’s eyes. Her best friend, Jasmine, has been a wreck since her mother’s death. Her mother had gone missing a few weeks before. A lot of the villagers went out to search for her. They found her body just a couple of days ago.

    “Do you understand me, Maya, do not leave this house until I say so,” her father says sternly.

    “Yes, Daddy, I promise not to leave the house,” she says in a tiny voice. She is a little disappointed. She promised Jasmine that she would go visit her tomorrow. Tears start streaming down her cheeks. She doesn’t like letting her friends down. She knows that Jasmine was counting on seeing her tomorrow.

    Her father holds her closer to him, gently rocking her, and she quiets down a little bit. “I’m sorry, baby girl, I know you wanted to see you friend tomorrow. I promise you can go see her soon.”

    Maya starts to calm down a little bit. She knows her father is worried about her safety. Her father is still rocking her gently. She feels her eyes starting to get heavy. Maya slowly falls asleep in her father’s arms. He puts her into bed. He kisses her on the forehead again.

    “I will always keep you safe, baby girl,” her father thinks.


    Snow is slowly falling onto the land. A howl from a wolf could be heard a short distance away. Most likely the wolf is looking for other members of its pack.

    A deer is searching the forest. Not knowing that danger is just behind the bushes. A bearlike creature jumps from behind the bush. The deer tries to run, but he is too fast. He catches the deer and kills it. He needs something to eat. It’s been a few weeks since he’s last had food.

    He searches for a cave to cook his dinner in. Once he finds a cave, he shifts into his human form. He throws on clothes that he she stole off a dead human boy. He starts a fire in the cave to try to warm up. It is not helping him at all. He needs to find somewhere warmer to stay. The winter will kill him if not. Hopefully, he’ll find a place soon enough. He doesn’t want to die.

    He doesn’t remember how he got to this point. He just knew he needed to flee from his old village. Where they trying to kill him? The details were not coming to him at all. The only thing he did remember was shifting into his original form. Is that why he had to flee? Still, he couldn’t remember.

    As soon as he’s done eating, he sets off again. He shifts back into his bearlike form. He sees smoke coming from a few miles away.

    “Maybe, it’s chimney smoke,” he thinks. “If it is then I hopefully can find someplace warm.”

    He starts to head into that direction.

    To be continued…
  16. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    The head knight shook his head as he began walking down the hall
    "My duty is to train and prep our soldiers for whatever tasks the king needs them for. It wasn't until this evening that we needed someone to watch and protect our princess"
    He grumbled to himself
    "See the princess and the king got into a disagreement last evening, apparently the king had discovered she was sneaking past the castle walls and forbade it. The princess, as stubborn as she is, ran off. We had all our men out looking for her, but we didn't think to check the woods. She was told since she was a child that evil creatures live there, and I guess even that didn't stop her from venturing into the woods out of anger"
    He shuffled around a set of keys, until he found the right one and took it off the ring, he looked at the key and sighed
    "The king fell very ill this morning, and its looking like he might not make it. Doctors can't figure out the cause of it. The king wants nothing more than his daughter to be safe, and given that you saved her, even tho you didn't have to, shows good faith and the fact that you care."
    He looked up a Drumik
    "Seeing someone go out of their way to save someone they don't even know.... well that's the kind of person you know you can trust. Plus you did mention not having a place to stay. You'r tall and pretty built, not to mention you had no issues carrying the princess in your arms. That's the kind of person we need to look after her. I mean you may have to pick her up kicking and screaming, if she ever tries to run off again"
    He chuckled, then took a moment to look Drumik up and down for a moment.
    "May I make a suggestion...for your safety of course. If you ever go outside of the castle walls, make sure to wear a cloak or mask of some sort. The towns people, tho are very supportive of our king and princess, may not be as supportive if they found out we were housing an orc in the kingdom. They don't take kindly to those that are different and I'd hate to see you get treated badly."
    He walked a little ways, stopping just outside a set of doors, he turned to face Drumik and gestured to the doors
    "This is the princess'es room, in case you ever need her or she you"
    He walked to the next set of doors and handed Drumik the key
    "This will be where you sleep, your room is right next to the princess'es in case she needs you for an emergency."
    The knight gave a slight bow to the orc
    "If there is anything you need, do not hesitate to ask anyone here, word has already spread that you are here to protect the princess"
    Before the knight could take his leave, one of the guards came rushing towards them.
    the man saluted
    "The king, he...he..."
    the guards expression was one of mourning. The head knight knew what had happened and just placed a hand on the guards shoulder.
    "You dont have to say anymore, alert everyone"
    He then turned to Drumik
    m sorry but something urgent has come up and I must take my leave, please make yourself at home"
    The head guard left with haste

    .........the people of the castle as well as the towns people, mourned the kings death the rest of the night, into the following days.

    The princess hadn't woken for 2 days after she was found on the lake. It took her body a while to recover, the creature also put her in a deep sleep so that it could set things in order. The morning of the 2nd day, Scarlet woke, by her bedside were her maidens, ready to dress her. But when Scarlet opened her eyes, the maidens cried out in terror. Scarlets eyes were no longer blue, they were red, and he skin was as pale as snow. One of the guards rushed in thinking there was an intruder, but he to noticed the difference in the princess.

    Scarlet looked up at the guards and maidens and tilted her head
    "Is there something wrong?"
    the guard whispered to the maidens
    "It may just be a side effect from her almost freezing to death"
    the maidens nodded in agreement and played everything off as if nothing happened. After she got dressed and ready for the day, she was sat down and given the news about her father. Scarlet showed no feelings about the topic, which the staff thought was off, but never questioned it. She was then given the news that she now had a protector, and that it was her fathers dying wish to have someone watch over her, after the incident in the woods. She wasn't in the best of moods when finding out she would have someone protect her, in fact she was rather angry on the situation, or the creature inside of her was, but to not raise any red flags, she (the creature) agreed to have Drumik at her side as her protector.
    A week later, Scarlet was pronounced queen and ruler of their kingdom and from there she ruled. Now at 19, queen Scarlet sits on the throne that once belonged to her father. She motioned for the guards to allow the towns people in one at a time. Expressionless, Scarlet spoke
    "What can I do for you today, sir?"
    The man approached the first set of steps, that lead to the throne, he looked weak and old.
    "Your majesty, your people need assistance, the town has been suffering greatly and we need your help"

    Before the man could finish anything Scarlet raised her hand to stop him from speaking, she heard enough. She was rather dismissive of the towns peoples needs.
    "You have already received help this month, I will not send more"
    The man spoke out
    "But your majesty, your father would lend help...."

    She interrupted the man before he could say anymore
    "My father was a weak man, I am not my father"
    She then turned to Drumik
    "Please remove him from my sight, I'm tired of his squabbling"
  17. shedninja the sites bug/bug maker Moderator JustDubs Site Admin

    Dec 14, 2019
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    Lucy is walking back in forth in the house "I'm gone a confront her and ask a question that only mama would know'' Lucy smirks' '' and if I feel that she is lying well ill kill her and every one in this damn town '' Lucy dose not like to kill but if some one needs killing then there is no one better. Lucy runs off to the inn :: the doors to the inn slams open:: Lucy walks up to heather and talks " is there some place we can talk miss.'' Lucy says '' we have a store room ''' heather walks into the store room with Lucy

    lucy pulls out a small dagger "ok ill keep this simple prove that your my mom and ill think about not killing you '' lucy says '' you have a scar on your right palm from picking up a hot ember when you were 3'' heather replies lucy mouth gaped open " ok ill get to the point we need to track down the cannibal who ate the arm of my target and talk to them'' lucy says '' I know who it was a female mid to late 20's and a decent author '' heather pulls out a book called Explorer's Guide to the Wilds and the Creatures the authors name is crudely scribbled on the book and is illegible

    lucy and heather walk in to th forest and find a woman at the neck of a pore old farmer "hey we need to talk that's ok I'm not gone a hurt you'' Lucy says '' you can come with us and learn to control you eagers"" lucy says '' ;;the woman looks up from the corps ::

    the woman looks up blood dripping from her lips :: both lucy and heather are looking in the womans eyes her eyes bright blood red from blood lust but also look kinda beast like. :: '' you more then likely cant here me but im gone a talk any ways" lucy says just then heather grabs lucy by the neck "what mom" lucy askes kind rudely heather responds '' we need to get out of here she is not a vampire "

    huh not a vampire what, why not a vampire lucy has only come in contact of a hand full of paranormal's out side here self " mom what is she '' lucy asks heather before getting redy to run heather responds as they both are running away " no clue but not a vampire "

    lucy and heather get as far away as they can...
    #17 shedninja, Feb 4, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2020
  18. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    The smell.... she turns her head and two are standing before her. Bones continue to crack and change as fur pushes against the patches in her clothing, ripping the cloth. Words, what? Not... something... not... what?
    The two turn to leave, moving faster than expected. Her vision widens, her nose filled with the scent of blood, ears ringing with the bleating of goats. The scent is heavy in the air, a scent of... supernatural. The lantern at her waist glows brighter though she doesn't notice it.
    Standing over the badly mauled corpse of the goatherd the werewolf smells the air in the direction of the fleeing people. The familiar scent that tugs at her gut draws her in that direction. Charging after the scent in a loping gate, her mouth opens and a howl spreads forth, "Aaawwoooooooo!"
  19. shedninja the sites bug/bug maker Moderator JustDubs Site Admin

    Dec 14, 2019
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    as lucy and heather run away the sound of braking bones and contorting mussels fill trhe forest when the smell of wet dog fills the air
    ::the sound of paws running on the ground :: Lucy is running out of breath and falls to the ground
    heather look at her and says "well your on your own kid have fun "" heather teleports away

    I am one the ground the soft wet ground I here heather say something and she disappears crap " WHEN I FIND YOU AGAIN IM GONA KILL YOU HEATHER "" I say I am still on the ground I can feel the Moring dew and I think my legs are broken. vampires heal fast but not supper fast it will take a day before my leg is held ::you can see the bone sticking out of the skin:: '' ugh I'm stuck here for a day'' the sound of paws are closer ::Lucy unsheathes her dagger trying for what little protection it has ::

    the sun slowly peeks throe the sky ''crap crap crap'' lucy grabs the bottle of sun past but its empty " well fu….' ::just then a log falls on her head and knocks here out ….
  20. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    Drumik luckily was masked, Scarlet couldn’t see the angered face he was making at her for being so dismissive, the man was clearly in dire need of help, but unfortunately he had no choice but to obey her orders. He walked over to the man and gently reached his hand out, he made himself as non threatening as possible and guided him towards the doorway. When he was out of earshot he decided to break an oath to the queens guards captain.

    “My name is Gabriel.” He spoke “I may serve the queen but I have my own ambitions, What is going on in the village, I will see what I can do.”

    Once he listened to the man, he turned back around and walked back to Scarlets side, He tended to just let go of his anger, if he was sent into a rage it wouldn’t be a good thing. He waited for her command again, as more people would approach.

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