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I Am Appalled By Buzzfeed's Lack Of Open Mindedness On Ecchi Anime

Discussion in 'Anime & Manga Chat' started by Emil_Lee, Oct 3, 2018.

  1. Emil_Lee

    Oct 3, 2018
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    I completely disagree with what this person has to say about ecchi animes in this article. I know its hard for most to believe me when I tell them to give ecchi animes a chance but honestly, a lot of them have funny, romantic and amazing stories. I thought by now more people would be okay with it, especially how anime is more mainstream than before.

    What do you guys think?

  2. Vashnik Guest

    『   』
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    BuzzFeed is a highly biased, Left leaning blog-like website. They are very closed minded when it comes to people with different views than their own and often times, their fanatical base often try to shut down any kind of civil disagreement with their "articles".

    Take their opinionated "articles" with a grain of salt. At least half of what they listed in their top 10 actually does have a plot (a story) despite their attempts to describe them otherwise. Of the remaining shows, 1 of them (Queen's Blade) is definitely more hentai than any other show they list.

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