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Gatchaman Crowds Upcoming Pee Pants Special

Discussion in 'Anime & Manga Chat' started by popaandreea, Sep 16, 2018.

  1. popaandreea

    Feb 11, 2018
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    Squeeze your legs and come over here! Gatchaman Crowds is getting an upcoming special for the July of 2019. The evil Berg Katze escaped. And he's got a new plan - destroying all the bathrooms in Tachikawa, thus leaving everyone with no way to relieve themselves. Oh, no! The poor citizens have nowhere to go. Will the Gatchamans save the day and the restore the city back to normal? Watch it and find out. Oh, and don't pee your pants in the process! The special is set to premiere at Azov Comic Con.
    I was thinking,does anyone have any art/doujins ideas for this one?
    It was confirmed that Berg Katze is gonna use some sort of gigantic piano/musical instrument to send waves of energy that would be powerful enough to destroy any plumbing system in Tachikawa.
    Prepare your bladder,guys! Holy fruitcakes,just the plot alone makes me have to go potty.Do you have to go potty too?

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