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Experimentals (reboot)

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Miss Elegent Serenity, Dec 15, 2016.

  1. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Leah shrugged
    "I'm still not sure what my power is or how to even use it, so I would be useless"
    She had stepped back into their now home and started putting more items away, Claus was right, they really hadn't had much time to put everything away.

    Leah suddenly heard a loud noise from outside and next thing she knew Violet was pushing past Claus and shutting the door. Leah did the first thing that came to mind, she ducked behind the counter. When she heard Violet say she didn't think they were being aimed at, she peeked over the counter.
    "What do you think they were aiming at if not us?"
  2. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    When the gunshot rang out and Violet ran in closing the door behind her, Claus quickly moved away from the door and dropped to the ground behind a nearby wall, hoping to avoid any stray sniper fire that might come their way.
    "A sniper...they could be just about anywhere. I doubt that I would be able to sense them from here."
    Shaking his head, he turned to Violet.
    "We should make that sniper our top priority. Until we know for certain who they are and who their target is, there's always the chance they could be a threat. It wouldn't do us much good to find Arc or Argon or whatever his name is if we end up taking a bullet to the head for our trouble."
    He then turned his head back to the door, listening closely to see if he could hear more gunfire.
    "If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, I would certainly be open to them right now. Otherwise, I suppose the only sensible course of action would be to lay low for a while and hope that the matter resolves itself."
  3. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Violent responded to them after remembering what Arc had told her earlier.
    "There are a lot of us who have been experimented on, so it could be anything. But I do have a suspicion it is related to Argon. He told me the rest of our unit was used in an experiment, and with the exception of me, everyone else is built to work together for different tasks, as one entity. A shared consciousness. Everyone has their role and their unique abilities, and they are trying to get him forced back into their group. Chances are, that must be a gunner or sniper that is part of this experimental unit shooting at Argon. I don't know why, unless they just want to maim him for capture. If we hear a second shot, it will probably mean that Argon was not killed after the first, or, I could be entirely wrong and someone is just hunting with a big rifle."
    She knew that if the threat was targeting anyone it could see, it would be best to be unseen. This meant one would need to creep behind cover or turn invisible. For her, turning invisible would be faster, and she began stripping off her clothes quickly.
    "I'm going to make use of my camouflage and take a look from someplace high to figure out the source of the gunfire. Unless you can sneak around from something you have no idea what it is or can turn invisible, I suggest you stay behind until I come back."
    She was stark naked now, a pile of her military surplus clothes at her. But that did not matter to her, as her advanced color-changing skin based off of chameleon biology turned her nearly invisible as she undressed. Walking to the door, she heard another gunshot just like before.
    "I wonder if that one killed him." She dryly spoke when she stopped at the door. "I'll go out and check now, come along if you want."

    Arc knew where the sniper Six was located. When he tried to run past the other side of the building he was hiding behind, a shot slammed down in front of him. Some seconds later, the gunshot echoed.

    Those are some fast reflexes that guy has. I'll be stuck here unless his view can be obscured or if I can tunnel into the ground, which I can't do.
  4. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Leah quickly jumped up, she was about to offer Violet to use the other room to change, but she didn't want to interrupt Violet. So instead averted her eyes

    Leah looked up when Violet mentioned them coming along with they wanted.
    "I'm afraid I would probably be useless in this situation and would probably just get in the way. "
  5. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    OoT: Sorry for the long Hiatus, Laptop just recently repaired and cleared work so gonna try to get back into the grove of things. Enough excuses time to post!

    Blaze giving a exasperated sigh decided it would be best if he just didn't argue, but he wouldn't get anything done if he got drunk.
    "Alright, you said that was just a warm up? What's the real part of your training then?' Blaze asked getting up from the stone bench the pair was sitting on.
    Cracking her knuckles Frost got up began walking over to a stone pillar. "Ordinarily target practice, speed tests, that sort of thing... but seeing as you came here to observe and then try to learn something those won't work.....*Sigh* I guess I'll start from the basics then, Make a fireball or bolt or something"
    "Uhhh How?"
    As Blaze gave Frost a dumbfounded look she returned it with one of her own after his question.
    "What do you mean how? You are the one with fire powers not me!" clutching her forehead Frost realize she would have to start back at truly the basics. "You do have power, right? This hasn't been some sort of bad joke? When did you actually use them?"
    "Yes I have powers, I wouldn't joke about being put through that type of torture! As for using them.... I'm not sure exactly how but if i snap my fingers while thinking about it, I can make a bright flash that blinds.... Oh and i manage to make a stream of fire once, but was about to die so can't really count that as knowing how"
    Frost just shook her head at Blaze, which to his dismay didn't help the situation
    "Well how did you learn huh, there has to be some way seeing as we just don't know about them"
    "That's like asking a lion how it roars, how an artist makes his masterpiece, how a musician makes music he enjoys... There is no set way you just figure it out, I was forced to or die at the labs during the testing. it doesn't really matter how, just that you know you can and you find your way of doing it. Now watch" Frost angrily ranted before effortlessly forming an ice claw. "I made this without even thinking, breathing, and it moves as if it was one with me. I can't explain how i make it do so it just does, ever since i first had to make a claw its been like this. Now you need to do the same, make your fire work without effort!" Without warning Frost lunged after Blaze aiming to strike him down.
    With no idea what had gotten into her and no chance to dodge Blaze reflexively put his hands out, and a small jet of fire came out. Frost smiled and blew a gentle chill of breathe extinguishing the fire, her sudden charge got the response she wanted.
    "Now see, you can't explain how you did it, but you made it happen. Now take that and experiment, test want you can do. Use those notes, see what all they have. Now If you don't mind..." Frost gave a stretch before continuing on training. She began shredding several pillars of the build, performing beautiful acrobatic moves while landing strikes and moving at break neck speeds.

    Panting after her display, Frost grabbed Blaze's bottle of sake and downed it before calling Blaze who also was winded from testing his powers.
    "Haaa, come on, this should be enough of a start.... Hmmm i think one of the others houses are near here. Wonder if it would be rude to go check on them"
    "I don't see why not, if anything it will be to make sure they are okay"
    "Alright let's head then"
  6. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    OOT: Brother Ginger! I knew you'd come. Wonderful!

    Unfazed by Violet's nudity, Claus considered their situation carefully as she left to investigate.
    "This would be much easier if I could get my hands on the sniper rifle I had on the island...well, I suppose it can't be helped."
    He turned to Leah, motioning outside.
    "I'm going out through the back entrance. If nothing else, I can get a better idea of where the sniper fire is coming from if I hear it outside. Stay low and stay behind cover."
    He ducked down and made his way out through the back entrance, staying close to the wall as he looked around. As far as he could tell, the gunfire wasn't coming from behind the house, just as he assumed. Carefully, he made his way to the corner of the building and poked his head around the corner to see if he could find anything. Unfortunately, there was nothing out of the ordinary within his eyesight. He let out a slight groan of frustration, quietly cursing his lack of a scope or even a set of binoculars.
    "Well, at the very least, it seems that there are no hostiles in the immediate area. Of course, that still means the sniper could be...anywhere but here."

    Just as he was thinking that to himself, his ears perked up and he heard footsteps quickly approaching along with heavy, ragged breathing. Whoever it was, they were coming quickly and Claus readied himself for them to turn the corner. When they did so just a moment later, he reacted almost instantly, grabbing the intruder and slamming them against the wall. Then, in the same swift movement, he turned them around and locked them in a sleeper hold, whispering in their ear to avoid drawing attention.
    "Identify yourself."
    His grip quickly loosened as he took a closer look at the intruder and realization set in...the realization that he was currently choking a very shocked and confused Masato.

    When Claus let him go, Masato gasped for air and gave Claus a bewildered and somewhat indignant about.
    "What was that all about?!"

    He questioned Claus in a quiet but very angry whisper, to which Claus merely shrugged.
    "I thought you were the enemy."

    "You know, I got that."
    "In all fairness, you ran right towards my house. You really should have seen this coming."
    "Remind me to never do you any more favors."
    Claus tilted his head slightly.

    Masato picked up the duffel bag that he'd dropped during his scuffle with Claus and nodded.
    "Atlas got me a ride over here and sent this with me; he said it had some of your gear in it. He figured you might need it pretty soon and boy, was he right about that."

    "Hmm. Impeccable timing."
    He opened the door and motioned for Masato to step in. He did so and Claus quickly followed behind him, closing and locking the door behind himself as he did. The two of them carefully made their way back to Leah, staying low and moving as carefully as possible. When they made it, Claus spoke up.
    "Finally, a little bit of good news. Masato was nearby and he's brought us something to even the playing field."

    Masato waved to Leah and motioned towards the bag.
    "Got some guns here, you want in on this, Leah?"
  7. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Leah nodded and decided to stay low in the kitchen. Wherever the shooting was taking place was in the front of the building, the counter was between her and the door and would provide a bit of a shield. When Claus was no longer in their home. Leah rested her head against the cupboard door looking up at the ceiling. She felt useless in these situations, which got her wondering. She looked down at her hand, remembering what everyone had said about her, that she was pretty powerful, but she wondered how she could contain so much power and what her ability was. She stared at her hand trying to concentrate, at first nothing happened and she almost felt it useless. She then remembered each time something happened, she had been panicking.

    She closed her eyes for a moment and started thinking about her surrounding, and the fact that there was possibly someone near by wanting to kill them. She opened her eyes and kept her mind focused on the situation she was in. She held up her hand to expose the bolts of black and red lightning surrounding it, the air around her began to circle her, blowing a few of the items off the counter, a small black started to form at the end of her fingertips, slowly increasing in size. Leah's eyes grew wide upon seeing this for the very first time, she started to panic and the hole began to grow, but she suddenly heard the door open, which startled her and she quickly looked in the direction the noise came from, the hole and the lightning all disappeared as if nothing happened, only a few things had been scattered on the ground.

    When she heard Clause voice, she was rather relieved. She began cleaning up the mess she made as quickly as she could. She was in the middle of picking some papers up when Clause and Masato entered the room. She looked up at Clause as he spoke about the good news. Leah stood up and placed the items that fell, back on the counter. She turned to look back at the bag.
    "It's been a while since I shot a gun"
    She, clause and her brother would go to the range from time to time, they at one time talked her into a game of paintball with them, she didn't want to go, but they begged and pleaded with her until she said yes. They all had a blast and walked away with a few bruises. The thought brought a smile to her face. She quickly shook it off
    "I'll take the smallest gun you have"
    Finally something she could be useful at
  8. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Having stepped out of the house, Violet began to leave the area. Looking back, she wondered if maybe the others would join in on her search for Arc.
    Will they come or not? Not that it matters to me.

    Meanwhile, Arc searched for a way of getting past the miles-away sniper.

    "He has me pinned. Given enough time, I should be able to figure a way of here."

    Six looked through the scope of his 30-foot rifle. The barrel utilized an odd collapsible system for transport, and it fired slugs that weighed a tenth of pound. His target hid from him at a range of roughly eight miles.

    "Five, I have the location of Thirteen. Transmitting it to you now. He has destroyed Three and Four."
    Five, who had been knocked out of the helicopter when Two was killed earlier, had been recovered from the sea and redeployed to search for Arc. Five rapidly ran through the streets, venting flames from his back in an "X" pattern to propel and maneuver him through the abandoned urban landscape.
    "Acknowledged, Six. I will flame him out."
    "One has become interested in Thirteen's survival capabilities and skill. A message from One: 'Already, he has killed Two, Three and Four. Do not let yourself continue this consecutive kill count, Five.' Understood?"
    It was at this moment Five Saw Arc. The screech of his super-heated flame thrusters caught Arc's attention, and he turned around to see where the sound was coming from.
    "Message understood, Six. Target spotted."
    "Commence attack, Five."
    "Commencing attack, Six."
    Five launched into the air above the buildings, killing his thrusters and flying through the air silently. When he reacehed the pinnacle of his air-born arc, his thrusters blasted at full power and he rocketed towards Arc to bash him

    Haven't posted lately due to work and getting busy with a custom drone build.
  9. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Masato nodded back.
    "Sure thing."
    He began to dig through the bag and soon pulled out a 9mm pistol which he handed to Leah.
    "Something like this ought to work."

    Claus was about to reach into the bag when he saw Leah holding a pistol, which made him hesitate slightly.
    Something about seeing Leah with a gun made him pause for a moment and take a closer look.
    "That...isn't the first time you've held a pistol. Something about it looks familiar, though I can't quite figure out why."
    He shook his head and turned his attention back to the duffel bag.
    "Well, that can wait for another time. We have more pressing matters to take care of."
    As he spoke, he pulled out a familiar-looking sniper rifle, inspecting it briefly before giving a nod of approval.
    "Here I thought I wouldn't need this again so soon. What a day this has been."
    He slung it over his back, muttering out loud.
    "I still have doubts as to how viable a laser rifle is for stealth."

    With a wide grin, Masato pulled out a familiar laser rifle and turned it on.
    "Eh. It's pretty cool, though."

    Claus also pulled out a pair of binoculars and handed them to Leah.
    "If you wouldn't mind, it would be handy to have a spotter since we still have no idea where this sniper is hiding."
    When they finished picking out their gear, Claus brought them together to discuss their strategy.
    "We'll start by going out the back door again. From there, we'll have to move from cover to cover while we're looking for the sniper. We'll have to be quick about it since Violet had quite a head start on us, but whatever you do, don't be careless."
    He gave a quick glance to Masato in particular, who couldn't help being a little offended.
    "Let's move. Stay low, follow my lead and do not stay out in the open any longer than you have to."

    "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Did you just make yourself team captain? Because I don't remember us taking a vote on that."
    "Fair enough. Would you like to take the lead?"
    Masato sat in stunned silence for a moment before giving a defeated shake of his head. Claus rolled his eyes.
    "I thought as much."
    As Claus made his way to the back door,
    Masato turned to Leah and whispered.
    "Hey, are you sure you're gonna be okay? If you're not sure you can handle something like this, you can just leave it to me and Claus."
  10. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    OOT no problem, I to am having a bit of a hard time posting. Kids just started school and we are still getting into the swing of things. juggling work and school with the kids is exhausting lol. I at least try to post once a week tho if i can

    Leah took the gun and examined it. Checking out the weight and sight.
    "This should work perfectly"

    Leah had a excited look on her face when he mentioned it not being the first time she held a pistol. She smiled and replied while they geared up.
    "You are right, it is not the first time I held a pistol. We all used to go shooting together."
    She looked down at the gun
    "You and brother even convinced me to go out to shoot paintball guns. We all had a blast, its a day I will never forget"

    Leah looked at the binoculars
    she took the binoculars and hung it over her neck. As they headed out, she stayed in the back of the group wanting to be the last one out. Before they exited, Masato had turned to her and whispered

    Leah gave a slight nod
    "I believe I should be fine, thank you for your concern. But I need to be able to help, even if it means spotting. If I need to I can snipe anyone if needed. I have never shot anyone other than during a paintball battle. But I am a good sniper"
    she looked over at Claus
    "If he could remember, I'm sure he would agree"
  11. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    OOT since this is kinda at a standstill im gonna throw in another plot to help get the ball rolling again until we can get others to reply :D


    name: Emily
    gender: female
    Experimental change:TBD
    Backstory: Emily and her sister Natalie were very close, they did everything together and were practically inseparable. Her and her sister were both miracle children. Their parents were told they wouldn't be able to have children after going through test after test in attempt to get pregnant only for everything to fail. Both had pretty much accepted their fate of not being able to have children. One day when the father came home from work, their mother was sitting on the couch with tears in her eyes and a test in her hand. He knelt down asking if she was okay. She revealed to him the positive pregnancy test, the tears in her eyes were tears of joy and excitement. They both jumped up and hugged each other tightly. From there left their journey through pregnancy. Their first ultrasound revealed they were having not one, but two babies. Several months later Emily was born, followed shortly by Natalie, both girls had a bond like no other.
    Special abilities:TBD

    name: Natalie
    gender: female
    Experimental change:TBD
    Backstory: Natalie is the youngest of the two twins, she and her sister did everything together. Natalie always looked up to her slightly older sister.
    Special abilities:TBD

    Both girls had been playing out in their front yard together. Their father worked during the day and was home at night. Mom, after the girls were born, became a stay at home mom, to make sure the girls were raised properly. Mom was sitting on the front porch reading a book, while constantly looking up to make sure the girls were playing nicely together. Even though they were inseparable, they did often fight like all siblings do. Everything was just perfect, they had a nice house, with a nice yard, their two beautiful girls and everyone was happy.
    Mom normally took the girls out at the same time everyday to have some play time which was usually for about an hour and a half before they all went in and mom would start dinner. Today however would not end well. A black van come speeding down the road and came to a sudden halt in front of their house. Several men came charging out towards the girls, Mom ran towards them, but one of the men grabbed her by her hair and twisted her arm behind her back to stop her. The twin girls were loaded into the van by the remaining men. The man that held the mom whispered in her ear "This will be the last time you see your precious girls this way, remember their faces"
    just before she could do anything, she felt a sudden sting in the back of her neck and everything went black. The cries of her daughters calling out to her echoed in her head. "Mommy help us!!"

    Several hours later mom woke up in the hospital, with her husband at her side sobbing. When her husband noticed she was awake, he stood up and leaned over her.
    "A-are the girls ok?"
    was the first question she asked. The father closed his eyes, he couldnt even say the words all he could do was shake his head. He grabbed his wife's hand.
    "We will find them and whoever did this to you"
    A police officer came in and explained that they will do all they can, but had little to go on. The only information the officer could give them was that there had been multiple cases of people being kidnapped, similar to their girls, but this was the first time they have had a report of children being kidnapped. They had ongoing investigations in trying to find and locate other missing people, but ended up empty handed just when they thought they were getting somewhere. The officer mentioned that there was suspicion of some labs doing experiments, but anytime they got close they were denied any access to the labs.
    This gave the mom and dad hope. The officer heard of a group of people who were said to escape those labs, but for all he knew they were just rumors, but if it was something that the man and his wife wanted to look into, he slipped them a piece of paper with the address of the said location.
    "I cant guarantee it will help, but its worth a shot and maybe if the rumors are true, you might be able to find someone who can help you get your girls back. We will do what we can to find them on our end"
    the officer left the two to allow the mom to recover. The doctor came in to discharge the mom. He explained that she was hit with a pretty heavy tranquilizer and to take it easy for a day or two as she might have some side affects from it.

    After mom recovered, both set out to find help in locating their daughters......

    OOT: I'll allow someone to post before I continue with what happens to the girls. Leaving it open for someone to spot the couple walking around with the above photo of the girls, asking if anyone has seen them.
    #271 Miss Elegent Serenity, Jan 12, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2018
  12. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    OOT: I've been a bad member again

    As Blaze and Frost strolled the city streets headed toward the other members' house, they found themselves amidst crowds of all sorts. Frost gently wove between them without disturbing the other citizens, while Blaze was tossed about bumping and disrupting the crowds.
    "First time in a big city I take it" Frost sneered sarcastically.
    "No...I...just, oh sorry Ma'am!... hate crowds aaarugh!" Blaze yelled as he stumbled face first toward the curb that was hidden among the crowd.
    As he about hit the street, a tug at his shirt saved him from kissing the concrete. Looking up he saw that Frost had grabbed him and began pulling him back to his feet.
    "Come on we got a ways to go, so stop goofing off and get a move on"
    "I'm not goofing off! You expect me to know how to navigate a place I've never been too?"
    "...." After a few moments of silence Blaze sighed and began making his way through the crowds as best he could. Eventually the two cleared the crowds making it to a more peaceful section of the city. It was then Blaze took a moment to actually look around the city, it was far different from his home town.

    "So where are we exactly Frost?"
    "Hmm, well just outside the market at-"
    "Not what I meant, I mean where in the world are we" Blaze interrupted Frost to make his question clearer
    "Not sure, never bothered finding out. Given the climate... we could be anywhere" Frost shrugged her shoulders
    "You aren't at all curious, whether you'll get home, if anyone is looking for you, if-"
    "Not really" She gave a dismissive shake of her head "Besides my 'where' is one of my least concern"
    "And those are?"
    "My safety, not getting myself caught, my next meal, and looking after a certain group of 'like individuals'. One of which is with me asking alot of rather boring questions"
    Catching Frost's hint Blaze stopped his barge of questions as the two continued on approaching a much smaller crowd of people

    OOT: And the duo is headed toward the parents!
  13. Nejat Defender of the Morgue

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Overall Name - Union
    Name - Ra, Zeus, Ragnarok
    Gender - Male
    Age - ???

    Basic Description:
    Height - 6ft7
    Height - 653lbs
    Skin - Extremely pale
    Hair - None
    Eyes - Entirely blacked out, pupils, cornea, everything
    Physique - Mesomorph; extremely bulky and muscular

    Special/Distinguishing Features:
    Three heads atop one body, each adorned with a different hat:
    Ra - Fedora - A felt hat with pinched sides and a lengthwise crease down the crown.
    Zeus - "Western" hat - A “double crown,” where the felt is stiffened with a crease down the centre and a dimple on either side of the crown
    Ragnarok - Homburg -Creased crown, but without pinched sides, stiff brim and has a slightly upturned lip all the way around.

    He wears a smooth shirt, buttoned up fully to support the elegant tie he's wearing. On top of the shirt he wears a 5 buttoned waistcoat with all minus the very bottom button being done. Furthermore, it has a narrow v-line, allowing for the top to remain visible even when the suit's jacket is buttoned up.

    The suit jacket itself fits him to perfection and is clearly bespoke. The 3 buttons of his single breasted jacket are buttoned up with the exception of one - the very bottom one.
    The jacket is the same length all around, with vents at either side. There's also pocket on either side as well as a breast pocket which contains an engraved pocket watch.

    He's wearing pants which copy the style of the jacket, both in colour and pattern and they create a perfect balance with his shoes. He's wears a pair of wholecut oxfords. His overall colour scheme being black.
    To top it all off he's wears a classic belt, which is occasionally accompanied by a scarf.

    Union left his newly discovered, and favorite, bespoke tailor. He finally had on proper clothing - and went towards what used to be one of Zeus' old companies to pick up funds as well as odd bits and pieces to keep them safe on their journey out of the continent. What they needed was a new life, somewhere they wouldn't be hunted for their appearance, or what was done to them.

    The trio had woken up to what could on be described as an out of body experience. This was because they were no longer in their own bodies. Countless staff members rushed in and out of the room - all with the same clothing: usual scrubs, yet nothing covering the, , constantly making changes to the surroundings and giving them new fluids through an Intravenous drip. What little time they had awake through sedation, it could be seen that the room was heavily insulated and the ground was made of... soil? Regardless, the room was heavily damaged: scorch marks blackened the walls revealing carbon plating as the secondary layer which had had been mostly destroyed; it seemed like the room was a war zone.
    Eventually it was explained to them - they had all been at the wrong place at the wrong time. A coach accident turned for the grim as the three men had been happily sitting side by side at one point. When the coach overturned, their bodies were crushed and they were all officially declared dead. That was before their corpses, or more accurately their heads were taken.
    A robbery fitting the recent kidnapping's description had occurred however on a much larger scale. Multiple blacked-out vans had approached the police station morgue where the corpses were being kept and being processed for their port-mortem autopsy. It was NOT your run-of-the-mill invasion - armed men disappeared into one of the van, reappearing soon after with chains they yanked and attempted to pull something out to no avail. After a few moments of no response to the tugging, a child was brought out from one of the cars and gently placed where the chains originated.
    "Do it, or we kill her."
    A simple command and a gun pointed to the child's head was all it took. They dropped two small pistols at the entrance of the van as the kid was taken away, and the chains unlatched from the man's various connection points.

    Le Flōch leaped out of the car almost immediately, picking up the guns on the way out. His next move catapulted him directly through the doors. For a few moments nothing was heard, then the building exploded. The man, however, was back at the vans with a bag full of heads which he carelessly threw at the men as well as dropping his guns on the floor before entering the van once more.
    When the team returned, the heads were successful attached to a lab-grown body as well as certain... other enhancements being made.
    After a while, the staff deemed the men ready to be rehabilitated and so it began. They were taught how to take turns controlling the body or how to take control when needed yet were not told what else was done to them. During their daily training, Ragnarok was in control - an error which the lab staff would later regret. His frustration at not being able to roll built up inside of him until it was too much. It all happened within a few seconds, yet half the lab seemed to have been attacked; flames began sprouting all around them, the sky above rumbled and lightening began raining down on the building, doors became unhinged and flew around. Everyone began panicking - multiple "experiments", better known as prisoners, began trying to escape, only to be shot down by the armed personnel. The sight of this threw the trio off the edge, they knew their fate would be similar had they not found a way out. During the confusion, Ragnarok had managed to snatch one of the larger staff members and choke him until he was unconscious before changing attire with him. They managed to then sneak out to the staff rooms, and from there out through the gates by using the cover of being well-behaved experiments which were allowed to roam the outside perimeter of the gates. Fortunately for them, no one had the time for verify if this was true or not since they were busy trying to reduce damage. From there, the men simply climbed the fence and ran. They took turns controlling the body and allowing each other to rest to provide maximum efficiency in their escape, and escape they did.
  14. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Not wanting to spend anymore time waiting for the rest of the group, Violet began jogging while her adaptive chromatic skin allowed to be become virtually invisible. In the distance, she noticed that rain clouds began to roll over a distant island Little did she realize, the distant storm prevented the sniper known as Six from being able to take a shot or make his presence known. As she looked, she happened to notice something rise into the air before launching downward, creating an low "thump".
    That must be where Arc is. Gotta check there first.
    Breaking into a sprint that surpassed the speed of the best athletes, Violet tore through the streets to reach the abandoned place she suspected Arc to be. Upon reaching the location, she saw a crater, and a man pressing Arc against a wall. Arc struggled momentarily, before a punch to the face knocked him unconscious.
  15. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    OOT sorry it took me a while to get this reply. Ended up doing a last minute move and took some time to get into routine of things.

    When the girls were dragged into the van, both felt a sting in the side of their neck. Everything went black for them. The men laid both girls on the floor and started to unmask themselves now that the coast was clear and both girls were asleep. The driver instructed to keep an eye on the girls to make sure neither of them woke up as they made their way to the labs. One of the guys spoke up
    "Since when did the lab decide to they wanted to experiment on children?"
    he looked down at the sleeping girls
    "These two will be the first this young to be experimented on, they cant be no older than 6"

    The driver spoke up
    "They are both 5, the lab wanted twins to see how each would react to the experiments they have in mind for them, and to see if children are capable of being experimented on."

    the man looked down at the girls
    "So in other words these two are just Guinea pigs to the lab"
    The driver grumbled

    "Kid, you knew what you were getting into when you signed up for this job. Its to late to back out now. Yes we are all aware the consequences of what can happen to these two, but that's the same with all the others we are asked to "pick up" . It not our problem, we do our job in delivering the "list" provided to us. Upon deliver they hand us our checks and another list with the addresses and pictures of who the lab wants. The job pays well and that's all that matters to me."
    The kid sighed, knowing how young the girls were bothered him, but the driver was right, it wasnt their problem
    "They are just so young"
    the kid said looking out the window of the van.

    They were driving across a long bridge towards a small island. The van was approaching a rather large building located on the island. The building looked similar to a hospital and could probably be mistaken for one. They pulled into a dark parking garage and backed up towards some doors. A moment later the radio the driver had clipped to his belt buzzed. The driver picked up the radio
    "We are set to deliver, awaiting further instructions at the door"

    A womans voice chimed in
    "Someone is heading down to receive the packages, please have the doors open and ready for delivery"
    the driver turned towards the men
    "You heard the lady, open the doors, they are heading down now"
    The men opened the doors and just as they did, the doors to the building opened up. Two stretchers surrounded by a bunch of men and women in scrubs approached the van and carefully placed each girl on a stretcher. The female nurses were quick and inserted an IV into each girl and started their IV drips. They also injected the drip with a liquid to keep the girls asleep. When finished the men and women disappeared behind the doors. One man stayed behind and walked over to the driver handing him a wad of cash and another list of addresses and names of people they want for experiments.

    The girls were both rolled into a room full of lights and medical equipment. The female nurses went to work cutting the clothes off the girls and placing hospital gowns on the two of them. Both girls were then moved onto metal operating tables and strapped down. The tables shifted to where the girls were now slightly upright. The first round of experiment would involve injecting the girls with the same serum and seeing how both respond when they are forced to wake up. The injection was inserted into their IV's and the doctors waited with their clipboards watching all the monitors. They gave the nurses a nod for them to go ahead to wake the girls up. The nurses injected the IV's and waited as the girls slowly woke up........

    Both parents walked around with a photo of the girls asking if anyone has seen them or would know any information about a lab. The mother was frantic and in tears and only it only got worse as each person would say no or just walked past the couple. She looked up at her husband
    "Someone HAS to know where they could be, or some type of info right?"
    A group of people walked passed the mother and she snatched the photo from her husband and ran up to them
    "Excuse me!"
    the group stopped a moment noticing the mother had tears streaming down her face, she held up the picture and could barely speak she was soo frantic
    "P-please tell me you have seen these two girls, They were kidnapped from our home yesterday by several men in a black van"
    The group took a look at the photo and mumbled amongst themselves. One kid spoke out
    "I'm sorry mam but we have not seen your daughters"
    The mom shook her head in disbelief
    "Please you have to tell me.... if you know any information about a lab....we were told everyone here would know some information about it...... our daughters lives depend on it..... PLEASE TELL ME!!!"
    she started yelling at the group. The husband walked up and gripped her arms to calm her
    "Come on dear, I'm sure we will find someone that can help us, you cant yell at people if they don't know anything"
    he apologized to the group and they continued on their way
  16. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    after a few minutes the girls started to wake slowly. It didn't take long before Emily started screaming in pain as the fluid spread throughout her body, her body felt like it was on fire, she struggled against her restraints
    "Make it stop, please it hurts!!"
    Natalie took a little longer to wake up, at first everything came to slowly, but then she heard her sister screaming and her eyes flew open. She started looking around the room, her vision was a tad blurry and everything was bright, it took a moment for her to be able to focus, but everything she was seeing was scary for a child of 5. She had no clue where they were and there was a bunch of machines making loud noises, doctors and nurses wearing masks, with clipboards looking at them for a moment then seem to write things on their clipboard. She looked over at her sister who was struggling against her restraints still screaming she tried to go to her only to find that she too was strapped down.
    "Sister, whats wrong? where are we?......Im scared"
    Tears started streaming down her cheek she wanted to run to her sister and make her sister better, but she couldn't. What was going on, why were these people doing this to them. Natalie looked up at one of the nurses and started begging
    "Why are you doing this to us? whats wrong with my sister, PLEASE help her!!"
    The nurse only looked over at the doctor whome gave the nurse a nod. The nurse walked over to Emily and injected something into her IV. A moment later the screaming stopped and Emily seemed to be asleep.
    Natalie relaxed slightly now that her sister was no longer screaming. But she was still terrified as to what was going on. Her body felt warm, but she seemed to have responded better to the injection than her sister. The two men in lab coats, which Natalie thought were doctors, walked over to the two girls. One over to Emily checking monitors, heart rate, pulse etc. The other approached Natalie and started asking her questions. Natalie was more worried about what the 'doctor' was doing to her sister and ignored his questions and started asking questions of her own.
    "Whats wrong with my sister? what is that man doing to her? stay away from my sister, leave her alone!!"
    Suddenly her table was rotating, forcing her to not see her sister anymore. The doc then proceeded to ask her questions
    "Do you feel any pain?"

    Natalie looked up at the man with tears in her eyes
    "Why are you doing this?"
    the man again ignored her and jotted something down on the clipboard.

    "Give this one the next dose and lets see how she responds. Mark that her sister didn't take the first series of tests well and start her on a different series of test. It looks as if even tho they are both the same age and share the same blood, they both are responding differently to tests."
    The man walked away writing things down in his clipboard and exited the room. The nurse walked over to Natalie and put something into her IV. Natalie tried to beg and plead with the nurse to help her and to stop, but her words fell on deaf ears. A moment later Natalie started feeling a burning sensation throughout her body, the same feeling her sister was feeling. They doubled the dose on Natalie since she took the first dose well. Natalie started writhing in pain, tears stained her cheek as the burning increased.
    she asked before she started screaming in pain like her sister did. But instead of putting her to sleep like her sister, they kept her awake throughout the process.

    Emily was given a series test in her IV but her body didn't seem to respond well to any of the injections they were giving her, as her heart rate and breathing decreased, but that didn't stop them from continuing the testing. They had hoped to find something that Emilys body could take.......

  17. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Violet ran to the man who had apprehended Arc. Knowing that there would be no saving Five from the irreversible mind control that Arc had told her about, she leapt at the man and tackled him, grabbing him by the neck as she did so. Slamming him into the ground while still visible, she slid her hands up to the downed cyborg's head and gripped it. With the strength granted to her by the biological experiments she had undergone, she snapped the man's neck a little over a hundred and eighty degrees.
    Five was dispatched with no resistance.

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