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I have returned...

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Rayden413, Jun 5, 2017.

  1. Rayden413 Trophy Hunter

    Oct 29, 2016
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    I've been away for a while. For that I am sorry. Many things have happened to me in the last few months.

    I was commissioned for some work to be done back around January of this year. However, due to some complications and differences between the client, I was forced to cancel my contract to do work for them. It saddened me that I couldn't do the work that they had initially wanted, however at the same time, I am glad that I did not give over my talent to a group of people who do not value the work of an artist.

    Things were hectic for the next few months. My Great Grandmother's cancer rapidly progressed and it was just recently that she passed away. Two weeks ago I was attending her vigil. It is still pretty surreal when I think about it.

    Three months ago was really when the troubles began. Three months ago, myself and my grandmother were sitting and watching TV. A past time we had picked up since the big anniversary of Star Trek had been going on. We had taken up our evenings passing the time watching the old Star Trek along with the newest movies. It was this time that my grandmother began to have a heart attack. At first we both weren't sure if it was a heart attack as my grandmother suffers from Angina and the symptoms are very similar. After about 10 or 15 minutes, the "angina" attack hadn't subsided and my grandmother had already taken 3 nitroglycerin within that same hour. It fell upon myself to call for an ambulance to take her to the hospital. A decision I am glad I made swiftly. The heart attack was caused by severe blocking which was corrected by an intense and nerve wracking Triple Bypass Surgery. A surgery she had only a 40% chance to come out of. As I am not talking about my grandmother's death, you all can rest easy that she made it out of the surgery and has just come out of Physical Rehab and is home again.

    Additionally, I have also gotten a new job working at a liquor store. Yum. So now my time is taken up with the few pleasentries that I can find in life, and work. Along with a few art pieces here and there and the works of a pipe dream.

    The coolest part of what I got to do in the last few months was Anime Matsuri. It is the largest Anime Convention in the region coming in Third in our country in attendance and revenue. For this, I will be uploading some pictures I think. So feel free to take a look. I had a blast. This year was the 7th Consecutive Annual happening of Anime Matsuri (Though this Convention has been going on since 2004, it was not always happening every year). I got the chance to meet some of the biggest cosplayers in around the world, divas, and icons from Japan, and I even got to see the ONLY American Stage Performed Play of the Sailor Moon Stage Play. It was a fantastic experience that was made even better by the stage performances by Lady Beard, the Swallowtail Quartet, Exo-Chika, and Raveman. I wish you all could have been there, and if you were, hit me up. I was there every day, all day. So there's a chance you saw me, but didn't even know it.


    Lately I don't find much time to watch anime. I wish I did have more time. And I feel bad for leaving you all without so much as a word. A lot of things hit me like a ton of bricks but I am now starting to get my life straightened out after those curve balls thrown at me.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I wanted to write a post instead of messaging everyone. It seemed the right thing to do, and less annoying.

    Thanks for letting me spill my guts. I'll probably go back to lurking now.
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  2. Kaede Trophy Hunter

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Geez, sounds hectic. Hope you're OK though. Anyway, welcome back...
  3. Phri3d Trophy Collector

    Sep 17, 2016
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    damn ray bloody hectic few months :/ , i know that things will get better for you though with time , try not to dwell on the past but instead focus on your future ,and i'm sure that if you continue t put in as much passion into your artwork as you have thus far you will get to where you want to be :)
    p.s the photos look awesome and it looks as though you had a blast :)
  4. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    I was informed about this back in February or March by another RPer. If its the same thing as what I was informed, It seems a lot have fallen for the same situation. Sorry you had to go through all that, at least you didn't give your talent over and have it taken from you when you left which is a plus. :D

    I was wondering how your grandmother was doing, you had spoken to me and a few others in PM around Chirstmas and I know you said she wasn't doing to well then. At least she is now at peace even tho it feels like a huge chunk of your heart has been taken. Just remember you will always have the memories of her and live on with those. I lost my great great aunt to cancer, I was really close to her and its still hard knowing I cant pick up the phone and talk to her, or that she wont be there when we go to visit. If you need someone to talk to feel free to message me on Skype or pm me here.

    New job is always a great thing, just dont go spending all your hard earn cash back into the store you work at ;) There are probably a few people out there who do that. lol

    Wow seems like fun, I saw the pictures and I approve :D I hope to someday attend a anime convention, there is one in oct that is happening here in Vegas and we have invited some of the staff and members to come. So hopefully if we get a few people to come then we will go ourselves as well. Just gotta find a sitter for our 4 kids lol. or we can just dress them up and take them with.

    No worries, we all take breaks from time to time, glad to see you are back with us :D You do what you have to, we all completely understand if people take leave of absences especially when hit with multiple curve balls at once. Welcome back :D
  5. Rayden413 Trophy Hunter

    Oct 29, 2016
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    Thanks for the support guys. Things are still really hectic. My car got sideswipped by AT&T about a month ago and they are being real sluggish on handing over the claim money. I don't want to have to call Reimy Chandler to handle this case if I have to take it to court. Although, a 50k+ payout wouldn't be too bad. I just hate dealing with people sometimes.
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  6. Noobs I Love Trophies

    Apr 22, 2013
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    wow a lot happened while you were away and glad you get passed them. welcome back aboard JAF cruise my good sir.
  7. Rayden413 Trophy Hunter

    Oct 29, 2016
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    Thanks again guys. The support is great. I'll be trying to resume my normal routine soon I hope.

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