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Experimentals (reboot)

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Miss Elegent Serenity, Dec 15, 2016.

  1. KazutoKeagia I Got A Trophy!

    Apr 1, 2017
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    Ahri arrived in town after a long nap and a three hour walk she went around asking if anyone knew a place where she could stay. Everyone she asked pointed out the person in a shirt that was ripped and showed her slender physic a little bit. Ahri walked up to her "I heard you had a room available I can pay in advance if you'd prefer and if you wish I'll be gone in the morning it's not like I got anyone here for me anyway." As Ahri said this her face became more and more flush with red she couldn't explain her feelings for them but they were there she just acted like she was embarrassed.

    Usawa was wandering the forest when a mysterious looking figure in the distance. He readied his sword but it didn't seem to even notice him so he walked up beside and was shocked at what he found. It was pitch black and didn't seem to have a face. At that moment he didn't know went on but he was walking as it for at least five seconds he freaked out wondering what the he'll was happening to him. He kept walking as if nothing ever happened to him when he reached a good spot to set up camp for the night he started a fire and pulled out some food he had bought before he left town and started to cook it. After eating he fell asleep really quick.
  2. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Leah turned her attention to Claus and gave him a nod
    "Ok, I'm sure we could use some help carrying the food back as well"
    she smiled and headed out the door

    Leah smiled at frost, thanked her and headed towards the shops to gather any food they would need. The first shop was full of fresh fruits and vegetables, as she looked through the variety, she spotted some pumpkins on the back shelf. This reminded her of a time she and her brother were at a farmers market when she was younger. The woman approached her and asked if she could help Leah and started listing off all her deals "we have nice strawberries, if you buy two packs, ill throw in.....". Leah spaced off a moment, back to a day where she was shopping. A little voice spoke "brother, brother, come look at these" A girl that looked just like Leah, but just a foot shorter was standing over by a produce stand. In front of her was a shelf with several big pumpkins on it. "Can we get one, I can make all kinds of yummy food for us" the girl looked up at her brown haired brother. Her brother spoke while pulling out his wallet frowning. "we dont have enough this time, but I get paid in a week" He put his wallet in his back pocket and patted on the pouting girls head "I promise to get you one by the end of the week and you can make all sorts of yummy foods, I would be happy to try. I'm sure Claus will be over this weekend to test out your delicious foods as well" The little girl blushed, she had a little crush on Claus, her brother just let out a chuckle "Come on sis, lets head home and make dinner together, then you can help me study for my exam tomorrow"

    Leah blinked back to reality. and noticed the woman standing in front of her waving her hand in her face

    "Oh sorry, Umm, do you have any of these items?"
    Leah handed the woman the list Frost gave her. The woman looked over the list and walked off. Leah sighed and then let out a chuckle, thinking of that day. "where are you brother?" she said quietly. She sighed and picked up few apples that were on sale. She wondered if they wouldn't mind she got some food to take back to her place. She placed a few apples in a bag and tied them then waited for the lady to return.
  3. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    As the strange woman who had tails approached Frost and spoke her face became red. Frost raised her eye brows at her
    "Heard about rooms.... Damned old man, Just how big is your party Blaze we aren't a boarding house"
    Blinking Bran responded
    "It's Bran! And i have never seen this woman in my life, is she a cos-player of some kind those uh tails are interesting..."
    "Eh Blaze seems better besides think of it as codename, anyways... You yea i saw one for rent earlier, head down this road and take a left, talk with the landlord and I'm sure he can arrange something. If you need something look for the Albatross fishing ship"

    Frost saw Leah hand one of the shopkeepers her list, seems that she was doing fine. They seem to be transiting well, then again it's only been a few hours. Wonder what she'l make for lunch... lost in thought Frost felt a tap on her shoulder.
    "So uh, about that work out do you mind if i watch?"
    "BhaWHA" Shocked by the out of no where cold response.
    "It's not the work out your thinking a glorified peepshow, so no you can't watch me"
    "I wasn't thinking like that! it's just....well...*sigh* Since we have similar eyes i wondered if we had the same type of power. None of the others eyes are like mine so it's not an all experiments thing i guess.."
    "Fine, but if i catch you with a hand in down your pants you'll wish you knew more about your own powers"
    Turning to Leah frost spoke.
    "Everything going alright?"
  4. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Claus followed along quietly, looking over to Leah every once in a while as he tried to jog his memory. When nobody else was around, he would pull out one of the datapads he stole from the facility and look it over. He'd managed to hack into their database and download the information on the experiments that were being conducted in his section of the facility. Unfortunately, "Derek Evans" was not among those names, meaning he must have been in a different part of the laboratory.
    "Why...? Why can't I remember?"
    As he muttered this to himself, he decided to check on the information from his own experiment. At first he just glossed over it, but this time he opened up some notes from his doctor that he'd skipped over last time, thinking they wouldn't have anything important in them.

    "It's possible that the subject is suffering from mild amnesia. I can only assume that this is due to the nature of his power; it must be taking quite a toll on his mind. We don't know if the damage is permanent or if it will get worse, but there doesn't seem to be any other side effects so we will continue with the experiment as normal."

    "The subject seems more aggressive than usual lately. His memory loss seems to be worsening as well. He can remember everything that has happened since the experiments began with perfect clarity. However, his memory from before his capture is spotty at best. I will continue to monitor him for the time being."

    "Finally, a breakthrough! The subject has displayed potent psychic abilities soon after awakening to his power. Admittedly, the mental strain placed on the subject was more than originally anticipated. His personality has been warped, his memory is in shambles and he has gone from uncooperative and passive-aggressive behavior to openly hostile and possibly sociopathic behavior. Even so, I consider this experiment to be a resounding success."

    Claus slowly put the datapad away, his face noticeably paler and his hands shaking slightly. In a whisper, he spoke his thoughts to nobody in particular.
    "They knew. They knew the entire time...and they still did this to me."
    He looked forward with a blank, empty stare, trying to take in what he'd just learned about himself.
  5. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    After finishing his meal, Arc got up and placed his dishes and silverware in the sink being sure to submerge them in water. Leaving the home, he went to look for Violet upon realizing he had not learned where their quarters were located.
    Where did she go?

    Violet unlocked the door to their quarters. Opening it, she looked in.

    Well, not as pretty as I was hoping. Overpriced, too. But what can one expect?
    Shaking her head, she walked in. After walking through the rooms, she chose her bedroom. She decided to lie down, waiting for Arc to arrive.
  6. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    As the lady returned with the items on the list, Leah heard Frost asking if everything was alright. Leah simply nodded
    "Yep, I think I am finding my way around pretty well. Just need to pick up a few more items and I will be done."
    Leah paid the lady it was then she noticed Claus had followed her.

    Leah noticed Clause was looking a tad pale.
    "Are you alright?"
    He then whispered something
    "Who knew what?"
    she tilted her head
    "are you feeling alright? maybe you should head back and lay down. I can make you something to help you feel better if you like. You don't look too well"
  7. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    "Alright then I'm headed to go work out, there is a complex not to far from here that's abandoned. Apartments, a warehouse, etc"
    Frost described the place she was headed.
    Blaze just looked at the bewildered Claus, up till now he had seemed a cocky self interested person but now he acted just strange. Frost over heard him and spoke with contempt in her voice.
    "Of course they knew. They all do, do you really think there is any one naive enough to not question why people who have no memory of themselves are being held there. Why their families weren't contacted, even if you don't remember, most have at least some form of ID on them. Most of those working in the labs either lost or never had a concusses to begin with. The few that do calm them selves by thinking that it's just degenerates and low life's they are using. People who would never amount to anything or help society"
    Frost coldly finished her speech before getting up and began walking. Before she got too far Blaze snapped at her.
    "Just who do you think you are saying that, you can't under-"
    "I'm the one supporting you, financially, socially, and one of the few who wouldn't try to kill you on sight. And the one who's been through more that your candle of a brain could understand"
    Blaze fell silent. Frost continued her way to the abandoned complex, while Blaze slowly follow still silent from being scolded.
  8. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Masato got up and give a quick wave to the others before heading out.
    "I'm gonna take a look around the city, make sure I can find my way to the gym. I don't think I'll be out too long and don't worry, I'll try to stay out of trouble."
    He chuckled somewhat awkwardly.
    "Then again...I've got superpowers, so what's the worst that could happen? Man, that's gonna take some getting used to."
    He opened the front door and turned back to the group one more time with a wry smile.
    "I'll be back."
    He closed the door as he walked out, wondering if anyone got the reference.

    While he was out in the city, Masato saw something out of the corner of his eye that caught his attention.
    "Huh...? What's that all about?"
    He noticed a ruined building just around the corner. It didn't look abandoned so much as...completely destroyed. Entire floors were missing and it looked more like a giant pile of rubble than a building. Even that wouldn't have meant much under normal circumstances, but he was still far removed from "normal circumstances" and even though it was a little out of the way, he found himself curious about it.

    "I've just gotta wonder...was this building demolished or did somebody with powers do this? I probably shouldn't, but I want to take a closer look. Hey, if it starts collapsing, I can probably just punch my way through."
    With his mind made up, he walked towards the ruined building. The closer he got to the entrance, the more cautious he was as he approached. He hesitated ever so slightly when he reached the front door-- or at least the few scraps of wood that was left of the front door-- but he soon found his resolve again and stepped inside, now moving very cautiously with his eyes darting around every corner.
    "There's probably nothing here but after all the weird stuff I've been through, I'm not taking any chances."
    He soon found another door, which he pushed open slowly as he tried his best to see what was inside the dimly-lit room.

    Awoken from his trance by Leah's voice, Claus finally realized the state he was in and composed himself, quickly returning to his usual demeanor. He shook his head at Leah's offer.
    "No, I...I will be just fine. It's just another item to add to the list of "reasons I want to see that organization in ruins." But it's nothing you need to concern yourself with."
    He let out a small sigh.
    "You really should get back to shopping."

    Claus scoffed at her.
    "Admittedly, my memory is in shambles at the moment, but I'm pretty sure I would remember asking you for your input and I did no such thing."
    He leaned up against a nearby wall, looking up to the sky and mumbling to himself.
    "They took my freedom away from me...I thought that was the worst it could get. Now I find out that they've taken my past as well. And they really thought they could get away with it."
    He clenched and relaxed his fist a few times to help keep himself calm.
    "It would be funny if it wasn't so...absolutely infuriating."
  9. KazutoKeagia I Got A Trophy!

    Apr 1, 2017
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    Ahri walked around and got the supplies she needed after talking to the landlord and paying her rent. Whilst she was walking back taking a different path to get to know the place better she saw a place that looked abandoned. "That's perfect." "What's perfect." She heard a girl's voice ask. "Oh nothing just something I thought of for what I'm working on." She acted like she wasn't planing on doing anything she could regret if she got caught.
    Ahri went and put some stuff in her room only taking the essential with her to the abandoned apartment looking building. She knew she didn't need to climb the side but she did anyway because she wanted to have fun and that was her idea of fun. Once she finished climbing up she hoped down and decided to train all she wanted was to figure out how she managed to do what she did earlier but she didn't know how or why it happened and that freaked her out.
    OOT if you read my previous post before this one ignore it I delegated it to change it completely this is my new version of it I think it's much better
    #229 KazutoKeagia, Apr 21, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2017
  10. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    Sagon heard the door creaking open, too tired to react he just continued sitting there watching his arms, they seemed to be slowly reconstructing his forearms, up to his biceps, skin was slowly coming onto his muscle, it burned. But at least he wasn't dead. Looking up towards the door was the only reaction he really did have. he saw a stranger looking in, and staring back at him. Though their stares met with a certain hostility Sagon seemed to believe this man wouldn't act on it.

    "If you're going to kill me do it now. I've already been through hell, I'm not going back. I will fight if I have too." He knew he wasn't in any position to do such, but intimidation could either scare him away or have him join forces with him.

    "If you're after my power, I have no idea what it may be. I just know that it is tearing me apart and building me back up, If you wouldn't mind helping me stand, I will gladly walk with you, It would also but aside my assumption of you trying to kill me. You have an option now pick it." Sagon didn't seem to keen on the idea of moving his arms at the current moment, but If he were going to get help from someone he wouldn't mind it.
  11. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Leah nodded
    "Alright, I'll take the food back to your place when I am done. From there I'll head home"
    as Frost walked away Leah turned her attention back to Claus

    "Are you sure?"
    Leah needed to head to the butcher shop to get a few more things, but she wasn't in a hurry to head there just yet. She wanted to make sure Claus was gonna be okay before continuing.
    "If there is anything I can do to help, just let me know okay?"
    she had a concerned look on her face as she spoke to him
  12. KazutoKeagia I Got A Trophy!

    Apr 1, 2017
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    It didn't take Usawa long at all to figure out how to control his power unlike his sister he was always a quick learner he just wondered why in the five years that he's been free from that wretched place this has never happened to him. He was walking in the forest still trying to get out on the other side when he saw these strange ruins he decided to check them out. He went towards them and saw some guards. "They don't look very tough but I very play it safe and take the first one out with my ability." He was carefully to whisper this incase they could hear him he doubted it but he'd rather play it safe than sorry. He took over the guard closest to him he charged the other guard pulled out his weapon and executed him. "One down four to go." Again he whispered he decided stealth would be the best option. Usawa saw some vines where he could climb up onto the ruins.

    Once on top he formed a strategy to take out the last four without being spotted that is if nothing went wrong which was always a possibility, but that's what his sword was for. He made his plan drew it out in the sand on top of the ruin. "Alright let's do this I want to know what it is that they are guarding." One of the guards who was right below him as he said this as he calculated they looked up at him as he dove down and strike him in the neck with his wrist mounted blades. He quickly hid the body and went into the shadows and headed to his next target. All was going well untill there was only two of them left he had been spotted. He drew his sword out and got prepared for battle the stronger looking of the two sent the weaker one after him as he blocked his sword he threw a small kunai knife at the other and hit him directly in the neck. "Alright then let's go it's just you and me you son of a bitch I don't want answers from you I just want to kill you." His enemy just laughed at him and said he was crazy no way his friend was dead. "Oh really no way I killed your friend the kunai in his neck with him bleeding out says otherwise and don't think about trying to run over and help him whilst I still stand I will strike you down the instance you turn away from me." He could tell this conflicted the man he was engaged in combat with they went at it for a while with Usawa just blocking. Usawa parried the next attack and stabbed him straight through the heart "Check mate you loose." He decided the head into the door they were guarding block it off make a fire and go to sleep.
  13. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    OoT: @KazutoKeagia with your last post of Ahri you puppeted Frost without consulting me, if this continues i will edit your posts deleting the puppeting all together. Consider this a formal warning to stop, I also will be posting as if the puppeting didn't happen.

    Approaching the abandoned complex Frost jumped the fence gating it off from the public, walking around to one of the gates she froze the chain holding it shut allowing Blaze to enter as well. Blaze quickly entered for fear of being found trespassing while frost nonchalantly strolled to one of the entrances. As the entered the main plaza there where several sets of large stairs leading up and through the building.
    "Alright here we are, come on first thing first is running up the stairs" Frost began to stretch. With a dumbfounded look Blaze blinked at Frost.
    "Wait is it even safe to be here? I mean you said this place was slated for demolition so there as to be consequences for being here not to mention how bad of shape this building must be in"
    "Consequences eh minor trespassing, vandalism, delinquency all minor compared to what I have been doing for the past few years. We'll be fine and the building is in good shape really, well minus the damage i've done to it.... On your mark, get set Go!"

    As Frost trailed off speaking she got into a racing position and rocketed off. With each step she was launched by a small ice spire under he feet, she moved at speed beyond that of any normal human. Just as it seemed she was about to slam into the wall at the corner of the stairwell she reached out and grabbed the rail spinning herself around. As she did from Blaze's view ,still on the ground floor, Frost had wall ran around the corner holding onto the rail then continued up the stairs.
    "What.the.fuck...." Blaze was near speechless at just seeing the sight before him. While he experienced some extreme speed escaping the labs with Masato it was mainly straight hallways and jumping down flights of stairs, places you'd expect to be able to use such speed. She... She just made it up the first flight in less than a second without even breaking a sweat or stopping to head up the second!
    "Oi you don't get moving you won't be able to see my work out like you wanted!" Frost shouted from now the 3rd floor set of stairs.

    Blaze began running up the stairs at a rate one would expect a young man to make it, about the time he had made it to the fourth floor he heard a strange sound. One that would be reminded of a skater grind on a rail, just as this thought appeared in his head Blaze saw Frost barreling down the guard rail on a small ice shard rounding the corner. Blaze's and Frosts reactions where the same one of surprise as the two were about to collide on the stairs (insert Roundabout/To Be Continued meme music). Just mila-seconds before slamming into each other Frost made a flipping motion throwing her body just out of the way, her legs narrowly missing blaze's face. As she continued down the stairs she laughed and told Blaze he had six more flights left before he had to run back down them.

    Blaze made it up, then back down to see a Frost lazily sitting on a bench. Winded and out of breathe be spoke to frost.
    "ahh...ahh..ahh You're....ahhh. a mad woman....ughh i'm gonna die...."
    "At this rate yeah you are, this is just the warm up I haven't even gotten to the real deal yet" Reaching into a small pouch she pulled out a bottle and threw it at Blaze. "Here drink up" Pulling one of her own she began chugging it, with a small dribble of liquid running down her chin. Blaze opened the bottle and began swigging it only to realize that it wasn't water. Nearly choking her yelled at frost who had just finished her bottle in one go and had a satisfied look on her face.
    Frost's good mood was dampened by his yelling but she just answered his question.
    "Sake has a lower freezing point than normal water so i can actually drink it without risking it freezing, besides your in a unknown area your body isn't used to the local water so you would get sick if i just handed you water. you'll get used to it to the point it won't even get you drunk"
  14. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Claus' first thought was to dismiss her offer, but after taking a moment to think it over he came up with an idea. "It's a little far-fetched, but it might just work," he muttered under his breath as he took a look around to make sure nobody would notice them. After that, he looked back to Leah and spoke up.
    "There might be something, actually. It has to do with my experimental ability."
    He closed his eyes and placed his right index and middle fingers on his temple. He focused intensely, trying to harness his latent psychic ability that much to his chagrin, he was still quite inexperienced with. He managed it a few times before-- one instance worth noting was his first encounter with Masato-- but it was still fairly difficult for him, taking a good deal of concentration. Especially now, since he was trying to read another's thoughts down to the most minute of details.
    "Try to remember. Think about your brother, especially if you can recall any moments where I was there, too. I can't be sure, but...if I can read your memories, it might help me remember, too."

    Masato was so shocked, it took him a moment to respond and even then, he stumbled over his words.
    "Oh, uh...yeah, sure, you got it."
    At the very least, he wanted to show that they were on the same side, so he did as the man asked and walked over to him, carefully bringing him up to his feet.
    "So does that mean you came from the labs, too? That's crazy...I didn't think I'd meet someone else like us so soon in a big city like this."
    He gave him a wry smile.
    "Don't worry, I'm not gonna kill you or take your power or anything like that. Wait, can we take powers? Never mind, forget that. My name's Masato and I think we're in the same boat, buddy. I just got here from the labs, too. There was a big breakout and I managed to get out with a few others; we just got here not too long ago, actually. How about you, what's your story?"
  15. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Arc ran around pointlessly for some time. Dressed in a long-sleeved shirt and long pants before leaving the home, his jumpsuit and vectoring nozzles and were concealed, making him look like any other person on the street. Getting tired of getting no results, he stopped running, growling in annoyance.
    Well, this can't be the place.
    His search had expanded until it was now unreasonable, and he found himself in an area with abandoned buildings all around. Even now, he had lost track of his original starting point of the search. He began to put on his HUD lens headset he had stored away, but noticed voices.
    Where is that coming from?
    Following the voices, he crept through the decayed structures until he spied Frost and Blaze.
    Those two... what are they drinking?

    Having waited for Arc for a longer time than expected, Violet drifted off to sleep, sleeping for the first time in since their escape.
  16. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Leah had a confused look on her face as he went on about his ability. He then put his fingers on his temple with his eyes closed. She had no clue what he was doing, before she could say anything, He told her to remember her brother. With the mention of brother, several thoughts went through her mind of her brother. She started remembering a moment where she was making food for her brother and Clause. It was a Sunday afternoon, after the boys had exams the following week.They were both sitting in the living room talking about the exams and how they thought they did on their scores, the guys were waiting for a commercial to end, to continue the game they were watching. Leah had decided to fix them up a snack while watching the game. She was in the kitchen cutting tomatoes, for the salsa she was making for the guys to dip their chips in. She also had cheese melting in a pot on the stove to make home made nachos. 'I hope he likes these' she peeked around the corner at the guys. She smiled when she saw clause 'he is so cute and very nice" she went back to cooking adding the tomatoes to the dish 'I'm glad my brother and him are so close' he gets to come over every weekend and try my cooking'. She smiled but was quickly interrupted when clause bumped into her to grab a chip. He quickly dipped it into the salsa and before she could say anything he already had the chip in his mouth with a smile on his face.
    "You're lucky I had just finished that"
    she scolded him.

    "You know I can't wait to try your amazing food. Its always delicious, I can never get enough!"
    Leah blushed but thankfully he hadn't seen it, he was interrupted by her brother.

    "What about Leahs cooking?"
    "I was just telling her how amazing her food is and that I could never get enough"
    Leahs brother had walked over to Leah and tested out her salsa

    "I would have to agree, her cooking has always been excellent. Keep up the work sis, maybe someday you can open up a restaurant and serve all your delicious food to the public"
    he smiled at her
    Leah simply blushed and waved a dismissive hand as she went back to prepping.
    "My food isn't that good"

    Claus had walked back over to Leah and grabbed another chip, dipped it in the cheese and ate it
    "I think it is, as a matter of fact both your nachos and your salsa is as delicious as ever. I really enjoy coming over here, I always looked forward to your cooking."
    Clause then turned to her brother
    "How about after the game we watch a movie with Leah. After all she was kind enough to cook us this food, the least we can do is hang out and watch a movie with her. "
    Her brother looked at Leah with a smile

    "I agree, we have a few movies on the laptop we can watch."
    Leah looked up from prepping the food and smiled
    "I would love that"
    just then the announcers on the tv came on and the boys headed back into the room Leah went back to finishing the snacks. She was smiling from ear to ear 'he likes my food, I can't believe he likes my cooking! and maybe someday he will like me for more than just my food'

    Just then Leah turned her head away, her cheeks were bright red as the memory faded
    "please tell me you didn't hear that?"
  17. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Claus stumbled backwards slightly when the memory was finished, rubbing his eyes and moaning softly. After taking a moment to recover, he responded Leah's question.
    "I did. I heard everything, saw everything. It all felt so...surreal."
    In his stunned state, he hadn't even noticed how embarrassed Leah looked.
    "I think...yes, I can vaguely remember that day, even if it's only bits and pieces. It still feels so distant, almost like I'm looking through someone else's eyes, but the memory is there."
    He hung his head and let out a weary sigh, then he looked back up at Leah.
    "In a way, I'm still trying to figure out who "Claus Karalis" really is. At least I'm sure of a few more things now. I really did have a best friend named Derek Evans, for one. You and I really have known each other for quite a long time. And it seems I was quite a different person before all of this began."
    He rubbed his temples, looking exasperated as he tried to take in everything he was learning about himself.
    "That must have been hard for you, so...thanks. I think I've taken a few steps towards rediscovering who I really am."
    He gave her a slight nod.
    "And for what it's worth, those nachos were great."
  18. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Leahs face had turn even redder when he mentioned hearing everything. But was glad to hear he remembered bits and pieces of that day.
    "Maybe it will take some time to get your memory back and I will try to help as much as I can."
    She smiled at him
    "As for who you were... you were a collage student learning computer science and studying to be an engineer. At least that what you told my brother."
    She continued
    "You studied hard and were very brilliant, you were passing all your exams with flying colors. In fact you and Derek would always try to out do each other on test scores."
    She giggled a little remembering the spats they would have when they both got the same score.
    "Derek was studying computer science as well and that's how you two met. You were kind, hard working, its a wonder you and my brother were so close. You two would spend hours hitting the books for your exam after making bets on who would get the highest score. You guys would always find time in between to hang out. When you both completed a semester, we would all go out and celebrate with pizza and either hit the arcade or go to a theme park.
    She looked up at him to see how he was taking it
    "When holidays came around, you would come over. It was almost like we were a family"
    She realized she was probably overloading him an abruptly stopped. Hopefully what she said about him helped him out. It saddened her to see him like this. Someone who was once so full of life struggling. Even though Leah had her own burdens to take on, she was one to put others before her needs. She would continue to help him until he got his memory back
    she looked up him
    " I am glad you enjoyed my nachos, I guess now you know I made them especially for you"
    her cheeks flushed a little, but she quickly started looking through the bags to hide the embarrassment.
    "Speaking of food.."
    she looked up at Claus
    "I need to finish my shopping. Would you like to go with me? I just have to go to the butcher shop and after that I guess ill head back to put everything away and check out the place we will be occupying"
  19. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Claus furrowed his brow as he concentrated on trying to bring those memories to the surface, to no avail.
    "Pizza, arcades and theme parks, huh? Well..."
    He looked wistfully up to the sky.
    "That doesn't sound completely outside the realm of possibility. I don't remember anything specific about all of that, but it does sound...vaguely familiar, in a way. I suppose that's progress."
    He gave a dismissive shrug and let Leah continue.

    He responded with a slight nod.
    "Naturally. It would be reckless to let you go alone when we still don't know what-- or who, rather-- is out there."
    He took a few steps closer, ready to follow along wherever she went.
    "Lead the way."
  20. KazutoKeagia I Got A Trophy!

    Apr 1, 2017
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    OOT I'll be gone for a while to deal with depression issues and I'm sorry bout that TRG that wasn't me that made that post I edited the mistakes that my son made he isn't used to forum based rp yet so I'm trying to help him settle he might make his own account on the fortune some day but untill I get this settled I won't be on very often

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