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~bellatrix~ (reboot)

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Miss Elegent Serenity, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    OOT: gonna make a few characters.

    name: Warden Ingris
    age: 28
    sex: M
    weapons: Greatsword
    creature/ability: Self Cloning, each clone represents a side of his personality, Limited to 2 clones, same tankiness, same skill as normal version.

    name: Sevgran The Tormented Servant
    age: 26
    weapons: Spear, and Claws
    creature/abilities: Has a pet wolf linked reactions. Beasthood ails him taking preventative measures.

    Sevgran the Tormented Servant had walked miles, His companion matching his stride. Eth, he named his wolf, taken as a pup and raised at a young age he became his loyal companion. Timid at first, it was broken quickly. Sevgran trained him well almost as well enough to call him a warrior himself.

    As he walked he reflected...

    "Your holiness" Sevgran kneeled. "How may I serve the Lord today." He kept his head low to show respect to his higher up, His dedication to the Lord would never falter.

    "Raise your head child." The high priest had a look of sorrow on his face. "My Child." He paused. "It is with heavy heart I inform you, You may no longer practice at this holy grounds. As your faith has seemed to flee from you... We are aware you reported an illness moons ago, however, it is said you had locked yourself away for the past 3 days and upon exiting your room your hands looked like that of a beast. Upon reasonable suspicion and investigation to be held. We concluded you have practiced the dark arts."

    "Your holiness... This must be a mistake." He was cut off by the priest. "No mistakes. You are to leave the grounds immediately."

    Sevgran stood from his kneeling position and immediately did as the church requested of him.

    As he was wandering he heard a violin playing. It was an alluring sound, as he loved music and the peaceful harmony produced by the strings of a violin he followed the noise and it lead him to a cave.

    There he saw a queerly dressed man playing in the center. His look may have been uneasy but it must have been part of the act, he waited and listened. The unnoticed visitor enjoying the notes fly as they play. Completely drawn away from the world and what existed. All he saw was the music. Until it stopped. He had made himself known.

    "Please, continue playing. I can understand you when you play."

    The words as empty as they may be. Meant something to him in his own mind.
  2. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    While Leif was trying to convince Leon to let the sirens stay, a member of the crew approached the captain and saluted.
    "Captain Leon! We're ready to depart on your order, sir!"

    I look over to my crewman, then back to Leif.
    "Hold that thought. I want to get us moving as soon as possible."
    I walk over to the crewman, towards the front of the ship. After taking in a deep breath, I put on a confident smile and start giving out my orders!
    "Tell the crew we're shipping out! We've kept that princess waiting long enough, it's time for our big comeback! We make for the center of Levia Infernis. Glory awaits us, not to mention a hero's welcome when we return victorious!! ARE YOU READY, YA SALTY SEA DOGS?!"
    I hear a loud shout from every member in the crew that's in earshot and I've gotta say, it's a great feeling. Finally, victory is just around the corner! We'll rescue the princess, get the sword back and give those elves a black eye while we're at it. I raise my sword in the air and give a mighty shout!

    "Onward to victory!!"
    I hear an even louder shout this time and before long, the Dragon's sails unfurl and we start on our journey to the center of the island. We'll get as far as we can on the Dragon, then we'll disembark and go the rest of the way on foot. If we're lucky, the elves won't be expecting us...but that's probably asking for too much considering how this whole adventure has gone so far. Oh well, we'll just do what we've been doing. Fight our way through it!

    While Leon is away talking to the crew, Leif turns towards the sirens with a slightly indignant look on his face.
    "Come on, this isn't the time to stay quiet! You're sirens, right? You're all about getting people to do what you want. So...go ahead and convince him! Work your magic on him!"
    He soon realized the implications of what he just said and his eyes widened slightly.
    "Wait, no, not literally, I'm not talking about that kind of magic. Don't do that! Don't even think of doing that! Just...be convincing, alright? You got a second chance just now, don't push your luck."

    I make my way back to Leif and the sirens. I'm still giving the sirens a wary look, but I'm trying to keep an open mind.
    "Alright...so, what were you going to say? You've got my full attention now."

    Mordred shrugged.
    "Possibly, though I doubt it. They would need to return to their own ship at some point or else their crew might become...disorderly. Especially if said crew is anything like the captain who runs it."
    As he got up out of bed, he felt a shift as the ship started to move. He grabbed his equipment-- including Apocrypha-- then looked to Trinity.
    "We've started to move; we must be on our way towards the heart of Levia Infernis itself. The fighting will only grow more intense from here on out. Are you prepared for that?"
  3. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    OOT: Sorry for my random vanishing.

    Crescendo gave Leon a warm smile and took a few steps closer. Behind her Melody was supporting the now much quieter Forte who was slowly succumbing to her blood loss.

    "I do apologize for our unintended consequences. You see..." Crescendo paused and looked at the deck. "We have been exiled from our homeland. Our people, they aren't big into fame or individual accolades. Me, my sister and our teacher, we want to be known ocean wide for our singing. We want to bring the music in our souls to your kind. We didn't want to eat your crew, not in that way." She gave Leon a wink. "It's just that this is our first time on the surface and... well... we don't really know how to turn the latent magic in our songs off. We're sorry."

    She gave Leon a sad look. Melody gave a thumbs up and a nod of agreement.

    "We, uh, yeah. So Captain, would you be willing to let us travel with your crew? Even if it's just for a short while?" The nude woman tilted her head questioningly.
  4. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    I fold my arms and look the siren in the eyes for a while. I stare intensely, testing her character, seeing if she'll stay true to her convictions. Time seems to slow down as we match gazes, a silent test of will between the two of us that makes the tension in the air so thick it's almost suffocating, even out here in the balmy sea breeze.
    "Yes, I can see it now...you do have honest eyes. Leif!"
    I turn to Leif, which he responds to with a firm nod.
    "I just have one question."

    "Alright...what is it?"
    I look to the sirens again...making sure to keep my gaze strictly at eye level.
    "...Why are they naked?"

    Leif shrugs and responds nonchalantly.
    "Well, they are sirens. For all we know, they might not have clothes back where they come from."

    I nod thoughtfully and turn back to Leif.
    "Fair enough. But if they're gonna be staying with us, they'll need clothes. Go below deck and pick some out for them."
    I then look towards the siren who...really seems to be in rough shape.
    "And for crying out loud, somebody get this girl some medical attention! She looks like she's about to keel over!"

    Leif nods and smiles back at Leon.
    "You got it, captain."
    He then turns to the sirens and motions to the nearest stairway.
    "Come on, let's get below deck. We'll get you treated first, then we'll worry about the clothes."
    Before leading them down there, Leif looks back to Leon one more time.
    "Thanks, Leon."

    I chuckle back to Leif.
    "Don't thank me yet. They're your responsibility now, so if they end up causing trouble, it's on you."
    Leif responds with a quick thumbs-up as he leads the sirens below deck. Once they're out of sight, I look up to the crow's nest and call out to the crewman stationed there.
    "Hey! Do you see anything yet?"

    He looks down to me, seeming a little unsure.
    "Well, captain...it almost looks like someone else has been through here just recently. I can see what looks like some corpses in elven armor scattered around. Do you think the Boar is still around?"
    I rub my chin, taking a moment to think about it.
    "Donavan...? But how'd he get into a fight with the elves?"
    Then the realization hits me.
    "That's it. He must have run into them on the way out of Levia Infernis! I hope his crew's alright."

    Even the man in the crow's nest seems suspicious of that answer.
    "Uh...are you sure, captain? This seems a little out of the way if they were just trying to get away from the island."
    I think it over, but end up sticking to my guns.
    "No, that must be it. I wonder if he needs help...ah, what am I thinking, those guys can take care of themselves just fine."

    The man in the crow's nest shrugs.
    "Well, if they are still here, we'll find out pretty soon. Since our ship's faster, we'll probably make it there pretty soon after they do."
    He kept this thought to himself, talking under his breath in the crow's nest where nobody could hear him.

    Leif led the three sirens to the infirmary, where they received new clothes after the injured siren was quickly given the treatment she needed from the ship's healer. When things had finally started to calm down, Leif sat down and looked towards the siren trio.
    "You know, I can't help feeling like we skipped a few steps here. Ah well, there were some "extenuating circumstances" to be sure and we've got plenty of time now, so let's catch up. For one thing, you girls have got names, right? I'm sure you don't want to just be "the sirens," especially after that little incident on the beach."
  5. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    OOT: Gah, dammit I don't have time to correct my whole post. Maybe. i dunno how to interpret a certain post.

    At some point during Karma's practice, a man came to listen. Paying him no mind, he continued. After h
    aving practiced his Vocale Violin for some time, Karma decided to take a break and see how everyone back on the ship was doing.
    Semira will probably be looking for me by now. Anyway, she still has by blood filter.
    Walking to the edge of the woods, he looked to the shore for the ship and saw... nothing. He stood there, calmly staring at the empty scene before him. The serene silence enveloped him.
    Then he snapped.
    Grabbing his hair and silently "yelling" in rage, he began kicking random random objects, angry at himself for not paying attention, and more importantly, how anyone could forget about him.

    Idiot! Idiots! Idiot! Idiots! Idiot! Idiots! Idiot! Idiots! Idiot! Idiots! Idiot! Idiots! Idiot! Idiots! Idiot! Idiots! Idiot! Idiots! WHYYYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!? WHY DIDN'T ANYONE COME FOR ME!?
    Then he stopped "yelling", rememebering the whole purpose why he was alone practicing his Void magic. It was also at this time he realized the man from before followed him, causing Karma to feel a slight sense of embarrassment. Ignoring his awkward feeling, he remembered the whole point of his practicing that caused him to miss the ship.
    No better time to try it out now, I guess.
    Getting into a playing position, he readied his violin and started playing a particular tune. Void threads wound together, creating a portal large enough for him step into. But this was nowhere near large enough. He continued playing, creating a giant portal the span of a few hundred yards, leading into the Void. Air screamed into it was sucked into the Void, acting like vacuum. A very strong vacuum that began to pick even him up.
    As impressive as this looks, if anything half the size of me gets inside this, it will collapse. I must always keep it ahead of me no more than ten feet, but I must not allow myself to actually slip into the Void. Dangerous, but theoretically possible to travel with.
    As he slowly rose into the air, Karma spoke to Sevgran using the violin.
    "If you are coming, hang onto my leg. I have no room to be carrying you."
    With his clothes and long hair whipping around him, he directed the giant portal to pull him into the sky. Angling the portal, he allowed himself to fly through the air as he played. Streaking across the sky at a breakneck speed, the giant portal's scream filled the air as he searched for the Dragon. Eventually, he saw a ship down below.
    Is that it?

    OOT: Edited to include Sevgran.
    #685 Core, Apr 19, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2017
  6. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Oran smiled as innocently as he could. "Did what on purpose? I didn't do anything."
    He walked across the deck on the ship and rested in the gunwal.
    "Don't you have something better to be doing than following me around? Like, I don't know fetching medicine for your poor sick grandmama?"
  7. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    As I make my way through the forest, I stop when I find myself at a clearing with a good view of the area from the top of the hill I'm standing on. I signal to my men behind me to move up and before long, the rest of the group catches up to me. I still wish Leif could've come with us and it'd be nice to have someone as strong as Mordred around, but we had to move fast because we're pressed for time.

    There's no doubt about it. That was the Boar we saw back there and I sure didn't see Donavan or Lorena at the helm. Thinking back, it does make sense, though. I mean, it would certainly explain the dead elves we came across. What was he thinking, sticking around here? Then again...it's not like he'd have any way of knowing just how bad this island is. That's why I'm out here right now with a scouting party; someone's got to warn them before it's too late! I made sure the rest of the crew knows what's going on and they'll follow us once they can get everyone ready. I just hope we don't run into any trouble before they get here.

    "Captain! We've got elves incoming!"

    Well...that figures. I draw my sword and call out to the crew.
    "Then it looks like we've got a fight on our hands! Get your guns out, ya landlubbers!!"
    With a loud battle cry, the crew draw their swords and pistols. My body tenses up; the elves are quick, so I know they could be here at any second. Sure enough, just as I'm starting to wonder where they are, I turn my attention to the sound of leaves rustling and see a group of elves coming right towards us. I raise my sword and give the order.

    We give a loud shout and rush right towards them! Gunshots ring out through the air, taking down a couple of the elves before they can reach us. Both sides soon close into melee range and the real fight begins.

    One of the scouts tries to bring his sword down on my head, but I manage to block it and push him back-- though not without some effort. Unfortunately, not only are they quick, they're tough, too. He takes a few more swings, which I quickly parry until I can find an opening in his defenses. The opportunity soon presents itself and with one quick motion, I close the gap between us and strike back! I didn't cut too deeply through his armor but my attack still slices his chest, leaving a gaping wound that sends him reeling back, yelling in pain.

    Then...something strange happens. He looks up at me and...smiles? Soon after, I understand why. His chest is, for lack of a better word, glowing and the wound, while still open, is slowly but surely closing itself up. That's incredible...he doesn't look like a healer and I didn't even see him cast any spells, so this must be some kind of natural healing ability the elves have! I suspected it in our last few encounters and I'd say this confirms it. I narrow my eyes, giving him a firm stare.
    "Neat trick. But I think it's only fair that you know..."
    I sheath my sword and put my hands out to my sides. Light gathers around my open palms as I imagine the weapons I'm about to summon.
    "...We've got a few tricks up our sleeve, too!"
    A pair of swords materialize in my hands and suffice it to say, the elf isn't smiling anymore. Before he can wipe that shocked look off of his face, I dash towards him and bring down both swords in a powerful X-shaped slash, cutting him down for good this time.

    Another elf attacks me from behind, but fortunately I manage to turn around just in time and block his attack. We trade blows for a while and seeing that he's outmatched, the elf starts looking for a way out.
    "Not on my watch!"
    I plant my swords in the ground and summon a pair of pistols, both of which I quickly unload into the scout. As he staggers backwards, nearly falling over, I grab my swords in a reverse grip and charge forward. I strike the elf with a strong upward slash from both swords before bringing them down into his chest.

    Once he's down, I turn towards the others. It looks like they've taken care of the rest. I give them a proud smile and motion for us to continue on.
    "Come along, we can't keep our new friends from the Boar waiting!"
  8. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    OOT: Assuming Sevgran came along for the ride. If he didn't ignore anything related to him.

    After realizing the ship belonged to nobody He knew, Karma continued on. After a while, he eventually reached land, seeing a river. Knowing that settlements normally lined rivers or were located near them, he followed it as he flew through the air.

    At this point, they are already gone. I'll need to stop at the nearest town and start buying parts for a makeshift filter. I left mine with that bloodsucker.
    However, he spotted a ship on the large river before he could find a town. Getting closer, he realized it was the Dragon, much to his joy. Screaming across the sky, he made his way towards the ship. Thanks to the size of the portal's size and vacuum strength, the immediate area was disturbed by the flow of air slightly. Deciding to land near the ship on an open area by the river's edge, Karma tried for a careful touchdown. He neared the ground, but the unstable portal clipped the top of the trees, causing him and his passenger to drop to the ground when the screeching portal collapsed and died entirely.
    Not as soft of a landing I was hoping for, but it beats walking.
    Getting up, Karma left his passenger and began to run for the ship, hoping to find Semira still on board. He hoped she did not get too hungry and start sucking the crew dry. He ran up the gangplank, looking around for her.
    "Semira! Where are? Wait, where is everyone!?"
    Not seeing Leon and the amount of crew members needed for the ship, Karma began to get suspicious.

    Innacent watched the images within the orb as it began cracking from her crushing clutches. The maid that stood with her grew worried, making distance between herself and the goddess of judgement.

    "My lady, perhaps you shoul-"
    "No!" Her yell scared the maid. "I must watch this! I must know what happens to this... this... creature!"
    Angered nearly to the point of tears, she watched the moment the orb showed how their world had abruptly ended. Innacent watched him pointlessly float through the Void, with nothing to do. She began losing interest in him upon seeing this, knowing that just like everyone else, he was stuck there.
    So this is the fate of those caught within the Void? To float purposelessly in a place without existence? A fate that I see no wrong with for this man, save that he should have suffered for his wrongs.
    After using the fast-forward function, she cut to the part where he left the Void using his violin, something that made her start with surprise.
    How!? How did he escape!? If I knew how, I could save my people here as well!
    Innacent watched the man's actions following his escape from the Void, which involved him meeting with a group of sailors and other individuals within a cave. The man stuck with the crew, got to now them, and had an amount of shenanigans. She expected him to start slaughtering them, but he seemed free of the evil she had seen of him in the earlier footage of the orb. The only sounds recorded by the orb were those made by the violin, so she knew nothing of the other individuals or their conversations.
    But then she came to something that filled her with pure rage. At one point, the man had come in contact with a woman that had tackled him, then drank his blood after giving permission.
    When Innacent heard this through the orb, she hated him. She hated the man she once knew for making a slave out of someone. And not only was it just a person, it was another woman. One who would suffer a terrible fate.
    Her grip tightened on the orb, ready to break at any moment.

    "You! A thousand years of the purest suffering is not enough to atone for your wrongs!"

    Name: Lily
    Age: 22
    Sex: Female
    Weapons: Sliver Cross of Healing, and Lead Cross of Forgiveness
    Special abilities: Healing and "Forgiving"
    Appearane: 5'6" tall, has golden hair and brown eyes, white skinned, and normally wears a nun's outfit. Her skin is pale and her body is lean.
    Background: She is the sister of Sevgran. The two both had roles in the church, and she chose to become a nun. Her brother left as a holy knight, and the two have not seen each other for years.
    A lone nun ran through the forest, the last surviving member of her group. Elves had descended upon them, and she barely managed to escape. Tears stained her face.

    Everyone died! Killed by those awful elves! And I couldn't save any of them!
  9. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    "Loot them, then dump the bodies out of sight." Donavan said as he rummaged through the belongings of the elf scout he had killed.
    "Aye, the elfs must be thinking all men are push overs. They be wrong"As he spoke he pulled a strange crystal from the elf. It glowed a dull blue and had an intrigue design.
    "Hmm this long ear must've been a captain of sorts, not many can afford trinkets like these..."
    Getting up Donavan surveyed the area making sure there weren't any more ambushes in wait.
    "Come on lads, we must be getting close to the princess. Group of elfs wouldn't embark on a suicide attack unless we be right on their heels"
    Donavan led his crew further inland.

    Upon finding a clearing Donavan and his crew saw a large ruin. It was like any other elf structure, richly adorned with carvings, statues and glyhs. In the center of the ruin was a pedestal with a carved inlay just big enough for the crystal he found. Examining the pedestal and pulling out the crystal Donavan decided to place it in the center. A large glowing portal ripped open at the center of the ruin when the crystal was placed, sigh Donavan spoke.
    "Gods I hate portals..... Alright lads seems we've stumbled upon something eh"
  10. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    Sevgran landed about as gracefully as Karma did, along with Eth, Standing up he brushed himself off and had Eth follow the trail that was left behind by him. After following the path uninterrupted he came up to a ship, He saw both Karma and a female standing aboard. He had no idea what was going on, so he walked on the plank to enter the ship, but stood right outside of entrance under the circumstances he wasn't invited into the ship.

    "I've already crossed lines by standing on this plank, I refuse to take a step onto this vessel without properly being invited onboard. I have no right nor place here until allowed."
  11. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Trinity stretched like a cat would and got out of bed. She stretched once more feeling refreshed for the day. She turned towards Mordred an smiled
    "I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be. The least I can do is help keep an eye an ear out for anything suspicious."
    She walked over towards Mordred ready to take on the day. Being with him gave her courage. She suddenly heard a lot of rustling around above deck
    "I can't really tell, but is seems like there is some action going on above deck, its sounds like everyone is leaving"

    Piper sighed and then followed not far behind him
    "Actually I don't. My grandmother passed away ages ago. You would know that if you paid more attention to me"
    she crossed her arm again and let out a huff of frustration.
    "If my presence bothers you that much I can just simply...disappear"
    She smirked and suddenly vanished in front of him.
    "So are you going to go with them or stay here?"

    Semira had crawled into a chest that was in the room she was placed in which was below deck. She closed herself in it to prevent any sun from hitting her in case someone would come in the room and she had fallen asleep waiting for the sun to set. She heard a voice call out to her and her ears twitched, she opened her eyes.
    she called out from the chest
    "'I'm in here!"
    she had hoped he would have heard her from where she was but she tried

    Lorena saw the glowing and her eyes instantly lit up. She was suddenly leaning on Donavans shoulder looking at the glowing crystal
    "She be a beaut"
    she wanted so much to hold it...maybe keep it for herself. But she knew Donavan probably wouldn't have it. It was at this point the crew started moving further and found themselves standing in front of a pedestal. She watched as Donavan set the crystal on it which then opened a portal

    Lorena studied the portal and the crystal.
    "How do we know this portal be safe?"
    she walked over to the crystal nudging Donavan out of the way, she picked up the crystal and watched as the portal closed.
    she placed the crystal back and waited for the portal to open again. Then removed the crystal this time counting in her head how long it took for the portal to close before placing it back on the pedestal
    "Well then"
    she stepped back studying the portal an crystal some more
    she snapped her finger and pointed at the ground next to her, gesturing for him to come and stand in that spot. Larry hesitantly obeyed and stood before Lorena. Lorena looked him up and down and then smirked. Next thing Larry knew he was being shoved into the portal.
    Seeing that he made it through alive, Lorena commented
    "well it seems safe enough to walk through"
    Larry was on the other side of the portal laying on the ground looking around terrified. He got up and patted himself making sure he was still alive. He then brushed himself off and turned to face Lorena who was on the other side waving with a smirk. Larry gave Lorena a dirty look, Lorena just shrugged it off then looked at Donavan
    "Well after ye captain, I made sure it be safe and Larry still be alive"
    #691 Miss Elegent Serenity, Apr 22, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2017
  12. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Hearing her faint voice, Karma ran below deck, following Semira's voice.
    "I'll be there in a minute!"
    Finding the room where the sound came from, he began looking around for her.
    Where is she? I was certain she would be in here... wait, isn't she allergic to sunlight?
    He began popping open containers, until he found the chest she occupied. Careful not to let sunlight in, he popped it open carefully.
    "Are you feeling alright in there? It's about time for your daily antidote, and I need that special filter back."
    By "antidote", he meant his blood, the blood he had lied about being poisoned. If Semira's mind truly believed this, she should be feeling the affects as her mind played tricks on her. As he waited for an answer from Semira, he heard a thud, but paid no heed to it.
    Right now, I am more concerned with getting this done with this vampire.

    The orb Innacent held shattered under her intense grip, and she instantly vanished. The crystal shards of the orb dropped to the floor, making a soft tinkling of sound. The maid, who worriedly watched her mistress, jumped in shock. After taking in what had happened, with only a pile of shattered crystal remaining of her mistress, the maid rushed out of the storehouse, making her way to Innacent's parents to tell them of the disappearance.
    However, the maid made sure to bring along the item she had been granted to take, concealing it within her apron. She was not going to forget about such an opportunity.

    Innacent reappeared on a ship known as the "Dragon", at the same time Karma ran below deck. She had been placed on the edge of the deck, facing the forest and in the same position she had been back in the storehouse. Surprised by the sudden change in environment, she nearly fell forward. Regaining her balance by reaching back and grabbing the edge, she steadied herself and began looking around. Momentarily confused, she realized that breaking the orb must have transported her to Karma's vicinity. Spinning around and getting off the side of the deck, she began looking around. Not seeing Karma in plain sight, she pulled out her staff and slammed it down, a thud resounding throughout the ship as she yelled out in a voice of authority.

    "Where is the long-haired man that wears clothes of white and black, and carries a violin of voice? Bring him, this monster, before me! Refusal to do so shall result in your judgement!"
    She stood ready, her long, armored dress and wild lavender hair swaying in the breeze, with all nine of her tails flaring from her like petals. The goddess of judgement wore a truly serious expression, her red eyes seemingly piercing those she looked upon.
  13. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    @.@ gah, so much stuffs is happening now, man.

    "I'm Crescendo and my sister is called Forte," Crescendo said pointing to herself and then to the red head lying down.

    The green haired siren stepped up, "I'm Melody. It's nice to meet you," she said shyly.

    "Melody is our teacher, though she doesn't really seem like it."

    "The minnow is afraid of her own shadow!" Forte laughed. "OW!" Melody smacked her on the head.

    "Respect at all times," the elder siren said to her pupil.

    "So... yeah... uh. I hope us being on your island isn't going to cause too many problems."

    Melody stepped up to Leif, getting into his personal space, "Do you know of someone who could remove or lessen the magical effects of our singing?"
  14. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Leif blinked a few times at Melody who was a little too close for comfort.
    "Well, I can't say I do, but if you stick around with us for a while I'm sure something will come up."
    He gave a weary sigh.
    "After all, stranger things have happened to this group."
    Then he shook his head and turned to Crescendo.
    "By the way, this place here, definitely not my island. It's called Levia Infernis and trust me, nobody in their right mind stays here any longer than they have to."
    He looked around at the three sirens with a warm smile.
    "Well, now that we've all been introduced, welcome aboard! I'm the acting captain while Leon's out so if you need anything, just let me know. But don't be surprised if we put you to work pretty soon, you picked a crazy time to join up and we need all the help we can get."

    Just then, a member of the crew came bursting into the room, looking panicked and out of breath.
    "Man, am I glad I found you, sir!"
    He whispered into Leif's ear, informing him of everything that was happening on deck.

    Leif's face quickly turned to one of deep concern as he heard the report.
    "Well...thanks for the heads-up. Dismissed."
    As the crewman gave a salute and ran off, Leif turned to the sirens again.
    "Like I said, you caught us at a pretty busy time. We're heading for the center of the island so if you can fight, we could use your help. But first...it seems we have some more guests."
    He motioned towards the door.
    "Let's get moving."


    The pirates who were on deck were at first unsure of what to do with the man standing just outside the ship, then absolutely terrified when a mysterious being appeared from seemingly nowhere, demanding to see a man with a violin. They huddled together, whispering to each other in shaky voice.
    "It sounds like she wants Karma...what should we do?"
    "I don't know. If Captain Leon were here, he'd know what to do!"
    "Well...at least First Mate Leif is still here. He can handle it, right? Where is he?"
    Their eyes darted back and forth to the woman and just as they were thinking of talking to her, Leif appeared from below deck.

    Leif approached the pirates and spoke up, looking around to see what was going on.
    "Alright, what's the situation up here?"

    With a look of relief on their faces, one of the pirates whispered back.
    "Sir, this woman appeared from thin air! She's asking for someone who sounds a lot like Karma. Speaking of Karma, he came back with with that devil girl and they took one of the rooms below deck. Also, there's a man just kinda...standing around just outside the ship."
    Leif nodded and motioned below deck.
    "I'll handle things here. We're almost ready to follow the captain, right? Tell everyone we're heading out right away. By the time we get everyone together, I'll have this all cleared up."

    The men saluted and responded in unison.
    "Yes, sir!"
    They left to carry out their orders.

    Leif turned to the man just outside the ship and called out to him.
    "Hey man, you're welcome to come aboard, but you've kinda caught us at an awkward time so if you need something, you'll have to give me a second."
    He then turned his attention to the woman.
    "I'm gonna take a shot in the dark here and say you were the one who made that loud thumping noise a minute ago."
    He was slightly intimidated by her commanding and regal, almost divine presence, but he wasn't about to let that show.
    "You're looking for Karma...is that about right? To be honest, I don't completely trust the guy and I wouldn't be surprised if he's made some enemies. But for right now, he's still part of this crew and if you're after him, I need to know why. If I just turned him over without knowing that much, well, I don't think I'd get a whole lot of sleep tonight."
    The woman's piercing glare unsettled him in a way he couldn't fully explain, however, he showed no signs of backing down.

    Mordred was about to respond when a loud thud reverberated through the ship, barely audible from where they were but still noticeable. With a wary look, he turned to Trinity.
    "It sounds like something else may be taking place as well. We should investigate. Knowing the abysmal fortune this crew experiences on an almost daily basis, it could very well be trouble."
    He checked one last time to make sure he had all of his equipment before looking to Trinity again.
    "For now, consider your combat training postponed. Your top priority is to stay close to me. I promise I will keep you safe, no matter what may come."
    With that, he made his way to the top deck of the ship with Trinity following behind.


    I make my way through the forest with my scouting party following me closely. We haven't had any more trouble from the elves and it looks like we're not going to, so I made a decision. Even if it is a little risky, I told my crew we're gonna double time it to the center. It's paying off so far. Moving together, we make it through the thickest part of the forest without much trouble and now we're getting pretty close. I call out to everyone one more time.
    "We're almost there! We don't know who we'll run into out here so keep your eyes peeled!"
    The crew gives a shout in reply and I turn my full attention back to the path ahead.

    We make it through the forest to a clearing and at the center of the island we find...the Boar's crew! I can recognize them right away. At the same time, I can't help but notice something else...is that a portal? Did they open a portal?! After taking a moment to catch my breath, I call out to Donavan and Lorena.
    "Ahoy! I must've heard ye wrong when ye said ye were leaving!"
    I let out a hearty laugh.
    "Well, whatever it is that kept ye around, I'm glad I caught ye here. It be dangerous here, more than ye might expect. We've barely been survivin' by the skin of our teeth. Why'd ye stay around this gods-forsaken island, anyhow?"
  15. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    The warden sat atop his tower, looking over all those below forced into labor in his Prison, Ingris; The respected Warden of his abode, looked more at his Prison as a castle than a graveyard of Sinners and Dregs. The Prison stretched thousands of Acres and was well hidden. Disguised by ruins and forestry. Though no corpses around his rise, they lined the floor of the mining shafts, burying would be inconvenient, and inefficient. he let them rot and had the crows get at them.

    Ingis, They called the Bastard. Warden Ingris.
  16. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Innacent directed her attention to Lief, the only one to respond to her so far. The scar-faced goddess turned slightly, the chains that hung from her clothes swinging in response to her movement.
    "Must you know? If I were to tell you the reason why, sleep shall not come to you tonight, knowing the monster you had among your own people. That man has escaped judgement and death long enough. Knowing this, do you still truly wish to know, or will you unquestioningly bring him to me and allow judgement to be passed?"
    #696 Core, Apr 24, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2017
  17. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    Maurith rode the sky, as Mela observed below. Coming across the Wardens domain Mela could sense something, They flew lower, and as they did they noticed an archeological team dug up a petrified Dragon. Flying downward they broke through the dome of the Prison and towards it. Mela landed, Just by the petrified dragon, The Prisoners long dead, just as the mines. There wasn't any signs of life there at all. Maurith got off of Mela and walked towards it. Placing his hand on it's head he pulled away and he saw the old stone was covered in dust still.

    He marked the dragon with a brand, for the means of awakening it, Mela imprinted this new dragon's location into her memory. Suddenly from the darkness a voice echoed, It was a bellowing voice, deep, and simultaneously ominous, It came from multiple directions. Maurith looked around trying to pinpoint exactly where it was coming from but to no avail. Finally he stepped from the shadows.

    "Another Dreg thinking he owns the world. trespassing upon a place that isn't your god given duty, I will assume you've no idea who I am. So I will explain, I am Ingris, this is my castle. I am your judge, Jury, and Executioner. If i decide you're not to be here, Then I will it, If i Decide you're mine, You work exclusively for me." Ingris reached to his back and unsheathed his greatsword,though he stood tall and relaxed. He was only waiting for the perfect opportunity. His clones were on each side of Maurith and Mela, Mela could only concentrate on one of them and Maurith needed to defend her if need be.

    Maurith's imposing figure did nothing to Ingris. He had no time to wait, He unsheathed his blade and started to charge toward Ingris, He understood his demands perfectly well, However he could not heed his warning. There was a fight that was going to happen regardless if he wanted it or not.

    Ingris evaded to the left of Maurith and quickly slammed his great sword into Maurith's chest, However he hit him with the blunt end. Finally his duplicates came from the shadows and leaped quickly towards Mela placing their great sword right on Mela's skull and the other dug it into her wing, Preventing any flight from happening. Mela quickly submitted realizing it was certain death.

    "I wont kill you, I wont kill your dragon, In exchange for your loyalty, You will be mine. Your fate is mine to share. If you're to die it will be by my hand. Ceri- cin heni- "

    Maurith was stunned that Ingris could speak a common tongue with him, Without hesitation he bowed to Ingris. Recognizing his defeat.

    Sevgran heard Leif and walked aboard, He felt uneasy about the goddess on the ship speaking to Leif only because he wanted to give a proper introduction to the captain, Instead he sat down right next to where he entered and waited for Leif to take notice in his free time.
  18. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Semira looked up as the chest was being opened, she was relieved to see him thinking he might have left her to her demise. She nodded when he asked if she was feeling alright.
    "Just hungry and a little weak"
    she handed him the filter back, she to heard the thud above
    "What is happening?"

    Trinity noticed everyone was gone aside from a select few people. She whispered to Mordred
    "Where did everyone go, do you know"
    she then spotted a woman with a staff who seemed to be looking for someone
    "who is she?"

    Lorena ears twitched when she heard Leon call out to them
    "Oh look it be captain wannabe"
    she said loud enough for only Donavan to hear, before turning her attention towards the crystal.
  19. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Karma shrugged, then proceeded with preparing the filter. Taking off his coat and rolling up his sleeve, he pressed the needle into his arm. He held out the output end of the filter to Semira. By letting her feed, he would be killing two birds with one stone, or more accurately, he would kill one bird while killing the other with that same stone. His blood needed to be cleansed, she needed food and a filter between them saw to it that could be safely done.
    If I were in a rush, I would let her bite down on me, but right now, it would taste too badly if she were to drink directly from me.
    But after rethinking her question, Karma felt that simply ignoring the sound she mentioned would be foolish.
    "Can you hold out a while longer for me to check that sound? Or do you need to feed now?"
    #699 Core, Apr 25, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2017
  20. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Mordred whispered back.
    "She is dangerous. That is all I can say for certain."
    His blade reacted strongly to the goddess' power, burdening him with a strong, instinctual urge to either strike at once or run away quickly. Though he kept his composure, it was impossible to deny that he felt deeply unsettled by her mere presence, not knowing if someone of such great magical prowess is a friend or a foe. Even so, he kept his feelings in check and kept a calm, steady gaze locked on her even as he spoke to Trinity.
    "Apocrypha is warning me that she is a being of incredible power. It would be in our best interest not to provoke her."

    Leif let out a sigh.
    "I wish you hadn't told me that. I might've even done what you're asking if you didn't already tell me that you were planning to kill him. Here's the deal. I don't have any reason to trust him...but I don't have any reason to trust you, either. I'm sure you can see the moral dilemma that makes for me, right?"

    At this point, Mordred stepped forward and spoke up.
    "We should do as she says. Find Karma and bring him out here. Whatever his fate may be is none of our concern."

    Leif turned to him with a look of annoyance.
    "You know, I should have figured you'd say something like that. Always looking out for number one, aren't you? Unfortunately, some of us on this ship have this funny little thing called a conscience and--"

    "You can sense it, can you not? On some level, you must realize what it is we are dealing with."
    Leif hesitated to respond. Though he didn't feel it as deeply as Mordred did, he could tell that something was...different about this woman. Deep down, he had the feeling that she was just as frighteningly powerful as she was otherworldly and mysterious. After a few moments, he gave his rebuttal.
    "What if I'm sending an innocent man to his death?"

    Mordred gave him a firm glare.
    "What if you are condemning everyone on this ship to die for a guilty man?"

    After a brief moment of silence, Leif turned back to the mysterious woman, a look of resignation in his expression.
    "If I bring him out here to you...can I at least hear his side of the story before I let you "judge" him?"

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