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The New Release Club's General discussion

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Supernatural-Knight, May 6, 2013.

  1. Natsuru-san Trophy Hunter

    Apr 22, 2013
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    Almost finished with Assassination classroom (Yes I am still watching this subbed). Just 6 more eps left to go.

    @Ovyda I have to disagree with Netoge being generic in any way. One of my fav genre is ecchi but when you've seen the amount of ecchi anime I have, you tend to notice most just rinse and repeat. It's always the same crap. Netoge on the other hand didn't have that at all. (Though it did sadly have a few fan service scenes around the half way point but that's not ecchi) It was an ecchi that brought a lot to the table. Sure, the story may not be much but then again, how many anime also cover a story revolving around trying to get someone to see the difference between video games and reality? Last I counted, not a one that I've seen or heard of. I will agree it has a ton of similar set ups like a school festival, a beach episode, a test of courage but even within those there are still moments where it does things differently from other anime even ones not ecchi that have those themes. Sure at times not by much, fairly small but still. Me thinks the reason why you say it's generic is because of the settings in that oh, it's a school, focuses on life, having fun with friends and so on which, half if not more of the anime made for many years have been just that but ulike them, this has unexpected turns, fresh ecchi (and comedy in gen) and while it may not be the greatest and I personally feel the last 2 eps were not as great as the majority of the show, it still was great and I hope for a sequel as there's clearly more in the manga & novels.
  2. Ovyda The Phantom Member

    Apr 11, 2013
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    You call that anime ecchi...?
  3. Natsu Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    No Problem, hope you enjoy the rest of the anime
    Not surprising, there was another 8 episode anime and that was Black Rock Shooter, but Arlan having 8 episodes? Pretty weird, also the one for Seven Deadly Sins is a special and not a sequel to the first season so it's understandable, but ReLife releasing all episodes in just a matter of weeks? What the heck is going on here? Anyways what I've gotta say about the current anime I'm watching:

    Berserk: Blood and gore on the very first episode? Nice one, the 3D is annoying at times, but it compensates during the episode with all the action and gore

    D.Gray-man Hallow: Kinda miss the old cast, but at least it's a fresh start from back then and continuing with the story, let's see some style there

    Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 3rei!!: Now as a sequel, I'm kinda impressed by it for now, still can't get used to Sapphire's new voice:(, but let's see what happens

    Love Live! Sunshine!!: No comments here, the nostalgic feel on this episode is amazing it felt like I was watching Love Live! from scratch again, oh wait, I just did

    Rewrite: Wasn't prepared for that 1hr episode, but overall it was a good episode to introduce the MC and the heroines of the anime, got the tissues ready for the feels

    Shokugeki no Soma Ni no Sara: Good start here on this episode, now I gotta get more meal to watch the anime and I finished the first anime a week before this one

    Taboo Tattoo: Seems promising, though as someone that loves action, this one had so much good action that it just might work out for it in the end

    Still waiting for one more anime to start airing and that's Mob Psycho 100, created by the same person who created One-Punch Man, plus there's always that one anime that I start watching near the end of the season, it's a bad habit but it's worth it
  4. Natsu Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    I get that feel bro, somehow it reminded me of Infinite Stratos for some reason, only with less armor but that is just me, also about other Spring anime you could watch, here are these two suggestions

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable (only if you watched the other JoJo anime)
    Space Patrol Luluco, so much comedy in there

    I've got nothing else there, life has been killing me recently
  5. Natsuru-san Trophy Hunter

    Apr 22, 2013
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    @Natsu Oh I am indeed, but sadly the anime has lost something that made it so great. They've dropped the ball on Koro-sensei's reactions and jokes too. I still have 4 eps to go but about to be 3.

    I was considering watching Hundred until you said it reminded you of IS... tell me up front, is it like that anime or not and does it include another Ichika? ...

    I do and so does MAL and if I recall right, this is getting a Dub so, so too will JD when it gets added.

    Proof from MAL.
    Genres: Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, School

  6. Natsu Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Don't worry, he's not oblivious like Ichika, just change a few things that I'll spoiler here:
    MC: Actually shows feelings for main girl
    Main girl: Imagine Charlotte but with smaller bust and of royalty
    Tsundere: Imagine Houki but with "plot"
    An idol has a crush on MC
    There's actually another guy in this anime part of the secondary cast
    Aliens attacking the place
    School is on a ship
    MC has an incapacitated little sister
    Even more fanservice than IS
    So yeah, it's almost the same, in my opinion at least

    I think MAL at times listed a few extra genres than it should be, or forgets to add genres for the anime, whatever comes first, but hey seeing is believing, I'll watch and reconsider
  7. Ovyda The Phantom Member

    Apr 11, 2013
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    Im not asking what MAL adds... its what you actually think. Yes, there is some fanservice but its very very very mild compared to Hundred for example. What I said its "generic shit", not "generic echhi". Netoge really didnt have anything better than average. Story was meh, comedy was meh, characters were meh, etc. Its just meh overall anime.
  8. Natsuru-san Trophy Hunter

    Apr 22, 2013
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    @Ovyda Nor was I saying I believe Netoge to be an ecchi just cus MAL adds the title. (I merely used it for proof) I've seen for myself how they sometimes (rarely I should add) drop the ball on that. *cough*Freezing beingaharemwhenit'snot*cough* But I have seen Netoge, and countless other ecchi anime and I am saying it is an ecchi anime. However we won't agree it seems and that's fine. You have your beliefs and feelings toward Netoge and I mine so we'll just have to agree to disagree.

    @Natsu Oh it tots fits all the genre MAL listed, though I guess some might say not for ecchi but you be the judge. lol

    Speaking of which, I finished assassination Classroom. I rated it an 8.0... I SWEAR IT WAS THE CHAR DEV THAT UPPDED THE RATING!!! I can't say I was truly happy with the ending nor how almost half the season it wasn't that good at times and lost a lot of it's charm here and there. I rated S1 a 7.5 and despite all that, it was the char dev, the lessons on life and so on that made me feel it was a bit better than S1 despite losing so much and my conflicted feelings toward the ending.

    I seriously hated how they had to kill Koro-sensei. :( It also wasn't clear if Koro-sensei was just exhausted or actually dying. I know he said "You wouldn't let a dying target escape now would you?" but that also wasn't clearly relayed given the circumstances. For example, in less than 3 hours that beam was going to fire and kill him anyway so one could say dying target was said cus of the beam. Another could say he took too much damage and was dying. To add insult to injury, 2.0 got into that barrio and HOW exactly did he do this? The jacket like guitar case he was covered up in. Sure, one could argue he was there with that scum bag the whole time but would Koro-sensei with his great sense of smell and everything REALLY not smelt, heard, seen etc. them coming? I could understand if he was distracted like when they made their entrance but the whole time for days? I don't think so.
    So that whole time I was thinking great! The class will save him using that and get him out of there in time... but they didn't... Adding in another plot hole was Kayano. Koro-sensei used some of his cells right to heal her and said "in time her body's own cells will recover and replace his." But there she was, got fire with the beam and still fine, np. Umm, WHAT!? She needed those cells or they'd all fall apart but if the bea hit her she wouldn't be fine and no way her body regen'd THAT quickly.

    So ya, conflicting feelings on the ending including that Kayano still wasn't with Nagisa. (And did he really have to cut his hair? -_-)

    Over all I thank everyone who talked me into watching this Assassination Classroom which I believe @Supernatural-Knight was also one of the ones responsible for talking me into almost 2 years ago. (wow how time flies)
  9. Natsu Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Here's what I've gotta say about the new anime I'm watching

    Mob Psycho 100: Seriously?!?!?! This show just screams awesomeness by just looking at the animation and the character's reactions, I wonder how similar is it to One-Punch Man? Guess we'll find out as time goes on

    New Game!: Man, this one relaxed me by making me laugh a little, plus we get to see how a company develops a video game, just like how we saw in Shirobako! how anime is developed and created

    And of course there's still that obligatory last minute anime that I suddenly start watching at the near end of the season, probably around episode 8 or so, and finally, I've got only 2 anime that I'll watch for the Fall Season, will see if there's any other tempting ones around
  10. Natsuru-san Trophy Hunter

    Apr 22, 2013
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    Not much anime this season for me to post on, the few that interest me I'm waiting for a dub or have been laxy and haven't started watching the sub. That said I am continuing the Dub of Yugioh! Arc-V which started back airing again 2 weeks ago, or was that 3? Anyway, I also started back on Monster Strike after about half a year of it started back airing. Needless to say but, their crappy surprise hiatus and on a major liff hanger did NOT sit well with me, tis why I said when it does air again, I still won't watch it for a long time just incase they pull that stunt again. Guess I finally felt up to watching it and with a recently aired 51 min ONA ep and a movie now in the works, was time I start back on it.

    As for last season, I'm glad some of the ones I was waiting for a dub of are now getting a dub later this year so I plan to start on those when they release fully. (I remember one of them was releasing in parts which I hate)

    @Natsu So did you give Netoge a chance? What's your opinion of it thus far? (Or over all if you've finished it)
  11. Supernatural-Knight Asylum Game Master Moderator

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Well I've been meaning to get back to this thread for a while now, I swear I must be one of the laziest people if I can't even be bothered typing a response to people I initiated a chat with. I've been doing this way too much recently, esp PMs, sorry everyone.
    But first:
    This season has a lot on offer, my personal favourites being Love Live Sunshine [I know it is a shock right?] and Amaama to Inazuma. My worst are Handa Kun and Hatsukoi Monster.

    @Negi-Springfield I wonder why I thought you liked dark material? But how good is Re Zero? I swear the ep or two after typing my last response to you I was growing tired of it because the despair had stopped, and then shit hit the fan. My god. Some of the recent eps, the despair can only be described as delicious. The witch's cult, oh my god that was some good scenes.
    As for similar to Bleach or Naruto, that's easy enough. But below 100 eps makes it a lot harder. Most shounen like them run for at least that many eps. Beelzebub is a shounen similar since fighting and comedy but I rated that a low 4 so I don't exactly recommend it. I'd probably go with Hajime no Ippo if you're willing to give another sports anime a chance, you know it has all the key elements of shounen. Getting stronger, challenging yourself, fighting, comedy and one that we don't see too often in these kinds of shows penis jokes. Or you could go with Gintama, just throwing that out there.

    @Natsuru-san I'm glad you enjoyed Ansatsu, time definitely flies. I want the bloody specials to be online already but no luck. I guess we will be forever waiting for them.
    About anime similar to Death Parade, I still have no idea, maybe Hell Girl in a sense. Judging people, some psychological torture. Other anime it may be similar to.... I'm drawing a blank.
    I still haven't begin Netoge because to much anime.
    Also there was nothing to worry about, I still don't like magical girl anime. I said it as a joke since one was starting this season that I thought could be interesting but Mahou Shoujo? Naria Girls is just so bad. It is nothing like Tesagure or Straight Title Robot Anime.
    As for Monster Strike I just finished the 51 min ep. I originally started this show because it was a short, but after watching that I could go for full length episodes. I enjoy Monster Strike a lot despite being childish, wait that might be why I like it. I want even more of it.
  12. ShadowLinks Hero of Time

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Wow time flies. The season is starting to peak with final plot lines coming together, so whats everyone's opinions so far?

    Saiki Kusou - I have never like 5 min eps. Until now. Just brilliant.
    Shokugeki - I loved the first one, I love the second one, although the dishes are getting a bit more complicated to make irl :(
    Re:zero - You never know what each ep is going to bring. It toys with you in the same manner that a lot of "hopeless" styled animes recently have done.
    91 Days - Prohibition style gang war and revenge? Not bad.
    Alderamin of the Sky - The smart tactical MC is starting to get beaten to death, but the dedicated laziness and empathy that the character brings keeps me very interested
    Sweetness and Lightning - SO ADORABLE
    Amanchu - Honestly I was just interested because I scuba dived. Kind of over par for the course despite the different direction.
    DAYS - Gotta love those try hard sports anime
    Mob Psycho 100 - The style hurt my eyes in the first ep and the humor kinda missed me. Not up to the hype for me
    Planetarian - Its like Plastic memories, but shorter and better
    Qualidea Code - Im loving this actually despite the lack of explanation for world building, surprising considering how much i like having that.
    New Game! - Something to look at if i want to see cute characters...
    Rewrite - Not sure where i stand on this yet.....got a little to weird too quick....or something like that
    Servamp - odd combination of light MCs but brutal action. Also Sloth is a cute cat :3
    Taboo tattoo - Flop of the season. Doesn't pull off the humor/dark switch like Servamp, has worse world building that Qualidea Code, and MCs are horribly cliched.
  13. Natsuru-san Trophy Hunter

    Apr 22, 2013
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    @Supernatural-Knight There's plenty of specials and what not I want online and subbed or dubbed but dub doesn't exist and then subs don't exist and then most of the time, they just refuse to put em online... so yeah, point is, I know the feeling.

    I've seen only the 1st season of Hell Girl dubbed when it aired on TV many years ago (Back when I still had TV and cared for it), I really should get around to seeing the 2nd season dub and 3rd season subbed. (Since no dub exists sadly...) So if it's like Hell Girl then I'll prolly like it but not a big priority anime to watch for me.
    Most magical girl anime is not that good or bad in gen and ones that are ok are seriously lacking. If you haven't already, watch Sailor Moon, Viz dub. Atm there's 89 eps dubbed which brings u to the end of S2, S3 part 1 (ugh, I hate it's in parts, means more wait time) for the new dub is releasing around the end of the year. Prolly another 2-6 months before part 2 releases.
    And while u continue to watch it, I dropped it after seeing ep 23 and debating whether it was worth continuing or not. Imo, it is not. It was WAAAAY better before they did the surprise cliff hanger abruptly stopping the anime for a few months and it did them no good. S2 as I will call it here is sadly not that great, sure it has it's moments but most of it is just awful compared to the promise the 1st 16 or so eps had before the cut off. in fact, I'm so uninterested in the anime now that I won't even bother to see the 2 specials that are about 45 mins long. Point is, I'm just very disappointed in the anime as it had so much potential and it botched it all up.
  14. VeritasOdiumParit Cult of Personality

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Two new releases for this autumn (fall) are: Drifters and Occult;Nine both plots intrigue me and sound promising.
  15. OtakuSenseiHig Trophy Hunter

    Apr 21, 2013
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    since i have been gone for god knows how long i feel as though i should talk about my thoughts on the anime that started and ended from winter to now

    Winter -

    Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: Season 2 of this show touched near the end and without jumping into spoiler territory, despite its short run its going to be an anime i will miss. you know except the fact they skipped some character's development to finish the show but no biggy.

    Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythem: i dropped this show at ep 1, the cg made me want to puke and while the trailer looked really intriguing, the show lacked the luster and polish the trailer created.

    Boku Dake ga Inai Machi: now despite how many people hate the ending of the show and how Satoru found his ending and the murderer, i wholeheartedly enjoyed everything out of this show, heck i even got my brother back into anime by getting him to watch it. while i can see the gripe with the ending since i make many jokes about it, i honestly didnt find much fault for it, it was well explained in my opinion.

    Dagashi Kashi: i saw 5 episodes of this then dropped, i honestly barely even cracked a smile watching this, the jokes were flat and very japanese and the main characters werent interesting at all. not to mention after Hotaru stated her goal the next episode it was like the first episode never even happened and it became a new game of explain the sweet.

    Dimension W: when i first saw the show it honestly looked interesting and had a great opening. while it was on my to watch list, my friend kept pestering me to go watch it, and when i finally did i ended up dropping it around ep 5 or 6. its not like i couldnt finish the show but even if i did i would have given the show and average or lower rating anyway. other than the animation, opening, and great setting, i was mainly just watching the show for the robot girl.

    Gate: i really enjoyed season 2 of Gate and i hope for a season 3....not much to say about this tbh

    Hai to Gensou no Grimgar: now i understand what this show was doing and i understand why it was doing it. but i could not take this show, the characters were static too long for a 12 episode show, if it was longer i might have forgiven them but them doing nothing because of one person for like 3 - 4 episodes was too much. not to mention most of them could not get over it after a long period of time. like i said i understand what they were doing but even so it was too long. other than that, the music , opening (ver 2) and backgrounds were beautiful in this show, its pretty much the only thing that upped the rating on this show for me. i dropped it on about ep 9

    Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!: to blatantly say it, i did not like this show. the only enjoyment i found in it was seriously Kazuma. everyone felt like they were just there to make Kazuma do his "tsukkomi" act which was brilliantly done btw. however i did manage to finish the show, i am very conflicted if i should watch season 2 or not

    Musaigen no Phantom World: i watched this show just because it was kyoto ani. i really have to stop doing stuff like that. the last time i did this i watch some shit madhouse anime i didnt enjoy. basically i dropped this show at ep 4 because it felt it was just gonna be a new job every ep with silly antics while making the characters close to each other even though none of them were very well developed for you to care enough yet.

    Prince of Stride: i tried ep 1, i didnt hate it at all, then i dropped the show. thats pretty much it

    Shoujo-tachi wa Kouya wo Mezasu: i honestly do not hate this show from the eps I've seen and i would actually like to finish this show sometime in the future

    Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinju: all i can say is this is the winter 2016 dark horse of anime

    Spring -

    Bakuon: i dropped this show very early on, it felt as though the first initial eps that introduced the characters would lead into another K-on copy (i enjoy k-on). i was hoping this show would be good since i saw exactly how intiipated this anime was and was quickly let down

    Big Order: still havent seen ep 3 of this, frankily im just using this anime to make fun of Mirai Niki really so im not enjoying the story all that much.

    Boku no Hero Academia: sometime before or after this show came out i began to read the manga and i got crazy interested in the story and expecially like Deku and how he climbs to the power like in old shounen like Yu YU Hakusho

    Bungou Stray dog: i only watched ep 1 but even so i do plan to finish it

    anyway thats enough for tonight, night everyone
  16. OtakuSenseiHig Trophy Hunter

    Apr 21, 2013
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    continuing on from where i left off

    Flying Witch: in my opinion, this anime was very enjoyable and relaxing. While most anime during spring were action packed there was this anime and another that left a good taste in my mouth when it ended.

    Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable: this anime is still unfinished so i will speak about it when it finishes.

    Joker Game: this show has a very unique feel, while i have not dropped it yet, i have stalled it for quite sometime due to its very odd pacing.

    Kiznaiver: i expected to actually finish this show but i actually stopped watching because of the opening. oddly enough the text in it bugged me alot. still plan to watch more but for now it is on hold

    Mayoiga: well other than wasting the entire first episode to tell us who all the characters are, it was a very odd anime that left me a bad feeling enough to drop it. other than that, the only person i liked was the girl that always talked about execution because
    she tried to kill the main character

    Netoge no Yome wa Onna no ko Jyanai to Omoutta?: i am actually very sad im not done this anime yet, i really enjoyed it for what it was and how it presented its case of the main character and the heroine.

    Re: Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu: Now this anime blew up way more than i thought it would, it became so popular that is started to see the character Rem everywhere and Subaru became a very disliked character. Now in my opinion, if this anime were to get a second season i am not sure i would watch the show. let me explain. in the show it was really enjoyable and had a nice element of fantasy and an otaku gamer main character. However that's also where the show falls and it keeps falling. The show had him like Emilia, very obvious from episode 1, but it felt like a very forced and confusing love later on in the show and left people wondering why he loved her when it was obvious Rem was better. Now why do people think Rem was a better character than Emilia? well other than Subaru she is the only other character that had their character development fleshed out, even the girls in opening 1 were left out. For example, Beatrice was rarely seen after the opening changed to the point i actually forgot she was a character.

    Sakamoto Desu ga?: While this was a very enjoyable show with a hidden sad ending, it took me till episode 5 or 6 just to find this show really enjoyable without needing to fall asleep during my watch. however im one of the only people that dropped OPM and hates it's guts, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

    Sousei no Onmyouji: i stopped watching this at episode 4, while it isnt dropped, i am quite disappointed by the plot of this story.

    Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge: as mentioned in Flying Witch, this is the other anime that left a good taste in my mouth. It was a really relaxing story and its lightheartedness always left a smile on my face.


    Amaama to Inazuma: This anime was very lighthearted. when seeing someone like Tsumugi in the show, it always left me smiling and the tale of of a father just wanting to feed his daughter nice food after his wife died left a very nice feel to it.

    Berserk: this anime was generally hated by everyone in the community, however i actually enjoyed it. if you were to just ignore the animation it was still a nice story.....even though they skipped stories of Theresa and some other people and adding in Ishidoro early on, i rather enjoyed it.

    Danganronpa 3: im still waiting to finish this show and will talk about it when it is finished.

    Days: a soccer anime that felt like a soccer version of Baby Steps with a main character with a stupider face and an annoying personality enough to feel like punching him. Other than that i still enjoy this show and am still waiting for part 2 starting next week.

    Mob Psycho 100: I will talk about this after i finish the last episode.

    New Game: i originally looked at this show and thought to myself, i'm not going to like this' so i initially didnt watch it. however i was convinced into watching epissode 1 of the anime and i ended up dropping the show and now i think of it as a very boring show.

    Orange: i still need to finish this...though i read the original manga so when i finish the anime i will not differences and such.

    Rewrite: i recently finished the game (before Summer) and i ended up absolutely hating the show mainly because of the character design. though i have only seen episode 1 and 2 so i will watch more for a better review.

    Shokugeki no Soma: Ni no Sara: now this anime was unbelievably bad, it skipped many things that were needed to be seen and was rushing since the first scene of episode one. and ts not because i read the manga, the anime generally had a bad pacing

    Taboo Tattoo: i stopped watching after episode 1 but i plan to keep watching since people tell me the animation improved. the animation in episode 1 was very choppy to me so it made me very reluctant to watch the anime
  17. OtakuSenseiHig Trophy Hunter

    Apr 21, 2013
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    After finally finishing Mob Psycho i can say that i enjoyed the show way more than OPM, in my opinion mob psycho had a different type of essence to it. of course the idea of a bored superhero for fun sounds nice, i enjoyed the way that Mob Psycho fleshed out its characters and explained the story to the reviewers
  18. Supernatural-Knight Asylum Game Master Moderator

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Well it certainly has been a while since the last post in here [or any club really] so let's try and get things moving that slight bit more. Sorry but @OtakuSenseiHig that wall of text, I'm not going to respond to it now.

    So everyone what are you watching this season? Anything that stands out? Perhaps your watching some really bad ones and want to warn everyone to stay away from them?
    Personally I think there are quite a few good shows airing this season, or maybe I'm just staying away from the ones that have been received poorly. One thing for sure Haikyuu is still being an amazing watch, 3 more eps to go.....

    @VeritasOdiumParit did you end up starting Occultic Nine? I couldn't bring myself to after reading peoples initial thoughts on MAL about it.
  19. ShadowLinks Hero of Time

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Haikyuu -epic
    Fune wo amu - dictionary making, one of those odd shows that tends to be really good
    iron blooded orphans - without a clear goal the plot has kinda spiraled. Still good to watch though
    nanbaka - for the lols
    Drifters- I've read the manga, they are doing an excellent job
    Keijo - guilty pleasure
    All Out - those character designs.....lol, decent sports anime

    Cheating craft - fun concept.
    bloodivores - honestly i really didnt like it
    bubuki buranki
    DB Super

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