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Doomguy Plays: Fallout 3\New Vegas :COMPLETE!:

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by Doomguy, Feb 17, 2016.


What game should I overanalyze and expose next?

Poll closed Feb 24, 2016.
  1. Fallout 3 with the TTW mod

    2 vote(s)
  2. Turok 1 with the PC overhaul version

    1 vote(s)
  3. Doom 3 with the flashlight mod

    0 vote(s)
  4. Jade Empire

    1 vote(s)
  1. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Further reduced my load order to about 86 plugins. That merge mod utility you can find on the Skyrim page of Nexus really works wonders. I also like that it doesn't punish me for not using Mod Organizer or NMM or any other mod manager utility. I am using FOMM mind you but it's mostly to keep an eye on what I put in. For the most part I'm doing things manually. Sure messing up would be catastrophic but you have to do something really dumb for that to happen. Overwriting other mods is when the mod manager can help you out since it saves the backup. For everything else I'm okay going solo.
    Merge mods takes a bit of trial and error. Naturally I couldn't just "merge everything!" since it doesn't work like that. Mostly merged together super minor mods that don't care about the load order and don't mess up other mods. Didn't touch the weapon mods, figured that would cause chaos if I merged them. Still trying to figure out the deal with the weapon mod kit mods.

    I'm missing textures still of things I know I will see more often in New Vegas. Convinced it has something to do with some crafting and modding mod but haven't figured out where to put the damn thing in the load order.

    Anyway you're here for pictures not my rambling.
    Here you see the full glory of RWLE (Realistic Wasteland Lighting Enhancement) mod specifically made for TTW version of Fallout. Check out that fog! The gun I'm using here is some DMR version of the M14. I had to go to FNVEdit to nerf it's stats, it was borderline OP (72 base damage for the .308 cartridge!?)
    Anyway you can see that I once again broke the game economy and have lots of ammo. It's unavoidable. Also I tend to live to close to the edge of death ;)

    Another picture of the sun. This time I was able to turn on the "lens" effect so it looks like it's namesake. It's hard to show a picture of the effects but it is something I really recommend you try out in your ENB settings. Speaking of which, this is the default files you get from the ENB website. No special configs or anything. More then this slows down my game and arguably makes it worst.

    More on the lens effect, some objects give off really cool reflections that kind of force me to look away. Combined with EVE lasers are just plain awesome. I'll try to get a screen of that in action
  2. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Every time I go to Point Lookout my fps starts to take a dip. It's all that water I think. Looks great though, I think this is my favorite DLC of the two games (from what I actually played. Still haven't gotten around to beating NV)

    So Wasteland Sniper!
    I looted a PSG-1 from some raider at the "Bethesda Offices". Funny little cameo to put your company in a video game. Anyway I don't know what's up with this guy because in every game I play he has a sniper rifle and is utterly devastating with it. For some reason he (actually she) was lucky enough to spawn with an automatic sniper. I actually had to use stealth boys all over this place so she would stop headshotting me!
    This high damage mod load out is fun but sometimes really hardcore.

    Anyway I promised some EVE combined with the ENB effects and found a good example of it in action
    This is the weird part when you get are messed up by that Punga Tree in Point Lookout. It's the exploding bottles. Again, just like last time I was a dummy to do this in night time. However it was doable because I didn't realize until now that I forgot to set the lighting setting for night. Doh!

    And here we see an invincible Ghoul
    I have no idea. For some reason some ghouls in this DLC became completely immune to all my weapons like they were ghosts or something. In some terrifying cases they chased me around at night immune to all damage. It was like that ghost enemy glitch in Doom all over again only this time not even explosives hurt them.

    Sadly that meant I had to console kill them. Would have actually been really cool if the only way to kill them was with explosives. A game restart also seems to fix them. I don't know...some memory thing I guess.
  3. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Not much new to report, made really good headway to the midpoint of this playthough. All that's left for me is to start the New Vegas portain of the game. So a few more screenshots
    I don't know but this guy was hunched over funny. You can really see that fog effect kicking in real good though

    Who needs helmets in space? I think ENB messed up with the graphics here. Or somehow a mod interfered with the space suit but I doubt the later

    Earth! Notice anything different? The default picture you see at this part is ugly as hell. I don't know what post apocalypse Earth is supposed to look like but Beth's vision was just ugly. I wasn't even sure if it was Earth I was over in the Zeta DLC. This simple texture replacement mod makes it look so much better (but still maintain that post nuclear look)
    It's the little things that count
  4. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Nothing specific to add, most of this stuff I already went over earlier in the playthrough (this is the second playthough technically. The first had harddrive problems)

    In New Vegas now. I brought nothing. Nothing at all. Okay actually the only I thing I brought were the weapon upgrades because it's a pain looking for them all over again. Other then that I only have a cowboy hat, a trench coat, Berrata 9mm with 15 bullets, and my level 26 stats.

    This is much harder then before. Starting fresh in the New Vegas portian but with a high character level means I'm facing higher level enemies from the get go. A Varmint rifle doesn't exactly do much against Mr.Gutsy's and Sentry Bots...

    So some more screenshots as I progress
    Right before leaving to New Vegas you have to clear the way towards the train station. This is an awesome shot :)

    Looks like the Legion is having some supply issues. Or maybe I screwed up the load order again. This is the same problem as before. I know how to fix it (it's a specific mod that conflicts). I keep forgetting to delete those references to the level lists.

    They should mod Majora's Mask and make the moon Lenin's face

    The legend lives on

    And a stalker too!

    Door to the void. Got a Half Life vibe from this one. Okay that was also a load order gltich. I'm using the "Better New Vegas" mod alongside the more interiors mod and messed up the order. Both are really interesting so far. I'm trying the former for the first time. It adds more locations and stuff around the desert and is really seamless. Sometimes I'm not even sure if it was base game or not, that's always a good sign because it blends in so well (but you definitely know something changed!)
    The Strip and Freeside is supposed to be "opened" without all the load screens. I'm not there yet, really curious how that will turn out.
  5. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    Should use Darnified UI it's better.
  6. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    For some strange reason it messed with the radiation bar in that you couldn't see the needle anymore. Or was that another mod doing that...?
    I did do something with the hud. I think I did. Maybe.

    Anyway I did a bunch of stuff. I mean a bunch! Too much to go over, I covered so much ground.
    I also unlocked a secret DLC

    Someone explain to me why this NCR Ranger is trying to ride an invisible horse when there are no horses in this game!?

    I don't even know where to start. She was just frozen there. Is there like a hidden Horse DLC inside of New Vegas that only I discovered?

    Well strange stuff aside here's a taste of the "Freeside Open" mod
    As you can see this is the Mormon Fort and it's open to the rest of the world map. The mod also removes the "gates" that seperate Freeside into sections. Also the mod cleans up the streets, adds new alleyways, adds more spawning thugs and pickpockets and even adds another gun store across the street from the Silver Rush (I think unless that was another mod).
    Good stuff.

    Like this guy
    And before I forget the "Better New Vegas" mod adds new outdoor locations like this one
    Well not the pit stop but that plane wasn't there before. It's a really neat mod that completely rearranges the area around the Strip. However I'm noticing some pretty annoying bugs like missing textures and buildings. Some parts of the map are broken and I had to use the "tlc" console command in order to enter a house for one of the quests.

    Still I think the good defenitely outweigh the bad. Let's face it, exploring westside and the airports was boring before.

    Right now I beat the Honest Hearts DLC and decided to crush the Legion with Boone. I'm almost back to where I first started this playthrough. Unfortanately my mod order is faullty and the mods themselves are experimental so weird stuff happens. I half expect a horse from Skyrim to somehow spawn in the wrong game folder.
  7. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    At last! I have past the point where I was forced to restart my progress! A recap,
    As far as Fallout 3 is concerned I explored nearly every map marker and completed all the DLCs with the exception of the end game "Broken Steel". As far as the main plot goes I reached the point where I'm supposed to find the GECK in Vault 87 (87 right? Little Lamplight). This is an excellent spot to leave the D.C area and travel to New Vegas since nothing pressing is happening (remember I'm using TTW that lets me switch between the two game worlds via a working train station).
    That's the only quest I left running in Fallout 3.

    Now In New Vegas I starting fresh but a high level I covered I think most of the map with the exeption of the northeast area and a couple spots along the Querry Junction Highway. Quest wise I still have a few things to do. This game I don't have much experience in and even now I'm finding some quests I honestly don't remember from other playthroughs.

    Main story wise some key differences then my first attempt. I annihilated the Legion and Ceaser at his fort with Boone. I didn't think the game was serious that he would start firing at guys like that. Decided to roll with it because I was rocking a new semi-auto rifle with .308 rounds that spits out lead at over 250 DPS. Got to admit, taking out Nelson and Cottonwood was a blast. The Fort was surprisingly easy though.

    Oh yeah killed Benny with his gun back at the tops and used that platinum chip in that underground bunker on House's orders.

    Now I have to make contact with the boomers.
    That's where I am now. Oh and I just beat Dead Money. I wish the ending didn't just...stop the way it does. You escape the vault and....done.

    So now I'm level 37 and completely broke the game economy. I have access to the most powerful weaponry the game and my mods can give me. One mod gave me a special unique launcher that was located in the robot bunker. It launches 75mm HE/Pulse/Shotgun/Nuke shells. Whatever you want to pick. It's awesome! Also completely impractical because the shell explosion is even bigger (though strangely enough the nuke shells do the same damage). Also ammo is like a thousand caps and can only be found by the ammo vendor (available in select spots via a mod).

    Enough of that, I decided to try out the "Old World Blues" DLC. This is a BLIND RUN. I never done this DLC or the one after it "Lonesome Road". To trigger it I go to the Drive Trough near Prim, says something about "Mystery Science Theater". Around midnight activate the satellite thing to start the DLC. Like before I take the bare minimal. This time the game tells me I can bring stuff but I want to leave room for loot so I only take a .357 magnum and a .44 rifle. No idea if it's ideal, have no idea what I'm getting into.

    The opening was not particularly impressive, pre-war scientist at some mountain lab, now in some crater, old world stuff...
    Got a Mothership Zeta feeling

    And I'm butt naked on some balcony. Oh but I have my gun at least!
    Futuristic looking place, I find myself in front of this robot thing
    Perverted robot thing that is
    I didn't realize it immediately but there's more then one floating robot thing looks like a Mr.Handy with a brain and t.v screen. Each one has their own voice and personality. The women one is creepy as hell and the one who definitely seemed a little to interested in her test subjects.

    Oh speaking of which they stole my brain. Somehow. And my heart and my spine. I'm being pulled together by the power of SCIENCE. Or Tesla coils, or something...details don't matter. Only that another computer screen interrupts the bizarre conversations I'm having. This new screen, Mobius threatens to take over the Think Tank center with his army of robot scorpions.
    Oh my heart and spine are still around. My brain though was flushed away. Mobius probably has it

    They tell me to do stuff for them. Didn't really get any of it. Tell them I want to explore their fancy lab instead

    and then...

    You know what, screw it here's a bunch more

  8. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Okay this DLC is different from the others because it let me explores the entirety of the map (with the expection of the last area). Also it pretty much gives me every sidequest from the start. I talked with the robots and exhausted all the high skill checks (level 38 now with almost hundreds across the board). I got a weird gatling like machinegun that makes dog noises. Fires .357 magnum rounds which is interesting. Got some funny laser gun emitter thing. That is nessary for this place.

    First place I go to is some kind of dog research lab.
    I do some test trial stuff in order to unlock the forcefield deactivating powers of the emitter gun. There's one more test trail but I have to find the keys to it in another lab. Guess I'll come back here latter. Oh right I played God with the machines in this place a little bit and created the best companion in the game by splicing together a robot with a human
    Sadly it died almost immediately after attaining true lifeform status.

    Moving on, I go outside and explore a bit. Night settles in and I'm pleasantly surprised to see that my ENB settings made this area look really cool

    One of the doors is locked here, that's for later in the DLC. Also that door was strangely double in size. I felt like I was playing Classic Doom again with the larger then normal door textures. Oh I might as well mention I've been fighting these robot scorpions that Dr.Mobius keeps sending at me. There seems to be a spawning thing going on because they literally come out of nowhere sometimes

    I fight other things in this place, lobomites who are basically mindless humans (not ghouls though), Cazadores (I hate these things), some giant Legendary Bloatfly and upgraded Securitons that can one hit kill me if they launch their missiles.

    Lot's of other stuff in this place. I'll take a break from posting now, definitely more to come.[/spoiler]
  9. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Alright let's see... found some stuff regarding the Sierra Madre actually. Now that's a pretty cool touch, a DLC that references another one. This is like the old days where expansion packs (basically the predecessor of the DLC money scheme) was basically a way to add to the base game and actively reference it.

    Anyway found stuff regarding Elijah and found his unique weapons. Also found reference to the another courier again. Now I'm convinced that those answers would and should be answered in the Lonesome Road DLC.

    Moving on...

    Got some new sneaking suit that talks to me and auto heals. Pretty cool. In order to unlock it's full potential you have to complete a series of sneaking tests. The last one was really hard then I realized that my Project Nevada mod nerfed the sneaking aspect of the game. I admitted defeat and put the values back to vanilla so I can actually beat the quest.
    This place really has interesting loot. I find myself using the experimental laser gun thing that's similar to the LEAR. I may actually use this in my normal loadout. The emitter that disables the forcefield could be upgraded to do funny stuff with critical hits. Incineration, EMP blasts, dismemberment (that reminds me I finally decided to take the "Bloody Mess" Perk. It's just completely insane. Also does a number on the FPS with the flying body parts...)

    Found a bunch of stuff to activate the robots at my new home in this place. These robots are...well a picture is worth a thousand words

    I pretty much lost it at this point


    The dialogue in this is just something else

    I find the parts I need and return to the Think Tank. Now the way is open to have the showdown with Dr.Mobius. He has a giant scorpion robot waiting for me but it was surprisingly easy to beat. The computer terminal said the robots don't put up any kind of fight against it but when I turned them on they chewed it up to pieces. Huh. Well it looked cool I guess.

    So Dr.Mobius...

    No I'm taking another break. There's just so many screenshots of this DLC, it was hilarious.
  10. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    I did beat this DLC quite a few days ago but the screenshots are still sitting on my desktop. So let's wrap this part up.

    So Dr.Mobius...

    So through dialogue that bordered from strange to possible enlightenment I learn that he was deliberately keeping the scientists at the Think Tank in a state of "looping memories" or something like that. Basically was making them forget about the rest of the world because if they got out they would unleash their scientific experiments loose on the world. And since this place pretty much proved just how unchecked their moral system was that probably would spell doom for every one else.

    I spare the doctor since he seems like an alright guy (aside from him loosing his roboscorpians on me in a psycho overdose rage). I go now to pick up my brain.
    And it rejects me!

    To be fair it has a point. I mean no, what the hell?
    Well eventually I convince it to join me again. I don't actually know how it does but it does somehow.

    Off to the Think Tank to confront the robot docs and convince them of the error of their ways!

    Due to my superior skill stats and the fact that I did every quest I was able to peacefully resolve the issue of the need to continue experiments and let me wander free again. I take control of the prewar facility completely and gain powerful new allies. With the brightest minds of the prewar under my control the future looks bright for humanity once again.

    Aside from the toaster. That guy is crazy.
    Here's the ending video I got.

    They give you some teleport gun that let's you warp between your new home in the Think Tank and the Mojave. And that's it for this DLC. That was really fun! Of the two games this one made me lol more then all of them combined.

    Going to be hard to top this. There's all sorts of references to the Lonesome Road DLC, before doing that I'm going to explore as much as I can in New Vegas. Almost done with both games now.
  11. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Alright one final sweep of the Mojave and their side quests.
    I don't know but neither of us will survive that rocket to the face

    Peacefully dealt with the Boomers and they now work for me. Since I'm working with Mr.House I dealt with the Omertas and then protected president Kimball from an assassination attempt. All I have to do now is turn on some power station thing which is barely worth mentioning. After that it's time to finish the last quest of the game and do the Hoover Dam battle.

    However before I do that I might as well wrap up the Lonesome Road DLC. I started it already although there isn't a lot of screenshot worthy stuff in this one. Plenty of exploring though. I'll get back to you on this when I venture further.

    Some more random screenshots
    Didn't know there was an attic in this building

    Sometimes the explosions get weird and stuff like this happens :)

    Lonesome Road is next. Like I keep saying before, it's a total blind run, I have no idea what's in that DLC.
  12. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Alright so Lonesome Road...
    Ugh I hated this one!

    The place was infuriating to navigate and those stupid satchel charges kept killing me. My 100 explosive skill does nothing to stop the timer from going off. Basically if you hear the beep your dead. Don't even get me started with the random deathclaw attacks. The game told me to watch out for "Tunnelers" because a group of them could even take down a deathclaw. Yeah and I'm Dean Domino. Those freaking deathclaws are impossible to fight in this corridor DLC. Can't forget the Sentry Bots inside the bunkers either. Have you ever had one shoot a missile in your face at point blank range? I was chucking pulse grenades around door corners like crazy and charging them with my Pulse Axe which I found in Old World Blues.

    Some pics

    Sort of looks like some of the areas from Fallout 3. Only much more tightly packed. There's some laser detonator thing you're supposed to find to blow up some nukes to make traversing this area easier.

    I uh...
    I couldn't find it. I know where it's supposed to be but without a quest marker I couldn't find it near that Red Rocket Launcher thing. I think I may have blown it up somewhere else.

    I was still able to get by, some ridiculously Super Mario Platforming by jumping through rocks and stuff. It was like playing Oblivion all over again. Who remembers climbing the mountain side with that black Brotherhood Horse Shadow something? Yeah anyway...

    There's one spot you have to use it. At that point I knew I was getting close to the end so I said screw it and started no clipping to the end. Still got killed by some anti-material rifle sniper. I hate this place, no clip and god mode activated.

    So what is the end of this place anyway?
    Well this guy called Ulysses is communicating with me through the sentry bot "ED-E" that I activated. To be honest I don't even remember if I activated him back in the Mojave. In any case this ED-E seems to be the same one but in a different body. So without my consent I'm forced to use him. At least I think I am, the quest said it was optional but how else was I supposed to advanced through the locked door?

    Not much of a "Lonesome Road" if I could take a companion. Although to be fair Ulysses needed a way to talk to me. He makes less sense then Elijah, at least the former Brotherhood of Steel guy made it clear from the beginning he was just using you. This Ulysses guy talks like Yoda and I need a translation on what kind of garbage he keeps going on about.

    Make history? History this, history that...
    At some point when the game started to force his communication on me again I just said screw it I'm done talking.
    Get the idea that I'm not enjoying this so far?

    This is starting to sound like a good idea now

    So after surviving annoying enemies that dig underground, satchel charges that blow up without a real warning, Deathclaws that fight you at point blank range, and a nuclear ground zero area that made me deplete half my radaways for...a suit of power armor? Give me a break! Eventually I find the big boss of this DLC, Ulysses.
    You are so dead

    He activated the nuke behind him to fire on the Mojave for...some reason. I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention at this point. The good news is that this guy went down HARD. Now this is a boss fight. He kept auto healing and there was all sorts of random enemies popping out of the place to fight. After a admittedly very good one on one fight (honestly one of the better fights in both games), I used VATS to fire rockets at him and killed him that way. Can't heal a rocket to the face now can you!?

    Now it's time to stop the nuclear launch but how? I'm given the choice to either direct it at the Legion, NCR, or shut it all down. I decide to shut it down but the thing is locked down. ED-E plays one last recording about how he's able to assist in this. It's however incredibly dangerous and could destroy the sentry bot.
    Okay ED-E, this is your time to be a hero.


    Sorry I didn't mean to show you that :(
    Goodbye ED-E, your sacrifice saved the world from a second apocalypse. Oh wait you got a copy back in the Mohave. Well jeez, that's cop out storyline telling.

    The place starts to blow up and the game tells me I have to escape! I take this in literally remembering that part in the Sierra Madre and start to think this DLC is pulling a Metroid series escape sequence. I was actually going to think this was cool when...

    Nope. One door and then that's it for the DLC.

    Oh come on. The marked men "let me pass"?
    I'm not doing this this DLC ever again.

    At least I look cool now

    It's time to finish New Vegas and do the Hoover Dam part. I'm a little nervous though because the mod that lets you continue after the game sounds pretty buggy. If this doesn't work I'm gonig to have to finish the Fallout 3 part first (which kind of messes up what I had in mind).
    Never been this far in a TTW playthrough.
  13. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Time for the Battle for Hoover Dam!
    The battle from Mr.House's side sucks. It's short and not very exciting. I remember the Legion one being a lot of fun since you could go crazy all over the place.
    I decide to fight the Legate one on one. You could get this choice by following the speech check up the 100 but instead of doing that last check opt to stall for time and then you'll get this option. I could have talked him out of this but...nah let's do this!
    Come at me bro
    Where the hell do you think you're running!?

    I did not expect him to run lol. Maybe a mod that changes the combat did something. I kill the Legate and ended the threat of the Legion once and for all! Here's the ending video. I didn't quite do all this stuff obviously but you get the idea.

    And that's it! I beat Fallout New Vegas!


    We're not done yet!
    Using one of those continue after the game ending mods I'm teleported to some train tracks and free to continue playing the game. Based on the posts on the Nexus page the mod might not be stable. I leveled up once however my experience reset to 0 which effectively makes it impossible to overcome the required xp needed to level up again. I console cheated a way to add xp so we'll see what happens the next time I level up.
    Another thing I was worried about was getting locked out of menus like sleeping and waiting. There were complaints about that in the forum. I tested and was able to rest for a month of ingame time inside the Lucky 38 casino. I think I'm good there. I noticed I couldn't access my weapon mods though? Hmm...

    Quest wise I'm stuck with the "Wild Card" quest for Yes Man. There seems to be no way to fail it now. Even killing Yes Man does nothing. The only other quest I have is still the one from Fallout 3 about finding the GECK.

    It's time to go home. The train station in Freeside allows me to travel back to Washington D.C. The Freeside Open mod messed it up so I had to find a hot patch for that. The support for TTW in the website a lot of "do it yourself" but it has a very good search function and usually you could find that someone did it for you already.

    I take my most powerful weapons and bid farewell to New Vegas.
  14. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Welcome back to D.C!

    A heavy fog has settled in making for a really cool and eerie return to the Fallout 3 part of the game. Using the very best equipment you can find in this game I fight aggressively and tactically to deal with the Enclave that still inhabit the area.

    They'll never know what hit them

    Night settles in, I burn the Talon Company to crisp

    I don't use fast travel unless I know the area I'm going to is empty of enemies. Obviously after being so long away from here the field repopulated. I make my way back to my Megaton home on foot. I take a short detour to Rivet city so I could sell off some loot and then retrace steps. As expected the Enclave is still at the purifier. I need to find Vault 87 which is near little lamplight. I reach Megaton and combine my equipment from both games.

    There is no way I'll ever need to restock ammo ever again now. Game economy is broken now, all that's left is to finish the storyline. I'll still pick up stuff from time to time but only because the game is good at making you want to pick up crap that you don't need.
    (Doomguy put down that Watts Laser rifle, you're already using an automatic Gauss Rifle!)

    I'm going to wander around a bit and blow stuff up before proceeding. I really want to put my arsenal to the test against areas I found challenging before. Like the capitol building. Let's see what they think about my new automatic grenade launcher with 500 grenades :)
  15. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Good news and bad news. Good news first,
    I didn't mess up any game setting/saves/graphics/bugs, anything of that sort (because that always happens to me)

    The bad news is that I forgot to take screenshots of the next few parts. Oops.

    Continuing with the main quest I enter Little Lamplight which is somehow inhabited by a replenishing population of children. I say replenishing because adults are not allowed inside of here ever since the bombs fell. So wait...how do they...?
    Let's not go there.

    Moving on, I take Murder Pass because I want to shoot stuff. I eventually enter the vault where the GECK should be.

    At level 45 the enemies are the toughest spawns you can fight against. However not even Super Mutant Overlords can put up a fight against me. I clean out the place and encounter a friendly super mutant called Fawkes. Tells me he could help retrieve the GECK from a highly irradiated chamber. I let him do so and we part ways.
    On the way out however I get ambushed by a scripted scene where the Enclave captures me. I blackout and then awaken a short time later in some kind of interrogation room

    (Again sorry that I forgot the screen shots)
    I tell Colonel Autumn to kindly send my regards to his mother and before he could kill me President Eden orders him away via the telecom. Then the president tells me he wants to meet me in his office.

    Initially the game makes you think the Enclave will let you pass but along the way there the Colonel gets back on the intercom and orders the soldiers to kill me.
    Oh well.

    I fight my way through and eventually meet the president of the Enclave who is in fact a computer (no surprise)
    It wants me to inject some kind of poison thing that will wipe out all impure lifeforms from anyone drinking from the water from the purifier. The only people who will survive are the people from the vaults.

    No thanks, I instead convince the computer president he's wrong and tell it to blow up the Enclave. And yes, it was about as anticlimatic as I just said. I still have to take the vial in order to leave though. On the way out the base starts to blow up, there's no coming back so make sure you get what you need. I obviously don't need anything at this point of my playthough. I have better equips then this whole army.

    It's time to go back to Elder Lyons and tell him what happened. Unfortunately I also forgot to take screenshots of the high point of this game. Oops. I'll continue later.
  16. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Alright so it's time to retake the Jefferson Memorial from the Enclave. What better way to do it then with communist hating super robot that just oozes with AMERICA!

    Okay I'm lazy so I'll just post this random Youtube video.
    The flying robot part just made me lol. And yes, your computer will suffer a fps hit because this part just has so much happening. More so if you have the bloody mess perk (I don't think he does) because instead of the bodies dying they explode and spread gibs everywhere.
    Just don't bother picking up stuff now, just watch the robot do all sorts of stuff.

    This part is glitchy! Just don't try anything. Sit back and enjoy.

    I make it to the purifier and encounter Colonel Autumn. I decide to convince him to abandon his mission. This is where the game kind of gets contradictory. See Colonel Autumn thought that president Eden's choice to eradicate the irradiated humans was extreme.
    That came straight out of the presidents words.

    So why am I fighting this guy again? He wants to activate the purifier and get clean water for everyone (without Eden's genocidal plan) then what's the big deal?
    Oh right he killed dad. He's an evil government guy that wants to force everyone in the Enclave
    And what? NCR isn't any different? Lyon's Brotherhood of Steel is no different either.

    I have no choice but to side with the Brotherhood of Steel for story reasons. Honestly Autumns Enclave isn't all that evil. Then again they did have those experiments going on...

    So here's the ending. In order to stop the purifier from exploding we have to activate it now. It's been a long road, it's time to end this.

    And that's it, game over...

    Oh wait...
    Two weeks later!?
    Game's not over yet! Broken Steel is up next.
  17. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    This is it!!!
    I'm going to go through the last section of this game quickly now. Lots of screenshots.

    I wake up in the Citadel and get told that the purifier is a success. Right now the only thing left to do is to finish off the remnants of the Enclave. Liberty Prime (giant robot) is clearing the way . Anyway they tell me to go ahead and lend a hand. Not like we have to but eh why not?
    Well wouldn't be much of a DLC if something doesn't happen...

    Oh noes!!!
    Goodbye glorious American robot, may you slaughter communist in the afterlife in defense of freedom!
    So we have to find out what happened so I go inside the structure to search for clues.

    I find out that there was a connection to some kind of satellite bombardment. With the data I find I take it back to the Citadel so they could pin point where the Enclave is ordering the bombardment
    (And we're going to pretend that they can only use it when the plot deems it necessary.)
    In the mean time the Brotherhood of Steel think they found a easier way to destroy the Enclave Vertibirds. Something about a Tesla weapon. It just so happens to be in Old Olney which is infested by Deathclaws. No problem, I'm armed to the teeth.

    That guy didn't believe me

    Grenade Nukes? You bet

    Okay what the heck did the enemy shoot me with!?

    So I find the Tesla Coil

    After clearing out the place I find the Tesla Coil and return to the Citadel for my next assignments. It seems the Enclave is ordering the satellite strikes from Adams Airforce Base. The only way to get there is through the Presidential Metro Tunnels. That was blocked before but now it's opened. I make my way and reactivate the station to take me to the airbase.

    When I arrive I pickup the drop box of items left behind by the Brotherhood with my orders. At level 45 this part is blatantly unfair. So bring everything you have and end this game. I'm given a Tesla Cannon which is about on par with my mod enhanced Gauss Rifle. Not too shabby.
    Still want to nuke things though :)

    What's an Alpha Deathclaw? Something I used to cheat to kill. Eat Tesla lighting!

    Fighting outside on the airfield was lots of fun. Mostly because I used up my stockpile of explosives. Eventually you'll find the mobile field base you have to enter. It has a big satalite dome sticking out. Enter the base and prepare for the hardest part of the game.
    No really, If you aren't equipped properly you'll be swarmed with a combo of Enclave troops and Deathclaws. Remember I'm playing in the New Vegas Engine so the game uses the "DT" system for armor (Damage Threshold). You'll need a gun that at least does about 60+ base dmg to get around their defense. The auto guess I'm using is kind of finicky, for some reason it doesn't always fire on full auto. I think the graphics sort of mess things up.
    Well anyway after wiping out the place (and make sure you get what you need since there is no coming back) I make it to the top of the base.

    No matter how much I try I kept getting killed by Vertibird fly by's so I had to cheat at this point. I blame EVE for this one, it seems to quadrople the explosive damage and just made them unavoidable. No big deal, I go full auto with the nuke launcher :)

    Eventually you find the console that controls the satellite and you're really only given two choices here, the Citadel and the base. I get good Karma and blow up the base

    I get picked up by a friendly Vertibird and get taken back to the Citadel

    Alright! Time for my big reward! I saved New Vegas, I restored clean water to D.C, I stopped the Enclave,
    I get...


    ....................................................................Slow Clap


    And that's all folks! Started to speed up in the end there. Had a deadline approaching with other stuff so had to wrap this up. Hope someone got a kick out of this play though. As fun as it was playing this game I also had fun writing about it. I find it helps me appreciate the people who made the games.

    Any questions? Mods I used? Tips and stuff? It's not like I got everything, I played about 140 hours and this is TWO games. Some people I know do that for only one game. I'm no perfectionist but I'm pretty sure I scoured every map marker in the games.

    Well thanks for reading and goodbye for now!
  18. Nikki Josheph I Got A Trophy!

    Aug 26, 2024
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