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Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Nejat, May 10, 2016.

  1. Nejat Defender of the Morgue

    Jun 18, 2014
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    +7 / 0 / -0
    Welcome to Second Chance High-School where teenagers like you come, or are sent to in hopes of a new start in which you may better yourself! The school is entirely on campus with no option to live away, you have to stay with us!

    The academy itself is a dazzling place, if not a bit horrid:

    The perimeter of the campus is entirely enclosed by hardened bricks, piling up high enough to prevent outside view, and deep enough to prevent digging out. The wall was also wide, preventing anyone who had any hopes of breaking through from achieving their goals. The only way in or out of the place was by a set of large, metal fences chained together as well as magnetically interlocked guarded by two raised platforms with mounted crossbows, loaded with a 'bolt' which had been previously dipped into an anaesthetic. Beyond those walls lay another, thinner wall creating an area which once allowed the guards to patrol. Another metallic gate, only passable via keycard blocked the entry to the campus itself as well as two more raised guard platforms, armed as previously mentioned.

    Upon entering the second set of gates, a luscious green park lay sprawled within the centre of the area. Set at calculated intervals sat benches, the entire thing littered with trees, bushes, and other plants as well as flowers. At the middle of the park sat a dazzling centrepiece. A gleaming marble fountain with a hand-carved dolphin frozen mid-rise from the middle. From it's blowhole produced waves of water sprouting all around the pond, all seeping into the depths and into a drain to be filtered and reused to prevent further water waste.

    To the north-west of the park was the cafeteria, the place where the teenagers would come to get their food. This building had no impressive qualities and was simply furnished with rows of benches and tables and a serving area - the outside of the building was painted black, the inside covered with plain white wallpaper. To the right were located the main classrooms where teaching would take place. Each classroom was equipped with an interactive white board, rows of tables and chairs, and a computer. There was a total of 26 classrooms within the two storey building. The outside of the classroom was painted yellow, the insides covered with plain white wallpaper.

    To the immediate left of the park was the laboratory building, equipped with the most recent technological advancements and tools categorically in Physical, Biological, and Chemical research. The outside of the building was painted a deep, hollowing purple whilst the inside were draped with plain white wallpaper.
    Further left the girl's dormitories were located. The three story building came fully furnished with two bunkbeds per room, four cabinets, and a shared bathroom. Each floor held eight and were expected to be taken care of by those inhabiting it. Abiding by the strict rules, no males were EVER to be allowed in. The outside of the building was painted a baby pink tone, the insides walls also draped with plain white wallpaper. A supply room was newly built beside the upper right of the girl's dormitories, inside held various objects and tools for taking care of the school grounds.

    To the right of the park came the Carpentering and Electronic Workshops. The inside, similar to the laboratories, were furnished with the latest tools as well as contained some amount of raw and processed material. The outside walls were coloured a light grey, the insides similarly with light grey wallpaper.
    Further right stood the male dormitories, identical to the girl's, however the outside was painted a baby blue tone. Located to the northen wall of the boy's dormitories stood an identical, newly built supply room containing various other tools and equipment.

    Surrounding the entire campus were raised guard platforms. The tactical placement allowed each one to at least see half of the school grounds.

    Anyway, whilst your here, I'll be needed some basic information about yourself so that I may register you as an honorary student to our lovely, humble school. Please provide the follow:
    Reason for nickname: If Any
    Age: Anything from the age 10-17
    Ethnicity: YOUR RACE
    Short Background: Anything important that might have occurred in your character's life beforehand - why were they sent to the school

    So now that we've got you all settled, please proceed to your lessons, Dr Jospeh is currently teaching Math on the second floor whilst Dr Kelly is teaching Science in the laboratories! Now, off you go!
    #1 Nejat, May 10, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2016
  2. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    +33 / 0 / -0
    Name: Lou Masters
    Reason for nickname: none
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Protective of his sister Jennifer
    Appearance: Wears a white T shirt and Black Jeans with White nike shoes. Short hair and small beard
    Age: 16
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
    Short Background: Grabbed his sister one day from his abusive parents and ran away with her. Police found them 2 days later covered in bruises when they said they're gonna take them home he pleaded with the authorities to send them to a group home. They brought them in and took them to Second Chance.

    Name: King
    Reason for nickname: Lead a small gang in his locality. Was a strong leader but still had a heart. Mostly defended people.
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Brawler and Kind Hearted. Would give the shirt off his back
    Appearance: Rough looking. Taken a few beatings.
    Age: 16
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
    Short Background: When he used to go to a public school he had truancy frequently. But went in to avoid further consequences. One day his buddy got hospitalized by a rival gang. He found the leader and beat him inches from life in front of his entire posse. His crew held others back from interfering. He was sentenced to Second Chance.
    #2 Guts, May 10, 2016
    Last edited: May 10, 2016
  3. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    +26 / 0 / -0
    Name: Kara Krosroad
    Reason for nickname: K
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Introverted and detached. Caught up in her thoughts. Unethical.
    Appearance: 4' 9", pale skin, dark brown eyes, orange hair shoulder length, wears a lab coat over her school uniform it is stained at the bottom with some red liquid or other, she wears the male uniform style with a tie.
    Age: 15
    Ethnicity: German
    Short Background: Was being bullied at her previous school pretty badly. Her bullies and her vanished one day after school. She returned a week or so later. Her classmates' bodies were found severely mutilated and two of them had been stitched together with expert skill. Organs had been disposed of or replaced. Not fun deaths. She was sent to Second Chance after a psychologist spoke with her at length. She also set a lot of fires. A lot, of fires.

    Kara had only half paid attention to what the person on the stage had said. As welcoming speeches went, it was pretty typical. "Thank you for coming, blah blah blah, we are glad you're here, blah blah, the usual introduction of staff and facilities, blah blah, blahbity blaaahh. And of course, the dumb motivational line at the end." She had been rather wrapped up in thought as she planned how to speed up the drug testing process. It involved taking a smattering of people fro mall over the world and turning them into a collective of human lab rats. The best part about it was that it cut out pointless animal testing and got right to the point of why the drugs were being tested in the first place; for human use.

    She heard something about laboratories and set off to find them.
  4. Dangoon Trophy Collector

    May 4, 2016
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    +2 / 0 / -0
    Name: Vito Dragoon
    Reason for nickname: The Plague Doctor: Vito used to be a vigilante known as the plague doctor due to the mask he used to wear when he was fighting crime.
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Vito is a strong individual who loves things like Comic books and video games, while some people may think his vigilantism came from these hobbies it came from something else entirely.
    Appearance: Long black hair that reaches his shoulders a pair of glasses pale white skin he is an thin and lanky individual he wears a suit and tie and dress shoes, pale white skin tone and were white gloves over his hands to hide how scarred they are.
    Age: 17
    Ethnicity: Italian American
    Short Background: Vito grew up in a cruddy neighborhood when growing up even though his parents were quite wealthy, they could afford things like Video Games and Comic Books for Vito quite easily. Though things went tragic very quickly his was broken into his father was murdered and his mother was put into a coma. Dangoon then moved into his great grandfather who lived in a big mansion. Vito's Great Grandfather told him a story about WW2 were there was an vigilante during wartime who punished those who have done wrong doings and were not punished for it. That gave Vito an idea after that he became a Vigilante known as the Plague Doctor just so others wouldn't have to loose there friends or parents like he did. Unfortunately during one of his crime fighting sessions he was caught by the Police, instead of sending him to jail his Great Grandfather pulled some strings so he would be sent to Second Chance instead.

    Vito sighed he couldn't believe just a few weeks ago he was fighting crime like usual but he had made a huge slip up he was now stuck here in this school as a student, so he could be as they said "rehabilitated" he didn't kill anybody so he didn't see what the problem was he was doing what the police couldn't. They treated him like he did wrong even though he did the right thing. Vito sighed and decided to go to the science class he was now surrounded by people that knew who he was because they couldn't keep it a secret from the media that he was the Plague Doctor. Vito then went into the science class room and sat down he watched the people around him he needed to be careful right now.
  5. Nejat Defender of the Morgue

    Jun 18, 2014
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    +7 / 0 / -0
    Name: Jennifer (Jen) Masters
    Reason for nickname: Her twin brother usually referred to her as Jen, those around them slowly caught on to it.
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Generally outgoing and friendly. Optimist - only sees the good in people, refuses to believe there can be evil.

    Appearance: Lithe, petite figure. Stands 5ft3 weighing a small 77lbs. She has long, flowing golden hair which reaches down to her mid-waist, and light green eyes. Usually wears a pink skater dress which comes down to slightly above her knees - something her brother probably hates due to how revealing it is. She ends the look with matching pink slip-ons.
    Age: 16
    Ethnicity: Caucasian

    Short Background: One day they were being beaten up, the next they were on the run, and finally they were in Second Chance. Her life wasn't easy by any standard, but with her brother she managed to get along.

    Name: Jonathan Taylor (Phantom)
    Reason for nickname: The ultimate teenage villain, Jonathan could never be caught. The authorities named him 'Phantom' and his legends spread across all ranks of both the baddies, and the goodies.
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Generally doesn't talk much, plots his actions before even considering them. Hates those who can't stay in line, will find ways to make sure they listen to him, whether it be by fear, or by respect.
    Appearance: Black Tuxedo Blazer with a matching waistcoat and white shirt. Underneath he wore black and white pinstripe trousers and black oxford shoes. He carries around with him a black cane and wears a black top hat. He has heavy stubble coating his face and short cut, dark brown hair. He stands at 5ft9 and weighs 176lbs.
    Age: 17
    Ethnicity: British
    Short Background: Jonathan always pulled daring stunts and robberies - he would constantly go out of his way to make each one harder than before, and at the same time bigger. In his last escapade, he was caught fleeing the scene after having finished setting up a timed explosive. He was quickly prosecuted yet luckily for him, they decided he was worth of a Second Chance
  6. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    +33 / 0 / -0
    Lou stood about 6 feet tall and towered well over his sister. He was about the size he would be for the rest of his life. Wrapping Jennifer to his side he walked through the front doors of Second chance. Keeping her close it was a new environment and he didn't trust anyone there. The professors didn't try to break them apart due to reading their police reports. They heard They either had to go to Science or Math and Lou chose science. He released Jen from his grip and motioned for her to follow him.

    "Come on Sis. Let's get to class don't wanna make a bad impression the first day." he Opened the door and held it there for Jen.

    King walked through the gates and the person who walked in with him was the Phantom. Anyone who watched the news was aware of who this guy was and King wasn't ignorant to who Jonathan was. As they walked in through the first day of doors. King gave a strong shoulder shove to Jonathan knocking him into the wall of bricks on the side of them. King was setting the tempo of who would be running this place if it came down to it.

    Walking at the same pace as before he walked through the door of science class after Jen. Lou was holding the door open for everyone. He silently crept to the back of the classroom and tried to remain unnoticed. He was wearing a hoodie, the color Blue, with Black Jeans, short hair and A much more defined beard than Lou. He wore blue and white nikes and perfectly matched. Sitting down he waited for the professor to start the intro calls. He looked around the classroom from the back seat and saw another public Face. The plague doctor. King knew he could take both of them if he had too. He decided becoming friends with Lou would be a good idea. Hopefully he sat close to him.

  7. Nejat Defender of the Morgue

    Jun 18, 2014
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    +7 / 0 / -0
    Name: Dr Kelly
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Friendly, sweet, passionate about what she teachers.
    Appearance: Stands 5ft4, weighing 100lbs. Whatever she wears underneath the opaque white lab coat is unknown, she is always seen fully buttoned up.
    Age: 24
    Ethnicity: Cantonese Chinese
    Short Background: Enrolled as a teacher at Second Chance.

    Name: Dr Joseph
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Strict, somewhat crazy, always stressed.
    Appearance: Always seen in varying coloured blazers and matching trousers, white shirt, and boots. Short man, stands at 5ft5 and weighs 130lbs.
    Age: 38
    Ethnicity: Punjabis
    Short Background: Enrolled as a teacher at Second Chance.

    Jonathan had just been walking through the gates as he was barged. He steadied himself with his cane, sighing slightly - he would return to favour yet not right now, he wouldn't risk too much attraction from the teachers. As listened idly to the public speaker guiding them all around, and upon signing the appropriate papers, shuffled with the rest over towards the Math class. He sat at the front of the class, unclipping the upper part of his cane and collapsing it inwards before laying it on the table in front of him. He looked up at the teacher, Dr Joseph, which seemed... agitated? Jonathan looked up at the board, reading off of it and starting the questions.

    Dr Joseph waited patiently at the front of the class, each desk had pre-placed squared paper, pens, pencils, and various other mathematical instruments. On the whiteboard behind him were multiple questions, majority of them easy, some harder. At the very top of the board the title Trigonometric Identities could clearly be seen. He murmured to himself almost inaudibly. "Please, everyone who is currently here, have a go at these questions behind me on the whi-" He was cut short by Jonathan:

    "Sir, may I say, these questions were absolutely wondrous! They gave me just the correct amount of challenge and required me to use various techniques I have previously been taught. Is there anything else to get on with whilst we wait for the remaining students?"

    The professor looked baffled, moving over to look at the paper. He skimmed through the content, ticking and mumbling until he put it down again, looking at Jonathan, "I don't know how you knew most of this, but well done. That is all for a starter, we will continue once the others come. As for the rest of you, have a go at these questions. Do not feel discouraged if you do not know them, they are difficult."

    Jennifer followed her brother closely, "Oh come on, Lou! What could they possibly say about us being an incy wincy bit late? It's our second chance! We deserve to feel free!" She spun in a little circle, her dress rising due to the air. She tripped on her own foot, falling towards Lou, letting out a short, high-pitched squeak.

    Dr Kelly smiled at the students as they entered the room, greeting them all with a firm handshake and a cheery "Good morning!". The desks in the labs were different from the classrooms. There were 6 conjoined desks sets, each with 6 chairs surrounding them. On the desks were gas taps and electrical sockets, both turned off for safety precautions.
  8. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    +26 / 0 / -0
    Kara stared at Dr. Kelly's hand and gingerly shook it. She hadn't been able to just brush by the instructor, nor could she bring herself to fake the bubbly attitude of her tormentors. So... shyness was her option. A reluctant silence with a hint of remorse.
    Entering the room she hunted for a solitary position in the back corner of the room. There she sat, notebook and pencil in hand as she doodled out some bizarre experiment.
  9. Dangoon Trophy Collector

    May 4, 2016
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    +2 / 0 / -0
    Vito looked the teachers were late it seemed this happened at every High School. "Teach can we hurry up and start a lot of us if not all of us don't wish to be here" the young man said pushing up his glasses with his gloved index finger. Vito knew what he said what the truth was most people here were forced to be here he didn't want to be rude but he was still in a salty mood from being captured just a few days before.
  10. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    +33 / 0 / -0
    Lou brushed his left hand through Jennifer's hair when she fell on him. And looked down towards her. "First impressions matter. We don't want to be known as those slacker kids. Besides the people that are also here and on time are law breakers and hoodlums. Do you want them to have better attendance than us. Jen?"

    Lou let Jennifer go inside before he did. And closed the door behind them. He saw the only 2 open seats were on either side of King. So he took the left seat. Upon sitting down he heard the vigilante speak up in what seemed to be an aggressive manor. Lou raised his voice for the class to hear.

    "It doesn't matter if you wanna be here or not. From the reputation this school has. You need to be here for help. Now shut up and pay attention. Do you want to go jail to jail or be free and have a decent life." Lou slouched over in his desk and gave his full attention to Dr. Kelley.

    "Hey, Man. My name is King." He whispered over to Lou. "I know you want to learn something today so I'll leave you alone. But after class or during break we should talk. You're a good kid and I don't want you having to get your hands dirty. Shape some of these kids up. Beat em down. Do whatever you have to. Naw. Now that's what I'm in here for. Once I have your back I have it for life. So think about it Kid. I'm sure you'll make whatever decision is best for you."

    King turned in his seat and saw Jennifer. He saw both of them coming in at the same time. "That goes for you too." King put his head on the desk and closed his eyes. We wasn't going to fall asleep but he was going to conserve his energy the best he could. Didn't sleep much the night before so he was catching up now.

  11. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    +63 / 0 / -0
    Name: Kurt "Lunatic Edge" Ambrose
    Reason for nickname: A double meaning for his weapon of choice (switchblade) and the "edge of insanity."
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Generally quiet and docile, he seems to be a rather easygoing person at first glance and he's pretty easy to get along with. In fact, he is fairly harmless to the people around him unless he is provoked. However, those who choose to provoke him might not live to tell the tale.
    Appearance: Messy, medium-length red hair, slightly below average height, slim build, toned muscles, wears a black hooded jacket over a grey t-shirt with dark blue jeans and tennis shoes.
    Age: 15
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
    Short Long Background: Born the son of a mob boss, Kurt learned how to fight from a very young age. Although his father hoped that he would find a better path in life, he still taught Kurt the ways of the "family business" in case he chose to continue it. As it turns out, neither of these paths were meant to be. On a dark, rainy night, Kurt's parents were murdered while he slept. When he woke up to his mother's screams and rushed downstairs, he saw their bloodied corpses and something inside of him snapped. The next day, he snuck into a meeting with his father's men, where they planned to take revenge on the rival boss who was responsible for his death. Kurt overheard where they were going and when. That was when he made a decision that would change his life forever.

    He decided that he would get to their target first.

    Since he picked up his father's knack for getting into places where he didn't belong, he was able to make his way into the rival boss' hideout later that night. He dispatched the two guards that were inside and soon made his way to his target. Some time later, the mobsters who broke into the same hideout bent on revenge found only the desecrated corpse that Kurt made of him. The sight was gruesome, even to them. Kurt was very careful-- meticulous, even-- as he cut into the man many, many times, purposely avoiding any vital organs to prolong his suffering as long as possible. Even with the rope tied around his mouth, presumably to prevent anyone from hearing him, they could tell that the man had been screaming in agony.

    Amazingly, Kurt was never caught and his life continued peacefully in a foster home. His father's men might have had something to do with that, covering up the murder as a final service to their boss. However, he would not be allowed to escape justice so easily. Eventually, through a set of equally unlikely and unfortunate circumstances, his best friend of six years discovered what he had done. Kurt managed to evade the police and in a flash of cold fury, went to his former friend's house and slashed his throat before escaping again. But he would not be on the run for very long. The next day, instead of trying to hide out with his father's men, he instead strolled into the police office rather casually, took out his bloodied switchblade and threw it on the front desk. Shocked as they were, the nearby officers reacted quickly and arrested him on the spot.

    Since he turned himself in when he had every opportunity to escape, it was decided that he would be sent to Second Chance.


    Kurt, wearing a dull expression on his face, shook the teacher's hand somewhat reluctantly and muttered "good morning" back to her. He was always unsure of how to act around such cheerful-looking people. He meandered through the room to the desk with the least amount of people sitting at it and took a seat. With his hands folded in front of him on the desk, he quietly waited for the lesson to start without saying a word to anyone.
  12. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    +291 / 0 / -0
    Using an old character for this one since the RP I used her in didn't last long, just changing up info

    Name: Patience
    Reason for nickname: N/A
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Quiet, often shy until she warms up to you
    Age: 15
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
    Short Background: When she was about 2 months old, she was abandoned by her drug addict parents. Not wanting to deal with a crying baby and what it took to care for a baby, they ditched her in a box near a dumpster. Passerby's heard what sounded like faint cries down an alleyway and called the police. Upon investigating the noise, they discovered the tiny, malnourished baby laying in a box covered in old dirty rags, there was a couple used needles next to the box she was in. The police took the baby to an adoption agency while they further their investigation. There were no family claims of the child and the police later discovered the parents after an arrest for drug abuse. A DNA test was done and determined the arrestee's were indeed her parents.

    The agency cleaned her up, fed her and cared for her for a month, until she was healthy and ready to be placed for adoption. The agency gave her the name Patience, since she was a very patience baby during the processing phase. Now that she was ready for adoption, she was now placed on a list of children to be adopted. Only problem..... no one wanted a baby whose parents were druggies, mainly cause they feared the child would follow in the footsteps of their parents. The agency had to keep records of the children when they are found or taken from their homes. All police reports were filed in Patience document and were read over by applicators.

    Thus begun a long and painful road of being placed into one foster home after the next. Patience had been in some good homes and some not so good homes, she had been treated kindly by some, and abused by others. As she got older, it got harder to find anyone to take her in. Her age and record played a major part in her not getting adopted. No one really wanted an older child, they would prefer a baby or toddler over a pre-teen.

    There was one foster family she loved and adored, they too loved and adored her as well. But tragedy set in, the foster father suddenly passed away from heart failure. The foster mother couldn't handle the loss of her husband and decided to step down from fostering children. This causing Patience to be placed back into the agency yet again. The agency couldn't keep her anymore, so they sent her to second chance. At least that would be a place where they wouldn't have to worry about her anymore.


    Patience sat in the math class staring out the window, her chin resting in her hand, daydreaming about life outside of the walls. But as usual she accepted wherever she was placed, she was used to it, bouncing from one place to the next, not having a say in the matter. She was given yet another chance in her life. She sighed as she watched a cloud float by. Her other hand laid across a paper with her written work and answers to each of the questions that was on the whiteboard. It didn't take her long to figure out the answers. She had spent most of her time reading and learning.
  13. Kaede Trophy Hunter

    Nov 7, 2015
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    +450 / 0 / -0
    Name: Arttikka Kross
    Reason for nickname: Beatrice Solita is an alias name used
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Cold (Almost emotionless untill anoyed), somewhat formal, can show a compassionate side towards people once she feels she can trust them.
    Natural Appearance: 160cm tall, long white hair tied back into a bun with longish bangs and a fringe, Left eye is blue and right eye is green, pale skin and a scar that covers her left eye..
    Cover up Appearence: Wears a dark, almost black wig that falls to the middle of her back, wears dark blue contact lensors, wears a formal black uniform.
    Age: 17
    Ethnicity: British
    Short Background: Family constantly under thread from every community they staed at. They had already Lost Arttikka's elder sister due to violence so they dumped Arttikka at their last town they stayed at before moving on. She was seven years old and she survived on the streets along side other children for a few months. However, for Arttikka's rather strange appearance and name she was constantly abused by fellow children. As a result, she was forced to run. Arttikka found herself a little rundowned house where she stayed for a few years and went by the name Beatrice Solita. Resolving to stealing from nearby stores for food, fresh water and any educational books she could get her hands on, she was finally caught by local police and now has been taken into this school.

    Beatrice walked down the corridor looking for the classroom in which she needed to be in. A slip of paper told her the class number but no directions.
  14. Nejat Defender of the Morgue

    Jun 18, 2014
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    +7 / 0 / -0
    Purely for terms of advancing the roleplay, going to drop a time-skip on the lesson because I'd be boring for me to try and teach ya'll about Trigonometric Identities and Quark Compositions!

    Various students file into both class rooms, following through what they are taught and doing their best to keep up. Most seem to hate being there, some enjoy it.

    Dr Kelly moves over to her whiteboard, activating the slideshow. As soon as the slide advances, she begins talking, explaining the fundamental research conducted to prove various equations and theories. For those genuinely interested in the lesson, this would be a thrill of a time. For those who simply were there for the heck of it, well they'd find it very, very boring.

    In his room, Dr Joseph also began his lesson, going through the initial questions presented on the board, then moving onto his actual lesson. He speaks about three main 'rules' to remember that would easily guide anyone through examinations. Occasionally he'd stop, making sure everyone was following.

    Soon, the bell rings, followed almost immediately by the activation of the school tannoys, the same lady as before speaking through and echoing along the school, "Students! Your first lesson of the day is finished! Please shuffle along to the cafeteria for breakfast."

    Jonathan stood up with a slight grumble, extending his cane again. He moved towards the professor, shaking his hand firmly, "Sir, your lesson was excellently taught, if I may say so myself. I feel as if this will be one of those lessons I can't wait to attend on a more frequent, regular basis." He turns and leaves through the door, walking towards what he assumed was the cafe.

    Jennifer nodded submissively, there was no way she could argue against her brother and hope to win. Upon the end of the lesson, the bounced up in her seat, happy to finally leave. "What an off time for breakfast, I would've assumed they would've served it first thing in the morning!" She waited for her brother, following him closely.
  15. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    +33 / 0 / -0
    King got up ahead of the class and walked out the door waiting for Lou to come out of the classroom. He a stood on the opposite side of the door allowing any traffic to pass. Leaning up against the wall.

    "A brunch doesn't sound too bad does it Now Jen? Hopefully they serve decent food and not prison slop huh?!" Lou got up and pushed his seat in. He let his hand forward to tell Jennifer to go ahead of him. "You go to the cafe without me. I'm gonna talk to that kid. King he said his name was. I'll see What he wants, hopefully I won't have to fight him." Lou began to walk out the door with Jennifer nearby. She was always in distance of him to see or of him to hear. He wouldn't ever let her actually be alone. He saw the person talking to him outside of the door and tensed up. "So, what were you trying to talk about with me earlier?"

    "Eh, I'm good at reading people. I know you're not like the rest of us in here. Not sure if you met some of the others in here. But that kid in the classroom that was moody and you told to ease up. He was a vigilante; he's whacked. Probably got something going on upstairs. And then another kid his nickname is phantom. Both were all over the news for different reasons though. Vigilantism and criminal activity. Regardless. You don't need an extended sentence. If anything comes up I don't mind knockin down a few pegs. You catching my drift?" King started walking. With Lou on the side of him. Jennifer was either close behind or closely ahead.

    "I'm in here because someone decided to Fuck with one of my boys. I showed him not to mess around with me; pretty sure he got the message. Sent him away in a stretcher. So what do you say? Friends?" king reached his hand out to give Lou a handshake. He had alterior motives under the circumstances he ever needed him.

    Lou was hesitant as he heard everything that King was saying but in the end he shook his hand. It wouldn't do any harm he figured having a friend here wouldn't be all that bad especially one who wouldn't care if they got stuck in there longer then need be. A house for Orphans, Thugs, and the seemingly crazy is what second chance was starting to look like to him.

    "Just one thing, leave my sister alone and anyone who tries to mess with her. You make sure to defend her." Lou was pretty serious about what he said it was obvious when king looked over at his face he wasn't playing around. "Anything happens to her I don't care how much longer I'm in here. Understand?"

    "Understood." King said as they walked to the cafetria together.
  16. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    +63 / 0 / -0
    Kurt listened to the lesson attentively, showing a genuine interest in learning the lesson. He always did well in school as his parents encouraged him to be a model student, hoping that he would pursue higher education rather than a life of crime. Even now, Kurt decided that he would make the most of the assignments he was given while he was in Second Chance.

    After the lesson ended and breakfast time was announced, Kurt quietly packed up and made his way out of the classroom. He studied the map he was given closely, so he had a pretty good idea of where the cafeteria was. He made his way there, keeping to himself while trying to fade into the crowd of students.
  17. Kaede Trophy Hunter

    Nov 7, 2015
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    +450 / 0 / -0
    Beatrice saw how the students were exiting out of their classrooms and she already knew she was too late for her first class. She sighed as she waited for them to all be ahead of her. Perhaps she could follow them and find out where she is meant to be she thought.
    #17 Kaede, May 14, 2016
    Last edited: May 16, 2016
  18. Dangoon Trophy Collector

    May 4, 2016
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    +2 / 0 / -0
    Vito frowned he knew he needed to calm down after one of his fellow students told him to calm down so he did so, plus the woman deserved no anger from him. Vito waited patiently until class ended and breakfast period started. The young man stood up calmly and walked slowly towards the cafeteria as he looked at the map. There were a few kids that gave Vito a dirty look on his probably didn't like the fact that he was here but Vito was now surprisingly calm compared to the start of class. Vito continued walking towards the cafeteria, hopefully someone wouldn't come to talk to him.
  19. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    +26 / 0 / -0
    The bell rang causing Kara to jump slightly. Opening her eyes she looked around the classroom and saw that all of the other students were leaving. Class must be over, I guess.
    Standing up she collected her notebook and satchel bag and made her way out of the classroom. She followed the herd of other students to their destination and discovered the rather spacious cafeteria. Several hundred other students milled around, stood in line or sat at tables with one another. The gathering of so many people in one place sounded like a convoy of diesel trucks as everyone talked loudly to be heard over the general din. Seeing all of them gathered before her caused her to be slightly revolted and yet at the same time her mind was filled with ways to use them to further her own curiosity.

    "So loud," she said loudly just to hear herself. She'd have to make her time here short, grab food and then retreat into one of the hallways where it was quiet.

    Her classmates had become one with the roiling mass of bodies before her. She'd recognized a few of them from news reports and idly wondered if her exploits had been broadcasted as well, for all of the world to shudder in disgust and turn up their noses at her actions. Her hand closed around the bit of plastic in her pocket as she braced herself for the walk to the counter. She pushed her way through, completely ignoring any semblance of order or patience. The long lien was bypassed and she walked right up to the trays, grabbed one and made her way down the buffet.

    Name: Felix Flynn
    Gender: Male
    Personality: He is a no nonsense kind of person who has a high regard for rules. He's generally a nice person but can become enraged by people who take advantage of others.
    Appearance: Short black hair, green eyes, stands 6' 0" and is in good shape, wears a suit and tie with sunglasses.
    Age: 15
    Ethnicity: Irish
    Short Background: Felix is the son of a Navy Seal and an FBI agent. Growing up his parents instilled in him the
    value of the justice system and that everyone who does wrong will be brought to justice. He joined the Boy Scouts and did his best to help out everyone. There were a couple years when he'd get beaten up for defending some of his weaker classmates. But after several fights and training from friends of his parents, he became skilled in hand to hand. He played as a linebacker in football and got a reputation as someone you didn't want to fight. Despite this, he was always kind to others and never started a fight or was mean. However he was always a stickler about following the rules.

    The school he attended was a private religious academy. However that didn't keep drugs or gang related affairs out of the student body. He noticed some of his peers roughing up some of the new freshman and he intervened. The other boys pulled knives on him. Once the fight was over the five kids who were with the gang were dead. He hadn't meant to kill them but as his father's Navy buddy told him once, "If someone comes at you like they're tryin ta kill ya. You have to be willing ta kill em right back."
    More of the gang members showed up before the police did, and Felix did what he felt was necessary. When the cops finally showed up on the scene he had killed 7 people and badly injured a dozen or so more. He didn't resist when he was arrested. To protect him from retribution, and the fact that he was looking at multiple first degree murder charges, Felix was sent to Second Chance.

    "And just what do you think you're doing?" A voice growled from behind Kara. She turned just as a vice clamped itself around her wrist. A tall boy wearing a three piece suit stood there glowering down at her. She gazed up at him without really seeing him. "Well?"

    "Let go of me," she replied in a low voice. Her fist tightened around the object in her coat pocket. He gave a her a look of disgust and let go of her arm.

    "There's a line," he said pointing over one shoulder with a thumb. "Most civilized people understand that you're supposed to wait your turn."

    Kara glared back at him in response. Who the hell does he think he is talking down to me like that!
    The two of them stood there for a while, glaring into each others eyes. The students behind them were getting restless however. With an annoyed huff Felix pulled Kara out of the line and pulled her to the back.

    "The hell is your problem?"
    "People like you who think they can do whatever they want."
    "People can do whatever they want. You think strength is the only true force in this world?"
    "Of course not. But there are rules that everyone has to follow. Rules that keep society running. Without them, well I guess everyone would be like you, Miss Splicer." He met her slightly alarmed look with one of absolute contempt. "People like you, who don't care about anyone but themselves. You disgust me."

    Kara glared at the back of the boy's head as he turned back around. Her fist was clenched so tightly around the piece of plastic that the sharpened end cut into her fingers. Slick blood ran over her skin as she raged silently in her head.

    Finally with an irritated sound, Kara stormed out of the cafeteria and into one of the less populated hallways. There she sat on the floor with her back against the wall. She pulled the charm out of her pocket and stared at the blood coated figure, a cartoon character fro ma show she had liked a lot when she was small. Her older sister had given it to her years ago, before she committed suicide. The paint had been rubbed away in many places but there was still enough to tell who it was. Putting it back into her pocket, Kara bandaged her hand.

    Felix watched the girl go. "Kara Krosroads," he muttered to himself. "The girl who dissected her classmates while they were alive and tried to stitch them together. When she was caught, she said she just wanted to see if the theories she had in her head would actually work.'

    "She's twisted," he said a bit louder and with a sad shake of his head.
    #19 The_Lullabye, May 15, 2016
    Last edited: May 16, 2016
  20. MateusseDarkslight Trophy Hunter

    Jun 24, 2014
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    Trophy Points:

    +8 / 0 / -0
    Name: Theodore Knight (old name) Martin Squire (new name)
    Reason for nickname: Draugr (inspired by the media crisis in his background)
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Quiet, generally seems to fade into the backdrop, seeks the company of outcasts and loners.
    Appearance: Icy-blue eyes, a beard and mustache that grows wild and bushy giving him a savage appearance, in contrast to his measured attitude. Slender to the point of anorexic, despite an oddly protruding belly and lean yet powerful physique.
    Age: 15
    Ethnicity: British
    Short Background: Theodore Knight was bullied relentlessly, and over the years of abuse from all corners of his life (to the extent where what he defined as happiness came from the taxi ride between home and school) he developed an overwhelming hunger that he could never seem to satisfy as a means of coping with the stress. One day, when he was getting thrashed by a bully and his other friends in a show of dominance, he completely snapped. He attacked the whole gang with nothing but his teeth, and in the ensuing melee tore out chunks of flesh with his teeth and consumed them in a fit of rage. When the media sharks descended on the fiasco, a terrified Scandinavian student who’d lost a chunk out of his leg accidentally dubbed him “Draugr” after the undead flesh-hungry beasts of Norwegian legend, and the name stuck. After a plea of insanity, a high profile court case, a lot of pleading, some bribery and a hefty course of medication, Theodore Knight disappeared and Martin Squire arrived at Second Chance.

    “Don’t be so quick to judge,” a low voice said quietly behind Felix. Martin’s eyes were shrouded slightly by thick bed-head brown hair, and he seemed oddly misshapen in his school uniform, but he gave off a curious air of submissive defiance. “Some people aren’t exactly designed from the ground up with a sense of morality. Others lose it along the way. Everyone has their demons to fight.” A flash of something that could have been interpreted as anger. “And people snarking about it doesn’t make it any better. You should be helping her, trying to understand her, trying to be her friend. Not just... being the same kind of person she’s used to hating.” He walked past, heading out of the door, and could pick up the scent of blood. Some scents never really left his nose these days. Blood was one of them. He turned down the corridor. “Kara?” he called out. “Kara?”

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