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Why Can I not get into Fallout 4

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by Cpt_K3nny, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. Cpt_K3nny Trophy Hunter

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Urgh I have played the game for 4 hours and I am already bord out of my mind with this game.....

    What is wrong with me?? Everyone is like its super awesome but I just cannot seem to get myself to play through it......

    I think maybe its because I am thinking its going to consume my time so much that I just cant get into it?

    I Really want to play it but I dont know please Fallout 4 fanboys & Fangirls help me!! it was a Christmas gift from my wife so I am going to have to play it or else get sent to the dog house but how can I make this game more fun!!!!

    Redo the tutorials maybe?

    Just an FYI i am not saying this is a bad game I just really can't seem to get into it?
  2. Heizengard AKA Cernel Joson

    Apr 11, 2013
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    Did you like Fallout 3? A problem I had with it was that it felt really watered down. I loved Fallout 3 (it's one of my top three games) and Fallout 4, while I don't dislike it at all, felt a bit underwhelming and watered down, both gameplay wise and level up wise.

    Could also have to do with the size of the game. I have that problem a lot with long games. I'm really into it, or can't get into it, and then get bored of it halfway through because of how long it is.

    As for making it more fun, if you have the PC version there are mods. I had to do that with Skyrim because of how bored I was playing it vanilla.
  3. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    It's because I'm not doing a playthough of the game and making snarky comments about everything.
    They should put me in the game instead of the dog. I'll make it better. :p
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  4. Cpt_K3nny Trophy Hunter

    Sep 28, 2015
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    hmmm will you be wearing ass less chaps, Gag ball and a leash if so count me in! LOL :p

    What I am kind of into that thing since reading Fifty Shades of Gray

    So dont judge me!
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  5. ShadowLinks Hero of Time

    Apr 20, 2013
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    I'm generally not a fan of Bethesda games so I somewhat understand despite not playing 4 yet. Generally I find that to enjoy games like it though I have to go in with a purpose, plan, or ideal in mind. Otherwise I'd probably get lost and die after exiting the vault and give up.
  6. Cpt_K3nny Trophy Hunter

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I dont know I was hoping it was going to be like a first person shooter Witcher 3 type of game but this game has not captivated me like the Witcher did.... I find in the Witcher 3 exploring had more of a purposed and was alot more fun than what is in this game.. I also feel like I am being overwhelmed by all the controls and agility crap cant I just shoot my enemy no need for this fancy pantsy stuff about where you can freeze the game and analyse the enemy also I dislike the pitboy navigation and setup.... I really want to get into it but to me Fallout 4 so far is a meh game....
  7. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    If I went back to my review I would give It a 4/10 it did not compel me and it's not good.
  8. Shogun13 Lord of the Dance

    Mar 27, 2013
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    I personally like being a VATS general, pointing at enemies to die, but if you want to avoid vats, consider how you made your character. I found fallout 4 really works when you look at a wiki and have a plan. Are you a stealth player? Or are you the type to go in guns blazing? Do you like the idea of walking around in power armor all of the time? If you don't need to invest in VATS, you can skip quite a bit of the perception, agility and luck trees, especially if you are more of a full auto type guy. You can totally walk around in a suit of power armor all of the time if you invest in either charisma or intelligence heavily. If you want ridiculousness and are willing to engage in VATS, sneak melee is super funny and powerful, just grab a combat knife and ninja people. I personally love sniping people and then infiltrating buildings with deliverer and going into VATS the second somebody seems to notice me.
    In general, look at your build, and see what perks look interesting to you. Spray and Pray is an easy overpowerable weapon if you just want to see the corpses hit the floor. I like the weapon and armor mod systems in the game as most of the more common guns can become auto weapons, pistols, or rifles.
    In my opinion, Fallout 4 feels sort of washed out compared to fallout 3, but it gains a level of variety. Most of the missions are radiant quests that are essentially, do something in this location. The number of interesting side missions is less. But now you can explore almost every building, find countless campsites and half destroyed buildings. Now you commit to certain weapons with perk choices, and can make decisions. Gone are the days where optimal builds are reasonably conceivable, and like dark souls you sort of build to a weapon. Today I'm using Deliverer and Tinker Tom's Special, but tomorrow I'm looking forward to Gauss rifles and playing with the railway rifle. Maybe some day I'll do a stealth melee vats build or use Kellogg's gun and do a luck build. Charisma builds are fun and intelligence can be very useful. No perk is essential (though lockpicking always feels essential...) and most of the perks are interesting.
    So in general, what do you want fallout 4 to be?
  9. Vashnik Guest

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    I just do whatever I want, I have no plan... 207 hours later, still on my first play through, and haven't progressed very far in the main story. I have like 10 or so settlements, with a crap load of defenses and a few settlements with more than 20 people though, while most have at least 10 and freshly acquired ones have less than 10. lol Oh and almost every settler has a vault jumpsuit. I love the PC version. I can just add a bunch of vault suits so I can mark what settlers I have met.

    Here's my take on Fallout 4
    Settlements do need quite a bit of planning, if you wish to organize it at least. Some people have farmers in Farmhand Clothes, while guards and provisioners might be in Army Fatigues, armor and an Army Helmet. (You can kind of sense a theme and thus helps keep you organized of who is working on what in your settlement).

    My only major gripe is Bethesda's massive laziness in bug fixing. It's like not one single developer actually learned how to code, so they just ignored them and released the game anyway and are slowly fixing a handful (when other companies as big or smaller than them can do more and do it faster). Seriously, if it weren't for the debug console, my game would have been bugged so bad that I would have had to start over from scratch, all because some of the quests get glitched... a lot. I think that's why Steam achievements aren't disabled in the game when you use the debug console. It sucks for any console users though. You all are screwed if your game gets bugged up so bad, you have to start over since you don't have a debug console to work with to fix bugged quests. Also, there were a lot of missed opportunities. Skeletons can't be scrapped (not without a mod, which again, PC users benefit from) and they can't be grabbed and moved, in fact some of them give you a message in the upper-right corner of your screen that "this object is too heavy to lift." There is no such thing as "cleaning up" in the game, so a lot of small debris can't be scrapped without a mod (I use "Spring Cleaning" and you can actually tidy up pre-War houses that are within your Settlements' borders, or scrap the house all together. You can even remove those annoying bushes and brush so they're not always sticking up through your concrete floors.) Some pre-War houses have weak collision detection. A lot of objects can't be built on top of the first floor, but sometimes you can build on the second floor, if it exists. You can walk on the first floor though, you just can't always build on it, even though there are other objects still sitting on the floor as if it was a solid floor. Also, the overall clipping and snapping in "Workshop" mode, needs major improvement. There's just not enough flexibility to actually customize your settlements and sometimes snapping points just aren't obtainable. Object rotation is weak as well. You can only rotate on a single axis and there is currently no known way to rotate grabbed items on the other axis (instead of an X and Y, you just have X). Grabbed objects have a relative single axis, depending where and at what spot you grab an object will determine how it rotates in front of you.

    Anyone interested in Fallout 4, don't get it at full price. Wait for a sale. It's not worth 59.99 for a fully bugged game. I bought mine at about 30-40 bucks when it was on sale in Steam.

    It's a good game, it's just not as great as they could have made it.

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