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Should Most (if not all) anime's better off ditching dubs for good?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by JamesMayFan, Sep 26, 2015.


Should Most (if not all) anime's better off ditching dubs for good?

  1. Yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. No

    11 vote(s)
  1. JamesMayFan Trophy Hunter

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I'm afraid I'll probably just started a flamewar in here but anyways let's get this straight and civil as possible...

    As Nowadays most anime's are geared and highly demanded with Japanese Audio and Dubs we're hated to death, I feel like Why North American Anime Licensors keep producing those mediocre/horrible dubbed anime to us... I mean it's like adding a crappy Singleplayer to CoD or BF games as these games we're heavily demanded in their Multiplayer, so by removing them all (atleast newer ones and keep every single newer animes subtitled only), we we're never hearing any fighting in the community again, as the vast majority of people not going to appreciate these dubbed anime nor they care about them...

    this is all my raw thoughts to how to stop the cycle of hate of every single modern dubbed anime's, so if you have a thoughts to share feel free to post anything you like :)
  2. Shogun13 Lord of the Dance

    Mar 27, 2013
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    Could've done with some more baking, the post is full of so many grammatical errors I want to cry.
    Eh, I think the thing people forget about the CoD and BF games is that there are people who want to play those campaigns. In the same way, services like Crunchyroll largely fill a demand for subbed anime in a way that a dub company like Funimation has trouble keeping up with. So if there is such a demand for sub only and dubs are just weighing down the industry, you'd probably see Funimation just follow into releasing subs. However, that doesn't seem to be the case, at least among the people who buy DVDs (who are a small part of the anime community and might arguably be the minority). So when I hear the arguments of "dubs are terrible, stop making them", you have to realize that Funimation fills its coffers with enough money that they can keep going. The backlash does make them release dualtrack audio, which is good, but if Funimation can balance its books to afford the dubs, you capture a larger audience. You have people who buy the dvd for subs and people who buy the dvd for dubs, so why play to only one audience?
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  3. BK-201 The Black Reaper Moderator

    Apr 20, 2013
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    I think we should have the choice to pick, just because you don't like dubs doesn't mean everyone agrees with you. My main issue with dubs is that it seems only fan-servicey series get them and a lot of great series don't so that could be the reason dubs aren't made so well.

    Another point I'd like to bring up is one that Hayao Miyazaki made, he would prefer we watch his movies in the language we are most comfortable with so that we can truly appreciate the aesthetic beauty of the visuals and not have to read the bottom of the screen and miss things.
  4. JamesMayFan Trophy Hunter

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I don't think I'd hate dubs, the recent dub I watched was Chuunibiyou was kind of okay, not in a grade of it's original or even the mighty Korean dub (I remember watching the first season on Korean dub while waiting for the English dub. And in my opinion, Chuunibiyou on Korean dub is more breathtaking than it's original counterpart nor the English dub will be, and also as an anime watcher in general, Chuunibiyou on Korean dub is better than any of moe shows released in last 5 years) but my problem is that apparently I found these kind of shows, well y'know... (moe, romcom, slice of life stuff) we're having it's dub works hated to death as the final results, as those shows were heavily relied on Japanese pop culture stuff, these kind of shows should have being released subtitled only as they could be hard to translated for us (Americans/Foreigners)
    #4 JamesMayFan, Sep 26, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2015
  5. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    I'm gonna put a little of my input on this as well. Considering the younger audiences, as a mother of 3, its easier for kids to watch certain anime in dubbed then it is subbed. My 8 year old cant keep up with how fast the sub is. Don't get me wrong he is a great reader BUT the subtitles do tend to go really fast for kids their age (heck sometimes I have a hard time keeping up with some of them myself). I also have a 4 and a 6 year old who likes to watch anime as well who are just learning to read. So having dubbed anime works for them cause they can understand what is being said.
    I encourage my kids to watch anime cause it is something that I enjoy and they to enjoy it themselves. At times we watch anime together so we watch it in dub. I also know a few people who prefer to watch anime dubbed then in subbed because the subtitles go to to fast and they aren't able to watch what is going on in the anime itself cause they are too busy trying to read the subtitles. I myself watch both, but at times I will put on a dubbed anime and do other things but am able to understand what is going on cause it is in dubbed. In sub you cant really do that lol. It basically all depends who is comfortable with what, but there are several out there that prefer dubbed over subbed. If there were no dubbed anime I believe that would be a a big majority of anime watchers. If you really think about it, most viewers who watched their very first anime (aside from the japanese) have watched it in dubbed before knowing there was also a subbed version.
  6. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Peronally, i prefer dubs. If I am desperate, I watch subs. When I watch subs, I have to shut off the sound, since,foreign language and english subtitles distract me. However, it has been over a year since I watched a sub. The transaltion differences can bother me sometimes. This reminds me that I should catch up on my Japanese so I could just listen to the original in lieu of the subs.
  7. Kaede Trophy Hunter

    Nov 7, 2015
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    That is actually hard to choose. Personally, I believe male characters are better in English. Meanwhile, I believe female characters are best suited in Japanese. Their voices just seem natural this way, in my opinion anyway. Slower readers would find it hard reading subbed anime and movies as they can have troubler keeping up. Also they would get annoyed reading the screen and not watching the action. That's how I was when I first started watching subbed but I guess people would learn to read subbed anime faster. However, those who wish to learn a new language would pick up some lines in anime and movies too.
    There are pros and cons to both sides in my opinion.

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