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    shedninja the sites biggest bug
Last Activity:
Dec 28, 2018
Oct 21, 2015
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Jan 29, 1986 (Age: 38)
Home Page:
not tellin'


Trophy Hunter, Female, 38, from not tellin'

PhantomBrat was last seen:
Dec 28, 2018
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  • About

    Jan 29, 1986 (Age: 38)
    Home Page:
    not tellin'
    So...I've been away for quite some time. I have to say I blame Fanfiction.net for having so many awesome Yu-Gi-Oh stories and inspiring me to try my hand at writing. I have had one of my stories plagiarized and posted on another site...it has since been taken down, and I've made up my mind that that particular fanfic will not ever be posted there.

    I also have had other distractions such as crochet projects, drawing and planning my next entries for future county fairs, trying to catch up on shows I've missed...thank god for Cox's OnDemand feature... and life in general.

    My Internet exposure is currently limited as my LG LEON LTE crapped out on me. I now have to save up for a replacement that isn't an LG product. I'm thinking of going back to using Samsung products even though they're a bit more expensive. I'm also going to make sure that it's added to the insurance plan on the service plan my parents have just to ensure that I can get it replaced.

    Personal Thoughts:

    Why do they call it dog doo when it's already been done?

    Maturity is overrated...Common sense has more value...

    If life is like a box of chocolates, then where's the raspberry or orange creme filling?

    I don't just get even, I pull pranks.

    Fool me once, shame on me
    Fool me twice, shame on you
    Fool me thrice, then you're asking to be pranked.

    Sure, I'll play Pokemon. I'm Pikachu. I thundershock your butt.

    Hobbies: Reading, watching Sci-fi and anime and cartoons, playing video games and collecting vintage ones, pulling pranks, eating pretzel-stuffed marshmallows, collecting Yu-Gi-Oh cards and playing the game, tormenting my siblings in mundane-long-distance ways, messing with people's minds...yeah just being myself.

    Currently: Plotting out future chapters for my stories, trying to alphabetize and record my Yu-Gi-Oh cards.

    Favorite Colors: Purple, yellow, and brown.

    Favorite Tv shows: Forever, Supernatural, Bones, CSI (all), Moonlight, Danny Phantom, Yugioh, Star Trek TNG, Macguyver, Stargate (All), Ben 10 (all), Generator Rex, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, NCIS (all variants), Merlin, Secret Saturdays, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Code Lyoko, Negima, Sonic (All), Z Nation, Naruto, The Gifted, Zoo, Shaman King, Inuyasha

    Favorite Movies: Twilight, Stargate, Star Wars, The Mummy (Brenden Frasier was great in them), and more

    Favorite books: Most manga (Currently trying to get the Negima books), Shonen Jump, Twilight, The Mortal Instruments Trilogy, Chicken Soup books, and more (except for Romance-YUCK!!!).

    Favorite Authors: R.L Stine, Christopher Pike, Rick Riordan, Kylie Leane (Found her out through another site and loved her stories, found out that she was working on a series and got her first book. Great read! She's also a fantastic artist.)