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    shedninja the sites biggest bug
Last Activity:
Apr 8, 2022
Apr 20, 2013
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Mar 10, 1988 (Age: 36)


The Black Reaper, Male, 36, from London


People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing everyday! Nov 1, 2018

BK-201 was last seen:
Apr 8, 2022
    1. Servo
      Thanks for the sig BK will keep this forever and ever RIP bro
    2. Supernatural-Knight
    3. Miss Elegent Serenity
      Miss Elegent Serenity
      Rest in peace dear friend. You will always have a place in our hearts.
      B-k passed away on January 23, 2022 :(
      1. Servo likes this.
    4. shedninja
      hey bk sup
      1. View previous comments...
      2. shedninja
        sup sup sup sup
        Dec 27, 2021
      3. BK-201
        sup sup sup sup sup
        Dec 28, 2021
      4. shedninja
        sup sup sup sup sup sup
        Dec 28, 2021
    5. Supernatural-Knight
      Oh no, I was busted by a mod spamming. This doesn't look good.
    6. Supernatural-Knight
      So Vivy, ummm. Holy crap am I invested in this show again or what. After saying I was starting to get bored, the last episode came in and blew that thought right away. Maybe I will give this show an 8 after al.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. BK-201
        When I started the series I thought it was going to be like
        Kono Oto Tomare by was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't. The music really drew me in, we have had a pretty decent season.
        Jun 20, 2021
      3. BK-201
        And yes, Super Cub gets my official BK hidden gem seal of approval!
        Jun 20, 2021
      4. Supernatural-Knight
        I had no expectations for Mashiro no Too besides it being good. The trailers did a good job drawing me in. I wish all the shows I start could be at least as good as it. Niche music anime seem to be a hit.
        Jul 8, 2021
    7. Supernatural-Knight
      So out of the age gap romance series which do you prefer now? Honestly I'm leaning more towards Koikimo after recent episodes. Higehiro had the better start but that got my expectations up too high.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Supernatural-Knight
        Meanwhile Koikimo ended on a high. I got too into that last episode.
        Jun 15, 2021
      3. BK-201
        Nice ending, would be nice to get a special to see them as a family maybe a time skip.
        Jun 16, 2021
      4. Supernatural-Knight
        I feel as long the manga is still ongoing the anime is probably over. I'm almost concerned what the future for Koikimo would be since the draw for most romance series is the chase.
        Jun 17, 2021
    8. Supernatural-Knight
      So I started Vivy, I also caught up with it in one sitting. Its amazing.
      You were right, I should have never doubted it.
    9. Supernatural-Knight
      So what are your thoughts on Higehiro? Honestly its exactly what I was hoping from it so far. If it keeps going this way it might be my favourite this season. Although there are quite a few contenders this time.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Supernatural-Knight
        Without having seen ep 3, I'm already back in love with this series. Ep 2 was fantastic. Saki focussed eps are my favourite ones. Maybe I'm just being biased since Miyano Mamoru is still just as entertaining as well.
        What are you're thoughts?
        Apr 24, 2021
      3. BK-201
        It has got off to a great start, s1 felt more a intro, pilot to see if Zombie and Idols would be popular. S2 feels like we know we have a successful idea so let's tell a proper story and the quality is significantly better. The songs are good and the animation is top notch
        Apr 24, 2021
      4. Supernatural-Knight
        Don't forget the humour as well. The writers know what they can get away with. Their cast certainly can deliver.
        Everything about this series is fantastic including how it was advertised. No one knew what would happen, the PVs were misleading and they had Miyano dressed as Tatsumi.
        Apr 25, 2021
    10. Supernatural-Knight
      So I saw that you watched House Husband. How was it? I was excited at first but after watching the trailer I decided to not even bother.
      After reading all the comments about its animation its safe to assume it wasn't treated with love.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Supernatural-Knight
        I had heard it was a good manga too. So I guess Netflix took that literally. Thought it might be worth asking since it got a S2 announcement and you gave it a 6. Guess this is one I won't waste my time on.
        Apr 20, 2021
      3. BK-201
        The manga is great and really funny, I 100% recommend the manga.
        Apr 20, 2021
      4. Supernatural-Knight
        eh. But you know what I'm like with manga. I barely read them. That sounds like a lot of hassle to me. Although yakuza husband...
        Apr 20, 2021
    11. Supernatural-Knight
      So there is Megalo Box S2 this season as well. I think I found my sports show I'll be watching. Sorry Kabaddi, now it'll take a really good review to get me to watch it.
      1. BK-201
        I'm 10 Billion% watching that! Great 1st episode, love the gritty rundown vibe, reminiscent of the style used for Cowboy Bebop or Trigun.
        Apr 5, 2021
      2. Supernatural-Knight
        So Megalobox is over now. What did you think? I thought it was good but S1 was much better. Still I believe I rated them both a 7
        Jun 29, 2021
      3. BK-201
        I liked it but I agree s1 was much better.
        Jun 29, 2021
    12. BK-201
      People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing everyday!
      1. Kaede and Aioden like this.
      2. Kaede
        This is a major mood!
        Sep 8, 2020
    13. Samet Chan
      Samet Chan
      I love your picture. I can change you age back to young 18 age. If you want or just stop aging is very possible. If you want to know science news.
    14. Supernatural-Knight
      Well I watched the Godzilla film, and you were right it wasn't the best. All the big names in it made it sound like it'd be a masterpiece. I'm hoping it was mostly set up to prepare us all for the 2nd one to be absolutely amazing.
      It wasn't too bad, especially the last 30 mins, but I can honestly say I enjoyed the first ever Godzilla film so much more than this one.
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        Also instead of Godzilla the thing people have to watch right now should be the OVA Baja no Studio from Kyoani. I miss finding stuff like this.
        Jan 26, 2018
      2. BK-201
        That was cute, reminded me of Chi. I'd like a series of Baja's adventures.
        Jan 26, 2018
      3. Supernatural-Knight
        I wasn't exactly reminded of Chi but having such an innocent desire to explore was nice to see again. I have to say I honestly enjoyed Baja more than I am currently enjoying Kyoani's Violet Evergarden.
        I think the voice fit it perfectly. @Noobs would probably get a kick out of it too.
        Jan 28, 2018
    15. AngeloDaniele
      Thanks for the follow X), and for supporting naru.
      1. BK-201 likes this.
    16. Supernatural-Knight
      Eh, BK what did you do to me? When did I fall so far from grace? I've not been the same type of anime fan after watching Barakamon and being linked all sorts of similar series. Gakuen Babysitters is a must watch for me now, well it already was, but even more now after this new PV
      1. BK-201
        You are most welcome but I can't take all the credit, I'm sure Noobs had a part too. I have to see that too looks great.
        Dec 19, 2017
    17. Miss Elegent Serenity
      Miss Elegent Serenity
      1. BK-201 likes this.
      2. BK-201
        Thanks for inviting, will be using that now as Skype has been a pain in the arse recently for me.
        Dec 16, 2017
        Miss Elegent Serenity likes this.
    18. Supernatural-Knight
      Well I finished Capeta, still can't believe you finished it that much faster than I did. But those last 2 races, holy shit. I'm going to miss that series. That crash episode....
      1. BK-201 likes this.
      2. BK-201
        It was nail biting stuff. I really enjoyed it, would love a second series following his journey to F1.
        The manga covers his journey through the different classifications and there is an arc where Capeta and Naomi race for the same team together.
        Sadly the scanlations are not regular and miss out on many chapters.
        Nov 10, 2017
      3. Supernatural-Knight
        I'd have to agree, until those last races they were fun butTHOSE ones were in a league by themselves. The family and friendship vibes also made it enjoyable. I may have teared up at one stage.
        They race on the same team? Wow. I'd like more but we both know that isn't going to happen.
        Nov 12, 2017
    19. Supernatural-Knight
      I still miss the shorts club, so many shorts to be discovered and there is no good place to share them with everybody. I found a whole stash earlier but don't have enough time to watch them, if any are good enough I'll share them with you.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Supernatural-Knight
        I haven't watched any great shorts recently, so I don't have much to share.
        But more importantly, mesmerised you say? I saw you had started it, and now you've caught right up with me. I was surprised to see you start it after my post.
        I'm glad I inadvertently shared it with you.
        Oct 10, 2017
      3. BK-201
        I'm a huge F1 fan so when I read your post and checked MAL, I had to watch it. I love how they make the races so nail biting.
        Oct 11, 2017
      4. Supernatural-Knight
        Not sure if I knew that, f1 huh? Interesting. I don't think there'll be another anime like Capeta out there for you so I'm glad you're enjoying it so much.
        The races have been fun, I just wish the time skip wasn't as awkward after ep 14. Can't believe you've seen more than me now.
        Oct 12, 2017
    20. Supernatural-Knight
      BK, I miss our shorts club, don't you? It was a lot of fun all those years ago. Now I haven't even been sharing them with you here or on skype.
      And as an apology for this you should look up the short series Towel Story. It is exactly what we enjoy
      1. BK-201 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. BK-201
        Cool, will have a look.
        Are you on discord (chat client)? I don't use skype much but discord is what I mostly use. if you want we could chat on there. Soul has recently started using it too. The group with the mostly former JD members is quite slow so no hundreds of messages so can chat more easily.
        Aug 20, 2017
      4. Supernatural-Knight
        I'm not on Discord, the community was on Skype so I went with that as you know. I just figured it was real slow right now since all the chats are currently there. Hell I don't even use Skype anymore in the first place.
        Soul is back, you can say hi to her for me.
        Aug 22, 2017
      5. BK-201
        Sure will do.
        If you do decide to join let me know and I'll friend you on there.
        Aug 22, 2017
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    Mar 10, 1988 (Age: 36)




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