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    with love,
    shedninja the sites biggest bug
Last Activity:
Aug 27, 2019
Apr 28, 2013
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United States Jasper, Florida
Writer; Editor


Trophy Hunter, Male, from United States Jasper, Florida

Chat Moderator
Roy-Blue was last seen:
Aug 27, 2019
    1. Zeenjayli
      Found you ;)
      1. Roy-Blue
        Oh, haha. Was I that hard to find?
        Dec 31, 2016
        Zeenjayli likes this.
      2. Zeenjayli
        nah I wasn't actually looking I just saw you online on the side bar ;P
        Dec 31, 2016
    2. Kaede
      I was just wondering, how do you put your signatures on rotate?
      1. Roy-Blue
        There are websites that do "sig rotations". All you have to do is find your favorite one and upload your pictures to it and then have it generate a url to paste. It's not too complicated. I used grumpybumpers, but they're all pretty much the same.
        Oct 22, 2016
      2. Kaede
        Ahh ok. Thanks. I thought it was done in the signature part, so I was looking everywhere. :)
        Oct 22, 2016
    3. Kaede
      I do love your avatar.
      Hatsune Miku, right?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Roy-Blue
        Zatsune is just a fan-made Vocaloid that was designed to be Miku's polar opposite. Since Miku was such a cute and innocent little girl it was hard to write certain songs for her with that mental image. So they designed a split personality for her and created Zatsune Miku. Though aside form the black hair, she's supposed to also have red eyes...
        Sep 25, 2016
      3. Kaede
        Oh, I see... Doesn't that have something to do with... I think it was called 'Rotten Apple' Vocaloid? I came across it a few years ago. It was ... something like a horror version of Hatsune Miku, I guess one could call it.
        Sep 26, 2016
      4. Roy-Blue
        Hmm, I'm not sure. The only thing that comes to mind is Bad Apple, but that's more of a Touhou thing. Though, if it's a horror thing, I'm sure they'd use Zatsune. They use her for stuff like death metal or hard rock songs. Just about anything where such a "pop diva" would feel out of place, haha.
        Sep 27, 2016
    4. Kaede
      Hewoo Roy Blue, I thought it would be easier posting here rather than your club. I know these ideas may not be the best but here's what I could gather from people in my community for your music club suggestions. If they don't work, maybe you could extend these ideas or something.

      -Music Trivia
      - Guess the artist competition
      Probably still too big but that's the best I could gather,
      1. Roy-Blue
        They sound alright to me, but you may have to explain a little more for me to know for certain.
        Jul 12, 2016
      2. Kaede
        I don't have anymore more ideas ir infomation than that. I thought maybe you could alter them or something.
        Jul 13, 2016
      3. Roy-Blue
        I mean that those are just names without explanation. There's almost no telling what you mean by them just from that. I can probably guess, but I may fairly easily make the wrong assumption, haha.
        Jul 13, 2016
    5. Core
      Would you mind saying what anime your sig rotator features? I saw some a new one or two, and decide I might ask what they all belong to.
      1. Roy-Blue
        I could name a few, but they don't follow a particular order so it might be hard to follow. It might be easier to ask about the ones your interested in. A helpful hint might be to open it up in a new tab and it will give you the file source of a random sig instead of the rotator itself.
        Apr 10, 2016
      2. Core
        I should have figured that was how it works. Thank you for that.
        Apr 10, 2016
    6. Crazy Potato
      Crazy Potato
      Awesome signature collection!
      1. Roy-Blue
        Oh, you like those? I'm a fan of seamless loops. I love the Zombina avatar, by the way. She was my favorite.
        Mar 2, 2016
      2. Crazy Potato
        Crazy Potato
        She's awesome!
        I too love seamless loops, when I make animations I tend to make them seamless like I did to my avatar.
        Mar 2, 2016
    7. JAMSM
      no. you're not allowed to be inactive right when I decide to reappear that's mean.
      1. Sporadic
        I see him on Skype now and again.
        Sep 24, 2014
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    United States Jasper, Florida
    Writer; Editor


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