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    shedninja the sites biggest bug
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Nov 18, 2020
Sep 28, 2015
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Sep 14, 1985 (Age: 39)
Canada The Frozen Tundra
Database/AIX Admin


Trophy Hunter, Male, 39, from Canada The Frozen Tundra

Living in a world where there is no Fudgeo's after donating blood is not a world I want to be part of.... May 12, 2016

Cpt_K3nny was last seen:
Nov 18, 2020
    1. Miss Elegent Serenity
      Miss Elegent Serenity
      How's the fam? I saw your name pop up on the recently visited section today :)
      1. Cpt_K3nny
        good The province is slowly re-opening and our Daycares have re-opened so Working from home has been alot easier how about yours everything good state side?
        Aug 18, 2020
    2. Satoko Houjou
    3. Negi-Springfield
      What happened to you?
      1. Cpt_K3nny
        Hmm lets see where to begin:
        - Pregnant wife
        - 3 year old
        - Company I work for restructuring and not knowing until last month if I still was employed or not..... (news flash I still am).
        Dec 13, 2017
        Negi-Springfield likes this.
      2. Cpt_K3nny
        - on the bright side 9 months ago i got laid and going to have a baby in the next 6 days :) LOL
        Thanks for checking up on me man I do miss you guys maybe in the next couple of months when things die down ill make a full come back.... lol
        Dec 13, 2017
        Negi-Springfield likes this.
      3. Negi-Springfield
        Any time. Let me know if you ever pass by Montreal, I'll buy you a drink.
        Jan 21, 2018
    4. Batosai
      Who do you think will win the stanley cup?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Cpt_K3nny
        Dont get me wrong I thought it was a very good trade for both teams Weber was what hads needed in Defence and it soothed their style of play more Nashville is a more run and gun type of system witch suited Suban well so it was a good trade but if they do win its going to be you should of never traded Ssuban blah blah blah just dont want to hear it that's why I dont want them to win lol.......
        May 19, 2017
      3. Batosai
        Haha i see. Makes sense though, especially if Suban would score the championship winning goal :p
        May 19, 2017
      4. Cpt_K3nny
        Well he scored the goal in overtime last night fortunately it was in his own net :)
        May 19, 2017
    5. jmriz
      Thanks soooo much for the present!!!!!
      By the way, what anime do you like, I don't think I ever asked you?
      1. Cpt_K3nny
        Hentai strictly hentai for this guy the more tenticals the better!!!!

        And your welcome I am not artistic like a lot on this site so I just throw money at things to fix it lol
        Dec 29, 2016
      2. Cpt_K3nny
        Also just to be clear I kid about hentai.... I pretty much will watch anything as long as my mood is right for that specific genre at the time.. my all time favorite is Fmab doh love that series..
        Dec 29, 2016
      3. jmriz
        I have yet to watch FMAB but I pretty much watch by my mood as you do. I still don't have a favorite anime but my top 7 would have to be The Eccentric Family, Clannad After Story, BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad, Usagi Drop, Welcome to the NHK, SKET Dance, and Cowboy Bebop. I have yet to find another action anime besides CB that I can connect to, as the anime I have mentioned have all impacted me in major ways.
        Dec 29, 2016
    6. Batosai
      I've been watching abit of the world cup of hockey. How important is this tournament in the hockey sport?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Batosai
        I thought so. I saw some names i never heard of before.
        Also, what do you think about the new overtime rule of 3v3? I think the commentator said this will be applied in the NHL too.
        Sep 21, 2016
      3. Cpt_K3nny
        Call me old Fashion but I am not a big fan of it and actually they used it all of last season in the NHL.... It just does not feel like rink hockey to me more like Pond Hockey witch is fine if that's what they want but I preferred to 4 on 4 OT....
        Sep 21, 2016
      4. Batosai
        Yeah i get what you're saying. They probably want it decided faster but it doesn't feel as natural.
        In baseball outside the MLB they do a same kind of thing in extra innings, they put 2 runners on base to start the inning. It's very strange and it's way too easy to score.
        Sep 21, 2016
    7. Thalie
      Hey! Just read your response now. I remember it was about 10 years ago that my cousins visited us from the united states and it was during our winter here in South Africa and I was freezing on my way to school and they were wearing shorts and a t-shirt playing outside early in the morning and all I could think was that they were crazy, haha.
      1. Cpt_K3nny
        Hahhaha thats to funny! yea I think we have a different definition for cold and hot! :)
        Jul 23, 2016
        Thalie likes this.
    8. jmriz
      Happy Father's Day!!! Have a great day!!!
      1. Cpt_K3nny
        Thanks Man!
        Jun 20, 2016
    9. Batosai
      Hey Kenny, you mentioned you play hockey a while ago, i was wondering do you follow the NHL?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Cpt_K3nny
        Well atleast you have a concept of the game and seems like you can skate so its a start !! :) and sounds like you most certainly do! Hockey for life!!! :)
        Jun 22, 2016
      3. Batosai
        Yeah and to put a link to Canada, the Toronto Raptors had a very good season. They have one of my favorite players, Jonas Valaciunas.
        Jun 22, 2016
      4. Batosai
        I see, so the blood rule is like most sports. I gotta mention, one thing that kinda scared me in hockey are the horror scenes of players having their throat cut by another players skate. I know it's extremely rare, but that was pretty scary.
        I am planning to start watching more from next season onwards, it's annoying that the season collides with the NBA season and most games are at night for me.
        Jun 22, 2016
    10. Cpt_K3nny
      Living in a world where there is no Fudgeo's after donating blood is not a world I want to be part of....
      1. Negi-Springfield
        I got cranberry cookies when I gave blood last month. I'm now sad knowing I could've gotten fudgeo's
        May 13, 2016
      2. Cpt_K3nny
        They used to have Fudgeo's all the time now they leave me with despicable Oreo's..... its really gone down hill.... lol
        May 13, 2016
    11. Cpt_K3nny
      hmm Had to get 2 stitches done on my eye brow today oddly enough I got sowed up by a dentist in his office. was great no wait time :)
      1. Core likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Cpt_K3nny
        yea It is healing fine it will be permanently scarred but due to my french heritage I have bushy eye brows that will cover it up just fine :P lol and even if rough that one was on me as I should at least wear a visor but I choose not to ...... but oh well live and learn :P
        Mar 24, 2016
      4. Kaede
        That's good. The amount of eye brow jokes I hear. At least you have eye brows to cover it up. Haha!
        Mar 24, 2016
      5. Cpt_K3nny
        well if it was not for my wife it would be eyebrow cause id be uni brow as she plucks my eyebrow once a month proabbly lol
        Mar 24, 2016
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  • About

    Sep 14, 1985 (Age: 39)
    Canada The Frozen Tundra
    Database/AIX Admin
    I am a typical Canadian Eh...

    I play Hockey and video games

    Thats about it


    The Rainbow and Unicorn guy,
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