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Discussion in 'Anime & Manga Chat' started by Sporadic, Apr 7, 2013.

  1. BaconMan8910 Blue Bomber

    May 13, 2013
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    It was that one or this one:
    Would hit that six ways to Sunday.
    Male or female Ruka. Ruka is male, right? I mean, I know Ruka wanted to be born female, but never seemed to identify as such. I'm always a little unclear on that.
    That is kinda backwards. =P I felt like the second half was kind of contrived.
    Have they even finished DxD 3, yet? I've been waiting around for the dub to be finished. Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing them wrap it up with this season. And that's not because I don't like the show, I do, but it doesn't feel like a premise that has a long shelf life.

    Also, Rias = 10/10 Akeno = 11/10.

    In keeping with the theme of the thread, I am still working on the Black Lagoon OVA. I got distracted by The Witcher 3 and then Resident Evil. I'm also stalled on Naruto. I watched all of the episodes that Netflix has and I still have like 60 to go. Honestly, I'm just ready to get it over with and move on to Shippuden.

    Naruto turned out to be better than I originally thought, and it certainly has some likable characters (and some abhorrent characters), but it still drags on too long, too often, and often feels poorly executed. I'm looking forward to trying out Shippuden, which I've heard is, in most regards, superior to the original series.
  2. Natsuru-san Trophy Hunter

    Apr 22, 2013
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    I TAKE IT BACK! :) Yu-gi-oh! Arc-V (not v as in the letter but as in the number so arc 5) dub is out now! I didn't realize that it';s been out since the 27th of last month. lol Seen 2 of the 3 eps already and love it. It's interesting what these "action" cards are, similar to speed spell cards from 5D's since neither exist in real life. What's also interesting is that the population don't know what pendulum summoning is in arc-v, it's a hidden concept. Lastly, I am just a tiny bit annoyed that for 3 gens now, since 5D's, the MC's father is missing or dead and talked about. gens 1-2 don't mention a Dad and that's how I prefer it to them being missing but at least with the 5th gen they gave the MC a mom who isn't missing, since ironically, even though the mom went missing in Zexal like the dad, she isn't mentioned much...

    So yea, now watching YGO! Arc-V. Bout time this got dubbed what with 70+ eps already subbed. ^_^'

    @BaconMan8910 I only watch the sub of DxD so I can't say for sure and norally wouldn't be able to till u but, I believe they did a few weeks back for the dub cus I recall someone here mentioning they were watching the dub and only 2 eps away. Honestly S3 was a major let down but at least they added more story back in and less ecchi so this balanced it out when u combine S2 with S3 but S4 needs to happen and be like S1, perfect balance of story AND ecchi, honestly though, I can't see them doing it and maybe it would've been best if that's where both the manga and anime ended. fyi, manga covers novels etc. too. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy the series but it's lost a lot that was precious from S1 since it continued.
  3. KnowMeFrom Trophy Hunter

    Jul 8, 2015
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    Sinon's arc is more than half the season though and she isn't badass at all. She's terrified of guns and can't protect herself at all outside of GGO until her arc is over. She's definitely romantically interested in Kirito, the two of them flirt all the time.

    Asuna is a good character. Sinon is okay in GGO, she's boring in her real life.

    A slow pacing is bad pacing in my opinion. Season 1 may speed through things too fast sometimes but atleast its usually interesting. Some of the Season 2 episodes felt like nothing but talking. Season 2 is definitely worse than Season 1 but thats mostly because not only does it have nothing to do with Season 1 but all the characters from Season 1 are absent for most of the season. I expected some Kirito and Asuna romance in season 2, but their relationship is mostly ignored after episode 1. I still have 7 or 8 episodes left but I prefer Season 1 for sure.

    I agree that both halves of SAO could of been their own seasons, and I agree that SAO doesn't live up to it's potential, but I don't agree with Asuna being a cry baby or damsel in distress. She gets trapped in a cage what is she supposed to do? She tried to escape and got really far before being caught. The only time she wasn't "badass" was when she was being molested, which is a realistic reaction. I've never understood this complaint, yes she needed rescuing, but only because she was locked in a cage with no way to break out on her own. Sure Asuna should of got to kill the bad guy instead of Kirito but its SAO of course Kirito's gonna be the hero.

    If you call Asuna a damsel in distress, then Natsu is too in Fairy Tail, or Mike Tyson when he was in prison, or any prisoner in real life, movie, or tv history. Needing someone to rescue you because you can't fight for yourself (Princess Peach) is not the same as being in a cage and not being able to escape (Asuna).

    Yeah the last episode of the dub was released a few weeks ago. I wouldn't mind this being the last season if there was a show that could replace it, but there isn't many other ecchi's out at the moment so I hope we get at least one more season.
  4. BaconMan8910 Blue Bomber

    May 13, 2013
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    Being captured isn't why she fits the "damsel in distress" trope. It's certainly not why I think she became a cry baby.

    You can read more about the trope, here: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DamselInDistress?from=Main.DistressedDamsel I think she fits the description. This is primarily due to her capture being completely and utterly contrived. It exists solely as a plot device that ultimately only further derails her character and, more importantly, the story itself. Throwing the original premise out of the window in a moment's notice to take the series in a completely different direction.

    But my primary complaint is about her becoming a cry baby. To begin with, Asuna is this badass that is, supposedly, the best fighter (or one of the best) in the whole game. She's soon relegated to a sideline role, existing primarily to root for, cry for, or be protected by Kirito. Soon after, she is completely disarmed in order to be placed in the "surrogate mother" role. Does she ever recover from this? No. She is utterly useless and/or helpless for the rest of the show, and completely blows her one chance, not even putting up a proper fight against the Big Bad (I'm trying not to spoil things). Instead, it is up to Kirito to put up the real fight and avenge her. And from there she is immediately locked in a cage made of Plotanium so that we can throw the original premise out the window, in favor of a new story, allowing us all to bask in Kirito's sheer awesomeness with minimal interference.
  5. Metazoxan Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    A slow pace isn't automatically bad. But they need to keep it interesting. For example while season 2 was mostly talking at a few points it would have been fine if their conversations were at least engaging. But they weren't I barely cared what they were talking about since it was mostly pointless junk. It's like they heard people complain about how rushed season 1 was but completely missed the mark and fliped to the other extreme and focused on the small conversations too much.
  6. KnowMeFrom Trophy Hunter

    Jul 8, 2015
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    The original premise was never thrown out the window, it was altered and it made perfect sense. Her character wasn't derailed at all, she was the same character before and after the second half of season one.

    Recover from being a mom? That doesn't even make sense. She's the mom, okay how does this make her weaker? She is not helpless or useless at all. She tried to escape she got caught, what else could she have done? Of course its up to Kirito, there was no way Asuna could of saved herself in that situation. If Kirito had been the one in the cage the same thing would of happened with Asuna saving him. It's like getting your chain snatched at gunpoint, it can happen to anyone, and anyone in that situation would be be defenseless.

    Yeah I have nothing against longer conversations in anime. If it goes somewhere I'm all for it but when its entire episodes of nothing but talking people are going to get bored.
  7. BaconMan8910 Blue Bomber

    May 13, 2013
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    Yeah, it kinda was. That's like trying to argue that the sky isn't blue. Whether or not it makes perfect sense, I don't see how anyone could ever come to that conclusion, but hey that's up to you.

    You're not getting, are you? Asuna goes from being a character of equal skill and importance to yet another one of Kirito's cheerleaders. A plot in which everyone exists to work the shaft of the main character and enable their awesomeness is not good writing.
  8. KnowMeFrom Trophy Hunter

    Jul 8, 2015
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    The sky being blue is a fact, what your saying is not.

    How is she not of equal skill to Kirito? Because he saved her? That doesn't make any sense. You haven't explained at all how she went from Badass to a Damsel in Distress. What would you have done differently? After Asuna is captured what should of happened? She couldn't of saved herself so lets hear a logical ending that isn't Kirito saving her.
  9. BaconMan8910 Blue Bomber

    May 13, 2013
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    It is, actually. What was the original premise? A bunch of MMO players stuck in said MMO. If they die, they die for real. They have to complete all 100 levels of the game and defeat the final boss in order to escape.

    They say "fuck it" lets just have them fight the final boss right now, end the game, and then capture Asuna so that we can change the focus of the show from surviving a crucible to rescuing someone from mind-altering technology in a different MMO in which dying isn't a big deal. That is a change of premise. If it were the same premise, they would still be stuck in a life-threatening crucible from which there is no escape. i.e. They would just repeat the first half of the season.

    I actually did. You should read and think about what I write instead of picking out certain words and basing your argument (and your understanding of my argument) on that alone.

    Side note: You really seem to be stuck on the whole Asuna getting captured thing, which entirely misses well over half of what I'm saying, which is what leads me to believe that you're not really reading (in full) what I'm writing.

    I don't see how I can make a more detailed argument without breaking down SAO bit by bit, which I'm not at all willing to do. It's not good enough to warrant a re-watch, it's certainly not good enough to warrant that much time and effort to make a point about it. =P
  10. KnowMeFrom Trophy Hunter

    Jul 8, 2015
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    They figured out who the boss was and challenged him, I don't get what doesn't make sense about that. Why would their lifes be on the line in the second MMO? That was only a thing in Sword Art so I don't see why you'd assume it was in the second MMO as well. That's not a change in premise thats different rules for different games.

    So you have literally no point then? Thanks for confirming what I thought. You never explained at all how Asuna is a damsel in distress. I read every word. You haven't replied to anything I've said for the most part, which seems to be because you have no point at all. What else is there then besides Asuna getting captured? If I'm missing some good point your making then remind me because I don't see anything besides "Kirito rescued her so she's a damsel in distress." How did Asuna go from the strongest character to less strong than Kirito?
  11. BaconMan8910 Blue Bomber

    May 13, 2013
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    Let me be clear about something: You're free to disagree with anyone you want on here about anything that you like. You do not, however, get to be an ass about it.

    If you think belittling others and that other typical internet troll shit is gonna fly, here, you'd best just pack up and head to 4Chan.

    Good talk.

    Now, let's continue to be civil as I try, again, to politely explain that I did, in fact, explain how Asuna became a cry baby and a damsel in distress. Just because you don't like or agree with what I have to say, does not make my argument any less valid.

    What could make my argument less valid is if you broke down SAO, bit by bit (episode by episode), and explained why I am wrong. Which I doubt you're willing to do, because why would you?

    What could make my argument stronger (but, again, not something that you necessarily have to agree with) would be to break down SAO bit by bit and explain, and demonstrate, exactly how Asuna becomes a cry baby. Which, as I've stated, I'm not willing to do. Because why would I?

    So, in essence, it boils down to this: 1) the premise did change. Premises change from season to season, arc to arc. That's just how premises work. 2) Asuna's character did change. All characters do, even good characters. And 3) we disagree on whether or not the evolution (or devolution) or Asuna's character was positive or negative and whether the change in premise (arc) made sense. Which remains a difference of opinion.
  12. KnowMeFrom Trophy Hunter

    Jul 8, 2015
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    Fuck outta here with this bullshit. You were an ass with your post before this one, I responded to you. Just because your a staff member doesn't mean you can act like I'm the one being condescending. How am I trolling? What post of mine, what quote of mine is trolling?

    You ignored every single one of my points and you never said a single thing of substance. So you have no point, clearly. All you said was Kirito rescuing her makes her a damsel in distress, I told you exactly why that isn't true and you just said I'm not understanding you. I've asked you twice to explain it to me if i'm not understanding and all you do is post the same bullshit about I'm not understanding.

    Now your saying that premises can change arc to arc and that's just how they work when before you were saying the premise changing was a bad thing. Make up your mind.
  13. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    The one that I want people to be careful on spoilers with is Steins;Gate. The one in the quote is Hellsing.
    Generalisation. I do that. People suck, you know?
    Oh! But did you hear recently about how Target is removing the "boys/girls" labels on their toys and stuff? One instance of people not sucking~
    Oh, okay, I didn't notice.
    Haha, yeah, Kay also says something along the lines of "the writing sucks, but the characters are amazing." My personal faves are Kurotsuchi Mayuri (sadist scientist~), Yoruichi, and Haineko.
    Nope, I mean scientific side. I get edgy when I see people getting science wrong. Eg, saying climate change isn't real, refusing vaccines based on invalid reasons. Your (now I understand to be jokingly) ignoring of data activated my science side on basis of cherry picking fallacy.
    Oi, shush... I've been busy, okay...
    Theoretically, one can. Come on though, watch Monogatari~~~
    She's been busy studying for a deferred exam. Also that we've moved again, plus general uni stuff that we're behind on.
    Yup, we will.
    I hope you don't mean along the lines of yuri ecchi... I don't think that even counts.
    Oh geez...
    Haha, fair enough. Can't remember who my fave was, if I even had one.
    In the original timeline, yeah, male. I'm also unclear on it. XD
    Yup~ I wasn't enjoying it for the plot though; I was enjoying it for the fact that 1st arc was like no MMO I've ever seen, so I was complaining about that while watching it. Whereas 2nd arc was totally MMO-like, and also had cat people~~
    How isn't she? She was totally owning like all of her enemies. Wouldn't you be traumatised too if you shot someone to death as a kid and had vivid memory of it?
    Curious as to why you think those two opinions of Sinon and Asuna? I personally think that Asuna is totes boring.

    Oh, and while I've got you here, I'll try and summarise Baconman's points.
    Damsel in distress: From what I understand, a damsel in distress is a female character who gets captured as a plot device, in order to create a goal for the other characters to suddenly strive towards. Regardless of her trying to escape, this is exactly what happened with Asuna.
    Crybaby: Asuna was her own strong person at the start. As the plot progressed, though, she was sidelined as a kind of cheer girl due to Kirito being the one the writer wanted focus on. Rather than doing anything herself, she'd get emotional and rely on Kirito to do something. Like with the evil guy of 1st arc (spoilers), she just relied on Kirito to beat him rather than trying herself.
    Premise change: The original premise was a whole bunch of people fighting for their life, stuck in an MMO. The second premise was a normal MMO, with some bad guy hidden away, with rescuing the maiden being the goal. Baconman was meaning that this particular premise change was bad.

    Baconman, while I've got you here, "devolution" isn't actually a thing. For it to be, evolution would have to have a predefined direction. Wait, am I just thinking of the biological definition? Is there more than that?
  14. Metazoxan Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    Dude calm down and respect other peoples opinions He isn't ignoring you at all he's responded to the points you've said. We are happy to discuss whatever you want all day if you want but we need to keep it civil and respectful. Anyway on the subject of Asuna here are my two cents.

    Think about it what has Asuna really done recently? When SAO started she fought on the front lines with Kirito and was nearly on par with him. But after that Kirito just kinda takes over the show but honestly I think that is all really the fault of the writer than Asuna herself which I'll get to.

    You see while she doesn't exactly become weak she becomes increasingly dependant on Kirito and just kinda trusts him to handle things unlike before when she was more active. Against the final boss she is used just to make Kirito go beserk and in Alifem she is just bait to lure Kirito into the plot. Then In Gun Gale she doesn't even do anything! She totally could have said "I'm not letting you go alone Kirito and I'll think of some way to help" but nope it's just "I'll sit in a virtual house and watch you be awesome on a monitor". It's not just her either the rest of the characters get pushed aside to like beast tamer girl, blacksmith girl, and that one guy who wears red alot. All of them becomes just people who exist to remind you how awesome Kirito is rather than properly contribute themselves. The only exception is in the mothers Rosario mini arc but not only was that short but Asuna still needed Kirito to bail her out when a real fight started.

    Again this doesn't exactly make Asuna herself a bad character since it seems she is still just as skilled. It's just the writer doesn't see fit to let her do anything and just relagates her to a cheer leader like everything else.

    Bleach has the same problem. Everything is all about Ichigo and everyone else is next to useless compared to him and the only reason anyone else gets two minutes of screen time doing anything useful it's it's a long running shonen with hundreds of episodes. If they were limited to the episode number SAO has no one besides Ichigo would be allowed to do anything at all. That is just bad writing because while the main character is important the rest of the cast shouldn't be neglected or used as tools to further glorify the MC more.

    So IMO Asuna isn't that useless but regardless of how useful or useless she is it doesn't change the fact the plot still isn't letting her contribute to the main plot in any meaningful way and only still remembers her because she's Kirito's love interest.
  15. BaconMan8910 Blue Bomber

    May 13, 2013
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    "Dude calm down and respect other peoples opinions He isn't ignoring you at all he's responded to the points you've said. We are happy to discuss whatever you want all day if you want but we need to keep it civil and respectful. Anyway on the subject of Asuna here are my two cents." <- This.

    If I think that you're wrong I will tell you so. There is a difference between saying "no, you're wrong" and "hey, you're stupid." I believe that I have been very civil and respectful. You, on the other hand, were being intentionally condescending. Which isn't allowed.

    I would never intentionally insult you or belittle you, nor anyone else. If you want examples of times that it would be easier for me to call my opponents idiots and say that they "have no point", go check out the Hall of Elders. You'll see that I've argued with people who have completely opposite views on issues of far more importance with this, and not once have I intentionally insulted or degraded anyone. I certainly told them that they were wrong, and then went on to explain why I felt that way. Just as I have, here.

    I've called you out on it not because I'm frustrated with your inability (and seeming unwillingness) to see my point. I've called you out on it because, again, you were being intentionally (and that's the key word) condescending. As a staff member, I should, and will, warn against that kind of behavior. It doesn't matter if you're conversing with me or anyone else. I would still have called you out on it. It would still not be allowed. And there will be consequences if you continue with such behavior.

    Now, I think that I have sufficiently explained this. And while I don't feel that I've done anything to insult you, if you feel that I have in some way, I do apologize. As stated before, I did not and would never intentionally insult or degrade yourself nor any other forum member. Partly because I am a staff member, but mostly because that's not how you get your point across.
    I actually never said that. Feel free to actually read my posts, and you will realize this.
    I've stated that you're not understanding because you're not understanding.. You are, in fact, seemingly ignoring what I'm saying. Either that or, as I've said, you're just not understanding.

    But, like I said in my last post, I don't see how I can help you to understand without breaking down the show bit by bit. Which, again, like I said, I'm not willing to do. Does this mean that I have no point? No. It simply means that I am not willing to go to the lengths required for you to understand my point. Why? Because its an anime. It's not like we're discussing trickle-down economics or anything else of any real importance.
    And they can. I'm saying that they can, and often do, do that. It's normal for premises to change, but that doesn't mean that the change in premise can't be bad.

    And, finally, as I tried to convey in my last post, we're just going to have to agree to disagree because: 1) I am, again, not willing to go to the lengths required to help you understand my point. And 2) Even if I did, we probably still wouldn't agree. Whether or not Asuna's progression as a character was positive or negative, whether or not the change in premise was good or bad, it's a matter of opinion. And we clearly do not agree. And that's okay. And, it's because of these two points that I'm saying that we should end this conversation because there is nowhere else to go with it. In other words, agree to disagree.

    Fair enough.
    It is, actually: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/devolution "transference (as of rights, powers, property, or responsibility) to another" =P
  16. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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  17. BaconMan8910 Blue Bomber

    May 13, 2013
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    Plot twist: Asuna devolves into primordial ooze.
  18. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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  19. Natsuru-san Trophy Hunter

    Apr 22, 2013
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    Hellsing? Why would u ask me that question then? I haven't seen it nor do I care too. lol

    People can royally suck, but I try not to hate people.
    Hem, interesting and should be done by everyone. I never cared about the isles in that sense, after all, both isles had stuff I wanted.

    Hey now! lol The writing is what gave us so many cool lines and stories, just, whoever decided the order of things is the one that messed up. I haven't thought of my favs in a long time, but tots one is that new red haired girl in the last arc who can turn people into things she deems cute. like dolls.

    Still sounds like that's a technical side too though.

    xD I know ya have, but unless the site itself or ya didn't have access to said site for whatever reasons then it doesn't take but a sec to update the list when ya watch an ep.

    ... ok, ya got me (in the 1 time one can beg part), but not like I posted a puppy face and that's the only way I can think in this event where one could beg. I stand by what I said though, I never begged.

    Sounds...busy, any eta for her unbusiness/return?

    Then ya should leave out the L G (Unless she's into boylove aka yoai) and B, which leaves ya with just the T. :p btw, ecchi never relates to lgbt and if anyone says so, *shakes head* Anyway, no I was not talking about yuri or ecchi, I mean I can if that's what she wants but I know of anime with actual lgbt themes.
  20. Delta Trophy Hunter

    Apr 21, 2013
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    lets see, haven't been here in a while.
    currently watching:
    Glass fleet

    Engaged to the unidentfiend

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