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Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Guts, Mar 31, 2021.

  1. JustAnimeBot

    Mar 1, 2017
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    For: Guts Re: #21
  2. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    Once Micah stood up and got his bearings he disarmed the guy and threw a jab to his nose. It landed, any harder it was a clean break, just didn’t have the force behind it. . He never saw the wolf, but he also didn’t run from the guy. He stayed right in front of him, and considered his offer.

    (Rolled 16 for the hit)

    Taking no time he dropped the clip out and pulled back the chamber to get the last bullet out, quickly removing the slide, and tossing the gun to his left. “You ever point your gun at me again in hostility I’ll make sure I’m the last person you see, understand?” Micah wasn’t all that angry, it was just the basics of having an understanding. “now call your fucking dog off and let’s prepare to move. The biters didn’t follow me, I’m careful and cover my tracks. Take your eyes off me and I’m gone, you’ll never see me coming if I want you dead.”

    Micahs confidence wasn’t unfounded he has been covert for a long period of time, he knew how to get Intel and to sneak around. “If we head to Harlem, some of the bodegas haven’t been hit yet, we can talk more after we start moving”
  3. Dragon_Slayer_Dude

    Apr 26, 2021
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    he groans and the wolf growls loudly stepping out. Draco waves him off and gets up to gather his gun and ammo. "point taken, and next time we will both be dead."

    He gathers his stuff and looks out. "we should wait an hour. I don't have the water supply to keep us hydrated during the hottest hour in the city. I've hit most of the outlying apartments and found useful stuff. but the real treasure is in the community centers and hospital."

    He feeds the last of his sandwich to the wolf and rubs his ears as we head down to the main floor.
  4. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    As Alan rummaged through the long-deserted store he was currently "liberating materials from" (read: looting), the faint wail of air sirens droned on in the distance, an obnoxious yet assuring sound to Alan as it ensured that his distraction was still working, keeping the Biters at bay. He set up the devices the day before, rigging them in strategic locations to draw the Biters away from the shop so he could work in peace. It worked like a charm, apart from the occasional straggler that caught sight of him, but those outliers were quickly dispatched.

    In the old, dilapidated store, a shop for scuba enthusiasts before the collapse of civilization, Alan diligently searched for materials that he could use in his latest endeavor.

    !roll d20
    Result: 18

    Little did Alan know, choosing this particular store was an incredible stroke of good fortune. As it turns out, the store was mostly ignored by looters and he found items that he would have expected to be cleared out long ago, including some cash. Most importantly, he found multiple oxygen tanks, empty and practically untouched by Armageddon. Even one would have suited his purposes regardless of condition, so this collection was a fortunate find indeed. He smiled and spoke to himself.

    "More proof, as if I needed it, that my mission is of divine mandate."
    He began to gather the supplies together, stuffing smaller materials into a duffel bag and carrying the tanks on his shoulders towards the back of the shop.
    "It is said that the titan Prometheus suffered greatly to bring humankind the gift of fire. I can empathize. Each day in this dark, empty world eats away at the soul. Still, I must persevere."
    He began loading the supplies into a nearby boat, one that he'd already hotwired yesterday and filled with gas to make it operational again.
    "After all, who else will carry the torch if not me?"
    After all the supplies were loaded up, he climbed into the boat and started the engine. The boat, after some difficulty, finally hummed to life.
    "It has to be me. After all..."

    He fell silent as the boat pushed forward. Now some distance away from the dock and the store, he stopped and pulled some kind of homemade device out of his jacket pocket.
    "...I have been chosen. I alone have been sanctified by cleansing flame for this very purpose."
    As he raised his right arm which was holding the device, his sleeve pulled back slightly, revealing the bandages on his arm. He pushed the button on the device and a few moments later, two buildings, one on each side of the scuba shop, went up in flames. Alan smiled widely as the buildings began to fall apart and groups of Biters stumbled out of the flames, wailing and screaming as the corroded flesh melted from their bones. The buildings finally collapsed and the Biters, unable to put out the fires, fell to the ground helplessly and gave a few final convulsions until there was nothing left but bones and ashes. When all was silence, Alan took a bow, as if he'd just finished conducting a grand orchestra.
    "It has to be me. And I'll do it. I'll bring the Promethean flame back into this dark, lifeless world. Today is only the beginning, and here at the beginning, I say this: Let there be fire."
    With that, he left the area, going back to his current safe zone in the city nearby.
    #23 Dungeon Master, May 13, 2021
    Last edited: May 13, 2021
  5. JustAnimeBot

    Mar 1, 2017
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    For: Dungeon Master Re: #24
  6. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    “Doesn’t matter” Micah knew the heat was scorching. But he knew staying there after the amount of noise of even the small scuffle they got would drag at bare minimal a roaming hoard to them. Once they hit the video game aisle he motioned for this guy to stop. “One sec.”

    Micah was quick on stepping back up to the top of the cases he called his cat towards him and picked it up, stuffing him in his shirt, He jumped back down, now with his cats head protruding from his collar. He was ready to move whether or not this new guy wanted too.

    “The way I see it, we’re dead either way. Hitting houses and apartments for water is gonna net you minimal for water. Besides I can sneak away from the biters. If any danger breaks out, can you?”

    Micah said that while practically vanishing from the mans sight, The wolf knew where he was by smell, but it didn’t stop him from being the ghost he is. While he watched him try to get sightline of him he kept avoiding it. Until he suddenly appeared at the front door. It was obvious he was showing off, but it was better they understood each other.

    “so old man, I’ll give you 20 minutes to gather what you want to bring, we’re gonna go to Harlem and we’ll make our way to either NYC or new croton dam.” The dam seemed to be a long shot for water, even if they had it, there wasn’t electricity to run the filtration.
  7. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Name: Isabella (Isa for short)
    Age: 24
    Faction: Longhorn
    Remembrance item: her former partners tags she wears around her neck
    Weapons of choice: semi automatic, tatical military equipment, hunting knife
    Survival abilities: sharp shooter, sniper, and common military survival and skills

    Name: Amelia
    Nickname: Lia
    Faction: vultures
    Remembrance item: charm bracelet her brother gave her when they were separated
    Weapons of choice: dual pistols
    Survival abilities: studied first aid, basic survival skills. she is relied on for her first aid knowledge, in return she was able to join the faction
    #25 Miss Elegent Serenity, May 20, 2021
    Last edited: May 20, 2021
  8. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Naomi could hear the biters beginning to make their way through the debris and she knew she had to make a move. She wiped the tears from her eyes, gathered the supplies and her fathers rifle and ran as fast as she could to her home. Once she was through the front door, slammed it shut, locking all the locks. She put her back against the door, dropped all her stuff on the floor, slid to the floor, pulling her knees to her chest, and began sobbing into her blood soaked hands. She had just lost the only person she had in the world. She ended up crying herself to sleep, all night her fathers voice played in her head
    "don't give up...continue your way to Utah like we planned.... I love you...you've made me proud"
    She was woken by the morning light. She slowly picked herself off the floor.
    "I have to do what my father said and continue to Utah"
    She gathered the supplies that she had dropped on the floor and headed to the garage where the jeep was sitting and ready to go. She went over the check list her father made, making sure she was all set. It hurt knowing she had enough supplies for 2 people, but will now be traveling alone. She wiped a lone tear from her eye and shook her head of the thought. She took a moment to walk through her house one last time, reminiscing on her childhood memories, all the time she spent with her father fixing up the jeep and preparing for their trip. As she walked out of her parents room, she stopped at a dresser and picked up a 5x7 photo of her father. She flipped the frame over, popped out the glass, hugged the folder, before folding it and pocketing it. She was always closer to her father more than her mother.

    With that she headed towards the garage. Stopped just at the door to look around one last time.
    was all she said before heading to the jeep. Once in she got in, she pulled the metal door closed, typed a few things into the GPS. Took a deep breath, then pushed the garage door button. The door slowly began to open, it was enough noise to attract a few biters, but Naomi was safe inside the jeep. A few biters began rushing towards the jeep, only to be impaled by the metal spikes sticking out from the jeep, something her father thought would be beneficial, to keep biters at bay . Naomi revved up the motor and hauled ass out of the garage. She knew she needed to get through her town and fast. Thankfully she only ran into a few small hoards before she was able to reach the main road.
    It took her a few hours before she reached the threshold of Utah. Once she knew she was in Utah, she relaxed a little.
    "Only a few more hours to go"

    On top of a small hill, laid Isa on her stomach, with her gun perched at the edge of a slight cliff. She had been looking through the scope of her gun. She let out a frustrated sigh as she could feel breathing on the back of her neck
    "You know I cant concentrate with you breathing over my damn shoulder like that, don't you have something better to do than hover over me?"
    She nudged him in the stomach hoping it was enough to get him to back off, rolled her eyes and put her focus back on the scope.
    "Looks like we got one coming"
    She clicked off the safety and cocked the gun and began aiming, waiting for the vehicle to get close enough to make the shot. She could have shot when it first came into her view, but that would mean it would take longer for them to reach the vehicle, so she waited until it was just the right distance from them.
    "It looks to be fully packed, like these people....."
    she looked closer and only saw one person, she pulled back from the scope for a moment, blinked as if she was surprised, then focused back into the scope, only to confirm that she wasn't seeing things.
    "Its a child, female, looks to be in her teens driving"
    she moved the gun to follow the vehicle
    'but how the hell did a child get ahold of something like that, let alone all those supplies and survive'
    she honestly couldn't believe her eyes. Once the vehicle was close enough
    "I'm making the shot"
    She pulled the trigger and the vehicle began to swerve for a moment and came to a complete halt.
    "That oughta do it "
    she said before breaking down the stand and placing her gun on her back.
    "we better get a move on before she realizes we are here"
    she quickly hopped down the edge and began sliding down the hill kicking up a little dirt on her way down. It was the quickest way down. She waited at the bottom of the hill for him to catch up.

    She suddenly heard a loud bang, and a second later the jeep began swerving out of control. Thankfully she knew how to maintain a vehicle with a flat tire and was able to come to a halt. She took a moment to calm her nerves, once she was calm, she began looking around for biters. So far the coast as clear. She hopped out of the jeep and walked around it, noticing she had a flat. But what was off was that these were military grade tires, so no random road debris was strong enough to penetrate them. She knelt down and noticed the hole in the tire, but when she looked around, she didn't see anyone. She needed to work fast and ran to the back of the jeep for supplies. She pulled out the tire iron and began removing the bolts to the tire...

    Amelia had been sitting at a nearby doc admiring the water. She was fortunate enough to find a faction to be with when all this began. Before all this began, she was studying to be a nurse and was at the top of her class. So in return for food, shelter and protection, she offers her service in the medical field helping to tend to the wounded and sick. She had a moment to relax, after she tended to one of their owns serious wounds, it took a few hours to get the poor man stitched up after he was hit by shrapnel from an earlier explosion. She never understood why they needed to blow up these buildings, but she also didn't question it. She was just happy she had a place to belong .
    She often found comfort just sitting along the docs, looking out at the water. It was one of the few things that wasn't as tainted by everything going on in the world. The water was still blue and shimmered under the sunlight and she often found the sight memorizing. Off in the distant she noticed another explosion and sighed. Looks like another on of theirs strikes again. She knew that someone would be arriving soon, more than likely another wounded, it was quite common for someone to get hurt in the process. She decided to wait at the doc and see who it was this time. Maybe she would get lucky and there wouldn't be any wounded this time.
  9. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    Terry choose not to acknowledge Isa’s complaints knowing she was just talking to hear herself, however he did listen given her the space she needed. Though he remained mostly silent he never faltered in listening to her judgment. If she said there was a lot of supplies he listened, once he saw the vehicle come to a stop he was already headed down the hill meeting Isa at the bottom he has as already beyond happy to disappoint her.

    “Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Isa. You can get closer, but you sure as hell ain’t approaching the target, You’re the eye in the sky and you chose that. So find a nice new perch, get closer to the action, and if she tries anything you, you make sure she knows better. We ain’t gonna go for the kill immediately, she might have some something for us.”

    Terry was fast, his time in the military taught him one thing and that was time efficiency, even if Isa was in front of him it wouldn’t have been long before he outpaced her. Moving through the forest area and onto the main road. He could see Naomi working as fast as she possibly could on tire. Silencing his footsteps he approached, quickly and silently. Once he was behind her he grabbed her by the back of her shirt and tossed her. His left hand was hovering over his holster, showing restraint he didn’t want to unfairly kill the girl. Glancing into the vehicle he confirmed what Isa was saying and let out a “no shit.”

    Turning his attention to Naomi he had a cold and concise tone, no regard for her life as he didn’t care much.

    “Either you’re really lucky, really stupid, or really violent. The amount of supplies you’re traveling with, is far more than one person would need for more than a week. So tell me, where are you coming from and where are you going?”
  10. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Isa stopped dead in her tracks still somewhat on the hill, with a pissed off look on her face.
    "tsk..You know damned well I can do more than just snipe"
    She knew he wouldn't listen so she dropped her supplies where she stood and perched her gun. At this point he was already gone. As she started looking through the scope, she aimed the gun at the back of him for a brief moment.
    "You put a lot of trust in someone who can just simply shoot you in the back for pissing her off"
    she said to no one but herself. She moved the gun to aim it past him to where the girl was and waited.
    "It would just be easier to get rid of the girl and take her supplies. That jeep looks pretty well built, I wonder how a girl like her got ahold of such a beautiful piece of equipment."
    She quite admired the lay out of the truck and how well it was built. Her former partner used to help build some of the military machines, so she learned to appreciate things like that. When she saw Terry toss the girl, she aimed directly at her, watching and waiting.

    Being grabbed from the back of her shirt, Naomi left out a yelp. Next thing she knew she was flat on her ass looking of a man. She blinked in confusion at first, not realizing what he was talking about. She glanced over at the jeep seeing all the supplies she had, than back at the man, she wasn't sure what his intentions were, so she kept her hand at her hip where her hunting knife was.
    "Washington state, I'm headed to my fathers hunting cabin in this state"
    she took a moment to look him up and down before continuing
    "I was supposed to be traveling with someone... please you can take the extra supplies, I don't want any trouble. I'm just trying to get to my fathers hunting cabin"
  11. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    Terry didn’t look very entertained by her lying, due to his constant change of station he knew the roads and where they lead, he hadn’t a clue where she was headed but it certainly wasn’t Washington state. He smiled for a moment and laughed at Naomi. Before he moved in closer intentionally baiting her into an attack attempt, He squatted down as he spoke to her.

    “This is an odd path to go for Washington State. Considering it is in the complete opposite direction, now are you going to quit bullshitting me, or do you have something to hide?” He looked over at the jeep, he didn’t actually care much about the supplies. However at this point he unholstered his pistol.

    “Here let’s make this simple, you get one chance to tell the truth. and I can take you to safety, or you can lie to me and you can try outpacing these biters.” Aiming his pistol in the air he shot 3 times, There was no mistaken that something heard him in the distance. “Oh and trust me, I don’t plan on making it easy.”

    Terry took aim at Naomi’s knee. It was very clear he was going to take her as a prisoner, Isa watching over him he had no fear that if she tried anything she would be dead. “Your choice, kid. Your life means nothing to me.”
  12. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Naomi was slightly confused for a moment, she in fact didn't lie to him. She then realized that her vagueness was the cause. When he shot the gun into the air, she slightly flinched at the noise. Her eyes darted around to make sure there were no biters close by, before putting her attention back on him. Even with him closing in the gap, she didn't make a move. 'we may run into those that will interrogate for information, the best thing to do is remain calm and don't make any sudden moves unless it is deemed necessary. Wait for the right opportune moment'. Her fathers words rang in her head. Even with the gun being pointed at her knee, she remained calm. She sighed and looked up into the mans eyes.
    "I think you may have misunderstood me, I was answering your questions in the order you asked. You asked where I am coming from. The answer to that is, I am coming from Washington state. You then asked where I was headed, The answer to that is this state, the state we are currently in, Utah. "
    she paused a moment to look around once more, keeping an eye on her surroundings to make sure no biters were coming. She knew it was a matter of time before they showed up. She turned her attention back to the man and kept eye contact
    "Utah is where my fathers hunting cabin is, which is where I am heading. I have no reason to lie"
    She looked over at the tire that was still blown out
    "Now if you aren't here for the supplies, then what is it that you want?"
    She glared up at him, a little annoyed that she is now going to have to rush to get the tire fixed due to his stupidity.
    "I need to get that tire fixed before those biters arrive. If my life means nothing to you, they why don't you just leave me on my way...."
    she paused for a moment as the realization that she no longer had anyone in her life came into perspective. Not even caring he had the gun pointed at her, she slowly got up, ignoring him and began walking over towards the tire. She made no sudden moves to show she was of any threat
    "If you want to shoot me.... then just do it..... you'd be doing me a favor"
    As she said this, she turned her back to him, crouched down and began working on fixing the tire.

    When Isa saw the girl get up, she cocked the gun and had it aimed at the girls head with her trigger on the finger, she would make the shot if need be. She was shocked to see the girl completely ignore Terry and went about working on the tire,
    "That girls got one hell of a death wish"
    she let out a chuckle knowing this would probably piss Terry off. So she continued watching the scene play out through her scope.
    "Now what are you going to do Terry? should just let me take her out and have this over with. What I would give to be behind the wheel of that jeep"
  13. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    !roll d20
  14. JustAnimeBot

    Mar 1, 2017
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    d20: 18

    For: Guts Re: #31
  15. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    Terry let out a rather cocky “atta girl” to Naomi, he could tell she got the story straight this time, Holstering his weapon when she stood up wasn't really something that upset him too much, because she stopped mid sentence and seemingly was just defeated. He knew this feeling of depression very well, and because of that he had to act quickly, there was no chance the tire would be fixed in time, even if she had one. He just attracted anything within the next 50 meters. Quickly he grabbed Naomi, turned her around and knocked her out.

    (Previous roll was an 18 meaning it was as a success.)

    “Isa! Come down here. The situation is under control, We’re gonna tie her up, throw her in the Jeep, and you’re gonna drive us to the Vantage point.” He shouted very loudly and clearly to make sure she knew it was time to move, Preparing for her judgment as to how Terry didn’t just kill her.
  16. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Isa jumped up quickly, and began disassembling the stand that held her gun
    "I get to drive the jeep, Hell yeah!!"
    Hearing they are gonna be driving the jeep put some hustle in her step and it didn't take long before to approached Terry and the girl. She stopped just a few feet from Terry noticing the tire was still blown out. She let out a frustrated sigh
    "You couldn't have at least waited til she changed the tired BEFORE you knocked her out?"
    She looked at him with a raised brow, then rolled her eyes. She didn't give him a chance to answer and began circling the jeep, giving it a few knocks here and there
    "Whomever built this, knew their stuff, this is pretty damned sturdy and well built"
    she stepped back and placed her hand under her chin while looking at the jeep for a moment
    "you know, this kinda looks like military grade work, I wouldn't be surprised if the person who built this was in the military. I mean just look at how well it was put together. Thankfully...."
    she paused for dramatic affect
    " with the way its built, we should still be able to make some ground before we start having issues. We should be able to make it to the vantage point. These tires are military grade, so they can run a bit while flat."
    She knocked on jeep once more then walked over to where the girl was laying. She looked at the girl for a moment, then looked back up at the jeep, then back at the girl.
    "How the hell did this child get ahold of such a vehicle?"
    she was still shocked that a teen got her hands on something like this. She then looked back down at the girl, then up at Terry, her brow raised again.
    "I don't understand why you plan on bringing that child with us. She is only going to slow us down and get in the way"
    Slightly frustrated they will be dragging the kid along, she took a cigarette out of her pocket and lit it, taking a few puffs. She wasn't much of a smoker, but liked to indulge from time to time. Having to take the child with them frustrated her, but at the same time being able to drive the jeep called for a bit of a celebration, so indulging in a cigarette it was . She exhaled smoke while talking
    "What do you plan on doing with this brat anyways?"
  17. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    Terry was busy binding Naomi’s hands he wasn’t actually listening to a word that she Isa was saying he just knew she was saying a lot of them, he tuned in vaguely at the point where she was complimenting the Jeep’s handiwork and entirely in when she inquired about the kid.

    “Isa, it’s remarkable how much you are willing to talk to yourself about absolutely nothing, I don’t give a damn how she got the Jeep, nor the condition it’s in, You blew out the tire, We didn’t fix it because we don’t have much time before the horde shows up, They’re pissing distance away, you think I was doing that because it wasn’t effective? Hell no. If she didn’t wise up she would be crawling.” Terry picked up Naomi, opened the back door of the Jeep, and tossed her in. Shutting it quickly.

    Pausing briefly he looked back at Isa.

    “We’re carrying her around because she knows a remote location we can operate out of. Whether or not it’s intact isn’t relevant the way she is making it sound, this place wasn’t really known by anyone other than her and her pops.” He glanced over the fact he can tell she has been through some hardship and obviously it was only recent.

    “Besides, She is only a kid, pretty innocent too if you talked to her. She is lost, alone, and most definitely afraid. I could hear it in her voice, I remember when you first join, the jump from that rifle would rattle your entire core and bounce you back a few steps.” He laughed recalling a bit of their history.

    In spite of the kindness he was displaying, He needed to make sure Isa knew where he stood. “I know you may not like the idea of carrying this girl around, but if you try to kill her, I won’t hesitate to kill you. Are we clear? And your response better only be crystal." once Terry finished talking the groans and pained sighs could be heard closing in closer to the vehicle. He quickly walked to the passenger seat of the jeep and got in.

    "Come on Isa! lets see you open this thing up baby!"
  18. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Isa just simply crossed her arms when he pretty much said he wasn't listening. She took another puff of her cigarette before mumbling
    "shooting off your gun to attract them didn't help matters"
    she rolled her eyes then took another puff of her cigarette before putting it out and climbing into the jeep.
    "Are you sure she is telling the truth about this remote location?"
    she looked back at the girl laying across the back seat. Isa was never really fond of children, let alone teenagers, they always had attitude. Terry mentioned that she was a bit jumpy when they first met which was true, but she had lost her former partner and was going through some things. She never did tell Terry the full extent of what happened, it was just a path she didn't want to go back down. She shook her head of the thought. She sighed at his question while giving him an look of annoyance and said with gritted teeth
    "Crystal clear"
    At times she hated that he was her superior, this was one of those times. Not only does she now have to deal with him, she will now have to deal with this brat.
    "Just so you know, that doesn't mean I'm going to be nice"
    She said just as she started up the jeep, her face lit up as she gave it a few reeves of the motor.
    "This thing purrs nicely"
    She said just as she threw it in gear and they began to make their way back. The ride was a little bumpy due to the tire being flat.
    "Its official, I claim this vehicle as mine from here on out"
    Isa said with the biggest smile on her face
    "Once we get back, I'll start working on getting the tire fixed"
    she glanced back at the girl
    "what do you plan to do with her, I don't think she will be to happy once she wakes up"
    she looked over at Terry with a raised brow
    "I agreed to not kill her, But I did not agree to help you with dealing with her. You want to bring her along, she is officially yours to deal with. So don't expect me to babysit the brat"

  19. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    Once Isa successfully drove them back to the vantage point, he got out of the vehicle the vantage was just a Longhorn Checkpoint well hidden in the woods, far from where Naomi was bringing them, he was more concerned about expansion than anything else which is why he wanted to press this girl for information. Opening the back door of the jeep he grabbed Naomi and brought her inside, he laid her down in a bedroom adjacent to the kitchen. Going back to the vehicle he listened to what Isa had to say.

    “First and foremost, good shooting out there Isa. I can always count on you in a birds nest, swear I never have concerns so long as you’re my sharpshooter.” He wanted to make sure she still knew he had confidence in her.

    “As for the kid, you can be a bitch if you want, you can give her the cold shoulder, ignore her, tell her to fuck off for all I give a damn. You just don’t kill her or try to kill her, if she brings us to her family cabin, she gets to live, otherwise I’ll let you do the honors. You know how I am, I don’t live for liars never liked ‘em.”

    Terry started unloading the food and supplies into the house from the Jeep, Naomi had a surprising amount of food on her, And so it took him a while to unload everything. They would be there for a while, so he took his time getting everything done.

    “Isa.” He spoke softly. “Why don’t you fix up some dinner for us 3. Yes I know you told me you’re not going to help me with the brat. But you’re gonna be cooking anyway might as well cook for 3 I’m sure it’s mostly canned shit, but if you find any meats cook that first. Don’t want it to spoil.”

  20. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Isa smiled when she received the compliment
    "Well you chose one of the best shooters on the team"
    she gave him a wink. Once they arrived Isa hopped out and began checking out the tire. By the time Terry was done unloading the food, Isa had the jeep up on jacks and the tire removed. Thankfully the tire was easy to repair but it would take some time to repair it.

    Isa stood up from the side of the truck and brushed the dirt off of her. She grabbed a rag, wiped her hands and tossed the rag onto the tire which was now laying on the ground disassembled. She had just placed some tar on the inside of the tire after scraping the rubber to make it rough.
    "Well since I need to wait for the tar to dry, I guess I can see what all we have to eat"
    She walked over to a bucket and washed her hands and face. She then headed inside to look over the supplies they had and managed to find some MRE's.
    "Hmm lasagna sounds good right about now, better than that canned crap we've been having"
    She looked around and found a container of water and began heating up 3 MRE's. Then brought oven over to Terry. She tossed him the package and leaned against the counter.
    "Where did you say this child is from again?"

    Just before he could answer Naomi was beginning to stir, complaining about the pain she was feeling on her face from being knocked out
    "what happened"
    She looked around the room coming to the realization she didn't recognize where she was.
  21. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    “She said she was coming from Washington state.” He said as he caught his MRE, And being pressed about the information. “If it’s true that she knows of a secluded cabin it’s a lead worth following, we’ve been looking for an operations base outside of the Longhorn network.” Though he never told Isa he wanted to abandon his post with the Longhorns, he got the feeling she knew he did without him ever saying it, He just hopes when he does defect her loyalty is with him not the Longhorns.

    around this time he was in thought, he started to hear the girl waking up. “Well Isa, come on. We gotta let her eat.” Terry grabbed the 3rd MRE from Isa and started heading towards the bunkers of the abandoned house they were in. When he reached the bunkers he pulled out his knife and simply told Naomi to “stay still.” He cut her free from the binding and cut open the MRE gently handing it to her. Then he sheathed his knife still with his MRE unopened. He was gonna eat after.

    “Look, I know we got off on the wrong foot, I’m Terry, and my partner is Isa, Now that we’re in a safe place. Why don’t you tell me why you were traveling with a “kill me” target on your back?”
  22. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Alan pulled up to the dock with less than a quarter tank left in his boat's engine, which is about what he expected but less than he'd hoped. He could have refilled it, but he wanted to save the rest of his gasoline for other purposes, so he decided to dock at a nearby Vultures safehouse and find another way back to where he was currently living. As he approached, he noticed a young woman stating out into the water, apparently admiring the view. When she noticed him approaching, Alan pulled out a flashlight and signaled "v" in Morse code to let her know he is a Vulture as well. After pulling into the dock, he secured his boat and nodded to the woman with a smile.
    "It seems that Lady Luck was with me today. I found precisely what I needed, along with some extra supplies to go around."
    He held his hand out for a handshake. If Amelia was paying close attention, she just might notice the bandages on his arm which were usually covered by his long sleeve, particularly if she were checking to see if he needed medical attention.
    "The name's Alan, and you are...?"
  23. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    "I see"
    she said as she leaned against the counter and took a bite of her food. She caught the part where he mentioned looking for an operations base outside of Longhorn. She never said anything about it but deep down she too wanted to separate herself from the group. In a way she felt held back by them, Terry was the only one who saw potential in her and treated her as someone useful. After she finished her bite she only spoke with
    "Lets hope this place she speaks of is real"
    They then heard the girl begin to stir. Isa pushed herself off the counter and nodded towards Terry in agreement about letting the girl eat. When the entered the room, Isa leaned against the door way. If the girl tried to make a run for it, Isa was prepared to stop her.

    When Naomi first saw the man approach her, she shifted away from him fearing he would strike her again, but instead he only told her to remain still. She remained quiet as he cut the bindings from her wrists. While he was cutting the bindings, she took in her surrounding and noticed the woman sitting at the door way. Once her wrist were free she rubbed the area where the robe bit her skin a little. She then took the MRE from him only to look at the contents for a moment. She didn't eat as she wasn't hungry at that moment. When he introduced himself and the woman, Naomi only glanced up at the woman briefly. At the mention of the "kill me target" Naomi looked confused.
    "What do you mean? Im just trying to get to my fathers cabin, that's all"

    Amelia let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding when the boat approaching her signaled a "V". It was definitely trying times and she would of hated to run into someone from another territory. As the boat got closer, she approached and awaited fort he man to finish securing it. When he held out his hand she shook it and with a smile responded

    She was already in the process of studying him when he had began approaching, looking for any obvious wounds. She noticed a slight struggle as he exited the boat, which verified he had an injury. But she couldn't determine whether it was mild or severe. Before she let go of his hand, she lifted the sleeve of his shirt after noticed the bandaging. She then looked up at him with concern
    "How bad is it? were you bitten?"
    She looked at the supplies on his boat, then back at him. She let go of his hand and gave him a faint smile
    "Bring your stuff and come with me"
    she gave him a faint smile
    "If you haven't been bitten, then lady luck is on your side more than you know"
    She gave a slight bow of her head
    "I'm one of the top nurses here, lets go get you patched up"

  24. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    Terry let out a sigh and then smiled towards Naomi. He was finding it hard to believe she might be this dumb, or naive. However he gave her the benefit of the doubt. “You were driving in a jeep packed with food. Anyone in their right mind would do what we did, just he thankful it was me who got to you first. Isa don’t take kindly to newcomers, or Youngbloods.”

    Terry, though keeps my Naomi as a prisoner wasn’t big on the whole binding and keeping them locked away thing, so instead he cut the rest of her bindings at the ankle. “Look, You’re safe now. All I’m saying you’re not free to go, who I roll with likes prisoners, me? Not a fan. You have your freedoms, but you’re going to stay here while we make some preparations.”

    Terry stood up and started walking towards Isa. “Again, I know you want nothing to do with this one, but talk to her, she might communicate with you better than me.” After making the one request of Isa he turned his attention back to Naomi.

    “What kind of skills you got girl? anything worth keeping you alive over?”

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