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Dragon Born

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Miss Elegent Serenity, Nov 28, 2020.

  1. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    When he started to close in on her she swung the blade at him cutting into his side. But it didn't phase him one bit, this shocked her and she didn't know what else she could do in the situation she was in she couldn’t really fight him with her sister in her arms. She took a few steps back only to find she had backed herself against the tree. Before she could come up with a plan of action, he had grabbed her by the throat and was suddenly holding her up in the air.
    As he lifted her up, her sister slipped from her grasp and thankfully didn't land to hard on the ground. She had also dropped the dagger as her instant reflex was to grab at his arm in an attempt to hold herself.

    She began kicking her legs in an attempt to kick him and was clawing at his arm all while gasping for air. She suddenly began to feel feel the eerieness emitting off of him and when she looked him in the eyes it terrified her. Her eyes grew wide and even tho she was trying hard to struggle through his grasp she only found herself becoming weaker.

    He gave her two opitions, and at this point she had no other choice, it was obvious she stood no chance against him in the state she was in, even if she was fully recovered she understood she didn’t stand a chance even then . Just when she began to feel her body become limp, he dropped her and she instantly fell to her knees holding her throat, coughing and gasping. It took her a moment to recover, as she recovered she looked down at her sister. She HAD to stay with her sister no matter what, even if it meant losing her freedom.

    When she looked up at him, he asked for her name. She sighed in defeat before responding.
    “I go by the name of Valentina, the birth name given to me is Valmeila”
    She looked over at her sister who was surprisingly still sound asleep
    “Her name is Nala, but she goes by Natalie in her human form”
    In a way she kinda felt relieved to not have to worry about Tyran and his men, but she was worried what the man in front of her had in store for her. She quietly crawled over and cuddled next to her sister. She was entirely exhausted but couldn’t sleep. She laid silently next to her sister.

    It wasn’t long before Natalie had woken up. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, anyone watching would have thought it was the cutest thing. Valentina had just nodded off not to long before. Natalie pounced on her sister startling her awake.
    “Wake up sleepy head”
    She giggled. Valentina sat up and gave her sister a smile.
    “Did you sleep well?”

    Natalie stretched as she spoke
    “I had the strangest dream that some man came, he was fighting you”

    Hearing this, Valentina looked up at Ezekiel. It didn’t take long for Natalie to notice something was slightly off. She followed her sisters eyes and that’s when she noticed the man before them. Natalie jumped up
    “Wait.. you mean it actually happened?”

    Valentina reached out and pulled her sister down to sit next to her and comfort her.
    “Nat, this man saved our lives. We own him a great deal of gratitude. He has offered to keep up safe and protect us”
    She couldn’t tell her sister the truth about what really happened. It would terrify her
    “So we well be traveling with him”

    Natalie look over at the man and tilted her head. A moment later she was standing in front of him with a curious look.
    “Why do you show your dragon side?”

    Valentina cut in
    “Nat it’s not nice to ask such a question”

    Natalie pouted
    “But... but why can he show his dragon side and we can’t”

    Valentina had adjusted herself to sitting on her knees.
    “You know why, some dragon borns choose to show themselves, we cannot”

    Natalie pouted
    “But it’s not fair”

    Valentina knew what she was up to and began to scold her
    “Natalie don’t even think....”
    Before she could finish, Natalie had exposed her dragon tail and horns. Valentina could be heard sighing. She then looked up at Ezekiel with a questioning look.
    “Are you sure about this?”
    Was all she said. Was he up for the task of taking Natalie as an inheritor. She knew full well that her sister could be a handful and disobedient.

    #21 Miss Elegent Serenity, Dec 2, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2020
  2. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Name: Gaelayss
    Age: 27 (Human form)
    Species: Dragonborn
    Other: Is a bibliophile and terrified of heights. Wants to open a library of his own so he can hoard knowledge. Does errands for Saul Pike, despite being worried about being discovered by the hobgoblin.
    Name: Saul Pike
    Age: 45
    Species: Hobgoblin
    Other: Constable for a local area. Is in charge of investigating crimes, dealing with criminals and organizing dragon hunts. He favors foul smelling tobacco from his homeland and walks with a limp and a cane due to an injury during a battle. Employs Gael as an assistant when needed.
  3. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    Ezekiel spoke rather calmly after he asserted himself as the sole reason for her life. He held no anger or animosity towards Valentina though he wouldn’t show it he respected her, she was willing to die to protect her sister.

    “I want to make this clear, I have no need for a servant even though you are now mine, though I have chosen your sister to be my inheritor, you are free to join her in anything I teach her. For what you will be doing as my servant, you needn’t worry. It is nothing like what would have happened to you on the black market.”

    Suddenly he heard and saw Nat start to wake up he immediately shifted his tone and conversation. When she got excited it brought a smile on Ezekiels face which seemed so uncommon given how he was just moments ago.

    “Little one, I don’t hide what I am because I hate magic, I am also proud of what I am as you should be too! However...” Ezekiel knew Valentina wasn’t going to like what he was saying. “It is better if you hide what you are, it makes you less of a target for the hunters, especially given how special you and your sister are. When it’s just us 3, You don’t need to hide what you are, deal?”

    When Valentina asked him if he was sure about taking on both her and her sister he just nodded his head yes.
  4. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Natalie jumped from one foot to the other in excitement hearing that she could stay in her form when its around them. She looked over at Valentina with the biggest smile
    "Is that ok sis?"

    Valentina sighed, she had a feeling that if she went against his word, he would probably just ignore her.
    "I suppose, but please be extremely careful. You don't want others to see"
    She didn't like the fact that her sister would be able to walk around exposed like that, but at least with him around, he could protect them.

    Natalie squealed with excitement and ran over to hug Valentina
    "Thank you sis"
    A moment later Nat was standing in front of Ezekiel again with a questioning look
    "Why don't you like magic?"
    She paused a moment as she noticed the blood on his side
    "Why are you bleeding, did you get hurt while saving us?"

    It was then that Valentina noticed the gash on his side from when she sliced him with the dagger. She suddenly had a guilty look on her face. Thankfully Natalie's back was turned. She averted her eyes away from the two

    Natalie tilted her head to the side
    "You are very muscular...how did you get all those muscles? it is from carrying that big sword?.... is that sword very heavy? Can I try lifting it?"

    Valentina stood up walked over and bopped Natalie on the head softly
    "Nat go easy with the all the questions."

    She then looked up at Ezekiel
    "I apologize, she can be a but to much at times"
    she looked down at Natalie
    "She is only 6 after all"
    Natalie rubbed the top of her head while being slightly over dramatic
    "Owie that hurt"

    She looked up at her sister pouting
    "Not for long....I'm gonna be 7 soon"
    She stuck her tongue out at Valentina
    Valentina smiled at her sweetly
    "Yes I know, you will be 7 this year, but that is still a bit away"
  5. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    Ezekiel hadn’t even noticed the bleeding, he just placed his hand on his side and only at that moment recognized it. There was no medical supplies, so he would have to brave it out. The alternative was making a fire to cauterize the wound.

    Ezekiel put his left hand out and motioned for Natalie to come over and look closely at it. “You see this ring?” He let her take a look at it. “This ring protects me, you, and everyone around me. The reason I hate magic, is because of the immense amount of it that is concentrated in this ring, I can feel it’s grasp weakening, but it’s still not weak enough for me to break it.” He was sure Valentina was listening intently on what he was saying to Natalie. “Normally, I don’t hide myself even in cities, merchants know better than to turn me down. However, you aren’t the same as I am, One day, Pray it not soon you will not see what I am.” He paused again and this time picked up Natalie to sit her on his lap. “You will become Asia’s strong as me, given time and hard work, You shall be my inheritor.”

    Ezekiel seemed to take on a rather paternal role something that must have looked odd for Valentina. “As for my sword, Child. You wouldn’t be able to lift it. At least not yet, I will get you there. Do not worry any bit about that.”

    Ezekiel looked over at Valentina, he was stern but he was also very relaxed. Though this was disguised as a suggestion it was an order to Valentina.

    “You will be sparring with your sister little one, she will he teaching you how to fight, You can only run so much from danger, one day that danger will overcome you.” Ezekiel directly saying to Valentina. “And don’t take these suggestions lightly Natalie, Your sister will be fighting with the intent to kill as she teaches you. You won’t be killed by her, I will stop that from ever happening. But she is not going to go easy on you. I will be training her while she builds your strength.”

    Ezekiel was bleeding pretty badly he could recognize it even if he didn’t feel the pain. “But first we should find a medic, I am going to need stitches for this wound.”
  6. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    When he motioned for Natalie to come towards him, she took a few steps closer til she was at his feet. She tilted her head as she looked at the ring as he explained why he didn't like magic.
    "So your ring does more than keep you in human form. It keeps others around you safe"
    she seemed rather intrigued hearing this. When he had picked her up and placed her on his lap Natalie giggled. Her eyes got wide when he told her that she would become as strong as him so day.
    She looked over at Valentina
    "Did you hear that sis, I'll become as strong as him. I wanna practice and be big and strong and fight those meenie humans"
    as she said fight she swung her fists in the air.

    Valentina stood and listened as the two talked. She was rather impressed with how he was with her little sister. She couldn't help but smile a bit. When Nat started telling her about becoming strong she chuckled
    "I am sure you will, but like he said you have to practice and it'll be hard at times, You cant give up"
    When he mentioned that the two girls would be sparring together, she wasn't at all too concern, although she was slightly annoyed with him at the comment he made about running, the annoyed expression was clearly on her face. In their spare time Val would often teach her sister a few things she had learned. The only thing that concerned her was when he had mentioned that she wasn't to hold back. She had a look of concern, but choose not to argue. If anything, she knew it would be a while before he would have them spar like that. Or at least she hoped.

    Natalie acted a little proud when he mentioned sparring with her sister.
    "Val has been teaching me how to fight, so I know a little bit. We just don't really have much time to practice"
    she said sadly
    "We had to constantly hide from those bad men when they came around our home. "
    she pouted
    "Sissy has been taking good care of me since mommy and daddy died, and has been raising me since. Mommy and daddy died 3 years ago, I was only 3"
    she said sadly
    "So I wanted to be big and strong like my sister, so that we can both fight those mean men. So she she started teaching me how to fight"

    Valentina smiled when her sister complimented her. When he mentioned needing stitches, Val began looking around. Before the incident happened with her sister being held hostage. She had dropped a satchel in order to move quicker. She began walking off, while looking around at the ground. Not only was she missing her satchel, she needed to find her sword. She must have dropped it right before Ezekiel knocked her out. She knew her sister was in safe hands, and he never said she had to be by them all the time. She made it obvious she wouldn't leave her sister.

    Natalie saw her sister walking off.
    "Where is big sis going?"
  7. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Age: 30
    Species: Human mage

    A wondering traveler was making her way towards a nearby town in order to stock up on some supplies. She had been traveling for quite some time and needed a place to rest. She patted her horse on its neck as she walked along side it
    "Not to much longer then you can rest and I can finally have a hot meal"
    She looked forward to a hot meal, she had been low on food for a few days and had to make due with what little food she had. She did hunt a few small games and cooked them on an open fire, but for a chance in pace it would be nice to have a meal prepared for her without all the added work. Her horse nudged her on the shoulder and grunted she chuckled and reassured her horse
    "Dont worry I'll be sure you get a good meal, hopefully the town will have a nice stable that you can sleep in"
    Just as she said that, she reached the edge of a small town.
    "Now to find you a stable and to find myself a nice tavern"
    the two began walking down one of the paths of the town. She stopped to ask a couple for directions. Thankfully the town had a stable, so she took her horse over to it and asked to rent out a stall for her horse for the evening. She even requested her horse get fed rather well and paid the stable boy a little extra. Now that she had her horse sorted, she wandered through the small town to gather some supplies. It was still mid day so there was no point in turning into the tavern so soon. She decided to check out a local market to stock up on some food to travel with.
  8. shedninja the sites bug/bug maker Moderator JustDubs Site Admin

    Dec 14, 2019
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    Yuno gets up from her bed. The cold from the winter gives her frost bite. It looks like the bite of a flea. ::confused:he jumps out of bed.::
    "Momma, momma " she shouts. Yuno recieves no response. She starts to remember what happened 5 days ago. The copper scent of blood still fills the room.

    "I'm going to find out what happened and when I do...THEY WILL PAY!"
    "Crap, their both dead...what should I do," Yuno asks herself as she looks at both bodies on the floor. "Goodbye Mom, goodbye Dad."
    Yuno spills oil all over the house. She walks out of the building. She holds her hand out, flames shoot out from them. The small shack catches on fire.

    "I need to leave...I need to run" she says. Instinct takes over. She runs towards the closest town while tears stream down her face.
    #28 shedninja, Dec 7, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2020
  9. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    Ezekiel figured she wouldn’t run off too far. So he didn’t even move, or change focus.

    “She is likely just getting stuff she may have dropped, possibly looking for medical supplies for the wound I’ve gotten.” Though curious he never really asked many questions about her or her sister. Natalie might have some insight that wasn’t provided.

    “How long have you and your sister been hunted?” He asked out of curiosity. “And has it mostly been the hound and the annoying man?” He took a jab at Tyran whenever he could.
  10. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    As she was about to head towards a tavern to pay for a room. She noticed movement out of the corner of her eye which caught her attention. A child, that looked to be around 11 or 12 was running towards the town. Ellie stopped walking and waited a moment to take in the scene. Off in a distance she noticed a dark cloud of smoke. She turned her attention back towards the child, the child looked to be a little girl. She was wearing a frilly dress and had black hair, with highlights. The child seemed to be upset, as Ellie noticed she had streaks of tears under her eyes. Ellie moved as if trying to look behind the child to see if she was either being chased or if her parents were nearby. When she saw neither, she knew something was wrong. So she dropped her stuff and rushed towards the girl.

    As she got closer she noticed the girl had yellow slits in her eyes. This she was familiar with as she had sealed many of the Childs kind in human form with her magic. In fact she was one of the mages that dragons born would often come to for a magical item to take hiding in human form. As she neared the girl, Ellie slowed her pace as to not startle the child, and held her hands out tot he side of her to express she meant the child no harm. She tilted her head slightly and spoke in a concerning but soft tone
    "What's the matter dear child?"


    Valentina searched for quite some time and as she did she had noticed all the traps that had been laid out. As she carefully walked past them she spoke quietly to herself
    "Did he do all of this?"
    she was rather impressed with the fact he had set a few traps in a short amount of time he did. She made her way past them and it wasn't long before she found a familiar body laying on the ground. It was the body of the man that held her sister by knife point the night before. She walked over to the body gave it a kick, to move his body to face her. She looked at the man beneath her with disgust, she was suddenly filled with rage as the images of him holding her sister by knife point flashed before her eyes. Her blue eyes turned red, she clenched her fists as she stared down at the body. A moment later, she kicked the body as hard as she could, sending it flying with such force that it shattered a few trees before hitting the ground. Valentina stood there for a moment allowing her anger to settle. When she realized what she did, she took a quick look around to make sure no one noticed. Straightened her armor and began walking towards where she was fighting Ezekiel. She noticed the light hitting her sword and knelt down next to it, brushing the leaves, grass and dirt off of it. She sighed in relief
    "My fathers sword"
    she laid the sword on her knees for a moment, using a piece of cloth she had attached to her side, she wiped the sword until she was able to see her reflection. She gave herself a fake smile, sighed then stood up shaking her head. She sheathed her sword at her back, then began walking in the direction in where she disposed of her satchel.

    Nat was still looking in the direction her sister walked as she spoke remembering that her sister did in fact always seemed to have supplies they needed.
    "Oh yeah sissy always has a bag filled with all sorts of stuff, sometimes I think the bag is magical"
    she giggled. She then looked up at Ezekiel as he was speaking to her and asking her some questions. She brought her finger to her cheek to think a moment later she placed both hands on her knees and leaned back slightly as a kid does when they are about to tell a story
    "Well, sissy told me that when I was 3, 2 bad men, came through the village not far from our home looking for our kind. When papa heard they were doing a search, he sent me with my sister to run and hide. Just as father sent us out the bedroom window, the bad men began beating down the door. Sissy told me that mommy and daddy fought the bad men to their death to allow us to live"
    she had a sad expression on her face
    "I don't remember them much, but I miss them"
    she was silent for a moment before continuing
    "Sister took me deep into the woods, I remember sissy had to carry me through a large stream cause it was too deep for me. After that we hid inside a tree for the night. Sissy said the stream would throw them off our scent. I only remember it being cold, dark and being afraid. But sissy kept me warm and safe"
    She shivered as she remember bits of that night
    "The next morning I remember sissy getting up while it was still dark. She told me that she would return and to continue sleeping, I don't remember after that, only that when sissy came back she was carrying our fathers sword and told me we couldn't go back and that mommy and daddy were no longer alive. I don't remember much after that other then sister carried me for what felt like forever as I cried for our parents. I don't know why but sister never cried"
    She paused for a moment to this day she never understood while her sister never cried
    "After that we found a small village, sister bought us a small house on the outskirts of the village and that's where we lived for the past 3 years. "
    she looked up at him
    "Several days, I was out playing in the yard while Sister was inside making supper. A wolf came out of no where. The wolf was running towards me growling at me. When the wolf jumped in the air at me, I couldn't move. I had thrown my arms up to guard myself"
    She showed him how she shielded herself for the attack
    "But when nothing happened I looked up to see sissy standing right in front of me. She was holding a piece of wood in the wolfs mouth and holding him in place. She told me to run as fast as I could into the house, so I did as I was told. Right before I shut the door, I saw sister hit the wolf hard enough to cause it to go hurtling through the air. A few minutes later she came rushing in and told me we had to leave. Val went into our room and gathered a few things and we left as soon as she was done. "
    she looked down
    "Sister said she was able to knock the wolf out long enough for us to leave, but since the wolf had our scent, it wouldn't be long before they came for us. She told me she had recognized the wolf, that it was only a cub the first time she saw the wolf, which was the same night mommy and daddy died."
    she shifted her weight slightly
    "Every time we thought we were safe, the wolf would manage to find us. Each time he found us, he had a group of bad men with him. Sister would fight the men off as we ran but the wolf would always disappear. This happened a few times, but there was always times where we were able to rest. Then 2 nights ago, just when we were about to set up camp for the night, the wolf appeared again, but this time there was a young man with it. The man told my sister to surrender, but sister refused. She grabbed me and we began running again. The man sent more men then ever after us. No matter how much we ran, they were always on our heels. Sister would tell me to run ahead while she fought a few of them off to slow them down. Every time we would get a moment to catch our breath, more men would appear along with that wolf"
    She looked up at Ezekiel, her expression was one of being thankful
    "We had been running and fighting for 2 days straight before you arrived. I don't think sissy would have been able to continue much longer if you hadn't arrived. I noticed with each passing day she was beginning to slow down"
    She tilted her head slightly and had a questioning look
    "Why did you attack sissy?"
    she paused bringing her finger to her cheek as if thinking again
    "I don't think sissy likes you because of that, but I don't understand why you attacked her like that"
    she had no knowledge of what happened between the two of them while she slept

    #30 Miss Elegent Serenity, Dec 8, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2020
  11. shedninja the sites bug/bug maker Moderator JustDubs Site Admin

    Dec 14, 2019
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    " what's a matter my whole family was killed " yuno says something about this lady is telling yuno she can be trusted ::snivel :: "so miss what is your name "she asks tears draied up but still has blood on her face and legs and arms " im sorry to ask but would you happen to have some place were i can stay i really should clean up i dont know how i got all this blood on me "

    yuno thinks for a moment flash backs from when her mom and dad were killed flash buy the sound of blood shooting out of the neck the smell of copper the cry's from her mom asking the bandit to spare her child the sound of her dad chocking from his own blood the sound of 4 people saying what will they will do to the girl the man and woman were the only target

    just then the scream of of the leader can be heard "this girl she is no................" the leaders body falls missing its head yuno is able to kill one more guy but the other 2 get away

    " i would like to figure out a lot of stuff that has been going on " yuno starts to feel faint can tell that she is not a normal girl " miss what am i am i a mmmmmoooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnsssssstttttter " yunos vision fades to black

    yuno starts to grow bigger and bigger her brown hair merges in to horns her dress tairs and brakes as it becomes too big for her body her onece pail skin turns gray she is no longer human for she is now a dragon

    yuno looks at the human woman smells her and something in her brain tels her not to harm her just the the smell of food fills her nose she runs off into the distance
  12. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    Ezekiel listened intently to everything Natalie was saying to him, it was truly something that hit close to home for him but entirely in a different way. That feeling of being afraid and lonely, ever so haunting for him. Though he wanted to tell Natalie what he had been through it wasn’t the time, he needed Valentina to he present to get Everyone on the same page. When she had finished he nodded, the air of melancholy surrounded them.

    “You’ve been through a great deal, Child. You still are going through your own war. She fought valiantly, and you fought for her. Had you not jumped in front of the sword, She wouldn’t be alive today.” He paused but not to intimidate. “I fought her because I have to breed the weakness out of her, you will be going through the same process. You’re a rare species of Dragonborn and a well desired one. Hunters look at you as the crown jewel for a paycheck. They don’t intend to kill you but to make you objects for men sicker than killers, so long as you are with me. That wolf won’t be an issue, neither will the hunting party, there are few men I respect. The hunters of this age are weak and feeble. No organization, no honor, no respect for our kin.” He had a resentment for what the hunter organization had become. It was all egos and no personality. The ones who still hunted with honor, were few and far between Ezekiel even made friends with a few, they also happen to be fully aware that he is dragon born.

    “Natalie.” The first time he ever used her name. “Whether you’re prepared or not for the process of becoming stronger, you have a long road ahead of you. One that will at times make you want to give up, you will not, and you cannot. I will give you plenty of time to have fun, but I will push you to your limits, you may only be 6 but if you want to live as long as I you need to quickly become stronger than those who want you dead.”

    Ezekiel stood up, and grabbed onto Natalie, it was by her wings, and he gently did so. He placed her once again on his shoulders. “Come, lets make sure your sister is safe.” He walked out and began walking towards Valentinas position, he wasn’t going to let anything happen to them after the encounter with Tyran.
  13. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Hearing the child explain that her entire family was killed Ellie gave her a sympathetic look
    "I'm terribly sorry about your family"
    she had noticed the blood on the child and had wondered what had happened that she was covered in blood. Ellie simply smiled at the child's next question
    "Well I don't have a place just yet, but I am about to rent a room for the night. We can get you all cleaned up and get you into some clean clothing. She paused to think for a moment
    "I don't know if Ill have anything that will fit you, but I'm sure I can find something to work"
    She noted the girl seemed a little deep in thought but chose not to question it. When she noticed the girl was about to faint, Ellie reached out and caught the child in her arms stopping her from hitting the ground. When the girl asked if she was a monster Ellie spoked in a hushed tone
    "No my child, you are a dragon born. I can explain more when......"
    before she could finish what she was saying, she felt the Childs body shift. Ellie knew what was about to happen and quickly laid the child down and stepped back. Fearing someone would notice the shift, Ellie whispered an incantation shielding the now dragon which stood in front of her. The shield made it so no one could see either of them. She showed no fear of the dragon that now stood before her, as this wasn't her first or her last encounter with a young dragon born. She noticed the dragon was sniffing the air and knew the young dragon wouldn't be able to resist itself to eat. Just before the young dragon ran off, Ellie had said another incantation to make the dragon invisible to the human eye. As long as the dragon didn't stray to far from Ellie, she would be protected by her magic.
    "Be safe young one"
    she said as she watched the dragon run off in a distance. She hoped that the child would come find her after she is finished feeding. Ellie walked back over to her items she had dropped earlier and picked them up. She looked back in the direction the child had come from, still seeing the smoke from afar. She had wondered what the child had been through. If the child returned, she would have to take a look at element the child uses to maintain the human form. Maybe she can alter it to be a bit stronger that what it is now.

    She headed towards the nearest tavern and paid for a room. She gave extra coin to the innkeeper and informed to keep an eye out for a young child that may come looking for her. She told him there would be more in it for him if he didn't ask any questions and just brought the child to her room.

    After that the innkeeper showed her to her room. She had set her things down on the table and grabbed herself an apply. She then took a seat to read one of her books of magic for a bit. It was still day light out so there was no point to turn in. She would head down to the bar later when its supper time. As she read, she thought about the little girl. Maybe she could find some info in her book about increasing the magic on the child element. She knew young dragons were susceptible to exposing their dragon form, but in this particular case, the child was either using a seal of older magic or magic that was weak.

    Natalie giggled when he said if she wouldnt have stopped him, he would have ended her sisters life.
    "Well she is my sister and the only thing I have left, So of course I'm gonna protect her."
    she paused for a moment to think about what she would have done if he hadn't stopped and this actually scared her a little. Her sister was far stronger then her, so she wouldn't have been able to do much. A moment later she bowed her head
    "Thank you for stopping, I don't know what I what I would have done if you hadn't, or what I would have done without my sister"
    When he spoke her name for the first time Natalie looked up at him and responded with a "Hmm?"
    She understood that she would have to work hard to become as strong as him and nodded in agreement as he spoke. She spoke out proudly
    "I will work hard and become strong like you and beat those bad men"
    she smiled. When he got up and picked her up and placed her on his shoulder she giggled
    "I'm sure she is, sister is pretty tough"

    It didn't take long for Valentina to track down the satchel. She checked to make sure all of her supplies where in it. Everything was accounted for and she sighed in relief. She placed the satchel over her shoulder and began to head back to where she left her sister and Ezekiel. As she passed one of the traps, she was stopped dead in her tracks as she heard a voice call out.
    "Who's there?"
    Valentina followed the voice in side one of the traps. She slowly approached the trap and looked inside only to see one of the men who was hunting them stuck in the trap. The man looked badly wounded, probably from the fall itself. He noticed Valentina
    “Please help me”
    Val narrowed her eyes at him
    “Why should I? Your nothing but a cruel hunter”
    She spat at him
    “I should just leave you here to rot, or maybe I should just kill you right now”
    She thought for a moment
    “Killing you would be the easy way, I’ll just let you suffer and rot in this hole”
    She turned on her heal and walked away. The man began crying out begging for her to help. But he fell on deaf ears. She knew she was getting close to where her sister and Ezekiel were so she reached in her bag and pulled out a small wooden box. Inside the box contained some medicine, wrap and needle with some thread. She heard footsteps approaching and stopped in her tracks. She slipped behind a tree and reached for her sword as she heard it footsteps getting closer..
  14. shedninja the sites bug/bug maker Moderator JustDubs Site Admin

    Dec 14, 2019
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    yuno runs the feeling of wind running thrugh her scales as he finds a deer 'food' her mind says with out much of a though she bites the neck of the deer the teste of copper fills her mouth she drags the deer in the woods and starts to eat her fill the dears taste is almost like that of beef but yuno dont care all she knows is she needs to live you eat to live there for she eats

    just then she closes her eyes and sleeps

    download (1).jpg

    you no wakes up "ugh my head hurts " she looks down seeing that she is naked she runs over to the pond and looks at the reflection her once gold eyes have turned red her brown hair now is golden her hands now are covers in scales she feels some weight on her hips and looks and sees a tail " what is going on i need help " she looks around for something to dress her self in and finds a white sheet this will work for now she sees a small dagger with the face of a boar on it its on the ground next to some foot prints she cuts a hole for her head and climbs in she then cuts a belt and straps the dagger to her self

    "well i need to find that mage who was with me " yuno remembers Ellie but past the promise of finding cloths yuno forgot anything else
    "wait she said something about getting a room in the next town ill see if i can find that place

    when yuno gets to the town she finds it strange that no one looks at her " hey can any one see me "

    she gets no responds she gets to the towns in sits on the bench and starts to cry she starts to look at the dagger to try to collect her self and sees how the blade glows red and yellow it feels like home almost like it has her mother and fathers soul stuck in side it she holds it up to her ear and hears the voices of her mom and dad " keep this blade with you at all times it will keep you human and it will also help you understand what is going on just say " the voice fade and

    "i erit hominum" yuno says just then her tail disappears and her eyes change from red back to gold and the scales on her hand disappear the voice speaks again " if you need to become a dragon say |Ego autem in aeri and if you need the power of a dragon but stay human say Ego sum primogenitus draco now yuno please slice the air with the blade so you can dispel a shield that was placed on you also yuno trust that mage she will hep you find who killed us "

    yuno cuts the air with the blade and the world returns to normal the innkeeper looks at yuno " ah young lady there was a mage that was looking for you let me see if i can find her "

    the innkeeper walks off to the room leaving yuno to smile happily looking at the dagger that has her mom and dad in it

    the innkeeper returns and says " young lady can you come with me there is someone who wants to see you "
    #34 shedninja, Dec 9, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2020
  15. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    Ezekiel knew that Valentina was close by, he stopped for a second to look at the ground he could see footprints, presumably hers she did well to hide but tracking her was still easy. He took the opportunity to make it seem like he was oblivious. But realistically he just set down Natalie, and spoke loudly.

    “I think your sister wants to play hide and seek with you. And this is a good time for a lesson.” He lowered his voice, he only wanted Natalie to hear what he was going to say next. “You see those foot prints?” He pointed to the ground exactly where she would have walked, he knew if anyone was familiar with them it would be her. “Follow them, and you will find her quickly. I have something to attend too.” He could still hear the guy in the trap shouting for escape.

    Ezekiel walked over to the hole, He was an abandoned member. Though he had no use for him or saw any reason to let him live he was trying to set an example. He stood up and moved towards the hole. He simply stated. “Drop your weapons, including your hidden ones.” The guy obliged.he kneeled and put his hand down, he helped him up out of the hole. “Stay.” He obliges again. “speak”.

    The man knew what he was doing vaguely. “Ezekiel, sir. That silver dragon spat at me. Can you not see the saliva covering my face.” Ezekiel could, and by all means he deserved it for hunting with Tyran but he understood he was only following orders. “She will apologize so long as you stick around a little longer.” Ezekiel was still honor bound regardless of if this man was hunting his kind.

    “You have a family?” Ezekiel asked. “Aye, Wife and a son. I know this is bloody crooked work but I need to feed ‘em somehow.” Ezekiel nodded. “Once she apologizes you’re free to go home, I understand you might come back hunt us, but I advise showing some respect towards your enemies in the future. I’d also recommend running with a better crew than Tyran’s, I’ll talk to a few of my connections, see if they’re in need of a warrior.” The man nodded and let out a hearty “thank you”

    When he saw Valentina and Natalie approach he quickly turned his attention towards Valentina. “Did you disrespect this man?” He asked with a sense of order to his voice, he knew she did but he wanted her to be honest.
  16. shedninja the sites bug/bug maker Moderator JustDubs Site Admin

    Dec 14, 2019
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    Name : koro
    Age: 11
    Race: catperson

    Any other info: is employed as a freelance assassin at the age of 9 was sent to protect her sister yuno


    Main weapon a magic dagger much like her sisters but unlike yunos her dagger allows her to turn into a black house cat to make watching her sister a heck of a lot easier

    She also just like yuno can use fire and ice magic
    #36 shedninja, Dec 9, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2020
  17. shedninja the sites bug/bug maker Moderator JustDubs Site Admin

    Dec 14, 2019
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    koro jumps off of yunos bed stretches' he cat self and hears the sound of humans talking loudly out side " we found them " this is not the first time that koro has heard this koro has been protecting her family since she was 9 she looks at the 20 bandits out side 'crap got to let mom and dad know' she walks into the room the sounds of bones braking fill her mom and dads room " what's wrong honey " her mom says

    "whats wrong there are 2o bandits out side i can maybe take out 10 of them but i don know " koros mom gets up here cat ears and tail show as she trys to wake her husband up he wakes up from the frantic action he lost his human form scales and horns can bee seen "what "he asks "we need to bind our souls to a blade to help our child out "

    koro pulls out a boar head knife " here i have her blade safe like you asked " koros mom and dad did not want yuno to get involved in to the family biasness

    koros mom and dad place ther hand on the dagger and start to chant "let tenetur ad hoc quod ingeri Nostro refusus pectori ferrum defendat nos, et det nobis potestatem ut pueri" the dagger glows red and green as koros mom and dads souls are now bound to the blade koro grabs the bade shifts back in to a cat and starts to get to work on the ones out side as the sound of a braking window can be heard but koro moves into yunos room and whispers in yunos ear "
    decem minuta te in forma humana non esse quod factum est" givers her 10 mins before yuno will change

    koro walks out side and watches the 4 in the house kill and destroy her dad but koro can not deal with that now koro sneakes by the horses and starts to poison them

    koro now shifts in to her human form and starts one by one killing the 16 bandits yuno is about to head back but she hears ""this girl she is no................" one of the bandits say and decides to just let yuno kill them she walks up to the blood soaked dragon that is on the floor sleeping :: koro says to yuno "ruturn ea hominem" and watches as yuno loses her dragon form koro starts to drag the body's out of the house moves the bodys over to the river and dumps them like she has done many times before

    4 days later koro waits for yuno to wake up she watches her wake up panic and start to burn down the house 'wait yuno dont do that they can still feel pain ' the wosh of flames can be heard and the heat of the house can be felt :koro hears the screams of pain from the blade :

    koro watches yuno run into a mage only catches bit and pieces and then hears "miss what am i am i a mmmmmoooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnsssssstttttter"
    koro watches the mage about to cast a spell ' crap thats a dragon hunter ' about to kill the mahe yuno blade says " noooo stop shes friendly " koro watches as yuno disappears from view koro fallows her sent to a killed deer

    koro sees a patch of grass about the shape of a dragon leaves a sheet and the dagger on top of the sheet she kisses yuno on the head " i will keep on watching you "

    koro watches yuno get and town koro goes to the inn and putts a bag of gold on table "you get all this if you say nothing about me give me a room and remove your records of that mage and let that girl ovr there :: points to the bench were yuno is playing with the dagger :: stay with the mage "koro whispers ' if you dont you'll get steel instead of gold ' koro masks her self turns back to a cat and climbs on the bench next to yuno and curls up annd goes to sleep

  18. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    A knock was heard on the door and Ellies looked up for a moment before responding
    a moment later the innkeeper opened the door and took a step in
    "The child you had asked me to keep an eye out for is downstairs waiting"
    Ellie closed her book and placed it on the table. She reached into a small bag that was at her side, pulled out and tossed some coin to the innkeeper.
    "Thank you, I will go down to her. You may take your leave"
    The innkeeper bowed and thanked her for the coins, before leaving the room. Ellie stood up, and headed out of the room. Leaving her supplies behind. It wasn't long before she found the little girl sitting on a bench, next to her was a sleeping cat. Ellie stopped for a moment after seeing the cat
    "Well this is interesting"
    she said quietly to herself. She could see the magic that surrounded the cat, a normal person would see a sleeping cat on the bench, she however could see both the sleeping cat and the young girl. But instead of questioning it, she decided to leave it things go for now and see how it all played out. Ellie wasn't one to meddle unless need be and she had a few questions which she would probably get answers to soon. She began walking towards the child with a smile
    "There you are little one, I am glad that you came back"
    she tilted her head
    "How are you feeling dear child?"
    She knelt down to the childs level and tucked a stray hair behind her ear
    "Would you like to come inside and get cleaned up? we can get you some fresh clothes, I don't have much inside for clothing that will fit, but we can find something for you to wear for the time being, then I'll take you to the local clothing shop and you can pick whatever outfit you like. My treat"
    she smiled sweetly
    A moment later she stood up and reached her hand out to the child for her to come. She knew the child probably had a ton of questions, all of which Ellie would be willing to answer when the time was right. But first she wanted to get the child cleaned up and dressed properly

    Valentina loosened her grip on her sword and relaxed when she heard it was her sister and Ezekiel. She let out a sigh of relief as she was hoping to not have to fight anyone. When he said play hide and seek, Val had a smirk on her face, she crouched down and waited while remaking hidden.
    Natalie looked at the foot steps and nodded. She giggled quietly then skipped away following the tracks. It wasnt long before she noticed the tracks ended behind a tree. Natalie tip toed over to the tree then jumped in front of her sister
    "I FOUND YOU!"
    she shouted.
    Val knew her sister was coming close and waited for the right moment. When Natalie jumped out, Val acted surprised
    "YOU DID!"
    she shouted back. A moment later she swooped her sister up into a hug.
    "Did you have fun?"
    Natalie giggled
    "I did, we sat and talked a little then came to find you"

    Val tilted her head
    "I see"
    she chose not to question her sister about their conversation just yet. She placed her sister back on the ground and stood up taking her sisters hand.
    "We should probably go find Ezekiel"
    Natalie nodded, looked up at her sister
    "Do you think he would get mad if I gave him a nick name?"
    Val smiled
    "It wouldn't hurt to ask"
    Just as they approached Ezekiel, Val stopped and pulled her sister behind her when seeing the hunter. Her instinct was to go into defense, reaching behind and grabbing her sword . She didn't unsheathe it, just held her hand at the read. She narrowed her eyes at Ezekiel.
    "What is HE doing here?"

    When she heard the question, she didn't shift her stance at all,
    "Define disrespect?"
    she paused a moment clenching her fist in her other hand, but she was honest
    "I exchanged a few words, then left him in that hole"
    Her eyes darted to the man then back at Ezekiel
    "why did you let him out?"
  19. shedninja the sites bug/bug maker Moderator JustDubs Site Admin

    Dec 14, 2019
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    yuno waits on the bench well petting the cat that hopped oh her lap " oh koro you found me i thought they killed you as well" youno says with concern 'well i kinda was never going to die ' koro thinks yuno looks at Ellie who just pops up sees Ellie eyes move towards koro "Ellie my cat that my mom and dad got me 3 years ago is alive " yuno says koro looks at Ellie 'crap she knows what i am i will have a talk with her 'after i take care of yuno need to ether get her out of the room or koro remembers she has a sleeping spell that will work

    Ellie asks yuno how she is felling " well i have had alot to take in lately "Ellie asks yuno if she wants to come with her to get cleaned up "yes i will like to " yuno gets up from the bench koro hops off and rubs her head against yunos legs purring loudly
    yuno grabs on to Ellies hand and heads off to the room

    " miss i have so manny questions the biggest one is why did i turn in to a monster " yuno then pulls the dagger out " my other question is what is this for any idea what this is " yuno asks "et factum est sicut somnus Quod ut obliviscatur "koro whispers at the dagger and yuno fall's asleep

    the sounds of popping bones can be heard well koro pulls out her dagger an holds it towards Ellie neck ' koro hisses like a cat " tell me what you know about my sister tell me what you plan on doing to her keep in mind just because mom and dad say you can be trusted dose not mean i can trust you " koro grabs yunos blade sets it on the table along with her blade grabs her sister and puts her on the bed " i think an explanation is in order "

    koro walks back in forth her face now has whiskers and is more cat like " ok so here it is le me starts with my mom she was a mage much like you and her field was magic items mainly weapons she was a cat person much like my self one day on her travels she met a dragon born and well fell in love and shortly after words yuno was born And a year afterwords I was " she picks up the dagger with the boars head " this blade is enchanted with many enchantment including concealment magic despell magic teleportation mind alteration and sleep among with a hand full of more "

    koro walks over to yuno and lightly pets her hair " mine is a bit different " grabs the dagger with the cats face "along with the things yunos can do mine can cause people to be unabe to move also gives me a hand full of combat perks also " she points the blade at the window '
    ave sit tibi me venire' she says quilty a flock of birds fly in " the abilty to control animals but its limited to nothing bigger then a dog "

    " we lived a peaceful life till about 3 years ago then people found out that yuno was was a dual race you see unlike me were i can only be a cat person yuno can chose what she can be be it dragon human or cat i have no clue how it happened " yuno sits down on a chair " now that is a rair trait that not many people have and well since my cat geans give me power i was asked to protect yuno so 3 years ago they made her forget all about me and it hurt but it was need well " koro changes back into a cat

    "don't let her know any thing about this tell her about her dagger but keep the fact that i am her sister out of this " koro jumps on yuno puts her paw on her forhead and says "
    nos de somno surgere"

    yuno wakes up on the bed with koror on her lap " what happened " yuno asks koro looks at Ellie with a look of hate ' you tell her about me and things wont end well ' she says in Ellie mind "well what happened im sorry i think i fell asleep " yuno looks at Ellie waiting for an answer
    #39 shedninja, Dec 10, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2020
  20. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    Ezekiel understood Valentinas position, but it was one that he wholly disagreed with. “Val, Nat. He was abandoned. Alone, afraid, and at your mercy I know what you’ve been through, your family taken from those donning the same robe. But he didn’t touch your family, He is only a whelp.” Ezekiel judged his appearance. The man looked no older than his twenties.

    “Your hate, and disdain as warranted as it may be. You need to let it go, control your emotions, understand on the battlefield your adversary is no different from you, it’s bloody work, but he has a family to keep alive.” Ezekiel was only defending this man because of. “Do you have a name, Sir?”

    “Aye, it’s Michael.” He said, he was naturally terrified, he had no idea if he was going to die, he was confused and conflicted. He just knew that he was abandoned and alone, with the only barrier between being killed was Ezekiel. “I swear, I mean no harm. If I must make amense for everything I won’t ever hunt again.” He was only afraid of Valentina in this situation, Considering he was unarmed he couldn’t defend himself even if he tried.

    “Val, Nat. Does this fear sound familiar to you? Have you no pity on this man? If you are to strike him down, I will stop you. So think about this rationally. I only ask for you to apologize to him. Nothing more. I am sure he would be ever so grateful to just make it home tonight.” Ezekiel, Gave a clear line of attack if she so chose to take his life. Though Ezekiel didn’t believe she would, he wasn’t about to take any chances.

    “Please, Forgive me. I was only following orders. I’d only just gotten registered to Tyrans battalion a week ago, they wanted him to show me the ropes.” His pleas were genuine, he had no agency in the hunters or any specific skill set that would make him stand out. “Please! Show mercy!”

    New Character!
    Name: Michael
    Race: Human
    Age: 18
    Weapons: A hatchet and a bow.

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