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Received About Download Links

Discussion in 'Feedback & Suggestions' started by Mike221, Sep 26, 2018.

  1. Mike221 Guest

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    i hate to nag and don't know if y'all could even do anything, but the download links got switched to "https://www.mp4cloud.net/mp4upload2/?id="link"" from "https://www.mp4upload.com/"link""...
    anyways it mess up the file save and names them all video, video(1), etc... i was just wondering if y'all could go back to the old download link setup???

    thanks, Mike221
  2. Vashnik Guest

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    The download feedback would be something to take up with MP4Cloud as it's not a service controlled by Just Anime Network. MP4Cloud is a 3rd-party service.

    Tagging @Tokyosama since this feedback is related to their service.
  3. Tokyosama Trophy Collector

    May 6, 2018
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    This is just a beta that I have develop and still being tested. This was not intended to be leaked out to the public as I had told @Laximus on skype, in the beginning, it is just for test purpose only and not the final release. The reason for this development. I learn that mp4upload take down only download link except for streaming source. So what better way to fix a broken mp4upload download link is to give you the option to download video off mp4upload player instead. It is pretty much the same way as a download link but much different. Although there may be some issue coding mp4upload player is that it doesn't provide the file name that was originally uploaded. That is why the player only shows as "video.mp4". I would recommend after verifying that you are "human" and provide a full downloadable mp4upload video.mp4 link. Do a right-click and save as then manually rename the file. Again this was not intended to be leak out in public in the first place.
    #3 Tokyosama, Sep 26, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2018
  4. dxdarn Guest

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    To tell you the truth i find the reCAPTCHA thingy to be a hindrance but oh well. It's not that big of deal anyway.
  5. Mike221 Guest

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    explains everything to me proactively fighting broken links > small renaming issues...

    thanks, Mike221

    as for the reason i posted it here was either version worked. so it could just be changed back to the old posting links on this site.
    Thanks, Mike221
    #5 Mike221, Sep 27, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2018
  6. Tokyosama Trophy Collector

    May 6, 2018
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    Whenever you come across a broken mp4upload download link saying file not found. For example, let take Linebarrels of Iron Episode 26 - https://www.mp4upload.com/csgaqjb0j3yw displaying file not found. Copy the ID ''csgaqjb0j3yw" apply to mp4upload embed player url shown here - https://www.mp4upload.com/embed-csgaqjb0j3yw.html and it will display a working streamable video even though the download link has been taken down. So I took the idea to develop my own download page for my service by making a minor tweaks adjustment from mp4upload server. The issue of using mp4upload player is that it doesn't provide full detail such as file name that was originally uploaded. My test has proven it may work or sometimes doesn't work depend on many of mp4upload server. Like I said before it is not the final release and it is still in working progress. I hade made many developer video player that is officially tested and is released to the public for other anime site owner and content manager on this site to use. Except for the current project I'm still working on that not pose to be released. For the renaming part, it is a perfectly same way as you download an image of a website. Right-click and save video as. Then rename the video file video.mp4 as Linebarrels of Iron Episode 26.mp4
    #6 Tokyosama, Sep 27, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2018

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