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~bellatrix~ (reboot)

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Miss Elegent Serenity, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Hours passed as the goddess of judgement watched the recorded footage within the orb, showing the immediate area and happenings of the man with the violin she had met so long ago. Meanwhile, a bored maid gave up on waiting for her question's answer and began looking at the various abandoned items, the shelved items forgotten and unknown to many. Eventually, Innacent began to realize rotating parts of the orb could be moved to view different times. Going back revealed long periods of dull storage, before finally showing a famous violinist using it.
    In truth, this violinist is dull, a man without personality.
    She rubbed her eyes and looked at the maid, who stretched an item that appeared to be a black elastic harness of unusual design.
    "I wouldn't wear that if I were you, not unless you want to add another fifty centimeters to your bust."
    Surprised by the sudden statement after hours nothing being said, the maid jumped and quickly slipped it back onto the shelf, blushing.
    "I- I won't wear it!"
    "But if you want, you may take it with you. Use it for your husband."
    Still blushing, the maid decided to take up the goddess's offer, slowly slipping the brassiere into her apron.
    "Thank you."
    Done with her brief break and no longer interested in the legendary violinist, Innacent decided to go forward in time instead. Skipping the dull times of unuse, she watched the man's doings, sifting through the footage. His usual clothing eventually changed into a style faithfully devoted to wearing black and white in equal amounts. Seeing his metamorphosis over the years, she grew sorrowful. After some time, she began to realize he did not age.
    How? He's a human!
    After a hundred years forward on the orb, she became more shocked by the man. He did some good things, but went on to do purely abhorrent things. Innacent trembled in rage with every moment she watched the orb. Clutching the orb, it slowly cracked from her intense grip as she spied into the past, nearing the present footage.
    When... when is this man, no, this monster, just going to die!?
  2. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    "Bah and just where is ye 'Leviathan' eh? Ye been all bark a bluff so let me she this ship of yers" Donavan begrudging stated before a woman appeared before him.

    "She be me home, and my sword on the sea. Never have we ran from battle and never lost her" Donavan boosted to Leon about his ship while his crew began eyeing the dragon and leon's crew
    A males voice sounded as one of Donavan's crew men escorted a rouge-ish man to him. he looked over to Leon and even to Oran before back at the man.
    "He be one of yours or did this cursed place gain another inhabitant?" After looking over the man Donavan though he could use another crew member.
    "Well Lad, if ye want to join me welcome aboard, I'll have one of me men take ye to an open bunk. Unless ye need one more Leon?"
    Walking over to the side of the Dragon shouted to his men.
    "Larry get ye arse up here, ye need to escort a new member to their bunk. As for the rest of ye dogs i got a few announcements" Clearing his throat he spoke. "Firstly, we made it lads so it's time to find that treasure . And secondly I am revoking one of me rules, there will be no lashes if are having any romance on the ship. Furthermore Blackwater be off-limits unless we feel like getting beat by her lover.... Me....." The entire crews jaw dropped while the quartermaster had a slight smirk while stiffing a laugh. Some mumbles of 'here we go again' 'what' and '10 gold says they make it this time' could barely be heard.
  3. KazutoKeagia I Got A Trophy!

    Apr 1, 2017
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    "Thank you captain Leon you won't regret letting me aboard I promise names Jason and I've heard so much about you and the Dragon it's an honor." Jason said this though in his head he was thinking damit I really wanted to be on captain Donavans boat oh well I guess.
    One of the crew members showed Jason to his bunk. He walked in and set his stuff down and before heading back out he said he needed to change clothes. Which was true he hadn't changed in four days so, but as the crew member walked away a quite but very noticeable sobbing could be heard from his bunk. "Well I don't know if you can see this shino but I made I finally made it." It had always been one of their dreams to be aboard either leons or donavans ship but never did he think he would actually make it.

    Jason got dressed after he cried for about ten minutes and walked out on deck and to his surprise. There was no worries amongst the crew. Jason was shocked by this fact because every crew that he's seen loos it when they know they're about to travel thread watters another reason he prefers his own boat. But he was in it for the long run now and he was committed to see this through. Jason then found the crew member that showed him his bunk and asked him if he knew we're captain Leon is the crew member said yes and Jason explained that he wanted to talk to him more mostly about his master whom Leon knew personally. The crew member showed him to the captain he thanked him then he turned to the captain and said. "You probably don't remember him but my master was once on your crew his name is shino but importantly he is dead. What really pains me about it is that he was also my closest friend. But anyway I was wondering if I could do a combat trial to prove my worth to you I know I'm new to the ship, but trust me I'm good with my sword I will fight whoever you choose and let you decide what to do with me then. Wether it be to make me walk off or make me be on the frontlines I will accept your judgment and carry out my orders."
    #663 KazutoKeagia, Apr 7, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2017
  4. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Trinity nodded
    "I did, its the best sleep I have had for quite a while. Sadly I was woken up by someone singing as they walked past our room"
    She smiled
    "But I didn't mind when I looked up and saw you were next to me. Did you sleep well?"

    Lorena smirked and waved at the crew when Donavan spoke of her being off limits. 'I guess this means no more robbing the crew guess I'll have to find other means of getting gold.'
    Lorena noticed someone talking to Donavan before he made the announcement to their crew. She walked over and rested her arm on his shoulder
    "So who be the new face? New recruit or new member for the other crew?"
    she raise a brow wondering where they were gonna put him if they were joining their crew. Last she checked they were rather full. Unless Donavan had something in mind.
    "If he be joining our crew, where ye be putting him?"
  5. Watchful Eye Guest

    『   』
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Sir Valentine Le Flōch lumbered up the stairs from the lower cabin, his eyes locking on his target. He increased his pace until he reached Jason and put his hand on the person's shoulder with absolute disgust evident on Flōch's face.

    He took a deep breathe before beginning, "My good sir, you are hereby officially dead. Do not turn around."
    He reached down, unstrapping the flintlock attached to his leg - a change from his usual Eagle, but that wouldn't matter for this.
    "You have been warned various times during your course of stay and yet have not shown improvement. You are therefore put to death, immediately. Please, know that I don't care for you and this brought me no joy."
    Flōch swiped his victim's popliteal using his right arm, quickly regaining his composure and resting the barrel of the flintlock on his victim's skull. "Farewell."
    He pulled the trigger and the deed was done.

    He discarded the gun by throwing it straight into the sea, grabbing the back of whatever clothing Jason may have been wearing and hoisting him up, propelling him straight into the sea as well. He would soon be good fish bait.

    And with that, Flōch nodded to the nearest crewman and collapsed in on himself, leaving with a resonating "pop".
  6. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Oran sighed. "Sorry mate. No one that's ever encountered the Levianthan has been seen again."

    Oran glanced over at the girl that had just appears out of nowhere.
    "I'm sorry, who are you again?"
  7. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Slightly edited Innacent's appearance details and creature status of her in my specs post of her. That's all.
  8. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Piper stomped her foot
    "You know damn well who I am Oran!"
    she started pacing back and forth
    "so I was good enough to lay with you on multiple accounts, but not good enough to remember?"
    she stopped in front of Oran glaring at him
    "You even told me I was the best, or is that something you tell everyone. At least a best is one to remember"
  9. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    I point to myself.
    I point to Donavan.
    Then I look over to Donavan with a wide grin.
    "Ye sure ye still want 'im on yer crew? The lad sounds like quite a handful."

    That should have been the end of Jason's story...but suddenly, time stopped and a light appeared from the heavens, shining down on the floating corpse of Jason! From this glorious light came a mysterious figure clothed in bright golden spandex and wearing a stylish helmet. He was known as...

    King Justice, Aspect of Divine Retribution!

    The light surrounding King Justice, Aspect of Divine Retribution grew brighter and brighter until a flash of light whisked him away to a distant land along with Jason's corpse. Time began to flow once again, leaving any onlookers baffled and amazed.

    In this faraway land, a forest surrounded by thick trees on all sides where they would not be disturbed, King Justice, Aspect of Divine Retribution laid his hands on Jason's body. A light came from his hands and in an instant, Jason was alive again, fully healed as if nothing happened at all! When Jason woke up, he was all like "Dude, that was sweet! Thanks, broseph!"

    But King Justice, Aspect of Divine Retribution was displeased with Jason. For he had broken the sacred laws multiple times! Such evil deeds must be punished, but not by death, for such a death would also violate the sacred laws! And so, in his deep, booming voice, King Justice, Aspect of Divine Retribution spoke.
    "Thou dost know the sacred laws, yet thou dost not heed them. Thou shall be shown thy evil ways and made to repent!"
    He slapped Jason across the face with his palm. Then he backhanded him. Then he unleashed a flurry of back and forth slaps so furiously powerful, his hand nearly caught on fire! Jason's face was very red after the slapping, causing him to clutch his cheeks in pain as he whined and bemoaned his fate.
    "Owwww! I'm sorry, I won't do it again!"
    "SILENCE!! Thy judgement hath not been fully rendered yet!"

    He then wrapped his arms around Jason and gave him the German Suplex of Righteous Indignation! Jason bawled as every bone in his body was shattered simultaneously, but it didn't kill him because King Justice, Aspect of Divine Retribution healed him immediately. But even after the healing, it was very, very, VERY painful. Such is the fate of one who suffers the German Suplex of Righteous Indignation!

    So you can imagine how much life sucked for Jason when King Justice, Aspect of Divine Retribution performed the German Suplex of Righteous Indignation TEN MORE TIMES, healing him after each one just so he could suplex him again. It was brutal! It was horrific! But it needed to be done. King Justice, Aspect of Divine Retribution did not enjoy inflicting this unbelievably excruciating pain on others, but he did what he had to do. Fight on, you brave soul! Fight on!

    After this punishment was finished, Jason was left a quivering mess on the floor, weakly whispering "I want my mommy" under his breath. After some time, Jason finally looked up and spoke.
    "Is...is it over?"
    "NAY! For thou hath yet to face...THE FINAL JUDGEMENT!"
    King Justice, Aspect of Divine Retribution picked up Jason and held him close. Then his shoes turned into rocket boots and the two of them flew up into the sky! Higher and higher they soared until they flew above the stars and into space!
    "The time hath come...for THE FINAL JUDGEMENT to be rendered! REPENT FOR YOUR CRIMES!!"
    Then, at an unbelievable speed, they rocketed back down to the planet! Jason screamed at the top of his lungs as they re-entered the atmosphere, a cone of fire forming around them. As this happened, King Justice, Aspect of Divine Retribution sang a song that he had heard long ago...

    'Cause you got...
    No chance! No chance in Hell! You got...
    No chance! No chance in Hell! You got...
    No chance! No chance in Hell! You got...
    No chance! No chance in Hell!

    Side note, the Theory of a Deadman version is clearly the superior version. How come the WWE don't use that one? But that's not important right now, back to the story!

    The ground was soon in sight...it was the very same island that they started from, Levia Infernis! The cone of fire burned brighter and now the two of them looked like a meteor streaking across the sky, approaching the ground quickly. In fact, just a few seconds after the ground came into view, the two of them violently slammed into it, creating a mushroom cloud of fire and sand as they collided with the beach!

    King Justice, Aspect of Divine Retribution was unharmed, but Jason was incinerated in an instant. But again, this sort of demise would be against the sacred laws. So King Justice, Aspect of Divine Retribution revived Jason once again! Then he spoke with that deep, booming, sexy voice of his.
    "Thou hast received The Final Judgement. May it cleanse thy soul from all impurities and guide thee on the path of the sacred laws!"
    Then he pulled out the memory-erasing device from Men in Black and flashed it in Jason's eyes, removing his memories of everything that had taken place, including all of his deaths. Now that the deed was done, King Justice, Aspect of Divine Retribution gave Jason one last farewell, waving his hand in front of his face.
    "You can't see me!"
    Then, in a puff of smoke, he disappeared. No doubt he's out there right now, ensuring that justice is done in some faraway land, or even a faraway world. Wherever he is, he's fighting for us all. Fight on, brave warrior. Fight on.

    Mordred nodded back to Trinity.
    "It was...strange at first. In a way, I am still not quite accustomed to sleeping so close to someone else. Normally, the only sounds I hear before I fall asleep are the calm evening breeze and the occasional wild animal roaming the plains. The closest I come to staying around other people are my occasional visits to a local inn, where I hear the footsteps of the other patrons from behind my locked door."
    He sat up in the bed, looking into Trinity's eyes.
    "Even so, it was quite pleasant. To hear your gentle breathing, to feel your heartbeat so close to me...it was different, but it was a welcome change. Truth be told, it was the most restful sleep I have had in quite a long time."

    Leif let out a weary sigh and covered his face with his hand.
    "Oh, this should go swimmingly. No pun intended."
    He gave the sirens a firm look.
    "New plan. Follow my lead and when you talk, don't say anything stupid, okay? Then maybe, just maybe, we can all get through this without things going horribly wrong."
    He waited for their response before taking them to Leon.
  10. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    As Karma performed his Void techniques on his Vocale Violin, opening portals to the Void, he saw something he never before witnessed. Before him, in the portal he had created to monstrous proportions, he witnessed an oddly dressed man beating up another man. Never before has he ever witnessed an event like this before. Beating and healing the man, the spectacle continued on and on. Karma watched the scene before him, making a face of utter disgust.
    "What... the.. f*ck?"
    He nearly stopped playing, but continued when he realized the portal began to close up. When it was over and King Justice vanished, Karma stopped playing, dumbstruck.
    "This somehow felt gay."
  11. KazutoKeagia I Got A Trophy!

    Apr 1, 2017
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    OOT Fixed

    As all this was happening Jason muttered to himself don't come out don't come out everyone aboard the ship looked at him like he was a weakling then all of a sudden he changed and started to fight the king of divine justice and actually going blow for blow with him what happened to him then he spoke "It was not the host of this body that broke your stupid laws it was I king of divine justice the embodiment of extreme strength and anguish now you will perish as so many others have before me" he went blow after blow with the king for ten minutes with the king of divine justice before he looked over at the one who threw Jason into the water and said "You fucking prick Irony see why he didn't even use his full potential and made it seem like he was week he could've beat you really quick all he had to do was use his full capabilities" Jason's other personality kept insulting everyone aboard he then knocked out the king of divine justice everyone looked shocked. He jumped back aboard and then he collapsed blood coming out of his mouth Jason was back "oh no he came out again God if I didn't hold back this wouldn't have happened well before I pass out what do you think captain am I worth keeping I understand if you say no." Just then Jason passed out from the damage received to his body it was amazing he lived after all that
    #671 KazutoKeagia, Apr 9, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2017
  12. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    "Lad's name is Jason i believe, as for where we are putting him, could always move ye stuff into my quarters. Opens up a room at the least" Donavan shrugged not sure of what to say if she refused to join him. Then again after the event's of last night it would prove a more common happening of them staying in the same room.

    Donavan groaned before jabbing Leon with his arm. "The lad's more yer speed, he will feel right at home with ye crew. I'll take Leif as a trade, what do ya say?"
    Donavan jokingly said while leaving the ship.
    "Anyway Good luck in yer quest to bring back the princess and what not" He turned to his crew and gave a wave.
    "Alright lads and Lorena time we began our own treasure hunt. Inward we go"
    Donavan unknowingly set out on the same path Leon and his crew once tracked to find the princess. So began the silent race to the princess, one crew for noble reasons the other for the gold alone
  13. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    The sirens nodded in agreement and followed behind Leif.

    OOT: sorry DM, not sure what else to post.
  14. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Trinity smiled and her cheeks flushed
    "I'm glad you slept well, everyone deserves a good sleep from time to time. I'm just glad that it was with me that you were able to get a restful sleep."
    she looked down and her cheeks went bright red
    "If you like, I can keep sleeping next to you. I don't mind"
    she looked up at him through her lashes
    "I felt safe cuddled up next to you like that and wouldn't mind if we kept sleeping together"

    Lorena raised her brow
    "Ye mean give up me quarters?"
    She wasn't against sharing a room with Donavan, but she also liked having her own room, it was a place for her to get away from all the men of the crew from time to time.
    "Well I'm not opposed to sharing a room with ye. But I also like have me own space."
    she nudged Donavan
    "Ye know, when ye need a moments peace. I can't be getting that when I be sharing a room with ye. Plus I'm sure ye would like to have moments alone, when ye have important thing to attend to"
    she smirked
    "Unless ye don't mind me hovering over ye shoulder all the time."
    she shrugged
    "Cause if ye know how much I love to get under ye skin"

    Lorena let out a whistle as they headed towards the ship
    Larry walked past everyone giving them a "god help me" look, as he caught up with Lorena and Donavan. He out of everyone wasn't to happy about their return, ESPECIALLY Lorena's. But then again who can blame the poor guy, he has become her punching bag many times and dealt with the wrath of Lorena when she was pissed off and drunk.
    "Good boy, maybe if ye continue to be a good boy Larry, captain here will give you a treat"
    Lorena laughed as she walked up onto their ship. Some of the crew were mumbling in disapproval and jealousy upon seeing her, things like "lucky Bastard" and "why him?" were being said, while the other half were hooting and hollering. Lorena gave them a dramatic bow.
    "Just think men, with me and captain here being together, ye are now allowed to have night with women on the ship"
    she stood up and winked. They all hadn't realized the benefit of the two of them being together, brought. They all looked at one another and started cheering.
    "But I be the only female allowed to sail with ye"
    she turned to Donavan
    "I don't think captain here would want a bunch of random women gallivanting around on his ship when we be at seas. Right captain?"
    she turned to face the crew
    "Besides if me be the one to run into any of them, I promise to terrorize them to the full extent, they would take their chances with the sea then be on this ship"
    she smirked, Lorena liked being the only female on the ship and wanted to keep it that way.
  15. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    OOT: Right, uh...that whole thing with the new character, that was just a troll post. I thought I made that pretty obvious with the blatant rule breaking, the John Cena reference and just how ridiculous the whole thing was. So yeah, we're moving along like that didn't happen.

    I smile back to Donavan and give him a quick wave goodbye.
    "Aye, it's been a pleasure, Captain Donavan. May the winds carry ye to good fortune."
    I've gotta admit, I'm a little sad to see them go. They seemed like good, honorable pirates-- kind of like us, I'd like to think-- and I can't help but wonder if we'll ever run into each other again. Who knows, the ocean's a big place but stranger things have certainly happened, especially to this crew.

    I'm just about to walk back into the ship when I see someone coming. It's Leif, perfect timing! It looks like he's brought a few guests...I wonder what that's about. Ah well, I wave him over with a hearty laugh!
    "Hey, it's good to see you're still in one piece! I figured you'd be able to handle it."
    Now that Donavan and Lorena are gone, I don't even bother with the pirate accent. I'm tired of keeping it up, and besides...when I think of pirate accents, I think of...what they were talking about last night. All of that stuff about....gay pirate orgies. Yeah, there it is, I just felt a shiver run down my spine.

    Leif waved back to Leon as he brought the sirens aboard the ship. He got a few funny looks and nasty glares from the crew on the way up, but he waved them off and continued without breaking his gait. With a smile that did nothing to hide how clearly uncomfortable he felt, Leif spoke up.
    "Hey, Leon! So, you know those sirens that were causing a little bit of trouble?"

    I nod back to Leif.
    "Right, you did a great job of taking care of them. That was pretty fast! I haven't exactly worked out your payment yet, but whatever I decide to pay you, I'll make sure you get a bonus!"
    I look at the three girls standing behind Leif, tilting my head slightly.
    "Who are they?"

    Leif's fake smile grew wider.
    "So, about that. The sirens...want to come with us. It turns out they weren't actually trying to eat us, they were just trying to make friends!"
    There's an awkward silence for a few moments, which was broken by a clearly unconvinced Leon.

    "So you're telling me...these girls are the sirens? YOU BROUGHT THEM ON THE SHIP?!"
    Leif responded with a thumbs-up.
    "You're always looking for new recruits for your pirate crew, right? Well, here you go! They want to be friends and go on adventures and all that fun stuff."

    "They tried to brainwash the crew!"
    "Okay, admittedly, they're not very good at making a first impression. But I've got a good feeling about them, I think they're on the level. I know it sounds crazy but I believe them."
    He then turned to the sirens and motioned towards Leon.
    "Go on, this is your chance, so tell him."

    There was something about the way Trinity shyly looked up at him, something about the way she innocently asked her question that caught the recently-awoken, unsuspecting Mordred off-guard. He blinked a few times at her, hesitating to respond.
    "Ah, yes, of course..."
    He averted his gaze and cleared his throat, taking a moment to regain his composure.
    "What I mean to say is, I would like that very much."
    With the fleeting moment of embarrassment gone, he looked back to Trinity and continued.
    "It makes sense from a practical perspective. We would already be close to each other in case any sort of incident occurs during the night and we would be able to share body heat in cold environments."
    Then, as he briefly averted his eyes again, he spoke in a hushed tone.
    "Also...it was quite pleasant."
  16. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Oran shrugged.
    "I say that to a lot of women. Best is relative to the women after."
    Then he smirked. "And usually, I prefer fair maidens with a littlle more..." He mimed large breasts on his own chest, "...substance, around here."
  17. KazutoKeagia I Got A Trophy!

    Apr 1, 2017
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    Jason woke up coughing he was in so much pain he could barley move but he had to do his daily work out. So he then got up with determination and started his workout which consists of two hundred pushups three hundred situps twenty suicide sprints and a thirty minute plank. After he was done his body felt much better and he walked onto the main deck and got to work helping in anyway he could if something needed t o be tied he help something needed cut he helped he helped with everything.

    Jason felt as if he was a burden to everyone on the ship so he wanted to make sure he did anything and everything he could to help out. "Take that you bastard I'll never be a burden to anyone ever again." He just realized he said that aloud and everyone nearby could hear him he didn't care he just continued with his work. When the day was over he went to his bunk and slept. Tomorrow's gonna be the same thing get up workout go onto main deck help in anyway possible.
  18. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Trinity's eyes lit up
    she smiled
    "Then I shall continue to sleep cuddled up next to you,"
    she blushed slightly after blurting that out.
    "I wonder if everyone is up already, I did hear someone whistling as they passed our room"
    she looked towards the door and then back at Mordred
    "Do you think those..pirates are still here"
    she hoped not, after last nights run in with them, she hoped they were long gone by now

    "You had no complaints before, so you obviously don't mind smaller breasted women"
    she looked down at her chest pushing them up a bit.
    "Besides mine aren't that small, a little less than what you are gesturing"
    she let go of her chest after realizing what she was doing, feeling it was a set up. She clenched her fists
    "You did that on purpose, didn't you Oran?"
  19. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    As Lorena gave her grand speak Donavan simply shook his head while placing his sword on his shoulder. Once she finished he bonked her on the head with the hilt of his sword.
    "That be enough Captain Blackwater, ye win one bet and ye be turning my crew on it's head..." He said sarcastically. he made a mental note of all the crew who said Why him, and bastard, they would get the shitter jobs as punishment.
    "Any man or woman willing to join the pirate life may, now whether or not they stay be a different story. But we have no room for no barmaids nor dandy men like the Dragon. Now Onward men"
    Donavan and crew pressed onward on the path, encountering a few dead crew members and elf scouts. He frowned as this meant that even more people were after the princess, or rather that her captures were elfs.
    "Bah damned Pointy Ears, keep sharp lads. At sea we be nigh invincible and them elfs be like another other man... but on land it be a different story"
    Keeping a eye out and an ear open he heard some rutlsing just before an ambush of an elf patrol sprang on the crew. While Donavan's crew vastly out number the party the attacked, prehaps to keep buy time for others ahead as the crew was getting close.

    Drawing his Cutlass Donavan engaged one of the scouts. He took up a strange stance, almost one of a fencer, before lunging and striking the elf. The weight of the cutlass made it impossible for the elf to block the strike.
    "Come on now, ye elfs are suppose to be master swordsmen, where is ye skills?' He said with a grin.
    "Any old fool can swing a sword, but it takes a man to wield it with skill, and a gentlemen to master it!' Donavan landed another strike sending the elfs sword into the air, which he then caught and changed stance once again. Swinging the cutlass erratically, striking the elf then pireceing him with his own sword. The crew of the Boar had finished off the other other scouts as well.
    "Well that was something eh?"
  20. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Lorena flinched upon being struck on the head. Rubbing the spot on her head, she glared at Donavan
    "Ye hit me on the head again and ye be regretting ye loss"

    Lorena mumbled in disagreement as she walked away from Donavan. She intended on giving every female that came onto the ship a hard time, to see just how tough they really are. She yelled back as he mentioned no room
    "Ye have no room as it is for anyone else"
    She stuck her tongue out at him. It was then that she noticed the corpses. She instantly placed her hand on the hilt of her cutlass, when the ambush happened she instantly drew her cutlass in one hand and her gun in the other. She shot a few of the elves before they even landed on the ship. One had landed right in front of her drawing its sword. She used her cutlass to block the elfs sword as he was trying to bring it down on her head. The Elf started pushing his sword down on her cutlass, Lorena used the opportunity and kicked him right in the family jewels, knocking him to his knees. She brought her pistol around and shot him right in the head, then kicked the lifeless body back.
    "Me be the last woman, ye want to mess with"
    She kicked the body once again as she walked passed it. By now they crew had already finished off the scouts.
    "Well that be one hell of a warm welcome"
    she said with a smirk while walking over to Donavan, she looked around at the ship.
    "Who ye gonna have to dispose of all these things?"
    She kicked the on Donavan had taken out
    "They really picked the wrong crew to mess with. Aye captain?"

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