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Experimentals (reboot)

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Miss Elegent Serenity, Dec 15, 2016.

  1. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Leah has wondered if anyone ever tried hacking into their system, using another computer source, but decided to keep that to herself for the time being. Clause looked like the person who is capable of hacking their system.

    Leah watched as Arcs body flew across the sky. She made a mental note to herself to not piss any of them off. She looked over at Atlas
    "If we go with option one, you said we would get a corner of our own if we worked for it right? . Do you mean that it will be our own, or will we have to pair up with someone?"
    she was curious as to how that was going to work.
    #161 Miss Elegent Serenity, Mar 10, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2017
  2. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    "That would be something to figure out between yourselves. As it stands if you decide to take up my offer and work I'll arrange a weeks worth of rent at some small apartments in each of the participating's names. After that week is up it's on you to pay the bill to your name"
    "What type of work would we be getting into, I know you said anything but what is it you guys do?" Bran asked. if he planned on going with option one as he said he need to find a source of income fast before the week is up.
    "Well for work an easy one is with us as part of the crew. Help us fish and complete shipment of goods. Another option is just seeing what is out there on the island once we land. But lastly there is a contractor of, well usual jobs i'd say go as only a last resort"
    "Atlas, Echo we are here" Frost called out as the Albatross docked at Kamaka in the early morning.
    "Alright I'm going to drop off these goods. you guys have till i get back to make up your minds" Saying this Atlas grabbed three large wooden crates and set them in a cart before grabbing another crate of freshly caught fish. He began pulling the cart while carrying the crate.

    Bran decided to take a seat, he pulled out the files he stole and began combing over them. He was lucky as it seemed these contained info about what was done to him and various powers other that undergone this same procedure. As he was reading Frost walked by and glanced over the papers, she saw a familiar handwriting and signature. She looked down at Bran and saw a glimpse of fire in his eyes, She immediately grabbed his face and turned it toward her.
    "Cahn Ish Halp Youuus?!?!"
    "..." Frost just blankly stared into his eyes. So he is still at it.... Why....
    She then released Bran before asking a question
    "You plan on staying?"
    "Yeah, why?"
    "Hmm, no reason"

    Echo approached Leah with a kind tone.
    "So are you serious when you asked if we could get info from the labs? It will be a task but can be done"
  3. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    +33 / 0 / -0
    Name: Sagon
    Age: 24
    Experimental change: Atom Manipulation & Recreation
    Special abilities: (if any) Anything to do with atoms.
    Strength/ weaknesses: Breaking down atoms also breaks part of his body. Recreating his body requires a ton of energy.

    Everyday for Sagon is exactly the same. Wake up in a celled room, always restrained by a straight jacket. The nurses come in and dose him with his sedatives before giving him the freedom to eat. Though his mental state is below that of a toddlers he seems to be capable of basic adult functions. Finally goons come and grab him and drag him from the room. the Sedatives well kicked in for him to be knocked out. they bring him to a stainless steel room and lay him down on a table that matches the scenery. strap him down and make sure he has no access to any of his body parts. As they lay him there they monitor him, watch him sleep. and sometimes they'll perform a surgery to see if they can find the cause of the abnormality that they have found within him. all of these tests still yield no results.

    [Doctors log #033]
    "Sagon shows natural signs of improvement and mental stability... After the incident with the the first assigned nurse, It was unlike anything any of us had seen before. He woke up the sedatives right when we were stitching him up. Going into a blind panic he grabbed a hold of her and... She was tearing apart... I can't say for certain. It seemed like cracks were forming around her skin, and her flesh was falling off. it was almost as if everything melted down to her bones... Though he got a similar event in return in small scale. It seemed his entire palm was melted down to his skeleton and it regenerated before he passed out. I doubt he had control over his newly found ability. He just must have gotten lucky. Speculation still exists. Unfortunately, he is too dangerous as it stands to allow him to leave his room unrestrained. From here on out all training will be scheduled in advanced and all testing will take place daily. He is an interesting subject to say the least. He still hasn't broken. Then again, he hasn't been truly awake or aware of his situations for quite some time."

    [Doctors Log #46 - Autopsy report of nurse's skeleton]
    "After reviewing the autopsy report of the nurse. It seems that she was indeed melted from inside out, which means. He somehow had to set her on fire or, he had to manipulate a part of her. Could it have been Atoms or Matter, Maybe even flesh itself. Body control could be a simple quirk that he has gained as an experiment. It seems unlikely. We will set up trials as follows, Each one will test to see what his ability might be. We're going to have to wane him off the sedatives in the next few weeks. Hopefully he wont be panicked for these tests.

    Current Day and Log #47

    Sagon awoke from his sleep, this time he was aware of everything. "They must have had a meeting before they came in to give me my sedative." Sagon thought to himself. "None the less, This has become part of my day to day. Held prisoner, and yet I refuse to get hung up about it. I'm upset sure. but I'm a high priority target they won't let me leave here probably ever." as he finished his thought the Nurses walked in with goons on each side of her. Reaching into her pocket she pulled out a sedative bottle and a needle. Filling the syringe with the sedative she put it in his neck and emptied the injection into him. she spoke to him.

    "Sagon, We have good news. We're gonna be giving you less doses in the coming weeks, we want to run trials on your wonder. Pretty soon we might be capable of letting you out." Sagon knew it was a clear lie. No one would get out of here. "Anyway, eat up before you cant function anymore."

    The nurse unbuckled his straightjacket and walked out of the room. Through a small hole in the door his food was brought to him about 3 bites in he could feel the sedatives starting to kick in. He finished his food as fast as possible and shortly after laid down staring up towards the ceiling. he began to drool and lose most of his awareness. Though entirely alive he just couldn't do much of anything.

    "Lau....ra." He uttered out loud. It was the first time he ever spoke anything under the sedatives influence. "Come... Back to me."

    "It seems that Sagon has had an interesting morning so far. My nurses are reporting he spoke under the influence of Sedatives. Though unclear what was said. They believe it might be of someone important to him. none the less we must continue monitoring him for at least a few more days until the big wigs give us clearance to run trials. Though they will have to allocate a lot of funding to testing. I am sure we will make it all back if we get military contracting. If they become aware of our discovery we will be able to make super armies and become the number nation in the world. all thanks to us. The nurses are calling on me to observe him now. Henry Out."

    Sagon was grabbed once again by goons and placed in the same stainless steel room, on the same stainless steel table, with the stainless steel tools, close by. Being strapped down he started to fall asleep. His vision became doubled until his vision became nothing at all.
  4. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Leah looked up at Echo
    "I was, I don't know what was done to me and from what everyone has been saying, I apparently have this powerful ability. "
    she shrugged
    "If I do I have no idea what it is or how to control it or even use it. That is really all I want to find out"
    she looked over at the others on the ship
    "I also want to know if they have my brother."
    she looked back at Echo
    "All I remember was being with him, next thing I remember was bright lights and voices talking to me and then darkness. When I woke up there were a lot of loud noises, gunfire and a lot of running. Bran and Masato helped me out of the labs and here we are. I have no idea what happened or really whats going on. "
    she looked over at Braun
    "He probably knows more than I do, at least I think he knows"
  5. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Though he didn't make it obvious, Claus was listening in on Leah and Echo's conversation. After a while, he slowly approached them and decided to interject, addressing Leah in particular.
    "Say you discover what they did to you at the laboratory. It is entirely possible and given more time, I probably could have done so myself. But if you do find the truth, what will you do then?"
    He had the feeling that subtlety would be lost on her, so he told her exactly what he was thinking.
    "Surely, what they did to you must make you feel some kind of anger. They abducted you. They violated your basic human rights. They changed you, just as they changed us all. It would only be fair if you wanted justice for their crimes."
    He leaned in a little closer, now completely ignoring Echo's presence.
    "We can only do so much, but you...you have the power to bring their entire organization to its knees. You should embrace your power. Practice it, refine it, master it and take your revenge on the people who wronged you."
    He was going to continue, but he was interrupted when by an unusual occurrence elsewhere on the ship.


    Near the middle of the ship, there was a strange disturbance in the air. Light seemed to bend and shift, sparks of electricity briefly flashed, the wind started to blow wildly. In just a few seconds the effect intensified and reality itself seemed to warped in this one small space as a small void slowly opened up. A few seconds later, there was a flash of light and the disturbance ceased, leaving behind a familiar figure knelt down in front of everyone, who slowly made his way back to his feet, clutching his head.

    "Ugh...I swear, I'm never gonna get used to that. Wait...where am I?"
    Though he was quite groggy looking through bleary eyes, he could tell that he wasn't where he expected to be.
    "Huh...? Damien, what happened?! This isn't the island--"
    He turned around and after seeing Bran, Leah, Argon and Violet aboard the ship, his panicked expression gave way to relief as he let out a small sigh and slowly got back to his feet.
    "Oh, man. You have no idea how good it is to be back!"
    Then he looked around and saw some unfamiliar faces, which caused him a little concern.
    "Please tell me they're on our side and we're not all prisoners on this ship. Seriously, I don't think my heart can handle any more bad news today."
  6. Nejat Defender of the Morgue

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Moments before Sagon's eyes closed, he saw Scarecrow and the land behind the gates. The wing-like appendages sprouting from various spots around the creatures body made it hard to see clearly, but behind him lay paradise.

    Even though Sagon's eyes were now shut, his ears still managed to hear the screams... there were so many.
    He had pulled his Eternal Blades out of its pocket dimension - two daggers with a slightly curved blade, each absorbing all light coming in contact with it, and leaching at the surroundings. The blade soon found themselves gliding through the nurses with ease, the limp bodies falling like pebbles.

    Unfortunately for Henry, he walked in just as Scarecrow was finishing up. The blades had already 'melted' away and the creature was amidst consuming the deceased nurses when he was disturbed. It growled, launching himself with blinding speed behind the physician whom only barely had the dawning realisation of who he was up again. He wrapped his arm around the man's neck; ahead of them, the plain wall of the operating room had seemingly been replaced with a gate of massive proportions; seemingly endless vertically and horizontally. Scarecrow traced one of the lines swirling around his arm, the gate beginning the swing open as he got closer to Henry and whispered, "Heaven awaits... But not for you."
    The runes on his neck whom had been around the man's throat rapidly began bubbling, shooting out in small spikes and puncturing Henry's most vital arteries.

    Dropping the corpse, Scarecrow waved the gate back shut as the mirage faded away, moving to yank the chains off of Sagon and grab a bunch of syringes off a nearby steel tray. He jabbed a few into Sagon, most being isotonic solutions had no effect, however one had been contained adrenaline. The creature took a step back and watched Sagon, deciding what to do next. During his wait, he become eerily still, even his breathing seized.
  7. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    Sagon felt his heart rate slowing, Though he could hear the death around him it was muffled to small screams and negligible panic. Henry never even made it to the room. He felt each syringe go into his bloodstream. Most of them doing nothing... Until, The adrenaline was pumped into him. The sedatives were still heavy and because of that he didn't get a massive jolt like a normal human would. He has been digesting sedatives for the past few months. The Adrenaline barely gave him any energy.

    "W...Whoever dosed me, Help me up... I don't have enough strength to get on my feet just yet, But I can stay up... I think."

    And so Scarecrow helped him stand. Sagon stumbled to regain balance, looking at his face you could see he has been spending some time in isolation. Dark circles from oversleep, long straggly beard, and messy unkempt hair to match. He was still in a patient's gown for observation. he stumbled on his feet and leaned over the stainless steel table, He groaned as he crashed into it, and a Shock wave erupted as him for the epicenter. Scarecrow was currently in an inanimate form the shock wave had no effect on him however the stainless steel table was thrown cleanly through a wall opening the stairwell to an exit. He was unaware of what was happening so he began stumbling towards it.

    "Let's move, Just watch my back. I have a feeling that they're going to be coming once the silent alarm is responded too we're going to get swarmed." Making it to the stairwell he leaned his body against the wall and held onto the railing with barely any energy. He could hear the sound of boots hitting the concrete stairs, and the clanging of metal harnesses' lightly tapping their guns. Likely semi-auto rifles. over a radio could be heard.

    "If you get a clear shot, KoS."

    [Doctors log 007 - Codename: Scarecrow.]

    "They've been through six doctors trying to maintain and control this disaster of a patient. Sedatives seem to have no effect on him, none the less his physiology barely resembles a human. I dug through his medical records, and Too say the least I was surprised by what I found; Other than him growing up on a farm, I inferred he was once a farmer, He also used to have auditory and visual hallucinations. according to his primary, Dr. Livingstein, He would describe his hallucinations as night terrors, Where he would walk through a cornfield, and follow a pretty and young lass. Though the logs stopped there, for about 3 months, Livingstein admitted Eric aka Patient Scarecrow into a psych ward. His visions became increasingly worse, in his visions he battered the young lass, Caving her skull in with a "Spiked Baton" as he would put it though he explained it to be more barbaric, Just a plank of wood with barbed wire and nails on the end of it. He said hearing her screams was the most satisfying thing he ever heard, The last hallucination he had, He spoke of once to Livingstein, Apparently he was being eaten alive by crows, until during this same interview he screamed they were eating his tongue and then he seized to speak from then on... Though his files are strange, It makes me wonder why after 2 years of being admitted they would send him to us. Even if we were government funded this guy is a lunatic and there wouldn't be any possibility of humanizing or weaponizing him. I guess they assume we can make him speak. That is all for today, Ryan out."

    [Doctors Log 009 - Scarecrows rising threat.]
    "Son of a bitch. This test subject is becoming increasingly unstable." Ryan breathed heavily for a moment before returning to his recording. he was only catching his breath. "Alright, I'm back. Test Subject Scarecrow has become increasingly unstable in the past 2 weeks, even saying that is an understatement. Something protruded from him, not certain of what. But it stabbed me in the neck, just short of any vital organs. I had to go to the infirmary to get patched up. As stated in log 007 there isn't a way to keep him from using his abilities, he can freely do what he wants as the sedatives we keep giving him are having 0 effect. I'm starting to think these tests we've been running on him and gene splicing him with are removing his humanity and making him become fearless. When I look at him, even from a distance I am starting to get an eerie feeling... That of looking towards a scarecrow, only this scarecrow is staring back. He seems cold, dead on the inside. The nurses have been afraid to get near him, and the bulky assistants have also avoided him like the plague. I'm getting this feeling that he is playing off of our fear. He had the chance to kill me today, But he didn't. I'm going home for the day. Ryan out."

    [Doctors Log 011 - Ryan's resignation]
    "That's it! I'm not working with this patient any longer, experitech can kill me if they want, I refuse to continue down this inevitable path of death. yet another incident today, though this time I wasn't affected... Not Directly at least. It was time to get him from his room and he grew complacent, 3 nurses... 3 Fucking nurses, and 4 goons. They were hanging carcasses, like heads on a pike, He kept the bodies and lined their entrails across the room. The sick son of a bitch was probably going to devour their bodies. I can't work here any longer, It's just not possible. This recording, and the paper on my desk are my resignation, I will use all of my vacation time. I refuse to step foot into this building again... Also, Before I leave. Scarecrow has had the chance to leave... He can leave anytime he wants, When observing him one day. Luckily, he didn't notice me. He was opening this... Portal. He can freely leave. So I don't comprehend why he stays. As fearful as I am, I have the intelligence and knowledge to know when to quit. I'm going to survive this I have a wife and kids. I can't take these risks anymore. Ryan out... Permanently."

    Ryan left that day, and within a week there was a newspaper article saying he committed suicide, found in his own bedroom he hung himself. Rumor has it he was abducted by the same company he worked for, It isn't unlikely in this line of work for experimenters to become experiments.

    In almost an instant from getting to the bottom of the stairwell, tear gas was thrown on the flight of stairs. though they were pushed away it now gave the soldiers opportunity to climb up the stairs and surround him. the squad leader shouted 1 word, and it echoed through Sagon's body when the roaring of 12 Assault rifles were firing directly towards him. Suddenly, The bullets stopped right before drilling into Sagon's body. out of fear, all 100+ bullets exploded and blew back the soldiers. anyone in a close radius was killed, and the ricochet of the bullets that weren't exploded drilled the rest of the squad in the head, Sagons right arm was completely broken and covered in 3rd degree burns from this, Though the adrenaline prevented any pain from being noticed.

    He fell to the ground and puked up blood, His vision blurred he forced himself back to his feet and continued on down the stairwell.

    "C'mon. Lucky break!' He shouted before going out of ear shot.

    OOT: It is another character who stopped the bullets not Sagon.

  8. Nejat Defender of the Morgue

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Scarecrow scooped up Sagon with one arm, carrying him as he casually strolled through. Any other nurses/doctors encountered on the way met their demise via a dagger and any such armed military personnel seemed to never get a clean aim.

    The creature and Sagon literally just walked out the institute, only stopping temporarily for Scarecrow to carve a rune into the man's arm. It almost instantly healed up and left a nasty looking bruise. After that, Scarecrow walked straight into the water, still carrying Sagon. Much to the excitement of Sagon's lungs, his lung capacity had just been temporarily boosted to a dozen or so hours.
  9. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    A Black-hawk helicopter flew over the ocean, searching for a signal it that gave coordinates to a recent escapee. In the helicopter were two soldiers, wearing navy-blue full-body suits and helmets that looked much like motorcycle helmets. Upon their chests an emblem of a broken heart adorned them. Two checked her wires, while Five tested his flame primer module.
    "Two, are you ready to recover Thirteen?"
    "Yes, Five."
    They spoke halfheartedly and emotionlessly, as if they could read one another's minds but still went through the drudgery of speech. To an extent, this was true.
    "The reports say he specializes in electricity, Two."
    "Be sure not get arced by Thirteen, Five."
    "The result will be catastrophic, Two."
    "Indeed, Five."
    "I have the control code ready, Two."
    "Good, Five."
    "Capture at all costs, Two."
    "Understood. Kill if capture is impossible, Five."
    "Understood, Two."

    Arc tried swimming to Kamaka, but the distance was too great to get there anytime soon. His thrusters were still offline thanks to the canisters from earlier. But as he swam, he heard a helicopter and looked up. Seeing a Black-hawk, he waited for something to happen.

    Nowhere else to go. Might as well see what is happening.
    The helicopter hovered over him and one of the occupants threw a cable out. Grabbing the cable, the winch began pulling him up. Reaching the chopper, Arc climbed in.
    "Thanks for th-"
    "Greetings, Thirteen." Two and Five spoke in unison.
    "Wait, what?"
    "You are the thirteenth in our unit. You shall only be known as Thirteen."
    "Thirteen? I'm not really interested in joining in. Just want to get to the nearest island."
    "We are not giving you a choice, Thirteen. Remain still while we scan you into our unit."
    "No, not letting it happen!"
    Arc got into a fighting stance, reading to take them on. Two and Five rushed Arc, Five creating a blinding flash of flame while Two launched binding cables. Blinded by the flash, they bound Arc and began scanning the control code into him. Numbers began flying across his vision, hearing other voices as his mind began connecting
    "Let... GO!"
    Filled with rage, Arc's core energy began overflowing, and electricity exploded all around. Five was blasted out of the helicopter, unlike Two who was tethered to Arc with the binding cables. While Two hung by his cables from the side of chopper, Arc pulled himself out of the cables and gripped the cables that were still attached to Two. Giving a swing of great force caused by the surge of power his core released, he swung Two into the propellers, ripping apart the cyborg. The damaged helicopter propeller wobbled from striking the cyborg soldier. Yanking the cables, he slammed down what remained of Two into the helicopter. The bottom half Two was gone, with a giant gash across his torso, nearly ripping off one of the arms. Crouching down, Arc pulled off the heavily damaged helmet, revealing the woman's face. The propeller cut into her forehead, pouring blood across her face. Suddenly, her eyes opened and she looked at Arc. Her face shocked him, not because of the damage, but the wound, but because he recognized her. The overcharge effect that had empowered him died down until he reverted to his normal state.
    "Long time... no see..."
    "No! If I had known, I wou-"
    "Stop... it's alright. You mustn't become... one of us..."
    "One of you? What do you mean?"
    "Our whole unit... was captured. Tapped with... a mind link... to work together. Not... just you. Have... you seen... anyone else?"
    "I saw Violet earlier. She's alright, I think."
    "I'm glad... to hear that. What... was your name... again? I can't... remember right... now."
    "Arc. Arc Noble."
    Amy smiled weakly, wincing in pain.
    "That's good. Now... please, kill me. You... can't save me... like this. Nobody else... like us... can be saved either. Just... take the gear... you need... from us. It is all... compatible. "
    Arc knew she spoke the, and prepared to perform a mercy kill.
    "One more... thing. That incomplete scan... implanted a... kill code into... you. If you get... too close to... member One of... the squad we were... forced into, he can kill you... instantly."
    "Thanks for the heads up."
    "No problem... thanks, Arc... and goodbye."
    "Anytime, and goodbye, Amy."
    Placing his palm against her throat, he shocked her, knocking her out before taking her knife stabbing into her heart. Her pulse slowly faded as she bled out. After a brief moment of silence to mourn the loss of a fellow soldier, he began stripping the useful gear from her, taking her cable launchers, knife and AR glasses. Putting on the glasses, he now saw a HUD that was provided for him before his helmet broke. However, the HUD only gave Amy's status readings.
    I'll change that later.
    Arc made his way to the cockpit of the helicopter, and after switching it off of autopilot, began flying the damaged craft to Kamaka.

    Edited the end of the paragraph where Arc recognizes Two:
    "The overcharge effect that had empowered him died down until he reverted to his normal state."
    #169 Core, Mar 14, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2017
  10. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    Scarecrow headed towards the city, walking through the water as he was. they reached there in no time.

    Upon reaching the city, Sagon was barely coming to his senses, He grumbled, as scarecrow placed him down. "Huh?" He said, just barely opening his eyes. even the small amount of light forced him to pick his hand up and cover his face for just a moment. looking to scarecrow he noticed his eerie appearance but none the less wasn't afraid. He showed mercy and clearly he had helped him out of a bad situation.

    "So, I guess I've gotten out of the experiment chamber." Sagon said, knowing that scarecrow could hear him. Waiting a moment in silence, he realized scarecrow wasn't going to say a word. "Not much for conversation are you? It's okay, you know how to write, right? Just write it down or carve it on the floor, possibly even carve it on the walls. I can read it whatever you are trying to tell me." Though it may have been futile. Sagon figured that he would respond to him in one way or another.

    Sagon couldn't make out the details of the room they were hiding in and so he just sat there, he could hear a HAM radio going on in the background. But couldn't hear what was being said over it. "Anyway, my name is Sagon. as you probably know, I was a prisoner in that terrible place for quite some time. How much time I haven't gotten a clue, but enough for me to have rotted away for to long. I don't remember much of what happened. I just remember getting a small jolt of energy and my body was still fighting it. However we escaped it must have been luck."

    "Squadron Alpha, do you copy?"

    "Loud and clear Squadron Bravo, Echo you in?"

    "Loud and clear."

    "Alright, Whoever missed the briefing. There is a group of escaped experiments. And we are the lucky task force to hunt them down and take them back, They were adamant on apprehending the people, The last known position was the docks. but I doubt they're still there anymore. you can double back over there or you can search around. The bounty on them is pretty substantial. so don't mess this up any of you."

    As a uniformed group they all said. "Affirmative"
  11. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    Just as Echo was about to ask Bran what he knew off them Claus spoke ominous words. Both Bran and Echo had a face of concern, Echo spoke
    "What she does is her choice, unlike the labs each person is their own not a weapon or a means of revenge." He then made a nonshalanet wave "But it doesn't really matter, what ever power she has the labs would recover, they have rebuilt after core reactors blowing up in less than a day. They have the Money and tech to do as they please and fix any damage done at an alarming rate"
    It was at this time Bran spoke up.
    "I'm not sure her power but from what I've seen..... they may have found a way to weaponize black holes, or at least gave her some power like that. They kept her sedated, when i was trying to escape i walked in on her being put under by a nurse"
    as they spoke a bright flash appeared.

    As Masato appeared Bran showed a face of surprise while Frost and Echo both went on the attack. Frost formed ice claws and shot up three ice spires surrounding Masato while echo pulled out his nine and was ready to fire.
    "Wait Wait he's Friendly!" Bran shouts
    "How do you know?"
    "He help us escape before disappearing out of no where"
    "And what's your point, that doesn't make him a friendly , he could have just used you as a shield"
    She's right only about the wrong person.... I was using them as a shield, but how do i keep them from going berserk on him
    "Wait can you listen for a minute. You just took us not too long ago without so much as a flinch why are you so hostile now?"
    "Well he did appear from no where, teleportation is a very potent power"
    "Can you guys at least hear him out?"
    As Bran said this both of them lowered their stance. As they did Atlas had return to the ship
    "Huh? Who is this then?"
  12. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    OOT: Slight mistake in my last post. Clearly, Masato wouldn't have seen Argon on the ship. :D

    Masato, wide-eyed and clearly scared out of his wits after almost being attacked by two more people with powers, nodded his head vigorously when Bran tried to explain that he's on their side. It didn't seem to be going well and now there was another person on deck that he didn't recognize, so he finally found the wherewithal to speak as he held out his hands, trying to calm everyone down.
    "Hey, hey, there's no need for the violence, I can explain! Please don't kill me while I'm trying to explain."
    He took a deep breath, trying to collect his thoughts.
    "Okay, so first of all, I don't have teleportation powers. I could see how you'd think that but it's really not like that at all! See, I didn't really "teleport," I just came over here from an alternate dimension."
    It wasn't until after the words escaped his lips that he realized he wasn't exactly helping his case.
    "Right, uh, I know that sounds bad too, but it wasn't me! I'm not the one with the power-- I mean, I have a power but it's not that power. A friend of mine-- I mean, we just met but apparently we were friends in some other dimensions-- he's the one who can do that stuff! Oh man, this is sounding like a bad sci-fi novel, isn't it? But it's true! He sent me..."
    His voice trailed off as he finally noticed the strange glowing mark on his hand. He would have noticed it much sooner if he hadn't been so thrown off by everything that was happening.
    "Huh...so that's what he was talking about."

    Claus, who had been watching the scene unfold in silence, had taken an interest ever since Masato mentioned how he came back.
    "Well, now's as good a time as any, I guess."
    He held his right index finger and middle finger to his temple-- or as close as he could get through the helmet-- and began to focus all of his attention on Masato.

    Masato, who was momentarily distracted looking at his hand, quickly realized that the strange-looking, glowing red glyph on the top of his hand probably wasn't doing him any favors, either. He looked back up at the others, a wide, embarrassed smile on his face.
    "Hey...hey...I can explain this mark, too."

    "You got it from a man named Damien who dragged you into another dimension."
    Claus had walked towards Masato and joined in on the conversation, much to Masato's surprise and relief.

    "Yeah, that's right, but how--"
    "He has the ability to travel to entirely different realities, parallel timelines if you will, and he used this power to open some sort of dimensional gate which he brought you through. I was hoping that mark he gave you would allow you to do the same, but from the description he gave, it seems that it was only meant to boost your own abilities rather than grant you new ones. What a shame. Dimensional travel would be an invaluable asset; the practical applications of such an ability are tantalizing, to say the least. Oh well."
    Claus gave a dismissive shrug.
    At this point, Masato started to look somewhat indignant.
    "Okay, I don't know what you're doing or how you're doing that, but you've gotta cut it out. It's weird how much you know. It's kinda creepy."

    Claus turned to the others and gave a dismissive wave.
    "He's harmless. I would know, I've seen his file."

    He walked away and went back to leaning on the boat, leaving Masato with a dumbfounded look on his face.
  13. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Violet turned around, deciding to make her own statement.
    "I don't really care how much of a threat he is. A BFG can paste anyone." She turned her head to Atlas. "You know how to identify buildings that belong to this whole organization? I'll be needing to ruin any of those I come across."

    Hexen stood on the docks of the lab island, tearing open crates near the location of the yacht he commandeered. Having tapped into the wireless network, Hexen obtained information on special ammo.

    Scans detect the location of more ammunition.
    Finally, he found what he had been searching for. Grabbing the three rail gun slugs, he loaded them into pocket-dimension inventory system, where it got sorted into his ammo clip section.
    Travel shall become efficient with this.
    Turning around, he accessed his GPS and input the coordinates to Kamaka. Inputting six locations around the island, he launched the new rail gun slug. As it tore a fiery hole through the sky at Mach nine, it approached Kamaka and disassembled, shearing into six guided pieces. The fragments homed in on their corresponding coordinates, and slammed into the ground, unnoticed by the inhabitants. Positive responses came to Hexen from each of the fragments, confirming their successful landings.
    And now, activate.
    In that instant, Hexen emanated with a red glow and vanished, appearing at one of the fragments. Looking around, he examined his surroundings, looking at the tropical jungle.
    The teleportation slugs work. Excellent.
    Reaching down, he picked up the slug fragment and put it into his inventory.
    These are reusable. I shall use this to my advantage.
    #173 Core, Mar 17, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2017
  14. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    She looked at Claus
    "I would at least know what was done to me, so I can maybe control it"
    She shook her head when he mentioned her feeling some sort of anger. Leah wasn't one to get angry easily. WHen he leaned in spoke to her, her eyes got wide. She spoke in a low voice.
    "but....I don't want to get revenge, I just want to find my brother"

    it was at that point Masato appeared before them.

    OOT short post but so much has happened for me to catch up lol .
  15. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    The helicopter neared the island, shaking as it flew. Testing his thrusters and finding that they were now online, Arc prepared himself to ditch the chopper. Leaving the pilot's seat and turning on the autopilot, he checked for anything else he might need and decided to sync Amy's data with his own. In that moment, knowledge on how to use the cables and wire weapons he had obtained from flowed into his mind. Gathering up Amy's hacked body and entrails, he dropped out of the Black-hawk and controlled his decent to the shore. As he made his landing, the helicopter's propeller tore apart, launching the blades and resulting in the doomed craft to plummet into the ground, destroying an abandoned building.
    Good timing for me, bad timing any victims.
    Walking towards the buildings, he noticed that this part of the city lacked activity. The reason: This area had been slated for demolition. Walking into one of the abandoned buildings, he found a metal box that appeared to be airtight.
    I can't carry you forever. At least here your body will get a place to rest. You already have the ID.
    Arc placed Amy's body inside, and sealed it. Leaving the building, he realized the HUD still showed her vitals.
    I'll need to change that.
    Resetting the HUD, he looked towards the black smoke column from where the helicopter had crashed.
    That's going to bring unwanted attention. I had better leave now.
    Arc began running, before testing out his thrusters as he ran. After a little practice, running became effortless as he streaked past through the alley ways, kicking up clouds of dust. Off in the distance, he began to notice activity, and quickly halted himself by switching his thrusters to a retrograde mode. Pressing against a wall and looking around the corner, he saw it was the market district, with people going about their lives, buying groceries and working.
    I wonder how out of place I will look here?
    As he looked, he heard moaning and giggling. Slowly looking over, Arc saw a brown, wrinkled humanoid scraping itself in a doorway next to him. Giving a yell and jumping away, he faced the freakish creature that seemed to pay no mind to him. His heart beat in his chest furiously, but began to calm down when the creature did nothing.
    "Well, this is strange. What are you?"
    Arc slowly and cautiously walked to the creature as it clawed its face. The being sat up, ceasing in its attempt to force its stitches apart by freezing its movements, and faced Arc with a face stitched shut with sinew and cartilage, a sight that made Arc give a wince in disgust upon seeing how the creature's eyes and mouth were sealed.
    "Yikes, creepy. Poor thing..."
    Arc knelt down a yard away from the creature, and the two looked at each other in silence.

    Violet decided to add to her question from earlier.

    "Now that I think of it, how would I blend in on this island? Just leaving without any shelter is going to be hard in striking back against the Conglomerate, or whatever these people are called. I would want to have a firm footing before I try to do anything, so right now, the first option is appealing. To help in blending in, I am able to hide the creature that has been implanted into me, like this:"
    Placing her hands on her breasts in a way that caused her arms to cross each other, she leaned back and with a slight blush from the following action, the tentacles retracted into her body, out of sight. The tentacles that had covered her chest earlier also sank back into her body.
    "There. Those I can hide, but the skin I can't hide." Looking over at Frost, she continued. "That tank-top you offered, earlier? I think now would be a good time to take you up on that offer."
  16. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    "So one claims he's friendly and another that he's harmless. Yet we ourselves barely know either of them.... You know what I'll go with it we have enough damn people popping out of no where today. You, whatever you name is, welcome aboard. You get no choice, just roll with it and you'll get your own apartment and Not punched off me ship" He pointed to Masato before answering Violet. "Well everything, but covertly so just rampaging around would more hurt the people than the labs"
    It was at this time she asked Frost for her tank top
    "Fine just a moment" Frost slipped her arms into her outer shirt then through her tank top. she pulled it off while having the over shoulder shirt cover her mostly
    "There, but don't expect any panties sister... well these could work..." She made an ice chastity belt and held it out as a joke.
    "As far as blending in, with your nudest tendencies you could pass as an eccentric dancer, just a thought. Makeup could be another option but that could get expensive"
    "Well enough about that, time we started for home Lass lad get ready!"
    The Albatross made it's way back home with it's party in toe. As they approached Atlas spoke to the group
    "Alright, when we get to the dock first thing would be getting you all a place to stay and some clothes for a few of you" Atlas was eyeing a few in particular.
    "As far as places we have one spot available at our place but you'll still have to pay. there also a few apartments near the market here, a few out of the way here and some near the docks" Echo pointed at several locations on a small map of the island.
    "As far as clothes we can spot you enough for a few sets but expect it to be added to a tab. Although if any of you could cook i suppose we could let it go, may even hire you as the crews cook"
    Bran spoke up, voicing the one apartment he wanted.
    "If possible I'd like to stay with you guys, or at least near. Wandering in a unknown city without knowing anybody seems it can go really wrong..."
    "Well what do you think?"
    "Your choice lass, it would be your spare room"
    "... Rent is two hundred Kras a week, and if I catch you doing anything perverted" She formed Ice claws and flashed them at Bran. He gulped and asked a single question.
    "Huh what's a Kras?"
    "Oh money lad!"
    "Yep, the made their own currency, but two hundred is a bit much don't you think?" Frost shrugged at Echo's comment
  17. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Masato responded with a firm nod and a nervous smile.
    "Sure, yeah, that's fine by me. Not getting punched off the ship sounds pretty good. Oh, and my name's Masato if you were wondering-- if you weren't, that's cool, too."
    He then turned to Claus.
    "So, when he says "punched off the ship," does he really mean that?"

    "Oh yes, quite literally. I would tell you to ask the guy in power armor, but he still hasn't come back yet."
    Masato's eyes widened slightly and there was a brief silence.
    "I hate today. I hate everything about today and I just want it to end already."
  18. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Leah looked down at the clothes she was wearing, it was then she noticed she had been in a hospital gown all this time. Thankfully it had the extra material in the back to keep anything from showing. Her face flushed as she had been in front of everyone in just a gown. She was glad to hear they will be receiving clothing and a place to stay.

    Leah heard this and remembered how she used to cook for her and her brother while he brother worked. She was able to remember everything from before being in the labs
    "I....uh .....I can cook"
    she looked up at everyone and shrugged awkwardly
    "I used to cook for me and my brother. I would read all kinds of recipes and make them for us. If you need someone to cook, I can help with that"
    She remembered she had forgotten to tell them her choice
    "I would like to stay and help, if thats ok"
  19. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    "That will do. Feels sort of... cramped... when I pack away the tentacles."
    Violet accepted the tank top, and turning away from everyone, slipped it on.
    "A chastity belt of ice? How cold of you."
    Turning back around and facing Echo, she adjusted the tank top to make it comfortable, trying to get over the discomfort of storing her tentacles away.
    "Anyway, thanks for the gun modding, kid. This makes it so much easier to carry. Still, I need to find more ammo for it. By the way..."
    She pointed at the gun Masato held, the weapon that Arc had given to him as an excuse to read more about himself.
    "You might as well take a look at that gun as well. Seems to have a 'bottomless clip,' in terms of ammo capacity."

    Arc and the creature looked at each other for a few moments, in silence. Suddenly, without any warning, the creature's face contorted at the mouth, stretching outward as if something were forcing its way out. The threads binding its mouth ripped and snapped as the creature puked out an eyeless head that snapped at the air, intent on tearing off Arc's face. Thanks to the thrust-vectoring ports along his body, Arc launched himself away from the creature, avoiding a bite from a mouth filled with several rows of spike teeth.

    "What the Hell are you!?"
    The creature did not respond, and instead continued vomiting itself out. The head that came through the mouth of the creature was larger than the head of the creature itself. But that was not all. Arms, whose forearms were nothing more than yard-long vein infused blades of bone, pressed out of the mouth, stretching it open so that the creature could climb out of it's own mouth. Shoulders and torso came out as well, covered by a thin, transparent layer of slimy skin. Finally, the creature stepped out, it's legs and two-toed feet glistening in the sun light. The husk of it's body, the body it had been puked out of, slid up the leg of the creature and onto its back, the empty skin hanging lifelessly.
    The humanoid creature stood before Arc, standing seven feet tall before him, and appearing to weigh at least 250 pounds. Mucus dripped from the clear skin, wetting the dirt road. Veins visibly pulsed across the muscle tissue and skull of the creature. It panted, dripping saliva from its hellish jaws as it hissed a response.

    "I... am... Husk."
  20. Nejat Defender of the Morgue

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Scarecrow simply looked Sagon expressionlessly in the face, once again his actions seizing. This was one of the many things Sagon was going to have to get used to while accompanied by Scarecrow - the haunting gaze of literal nothing.

    Irene stood slightly away from the group, unknowing as to what to do now. She had become accustomed to the law and order the faculty had set and now she was out again. How would she even survive alone? Her contemplation only made her more hesitant.

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