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~bellatrix~ (reboot)

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Miss Elegent Serenity, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    As he started counting down Trinity began to speak,
    "Don't you think we should....."
    she was gonna say knock first but he had already swung the door open. Trinity's eyes went wide at the sight before them and she quickly looked away.
    "That was not a sight I was wanting to see"
    She then heard the man ask if they were voyeurs or wanted to join. Trinity quickly shook her head
    "No, that's not it at all, we heard shouting and thought something was wrong"

    Lorena let out a yelp when he pulled her towards him. She hadn't expected him to do that. Lorena blushed when he ran his fingers through her hair
    "was it that tempting?"
    she smiled but then the door swung open, Lorena grabbed her gun from the chair and aimed it at them.
    "ye be signing a death warrant barging in like that"
    she lowered her gun when she realized they weren't a threat to them. As Donavan spoke, Lorena walked over to the couple and circled them. She stopped at the girl who seemed a bit nervous. Lorena leaned in to make Trinity even more nervous.
    "Are ye sure that's the reason why you come barging in here. Or is it as my captain says?"
    she leaned in even closer and purred into Trinity's ear, then stood up and laughed. She looked up at Donavan with an evil grin
    "We can have a little fun with this one. She be the shy type. As fer this one...."
    she circled the man, looking him up and down
    "not sure what to say about this one"
    she turned her attention back to. Before any of them reacted, she had Trinity pinned against the wall by her wrist and pressed her body against hers.
    "Lets say we have a bit of fun aye?"
    She leaned in close enough to kiss Trinity
  2. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Seeing Lorena go in for a kiss, Mordred reacted quickly, grabbing her by the arm and turning her around to face him, giving her a stern glare and speaking in a low, threatening voice, almost like a guttural growl.
    "She is not interested. Keep your hands off of her."
    He let go and turned to Donavan, speaking in a much more even-keeled tone.
    "This has all been a very unfortunate misunderstand, so allow me to clear the air, if I may. My name is Mordred, her name is Trinity and neither of us are "voyeurs" as you say. We certainly did not mean to barge in on your "private moment," so we will be taking our leave."
    Just as he turned to face the exit, he heard voices from down the hall.

    "The door be open over yonder, ye figure they be in there?"
    "Couldn't hurt to check."

    Mordred lets out a weary sigh.

    Leif and I enter the room to find...


    Completely taken aback, I can't help yelling at the top of my lungs when I walk inside. Seriously, what's happening here?! Donavan and Lorena are n...n...na-- they're missing their clothes! And what are Mordred and Trinity doing here?! AND WHY IS LEIF KEELING OVER IN LAUGHTER?!?!
    "What, exactly, do you find so funny about this?!"
    I've definitely dropped the pirate accent but right now I HAVE BIGGER CONCERNS TO DEAL WITH!!

    "S-sorry, I just, give me a sec."
    Leif continues laughing loudly, finally stopping a few moments later to catch his breath and compose himself.
    "Okay, I'm okay, I just...heh heh-- I'm fine."
    He takes a deep breath in and out, then speaks up with his hand covering his mouth as he still has to contain his laughter.
    "So, uh...you guys do this kinda thing often? I mean, I'm just--"
    He had to stop for a second, laughing under his breath.
    "I'm just a little surprised, I figured you guys would at least wait until you got back to your own ship! But I think an even bigger surprise..."
    He gives Mordred a firm pat on the shoulder.
    Mordred responds with a glare that would kill a lesser man, but Leif brushes it off and continues.
    "...Is the fact that you're hanging around here. I didn't think you were the type! I guess everybody's got a wild side, huh?"

    "That is not what we came in here for."
    "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. But the biggest surprise by far would be..."
    He pauses and looks to Trinity.
    "...You, for sure. Here I had you pegged for the shy, innocent, fluffy-clouds-and-pink-unicorns type. But this, well...even I haven't been to this kind of party before!"

    "Clearly, You've had a few too many drinks."
    "Maybe. Possibly. Yeah, to be honest, I probably did."

    "I...I just don't get it."
    I start thinking out loud as I stare down at the floor, arms crossed with my hand holding my chin.
    "Is this what all pirates do? Get into drunken orgies on other pirate ships? I...I didn't know any of this when I became captain!"
    I start pacing around the room.
    "Does that mean I have to get into an orgy, too? But I've never even--"
    I catch myself at the last second, but...yeah, it's already too late. I look up at the others and freeze in place, too embarrassed to speak or even flinch for a while. With eyes wide, I just barely manage to get a few words out.
    "Please tell me...you didn't hear that."
    Leif gives me a condescending pat on the shoulder and even though it fills me with rage, I'm still to shell-shocked to chew him out for it.

    "Don't worry about it, mon capitan. We might be able to fix that tonight!"
    "SHUT UP!!"
  3. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Ugh, I'm sick of this tune. Nearly everyone here is giving me an ugly look for playing this, too.
    Karma heard a yell that did not fit with the party, and out of curiosity, he stopped playing and left to check what was happening. The crew greatly appreciated it when Karma ceased playing his music.
    An excuse to leave! Alright, what's going?
    Leaving everyone, he walked down the hallway, seeing a group of people crowding at a door.
    "What's going on over here? Is someone hurt? I didn't know the party was over here, too."
    He had yet to reach the door and see the sight within.
  4. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    Donavan gave a equally evil grin as he saw what Lorena was up to, but she was stopped short by the large man named Mordred. Who growled at her before speaking to him.
    "Mordred was it? Well trinity has a voice so she can tell the lass if she aint interested this sorta fun. More importantly..." This tone changed to a more serious one "I'd suggest not doing that again to her, if not from me threat then threat of ye captain's wrath. But i assure you mine be the one to fear here"
    Walking over to Trinity, still naked asked her.
    "Well my mute minx, how'd ye like a bit of play time with Lorena? Or myself, Or better yet both?"
    As he said this Leon and Leif entered the room. As Leon comes unglued Leif just laughs at him. Leif's question of if they do this often struck a chord.
    "We where enjoying a bit of privacy, as i remember ye both said make ye selfs at home. Last a knew a man could be in his own house nude....with a companion...."
    He muttered the last part under his breath.
    "Aye i believe we All have had a wee bit too much but there be the fun!"
    As Leon's mind panicked about have a pirate orgy Donavan fell to the floor laughing holding his side.
    "Ahhhhh whoow, hate to break it to ye lad but i don't think that means what ye think it means. None of have actually done anything yet, then again there be only two in here i would want to try such a thing with." He winked at Trinity and gave a devilish grin to Lorena
    Walking over to Leon Donavan leaned in and whispered a few words
    "With all them buxom barmaid ye ain't even tried lad? I'm sure there be one ye would fancy and be willing"
    Walking back over to Lorena he put an arm around her waist.
    "Can i get me briefs back if we having a spectacle, or at least can i wear the cap?"
  5. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    As Lorena tried to lean in for a kiss, Trinity moved tried to move away from her. But having her arms pinned made it hard for her to move.

    Lorena smirked when Mordred grabbed her by the arm.
    "So ye be the dominate type"
    When he let go of her Lorena just shrugged
    "Was just having a bit of fun. But if ye be interested...."
    she winked at Trinity, who ran over behind Mordred after Donavan terrified her with his nakedness and turned down his offer. It was at that point Leif and Leon entered the room. Lorena turned to face them.
    "Donavan did you tell everyone there be a party in here, or something? "
    she raised a brow at him only joking on the matter. She then turned and responded to Leon
    "Well what does it look like to ye? Maybe we were getting ready to go fer a swim, maybe we be wrestling, maybe we be getting ready to have a long night of fun."
    she winked at him
    "If ye know what I mean"
    She looked over at Leif who was literally rolling on the floor with laughter
    "But I wouldn't be worrying about what we be doing. Ye might want to worry about him. I think ye be losing him"

    Trinity who was now standing behind Mordred turn completely red
    "I-its not what it looks like. We thought we heard noises and came to check it out. But we stumbled upon these two and....well"
    her cheeks went completely red
    "thats when she"
    she looked up at Lorena and coward behind Mordred

    Lorena licked her lips looking over at Trinity to make her more uncomfortable. It was at the point Leon started pacing the room and mumbling on about orgys. This was a perfect moment to take advantage of his uncertainty, but Donavan had already commented. She shook her head when Donavan gave her a devilish grin
    "and only one ye be allowed to, the other I'll shoot ye dead before that happens"
    Lorena wasn't really the jealous type but from time to time she would show a jealous streak in her. As Donavan came over and wrapped his arm around her waist asking for permission to put his clothes back on. Lorena granted it on one condition. She whispered in his ear.
    "Go with me on this one"
    she turned to Leon who looked a bit confused.
    "Ye really want to be a pirate?"
    She walked over and grabbed her top and put it on. Now she was just wearing a white shirt and panties, she sat on the chair crossed her legs and rested her arm on the back of the chair. She had a serious look on her face
    "First ye have to see if ye crew is willing to do as ye command"
    she smirked
    "That's when an orgy comes to play. The captain must to attend said orgy fer it to be official. Everyone has to get drunk and spend the entire night "having fun""
    she looked over at Donavan
    "Right captain?"
    She then turned back to Leon
    "Those that are against it are not faithful to their captain, that's how you weed out the weak ones. If I were ye, id make them walk the plank."
    She was enjoying this a bit to much
    "When the sun rises in the morning, ye all will true pirates"
    She was doing a good job at looking serious
    "Oh and I should mention, said orgy is not to contain any females. That would be against pirate code. Now then..."
    She leaned back in her chair
    "Ye still want to be an official Pirate?"
    She poured herself a glass of rum and drank it. She wondered how he would respond and looked over at Donavan wondering what was going on in his head at the moment. Then she thought of something and couldnt resist, she poured another glass and raised it. There being a lot of males in the room she just had to
    "Ye should see what female pirates have to go through. Needless to say, it be VERY messy"
    In order to keep from laughing she quickly chugged her drink
  6. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Karma stopped at the door, listening in on most of Lorena's explanation on orgies and pirate rituals.
    She must be speaking on an ancient custom to this world. No way this group would actually do that. At least nobody was hurt.
    Deciding that he wanted to listen to more of the history of this world, Karma stepped into the room.
    "Storytime? Sounds gre-"
    He cut himself short with an odd squeak of his violin, upon realizing Lorena was nearly naked, while Donovan stood before a group of men and an innocent girl entirely nude. His hands stopped moving across the strings of the violin, and his face wore an expression of panic.
    "What th-", Hell no! You people are actually serious about this!
    Karma, too shocked to use his violin to say something, used his actual voice. Thanks to his limitations, he could only get part of the second word done before being unable to audibly speak, mouthing the rest of his statement. All he had to say after that was profanity.
    A lot of it.
    After regaining his composure and ceasing the voiceless motions of his mouth, he shut his eyes and rubbed them. Pulling his palms from his face, he made a gesture that looked like a sigh. His expression had darkened, with a hint of disgust.

    "If you really need to go through this, go ahead. But I refuse to take any part of a party involving sea serpents and white foam."
    Pointing his bow at Trinity, he motioned to her.
    "Come with me. This is no place for the innocent."
  7. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    OOT: I have to write Leon in third-person perspective for this post because from a first-person perspective, all of Leon's thoughts right now amount to confusion and internal screaming. :D

    After listening to everything the pirates had to say, Leon stood perfectly still, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open, a look of abject horror plastered on his face. He couldn't really form words at this point and his attempts at doing so came out as squeaks and whimpers.

    Leif stood in front of Leon, snapping his fingers as he tried to get his captain's attention. When there was no response, Leif turned to Donavan and Lorena.
    "You might've taken that joke a little too far, I think you've broken--hurgh!"

    Leon, with a crazed look in his eyes, turned Leif around, pulled him in close and started yelling.
    "Leif, you've gotta help me out here! Where's the pirate code?! Is there anything in the pirate code that can get us out of this?!"

    Leif barely sputtered out a response.
    "W-what?! There's no such thing as a "pirate code," Leon! They're just screwing with you!"

    "Do you know that for sure? Have you ever been a pirate before?!"
    "Well...no, I haven't, but..."
    Leif swallowed hard and hesitantly responded.
    "I, uh...I guess I don't. Not for sure, but come on, the whole thing is ridiculous--"

    Leon let go of Leif, who immediately fell to the floor, before clutching his head and staring up at the ceiling.
    He gave a slight whimper and continued.
    "I've always imagined how my first time would go and it wasn't anything like that! I figured one day, I would meet a girl I really like, we'd go out on dates for a while and on a beautiful, special night after a romantic dinner, we'd spend a blissful night together and wake up in each others' arms."
    A single tear rolled down his cheek.
    "I don't wanna lose my virginity at a gay pirate orgy!"

    Leif got back to his feet, dusted himself off and gave Leon a look of concern.
    "Leon...I think you're starting to lose it, buddy. Calm down, take a breath and think about this rationally."

    Leon did so, slowing down his rapid breathing and taking a few moments to regain his composure.
    "You're right...just need to...breathe. Hoo. Haa. Hoo."
    He took in one last deep breath and let it out.
    "I think I'm gonna be okay. In fact, I've come up with a solution."
    He clapped his hands together and smiled, putting his pirate accent back on.
    "We'll be discussin' the matter at our next meetin'! Until then, we most definitely WON'T be havin' a shipwide orgy. End o' discussion!"
    He turned to Donavan and Lorena.
    "But ah course, the two of ye are still free to do whatever ye please."
    Then he looked at Mordred and Trinity, much to the former's displeasure.
    "Fer that matter, so are the two of ya, if ye wish! Though I must admit, it still be surprisin' to see ye in this...lewd situation!"
    It was then that he finally noticed just how infuriated Mordred looked. Looking clearly disturbed and slightly intimidated, he took a step back and even Leif followed suit.


    When Trinity hid behind Mordred, he made it a point to shield her from the two troublesome pirates. As they continued trying to goad her into "pirate orgies" and "a night of fun" with them, his face grew darker and darker as his inner rage slowly built to a crescendo. It came to the point where a dark aura began to surround him, his shadow magic subconsciously pouring out in response to the fury he kept hidden. Things finally reached a breaking point when Leon finished speaking. Mordred closed his eyes and took a moment to breathe slowly, making sure that his next words were spoken as calmly and diplomatically as possible. He was only somewhat successful as he spoke in a low, dark tone, staring daggers into everyone in the room.
    "I believe we have both made our position on this issue quite clear by now. However, since you seem to be quite persistent on the matter, I will say it again so there is no misunderstanding. We are not interested in the slightest. By all means, indulge in whatever sort of debauchery suits your tastes; I cannot properly express in words how little I care. However, if either of you try to force yourself on Trinity again..."
    He pulled Trinity in closer and looked at Lorena and Donavan in particular.

    "I tell you now-- indeed, I promise you-- you have never truly known fear. You have not experienced pain. You have yet to feel despair. But if you so much as lay a finger on her without her consent, I will show you the true meaning of these words and even more, I will show you terrors beyond your imagination. Your darkest nightmares were only a mere glimpse of what awaits you. Your deepest fears will become reality. You will beg for death and it will refuse your cries for mercy. Then you will realize that fear itself walks among you, wearing a human face. That face is mine."

    The dark aura surrounding him faded away along with his rage as he turned towards Trinity.
    "We may leave whenever you wish."
    Then he gave a quick glance towards Karma.
    "Your offer to help is appreciated, but unnecessary."
    When Leon hesitantly spoke up in a small voice, Mordred turned towards him.

    "They, ah...they still be our guests an'--"
    "Aye, of course, don't be payin' me no mind."
    Mordred turned his attention back to Trinity, waiting to follow her out the door.
    #587 Dungeon Master, Mar 13, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2017
  8. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    Donavan put his briefs one before taking a seat and lsitne to Lorena's plan with an evil grin.

    Donavan read Karma's lips and knew exactly what he had said, when he made the comment Donavan decided to jump in.
    "Not just serpents lad, there be Clams and Ocean waves as well not just the foam, Speaking of Clams, my dear Leon the women have to something similar, only the head women or if one is absent the first mate must oversee that one"
    As Leon and Leif panicked about a code of sorts Donavan decided to enlighten them.
    "There be a code, but ye only learn of it after the ceremony, but I assure you it be worth the price"
    As Mordred made his stance clear and began making threats of fear Donavan rolled his eyes
    "My ye like ruining moods, ye ruin this and then ye went and ruined.... well never mind that. Anyway ye obviously ain't dealt with someone who's been cursed, that said curse is more fear than any man could ever hope to muster"
    He looked around seeing if everyone was done speaking before making his comment
    "Now if ye don't mind Lass and gents, I'd like me room empty save for me Lorena. Unless there me more we need to discuss, the orgy perhaps or the mute minx's feelings as she has been rather quiet"
  9. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Trinity remained silent as Mordred spoke to the pirates. She had never seen Mordred like this before. She must really mean that much to him for him to be that protective of her.
    Trinity held onto Mordreds shirt after he pulled her closer. She felt safe with him and knew he wouldn't let anything happen to her

    Trinity nodded
    "I would much like to leave now"
    she looked over at the pirates and shuddered before turning back to Mordred
    "Lets get out of here before they come up with some other crazy idea"
    She moved towards the door but made sure to stay as close to Mordred as possible, in fact she kept his shirt clutched in her hand

    Lorena placed her mug down and raised her brow
    "Who said it be a joke"
    she smirked then picked her mug up and continued to drink as she watched his reaction unfold. She was rather enjoying herself and the show

    Lorena was in mid drink when he said he was a virgin. This gave her another idea to where she almost spat out some of the rum as she pulled the mug from her lips
    "Wait....ye mean ye be a virgin?"
    she set her mug down and got up. She started pacing back and forth thinking and then stopped
    "Yes...A virgin be a sacrificial lamb to the pirate gods."
    she looked up at Leon
    "Ye must be the sacrificial lamb, ye must sacrifice ye virginity to the gods to become an official captain. It be written in the pirate code"
    Most pirate code were things other pirates made up along the way. Lorena on the other hand, loved making things up just to toy with people.
    "Are ye willing to do so in order to be an official captain, known to all other pirates?"

    Lorena had sat down as Leon continued. She couldn't contain it anymore and burs into laughter causing the room to become dead silent for a moment. After she composed herself she raised her glass to Leon
    "I gotta give it to ye, Ye really are gullible. "
    she took a drink and set her glass down
    "I be messing with ye, there be no such pirate code. But I will say this..."
    she raised her brow
    "If ye really want to be a pirate, don't believe what others say about a pirate code, unless ye know the code yourself. Fer all ye know, ye can be signing ye crew to their deaths if ye run into the wrong crew. Just be thankful we were only pulling a joke on ye"

    She raised her mug again to Leon
    "Whatever we please aye? So ye mean we can take over ye ship?"
    she smirked and gave a dismissive wave as she was only joking then went back to drinking her rum

    Lorena raised a brow at him
    "It be a game of poker Donavan and clearly I won"
    she gestured at what he was wearing
    "unless ye had something else in mind"

    "Well if the minx changes her mind......"
    she winked at Trinity as they headed out the door. She then turned to the others
    "Unless ye all want to join in on some drunken fun"
    She poured herself another glass and chugged it before standing up
    "And if that be the case, one must pay in gold"
    she smirked
  10. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Karma shook his head, and turning around to leave, he raised hands into the air halfheartedly and flipped off the two pirates over his shoulders.
    "F*ck this sh*t, I'm out."
    Not funny.
    With that, he walked out of the room and away from the fiasco to another fiasco.
    I've had enough of this.
  11. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    As he turned to leave the room, Mordred shot one last disapproving glare towards the group.
    "Crudely put, but I share the sentiment."
    Mordred led Trinity out of the room and back to their own room. When they made it back a few moments later, the others likely would have heard their door slamming shut as Mordred closed it behind him.


    Well, that went...poorly. I turn to the others and give them a (somewhat unconvincing) smile.
    "At this point, ah'd like to point out that he be a sellsword. Meanin' he ain't technically part o' de crew, an' that's why he can do things like he did."
    I clear my throat.
    "More imporantly, ye've taught me a valuable lesson today! Ha ha! I never knew that pirates could be such a tricky bunch, ah'll haveta remember that!"
    I give a hearty laugh while Leif, for some reason, gives me a look of complete disbelief. Sigh...what did I do wrong now? Well, whatever, back to business.
    "Ye've done me a great favor today and I shan't forget it! This here meetin' surely musta been fate. Indeed, twas destiny that brought us together from our home on the mighty ocean--"

    "What is it, laddy? Ah was in the middle of a fine speech, ah was!"
    With a heavy sigh, Leif pulled Leon aside and whispered.
    "Don't you think we should let them get back to...you know."

    "Ah dun follow."
    "Well, when we all walked in, what were they about to do?"
    Leon's cheeks flushed pink and he turned around, giving the two pirates an embarrassed smile.
    "Right. Ah course. We'll leave you to your...ahem...ah'll be back in the main hall if ye need me."

    As Leon turned and made his way out of the room, Leif gave the two a mischievous smile.
    "Just don't get too rough in here. If you break anything, you bought it. Besides for that, have fun, lovebirds."
    He then turned around and walked out, closing the door behind himself as he followed after Leon.


    As Mordred sat down in a chair back in their own room, he gave a long, exasperated sigh and turned to Trinity.
    "I must apologize. I acted on my suspicions impulsively and landed us in quite an awkward situation."
    He put his legs up on the table, looking up to the ceiling.
    "I'm sure this has been made all too obvious by now, but I am not accustomed to working with others. I am used to seeing possible threats around every corner and treating everyone around me as a potential threat. I have honed my instincts and they have kept me alive, however, I fear that I have lost certain...social graces along the way. Such as immediately assuming that our guests had walked away from a celebration to plan something nefarious."
    His shook his head, looking a little disappointed in himself.
    "This is precisely why I should never be invited to parties."
  12. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    As the group of viewers slowly departed Donavan gave them a wave and a smile, as his and Lorena's drunken jokes had finally drove them off. As Leif closed the door Donavan got up and locked it again, knowing well if they wanted to they would barge in again if they really wanted to. Walking back over to the table he poured himself and Lorena another drink.
    "Ahhh that was fun, had them all on their seat of their pants! To fun times ahead of us me thinks!" He raised his glass and drank a bit.
    He then looked over to Lorena and spoke.
    "So what shall we do, drink till we drop? Grab a bite before heading out? Or do you have something else in mind my dear"
    He gave Lorena a smile, while the mood was ruined by the previous intrusion he figured he would make a light joke.
    "Personally me would like to not have too many more disturbances but be up to you then"
  13. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Trinity did the only thing she could think of doing. She walked over to his side, bent over and hugged him
    "Thank you for protecting me"
    after a moment she stood up, walked over to the bed and sat down
    "It was an honest mistake, you were only trying to make sure we were safe"
    she shrugged
    "Its not your fault we happened to run into two pirates. Besides apparently we weren't the only ones checking things out. Leon and Leif had the same idea themselves, and apparently karma did as well"
    she looked down as she was deep in thought
    "It makes you wonder what they did that everyone was looking for them. Unless it was just a coincidence we all showed up in the same room at the same time"
    She looked up at him and tilted her head
    "Maybe we should both get some rest, I bet we will both feel much better in the morning. "
    she smiled

    Lorena held out her mug as he poured her a drink. It wasn't long before she had drank all her rum.
    "Indeed it was, hopefully it be a lesson to them not to mess with real pirates"
    She raised her brow and then raised her mug
    "Drink til we drop sounds good to me, everyone barging in on us was a bit of a buzz kill."
    She got up, grabbed the rum and walked over to the bed , sat down and smirked
    "Lets make it a game. Let see who can drunk the fastest, who ever drinks the most mugs wins"
    she looked over at Donavan
    "If ye win, I'll be nice and let ye off from me last win. "
    she smirked
    "And if I win, we will make it two days ye do whatever I say"
    She poured herself another drink and chugged it
    "2-1 better hurry captain, or I might get to far ahead of ye"
    She poured herself another and decided to be nice and wait for him to join her on the bed
  14. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    He poured another mug and chugged it while joining Lorena on the bed
    "I'll take ye up on this" he clanked his mug against her's and filled them both.
    "Are ye ready? Set, go!"
    Donavan began chugging his mug. and refilling it. Despite both of them having drunk a large amount he wasn't about to lose again.
    He paid little attention to Lorena while he chugged as that was how he had lost back on the ship.
    As they drained the last of the keg they were tied, who ever finished this one won it. He gave a look over to Lorena and began chugging. just as he finished so did Lorena, it became a tie.
    "Bah this one's empty time for another" As Donavan tried to get up he stumbled back onto the bed. The last mug had caught up to him and he could barely walk.
    "Urgh, damn... Well you weren't wrong Lorena. gold, all the rum i can drink and...." He turned looking into her eyes with a smile
  15. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Mordred was a little surprised when Trinity suddenly hugged him, but he didn't mind it.
    "Well, of course. It's only natural."

    With a nod and a weary sigh, Mordred wholeheartedly agreed.
    "Yes, I think that would be for the best. As for the pirates, well, perhaps some mysteries are better left unsolved."
    He walked over to the door to make sure it was locked-- that seemed especially important after the night's bizarre events-- before walking over to his bed, letting his sword rest at the end of it before lying down and turning towards Trinity.
    "Sleep well, Trinity. Let us hope that tomorrow is not nearly as...strange as today."
    He finally allowed himself to relax and slowly began to drift off to sleep.


    Things are starting to wind down in the main hall. Most of the crew are either too tired or too drunk to carry on the party. Everyone who can still stand up straight pitches in to help clean up the room and before long, the ship is pretty much back to business as usual. The only difference is that the halls are a lot quieter than usual since most of the crew that would normally be patrolling the ship have gone back to their quarters for the night. Now that we're sitting inside a mostly empty hall, Leif and I find ourselves on opposite sides of a table in awkward, uncomfortable silence. I'm not really surprised. Tonight has been really, really weird. After a while, Leif looks over to me and speaks up.
    "Well, that was...different."
    "Yeah, no kidding."
    "Finally dropped the accent, huh?"
    I slump down on the table.
    "I've had enough pirate talk for one night. For a few nights. For a month, at least."
    Once again, the awkward silence returns.


    "So, if the pirate code was a real thing, were you really gonna--"
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  16. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Karma stepped off the deck and down the gangplank, looking into the night sky.
    A beautiful night for a walk under the full moon. An enthusiastic walk through the woods. A very enthusiastic walk through the woods, even.
    With a slight smile, Karma began walking inland, a walk that had the possibility of being an enthusiastic walk through the woods.

    OOT: Why did the Hellsing Ultimate Abridged series have to be stuck in my head? http://hellsing.wikia.com/wiki/Hellsing_Ultimate_Abridged_Episode_1_Transcript
    I think if I were to give Karma cruder speech, he could be like Alucard in that series. =P
  17. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Lorena burst into laughter when she saw Donavan stumble back onto the bed.
    "I think ye might have had a bit to much rum"
    She laughed even harder when he looked into her eyes, she was holding her stomach and rolled onto her side but was a bit to close to the edge. **Thud**
    She laid on the floor speechless for a moment, staring at the ceiling, a moment later she burst into laughter again
    "I think had a bit to much meself"
    She reached up and grabbed the edge of the bed to pull herself up, she stumbled a bit but managed to get back on the bed. She crawled over to where Donavan was and looked down at him. Her cheeks flushed and she giggled.
    "We be all alone. Ye crew are on ye ship, we don't have to worry about one of ye members walking in resulting in lashing. The door is locked and I think the crew here will think twice now before disturbing us again"
    she smirked and before he could say anything, she leaned down and kissed him, the rum made it hard for her to hold her weight up and she fell on him while kissing him.

    Trinity laid next to Mordred
    "Sleep well Mordred"
    she watched as he drifted to sleep. She cuddled up next to him and drifted to sleep herself

    OOT bringing in another character. Some of you might recognize her, figured this would be a good place to bring her back

    The island was quiet, all that could be heard was crickets and cicadas and the crashing of the waves along the beach. She slowly crept closer and close to the ship, keeping herself hidden in the darkness, using the trees and bushes to hid behind. Waiting for the right opportunity to make her move, she as hungry and it had been a while since she had fed. She was trapped in the cave for quite some time, but somehow the cave was destroyed and she had been released. Her clothes, what was left of them, were tattered and torn. She found a spot and hunched down, patiently waiting. And then......it happened. The waiting was worth as someone walked off the ship and into the woods. She stalked them as the went further and further inland. Now was the time to make her move and she quickly worked her way around him til she was in front of him stalking. She moved swiftly barely making any noise, all that could be heard was slight rustling of the leaves, but nothing that sounded different from a wild animal. Her eyes began to glow and her fangs slowly started to come out. He just needed to come a little closer....

    Name: Semira
    Category: Demon
    Ability: Dont let her beauty and innocence fool you. She is a temptress and is able to manipulate you into falling in love with her and use your to do her bidding before draining you of your life. The more she uses you the more she drains your life away.

    Demon form, but will have black wings

    Human form
  18. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Karma walked a little closer.
  19. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Just as he came closer, he was now close enough for her to attack. She hunched down just enough to get her barings, and when the moment was right, the bushes rustled as she leapt in the air and tackled him to the ground. She had straddled him and had his arms pinned so he couldn't fight her as she moved in to feed on his blood
  20. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    As Lorena collapsed onto Donavan, Oran kicked in the door. He held a tankard in his right hand and a cask under his left arm.
    "These guys are a bunch of light weights." he said jerking his head down the hall, talking in a manner that belied how much he'd drank. "Used to be you had to be able to down at least five tankards of rum then walk up an' down the plank to be considered a real pirate."
    Oran moved to a seat in the chair next to door and poured himself another tankard. "Lorena, sweetie. Unless you're wanting history to repeat itself on ya, stop snoggin' the poor man. We have some business need discussin'."

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