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Experimentals (reboot)

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Miss Elegent Serenity, Dec 15, 2016.

  1. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Leah sat quietly on the boat unsure of what was going on. She started having feeling in her legs but was still to weak to climb up onto a ship. She then heard Brans voice calling down to her asking if she needed help. she was barely strong enough stand on her own, let alone try to pull herself onto a ship, but she at least tried only to fail horribly. She looked up and called back to Bran
    "If you don't mind I could use a little help pulling myself up"
    In a way she felt completely hopeless. She had no idea what was done to her, where she was or where her brother was. She only remembered bits and pieces of waking up only to see a nurse for a few seconds before everything had gone black again. There were maybe one or two instances where she was awake for bit longer to where she was able to talk to a doctor but it was like watching clips of ones life without audio. She had hoped she could remember what was said to her, she hoped she could remember where she was before all this happened, and maybe figure out what was done to her.
    She shook her head trying to clear her thoughts, the others seem to know what she can do and hopefully they will get answers soon. Maybe these people would know what was going on.
  2. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    "Well that' two of ye what about the other two?" As Atlas looked over to the side of the boat.
    Bran boosted Leah up and re-climbed the boat.
    "My name is Bran this is Leah. What did you say before you i went to see my friend here"
    "Ahh i said you would have to pay seeing as you lot aren't too friendly, you got anything?" As Atlas asked this Bran pulled out the small bag of cash he had stole off of guards.
    "This work? It's nit much but-" Before he could finish Atlas snatched the bag.
    "This will work for you two, now what about you two?" Atlas looked over to Violet and Claus. "Also Frost, Echo meet two of our new employers, and once thee two pay we will have more"
    Frost jumped down and Echo came from under the deck.
  3. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Violet looked at Atlas bitterly. And grumbled quietly.
    "So much for good Samaritans."
    Setting her BFG 3000 down, Violet took a deep breath and struck a seductive pose.
    "I'll be needing that gun when get off the ship. There is nothing that I have to give... except for my body."
    She looked away as she spoke, feigning shame.

    Arc's eyes narrowed at Violet's pose.

    "Is she trying to seduce them? Or are they demanding it from her? I'm dropping down to check."
    Cutting off his thrusters, he performed a free-fall down towards the vicinity of the ship, recalling the HALO insertions he used to do in the military. Missing the boat and activating his thrusters on full-blast, he hovered just above the water in silence on the far side of the ship from the others. Slowly, he hovered until he was peeking over the edge of the boat, silently watching everyone.
    There's the crew, and the three that were with Violet.
  4. Nejat Defender of the Morgue

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Irene decided to be awkward and just flapped on down, landing beside Violet, "Hello! I'm Irene and I want to play with you!"
  5. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Leah looked over at Bran after he reclimbed back up. She was able to stand on her own now.
    "Thank you for helping me again"
    She stood quietly as Bran handed atlas the money. She whispered so only Bran could hear
    "What was that for....and what did he mean when he said we aren't to friendly?"
  6. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    "Good pedestrians tend to not violently threat someone. Do you need to borrow my tank top by the way? You'll get cold standing like that" As frost walked by she gently blew a kiss of cold air giving anyone unprepared for it goosebumps. Atlas just raised his eye brows at Violets display.
    "Ya don't have to go whoring lass, a blueprint of ya gun will do fine. Echo snap to it lad!' Echo had a bead of drool coming down from his mouth as he approached violet, his hands making grabbing motions. As he go closer he placed his hand on the gun and it broke apart, reforming into a cannon on his forearm. A stream of data flashed before Echo's glasses about the gun.
    "Hmmm seems they have advanced their plasma aresonal a bit, however the crude design makes this way to bulky and less effective hmmmm..." Echo released the part and they reformed into a much slimmer version of the BFG.
    "There, lightweight but still same power output... can't exactly trust you with a strong gun just yet but... well you'll hear soon enough" A grin came across his face

    As the small girl floated down next to them Atlas spoke in a kind voice. "Well hello, guess we didn't see you with them I take it you are back up? or do you just care to join us and there wouldn't be anyone else with you? No matter, Irene was it? Seeing as you were a little nicer than your friend i think you can ride for free" As these events went on bran just stood almost speechless
    "A uhh fee, for inconveniencing this man, as friendly-ness thee two don't really seem like the talk it out like masato was" Bran whispered to Leah, he then faced Atlas and spoke.
    "Well, we paid our due now will you help us get to land?"
    "That ya have, well minus Claus but i believe ya well pay right lad? Anyway come on we'll explain a few thing you should know, but before We do and head of ya got anything else to do?"

    OoT: Making sure everyone is ready before intro the island details and pretty much opening up the rp alot more
  7. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    "Just one thing."
    Claus reached into his pack and pulled out the grappling hook he used earlier.
    "I don't like owing people. If you want payment for your services, fair enough, this should cover it."
    He tossed it over to Atlas and walked away.
    "I haven't had a chance to test it out yet, but I think my gloves have a similar feature, so it's not too much of a loss."
    Keeping that thought to himself, he walked over to the side of the ship so he could get a closer look at the girl who called herself Irene.
    "Who is she? It's too bad I don't have access to the lab's mainframe anymore. She looks harmless enough, but she is flying right in front of us, so I'll be sure to keep an eye on her while we're out here. Can't really do much else with so many people staring right at me."
    He gave a slight shrug and walked back to the middle of the yacht, leaning on a nearby wall and speaking out to nobody in particular.
    "Let me know when we're ready to leave."
  8. Nejat Defender of the Morgue

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Irene shrugged, "I'm mostly harmless. There was someone I almost kill- saved! earlier. He disappeared though. Like everyone here, another loose cannon not appreciative of what they're given..."
    The wings behind Irene snaked out and a little away from her, popping up into a semi-solid cloud, Fluff.
  9. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Violet shook her head, refusing the tank top.
    "The cold doesn't bother me anymore."
    Upon seeing the New BFG 3000, Violet felt the urge to take it. Although she restrained herself, her tentacles sensed the gun lust in her and began to reach out for it. Just as they were starting to wrap around the gun, Irene piped up about someone who was with her. Violet whirled to face her, her hopes rising.
    "Someone? Was it a man wearing a helmet and something that looked like a biker's suit, with a small broken heart and a number on the front!?"
    Violet described Arc, from the last time she saw him. Arc couldn't hear any of the conversations from his end of the boat, but when Violet started getting excited about it, he decided it was time to show himself, now that he was certain they were safe with the Albatross crew. Arc carefully propelled himself over the edge and onto the deck of the ship.
    "Vi- er, Grey! I'm fine!"
    Forgetting about everyone else, Violet left everyone and ran up to Arc.
    She must be excited. I think she really missed me.
    She missed him, but her hand did not. She smacked him across the face, knocking him over the edge and into the water. She leaned over the edge, looking down on Arc where he floated in the water.
    "What did I do!?"
  10. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    After seeing violet knock the man into the water Atlas had a strange face. "If he's with you throw him a life preserver, then we will set off"
    "To where? And more importantly where are we?" Bran asked. Atlas had a face of delight as someone finally asked an important question "Well lad, say what's you name anyway, that is the golden question now isn't it?"
    "You want the long version or the short?" Echo seemed ready to burst into tears of bored for some reason Then Frost spoke
    "I'll save you time short version: you all are stranded in the middle of an ocean. No one knows where you are, who you are, and by all rights you should be dead on that island you just left"
    Bran was unsure on how to respond so he said the only thing that came to mind. "Uhhh I'm Bran" Frost just shook her head.
    "Lass you gotta let them choose! Ah well seeing as she gave you the short time for us to give you a long version, Echo do you have the display ready"
    "Yes, alright listen up" As echo said this he held out his hand holding a crystal to the floor of the boat. A 3d image appeared of the ocean and six very large islands "We are currently located somewhere in the pacific ocean, on a unmarked chain of islands all owned by the gracious hosts you lot left. There are six different main islands but i'll get back to that later, Let's start with our hosts" Atlas began to take over the briefing.
    "From what we have gathered seems a collection of various companies decided they wished to advance their research through.... unconventional means. Some of them weapons company's some of them medical practices, some of them just looking to push the border of science without worrying about morality. Well somewhere down the line the thought to try and weaponize humans, or rather one division did...."
    "To be honest what All they do is unknown but from personal experiences seems they do this on a regular bases. Now what they do to achieve this varies, hell not everyone can even remember"

    "But a few do, and know what was done" Frost interrupted them both.
    "Now back to the islands, all the land is controlled by them, if not outright through alternative means. However in order to keep from being noticed they set it up as almost it's own country, everyone living here either came as an escape, criminals looking to make a fortune, work for the companies and moved unknowingly to an unmarked island or in a very small population, were once guests of the labs."
    "We are currently headed to Kamaka, the Market island for a job. After that we will be headed to our home."
    "The six islands are Kamaka: a market place full of food stands, stalls, restaurants, and other such things. Mopaco: the industrial heart of the islands, foundries, factories, processing plants galore. Wayum: the cultural center, a place tourists come to spend their time and money, large beaches untouched forrests, casinos and more. Macasa: the largest residental area, where we live and most other workers of the islands. Doulla: The Luxury and commercial hub, all the finest and expensive things are there. And lastly the unnamed island the one you all left."
    "As i said earlier we are headed to Kamaka for a job of ours but that;s our business, now it comes time for your decisions, Ya have a few options, number one: you decide to work for us as extra hands and we setup arrangements to help you all find a nice corner of your own as you go about your own business"
    "Two, when we stop at Kamaka, you disembark and make your own way then. However i would recommend trying to blend in you all, well you kinda stick out"
    "And three, you decided to not blend in and we throw you overboard before docking at Kamaka or we use you as fish bait"
    "Well you have a bit of time before we actually reach Kamaka, so think it over"
  11. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    "Screw you..."
    Violent turned away and left Arc behind in the water before answering Atlas.
    "I choose your second choice. I refuse to fiddle away my days on these islands, but blending in will be an issue. I might have to dress up in something religious, or some other all-covering clothes."
    She thought about it, reconsidering the first and third options again. The first option was doable, but the third option she did not accept. As she thought it through, Arc floated in the water with an expression of shock on his face.
    What did I do so wrong?
    Confused, he activated his thrusters and rose out of the water and onto the ship before walking to Violet. Hearing him, Violet's train of thought was broken by her annoyance with him.
    "As for him, he gets choice number three."
    Choice three?
    "Sure, I'll take choice three."
    Arc made his decision, without bothering to consider the other choices, or knowing what "choice three" even was.
  12. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    After hearing the option, Leah had an idea what she wanted to do, but she wanted to wait until they got closer to the island before giving her decision, just to get an idea who these people were. One thing that caught her attention was him mentioning not everyone being able to remember what happened to them. She spoke up
    "I-is there a way we can find out what was done to us?"
    she looked up at the group
    "I mean, they must have everything stored somewhere right?"
    she paused a moment
    "Has anyone ever tried to obtain the information as to what they are doing to everyone?"
    she being one who didn't remember much wanted to know what was done to her, and maybe she can find info about her brother, if they took him as well. She spoke softly while looking down
    "I would like to know what they did to me, I don't remember anything other than dreams, or at least I think that's what they were"
  13. Nejat Defender of the Morgue

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Irene shrugged at the options, then at Leah. "In their original round-ups, they kept nothing at all except for a select few. I remember seeing mine once and it was ridiculously detailed. They stopped telling me what was happening anymore so I'm not sure about the rest of you."
  14. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Arc decided to answer Leah's question.
    "I think we'll have to find out where the store the info, like on one of the important islands. They probably have some info on each of us back on the other island, but there's no guarantee it is complete. Besides, we were too busy trying to GTFO."
    Arc held up his packet of soggy papers, dripping with water just like he was.
    "I just got lucky and found a manual on myself, and I think this suit I am wearing shows that I was number thirteen for some group. I think I was intended more as an soldier with cybernetic augmentations."
    Violet agreed with Arc on his statement.
    "He's probably right. Find a server that contains the information on us. That would probably be found on the island most suited for administration, provided it is not on a separate island altogether. I only know what I am capable of because they actually trained me. Considering Argon and I were both soldiers, they must have decided to make use of that by making us different soldier types. He's the one with inorganic augmentation, while I have organic augmentation. We probably had different roles, though I don't understand why I was not given a fancy uniform like he was. Just this bikini bottom."
    "You got rid of your other clothes when we met... nudist."
    She began to grow annoyed with him again.
    "Excuse me if I don't like looking like a criminal in orange clothes!"
    "Well, you could be arrested for indecent exposure and end up in orange clothes again."
    "My exposure is not indecent!"
    "Pffft! Whatever you say."
  15. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Claus waited until the others had made their choices before speaking up. Naturally, he wasn't going to spoil the surprise of "option three" for Argon.
    "I'm not sure where this fits in with your "options," but I could use a little extra work while I'm getting settled in and if you know someplace I can stay, I might just take you up on that. Still, let's get one thing out of the way right now, I don't plan on joining your crew and if you even think of sticking me with menial labor, I'm out. If we can agree on that, we've got a deal."

    Claus shrugged at her questions.
    "I didn't have a chance to dig too deeply into their mainframe. I was quite understandable pressed for time so I only gathered the most important information I could get my hands on."
    He turned towards her, eyeing her closely from behind his helmet.
    "For example, though I don't know how you came to possess them, I know that even among those of us who were given powers, you are an unusual case. Your power is..."
    He trailed off, shooting a wary glance towards the crew of the ship, though they wouldn't have known since he didn't so much as turn his head.

    "We still don't know who these people are and we have no real reason to trust them. For all we know, they might have friends waiting in ambush on this island they're taking us to. I shouldn't give away any more than I have."
    He went back to nonchalantly leaning on the ship as he gave a dismissive wave.
    "...Never mind. That can wait until later."

    Claus gave an exasperated sigh.
    "So can you two wait to get a room or do you want to go at it right here on the boat? Honestly..."
    He shook his head, rolling his eyes beneath his helmet.
  16. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    As the all finished speaking Bran finally chimed in his choice.
    "I'll take one, well at least till i know more about where we are"
    Atlas nodded at what bran had said and turned to Frost and Echo, both had the same look atlas had. What Irene revealed was troubling to the trio, having access or Intel give from the labs about subject meant she cooperated with them. Possible as a hunter or some close means. Atlas gave the other to a quick motion of his eye to be wary. The had killed plenty of other hunters before hand, but still didn't want to chance it.
    "You sure lad? You haven't even heard... nevermind you want three we will give you three" Atlas spoke to Arc
    "While I understand your desire to know about yourself, I will ask this. You do realize what that would involve correct? Not that I'm trying to deture you but we have had minor means of collecting data from the labs. But something of that level would but some serious radar blips on the screen. Not to mention the info may not exactly be pleasant.... If you still wish to we can discuss it more as we go."
    "As for work, well what ever we give you. If that means shoveling shit, you'll be shoveling. You have to earn a living here, unless living cold hungry on the street is to your liking."

    As they continued toward Kamaka Echo handed Atlas three silver cylinders.
    "It's time for three"
    "Yes i suppose you are right, It is time FOR THREE! Ahahahah!"
    Shaking her head Frost only let out a long sigh. Atlas began making exaggerated poses and flexing noises while holding the three canisters until finally upper cutting Arc with the three canisters while shouting.
    "OPTION THREE: ONE PAWNCH!!!" As Atlas struck Arc, he had already sailed several hundred feet up and out from the ship, a silver trail of fluttering objects could be seen behind him. Bran nearly shouted at Atlas
    "Just what the hell was that!!!!"
    "Huh? oh well a light tickle on his beard, well if he had a beard couldn't really tell due to his suit..."
    "And that trail is an old but effective method we picked back up recently, Chaft. Any electronics on that suit will be useless for a little bit, well enough that he hits the water"
    "Surprised he isn't a puddle of blood, Atlas did you even hit him?"
    "Flicked him the last second Lass"
    Bran was speechless, how could a simple flick send him flying so far so fast.
  17. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    When Claus had told Arc and Violet, the two of them were momentarily united in mind and soul when they retorted a response to him.
    "Shut up!"
    Now done bickering, the two remained silent as they rode to Kamaka.

    My reaction:

    Now that they neared Kamaka, Arc heard "option three" being mentioned.

    "Option three? What's goi-"
    Putting away the manual he had been reading, he turned around just in time to get flicked by Atlas, launching off into the sky. Static flashed across his vision as he flew through the air, the wind whipping his hair around. As he flew through the air, he did not feel fazed by the hit as he wore a blank face.
    Arc splashed down and floated on his back, staring up into the sky.
    "So that was 'option three'."
    He tried his thrusters, but failed to activate them due to the canisters. After floating in the water for a little while, Arc began cussing and kicking around.

    "Hey! I thought you were just gonna dump him! Not launch!"
    Violet complained angrily, stalking away from everyone else to be alone.
  18. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Claus' eyes followed the soaring Argon as he thought out loud.
    "Huh. So that's what Atlas can do. Good to know."
    He soon lost interest and turned away.

    Claus gave the pair a dismissive shrug before turning back to Atlas.
    "Before we get to the island, there's something I want to know. You said something about coming here for a "job" if I'm remembering correctly, what does that mean? I'm just curious about what kind of "business" tells their employees to skulk around a top secret laboratory that's conducting experiments to give people superpowers. Don't tell me you were just out fishing."
  19. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    "What dump him over the edge so he could just climb back up? Besides you both chose that fate for him, don't blame us for you not taking us seriously." Frost callously spoke while putting her hands behind her head in a carefree way.
    "You remember wrong, we are on our way to a job, delivering goods to Kamaka, foodstuffs, freshly caught fish, and some spices. As for business, it's my own, I own the ship so fish and sell as i please." Atlas left out the arms deal dead drop, he wasn't going to give more than he had too, he didn't really care to be asccosiated to that business partner anyway
    "As for the labs most view it as a pristine science center, however they do enforce a no entry zone. Which we where on the edge of before we found your group, can't really help where the fish swim so we go as close as we can."

    OoT: Not sure if I should go ahead and have them hit Kamaka or not yet
  20. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    In a storehouse, located on Kamaka, a storehouse in a lonely part of the district was being used for storing an odd shipment.
    "Come on, get that box out of there! We're already behind schedule!"
    "I'm trying! Some idiot damaged it! Why do the higher ups need to be in a rush to get this thing!?"
    "No point griping! Move!"

    As the two men tried to transport the box from the cargo truck they had parked in the alley, the large wooden crate slipped from their hands, breaking open.
    "You idiot!"
    "That was your fault!"

    As the two men yelled each other, a metal canister rolled out.
    "Hey, look. It's not broken. Let's get a new crate and act like nothing happened."
    "Yeah, good idea!"

    The two men ran into the storehouse to find a suitable crate. Unknown to them, the fall the canister sustained had damaged the electric lock, causing it to fail. The lid began to unscrew, releasing the contents.

    "This crate will work. Alright, let's go back. We have a hammer and nails to pack this all up."
    The two men carried the empty crate back to the canister, only to find the lid removed, and it empty.
    "What the- it escaped!?"
    "What was in there!?"
    "I dunno, but I don't want to find out!"

    At that moment, they heard muffled moaning and giggling. They spun around to see the source, which was a shriveled, hairless, brown humanoid by the stairs they just climbed down from.
    "What the Hell is that!?"
    "It must have been the shipment!"

    They backed away, fearfully staring at the humanoid creature. It's body was about the size of a small toddler's, and must have weighed no more than thirty pounds. It remained by the stairs, making noises while slowly and pointlessly crawling around as its legs uselessly shuffled against the gravel. It looked up at them, displaying a face with mouth and eyes that were stitched shut. The men watched for awhile, but saw that it made no threatening actions as it returned to slowly writhing in the gravel.
    "It doesn't seem dangerous, whatever it is. Let's scoop it up and get it out of here."
    "Are you sure we can just do that?"
    "Sure, it can't see or bite us, and it can't even walk. No ears, so it can't hear us. Besides, both of us need this job."
    "If you say so."

    Grabbing the canister, the men began to close in on the creature. As they were about to contain, it suddenly looked up at them. Their lives ended soon after that.

    Both of the men were dead, blood and organs splattered everywhere. The creature peacefully writhed through the blood-soaked dust of the gravel, still moaning and giggling as it clawed at its face, trying to tear off the cartilage and tendon threads that bound its mouth and eyes shut. After some time of making futile attempts, it began to slowly crawl away from the storehouse and down the alley, leaving behind the gore it created.
    Name: Husk
    Gender: Unkown
    Age: Unknown
    Experimental Change: None. Naturally odd to this universe.
    Special abilities: Undisclosed.
    Strength/Weakness: It's body is a weakness, and its undisclosed secrets are its strengths.
    Appearance: Brown, wrinkled skin. It body is entirely hairless, and its face stitched with cartilage and tendon threads.

    Backstory: Husk was found after a dimensional experiment succeeded in capturing it. It is unknown what its home world is like, since the portal was destroyed and all the staff were slaughtered. A rivaling corporation that triggered the slaughter came a salvaged the research, and contained Husk. Several dozen elite guards were slaughtered by the creature through means that left no witnesses. It behaves like it is crippled, and constantly tries to tear the threads from its face. It makes various moans, giggles and groans.

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