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~bellatrix~ (reboot)

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Miss Elegent Serenity, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    As Lorena pulled gold pouches out of ever nook and cranny Donavan shook his head. Feeling bold due to the alcohol and his new found try at their relationship he stook a finger in Lorena's cleaver and tugged on her shirt. He did the same to her pants before saying with a smile "Ye sure you don't have any other gold hidden somewhere in there?" He paused before answer her other questions
    "As for gold ye be right we would bring in less but it's up to you whether or not ye continue it's yer gold, Well aside from me cut that is. Business I won't mind as I said just be careful"
    As he spoke a few questions question came across his mind.
    "So with all the gold ye make from yer trade and seeing as all but one seems to fall to ye curse... how many men ye actually been with?"
    He turned over to see her face before speaking again
    "And after ye make yer riches, what does ye future hold? Ye gonna be on the sea with me forever? Or plan on getting yer own ship again?"
  2. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Lorena looked down her shirt and laughed, but then blushed when he tugged at her pants
    "I believe I got it all, I don't feel anything moving around in either places"

    Lorena raised a brow
    "So ye wont be upset if I continued?"
    She then quickly answered the next question, her cheeks flushed when she replied being slightly embarrassed, he was a pirate and it was uncommon to find a pirate who kept their chastity. She started fiddling with the bags of gold as she spoke
    "I've never laid with anyone"
    she looked up at him for his reaction
    "Being cursed this way, makes it hard. One kiss and bam they are down fer the count. If I kiss someone to long I can kill them. Ye be the only person who be immune to me curse"
    She took a moment to think about his question as to what her future held.
    "As much as I would love to have me own ship, I rather enjoy being crew. To be a captain again would mean having to find a completely new crew and gaining their trust, finding a ship and"
    she paused a moment
    "leaving you"
    she shrugged
    "I enjoy being part of the crew, it be less hassle than having to run everything. Besides me fathers history would probably come back to haunt me again and I would lose yet another crew and another ship"
  3. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Oran turned to Leon and his pirates his eyebrow raised.
    "You know I can hear you morons. And I'm not particularly unarmed." He moved his coat to one side, showing the two swords at his hip.
    "So if to fight a man that Hell spat back out is what you're after I'm more than happy to oblige. If not kindly stay out of my way."
    With that he walked (well, hobbled considering the broken bones) up the gangplank and back into the ship.
    "Listen up, ya bunch of pansies!" Oran roared at the assembled drunkards and so-called pirates. "I'm looking for Lorena Blackwater. She has wronged me greatly and I am here to deliver punishment in kind as per the Code! If any of you wish to dispute this right..."
    He rested a hand on his swords. "You're more than welcome to try."
  4. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    "So long as ye don't get into too much trouble or well..." He paused looking slightly worried "Find someone else"
    Donavan had a look of surprise he could hardly contain. On the outside he seemed calm and spoke with a gentle demeanor.
    "It's understandable, given ye curse. Kinda hard to get the mood when the romance stops the moment they kiss you.." On the inside of his head Donavan was screaming his head off. WHAT THE HELL DO YE MEAN!!!!!! ALL THAT FLIRTING, THAT SEDUCTION, AND ALL YE HAVE DONE IS KISS A MAN!?!?! Calm Donavan, calm she just... she just..... ARRRRRGGGGH..... One the brighter side means she's ripe for the picken's. But I know better than anyone this fruit has plenty of thorns.
    Donavan's face twitched slightly before he spoke. "Can't say the same of me self, but thank's to me curse I'm as clean as ye are. Hard to catch anything when ye ain't exactly normal"
    Donavan gave a smile and began to turn red at her remark of leaving him. but one thing stuck to him.
    "What do ye mean? I've heard ye tell parts of the story but what actually happened?"
    Donavan began placing the gold in his coat but at a certain point he decided it was too heavy and took his coat of and set it on the floor. He removed his boots and placed two pouches of gold in his boots. With his coat and boots removed Donavan was just in his white shirt and black pants.
  5. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Having washed off in the meant time and getting his bi-color shirt back on, Karma had grown annoyed with the undying man's rant for vengeance. Taking up his violin, he played out a message.
    "Why don't you just lay off that already. Just be glad you're still alive, so shut up and suck on that healing crystal I gave. Unless being in pain arouses you, in which case, give it back."
    Karma added a few void threads overhead everyone, before making them dissipate.
    "I was just having fun earlier, but if you try anything else, I shall not hesitate in shredding you where you stand. So if you do not want that, just enjoy the food and drinks until that woman gets out here. Then, you can talk things out."
  6. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Lorena waved her hand dismissivly
    "Ye know I wont get into to much trouble"
    she gave him an innocent look
    "Since when have I ever gotten into to much trouble"
    she smirked remembering the few times she got the both of them in trouble. She then laid back on the bed looking up at the ceiling. as she listened to Donavan continue

    "it was even harder when I be younger, every boy I had a crush on would kiss me and end up on the floor"
    she chuckled
    "Me father on the other hand, I believe he be grateful I had the curse. Saved him from having to worry so much"
    she sighed
    "So I started using it to me advantage and started flirting with the crew of me fathers. Once I got them into the room and they moved in for a kiss, they would fall unconscious and I would take their gold. Me father found out after a few times, the crew ratted me out for robbing them"
    she chuckled as she remembered the look on his face when he found out
    "He wasn't to happy about it and forbid me to do it again or it was lashings as punishment. I got caught a few times which resulted into lashings. Eventually me father gave up, he was fighting a losing battle with me. What can I say, I like me rum and gold"
    she smiled and looked over at Donavan. She knew pirates got around, especially when they made port, a man needed relief one way or another and visiting a brothel was common for pirates to do. She remembered her father taking the crew to a few of them, especially when they started getting to rowdy, but she was forced to keep an eye on the ship while the crew had their fun.
    "Ye be a pirate, its what pirated do. Especially when ye be out at sea for a long time, ye gotta get some stress relief from time to time"
    She smiled
    "At least ye curse be good fer something aye?"
    she then looked back at the ceiling and started speaking of her father.
    "As fer me fathers history, when I was a child, about 10 or so. Me father challenged a crew as they were headed fer the same treasure me father was headed for. Me father wasn't one to play nicely so to speak, so he fired his cannons on their ship. He sank their ship and left their crew stranded at sea as he continued for the gold. Me fathers ship was a lot larger than there's, so they didn't have much of a fighting chance."
    she closed her eyes for a moment as she thought about her fathers death
    "Me father died a few years later and when I gained his ship, after killing the captain that took over after his death. The crew me father attacked caught up to us. Their captain survived and was seeking revenge on me fathers ship. We crossed paths one day, and without warning started firing at the ship. They killed me entire crew and sank me fathers ship. Right before I dove into the big blue, I spotted their captain, it was the same man that I saw floating in the sea, after me father destroyed their ship. I guess they didn't know me father was already dead. But then again, me fathers death was kept secret upon his request. He wanted his name, his legend to carry on "
    she opened her eyes and looked over at him
    "Me father was Captain Blackwater. When I was born, me father wanted me to carry his name. Lorena was a name me father came up with using me mothers name Loreen, and Blackwater after me father. "
    she paused a moment before continuing
    "If the name Blackwater were to come up, they would most likely come after the ship again. Ye know pirates can hold a grudge, especially with someone who destroyed an entire ship. So if I wanted to be captain again, I would risk me fathers past coming to haunt me. Besides who knows who else might be out there looking for the captain by that name"
    she watched as he put the gold in his coat and couldn't help but laugh knowing that the gold was heavy.
    "That gold can become quite heavy over time."
    she tugged on the corset piece that covered her stomach, that fabric ended just under her breast.
    "If it wasn't for this thing, I wouldn't have been able to carry as much gold"
    she smirked, revealing her secret as to how she is able to carry so much there.
    "Just don't go telling anyone me secret or I'll have to kill ye"
    she winked at him as she was only joking
  7. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    Donavan didn't respond. He hadn't told her but the more he uses or longer he stays in the cursed form the more likely he won't turn back. He manages to keep useof it to a minimum for just that reason. He continued to listen to her story till she finished.
    "Aye but ye spread then name Blackwater on yer own just by ye actions. Then again it's also my name backing ye "
    He gave a grin at lorena then spoke.
    "My when did ye get that? After all the times if seen ya strip infront of me never noticed that before. Then again there have been other things to focus on" He gave a laugh.
    Donavan began looking around the room for the first time and noticed that it wasn't a single room but more a couples room. It' seemed it belonged to a pair on board the Dragon. After a bit of seraching he couldn't find any more to drink.
    "I'll go fetch us a keg" He grabbed his boots and coat and left out get the keg

    Donavan stumbled out of the room and walked over to the bar.
    "I need a keg!"
    "I'm soory but we can't get you one, you are more than welcome to mugs but a whole keg, Hey!" Before the barmaid could finish Donavan had begun climbing over the bar.
    "Thank ye!" Donavan grabbed the keg and began walking back to the room when he over heard some of the commotion.
    "You gettem Bard but ye both mess around any longer and I'll sink ye both once I'm done with me business..."
    Donavan walked back to his and Lorena's acquired room and re locked the door.

    "And now we drink!" Donavan set his coat, his boots and the keg down and poured a few mugs out. As he drank an idea came to his mind, it had been a long time since they had played against each other for stakes.
    "Lorena, what saw we settle the score of strip poker? Ye stripped me last time but I have the feeling the deck was rigged... Anyway care to play?"
  8. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Mordred took some time to think it over.
    "It would be prudent to study the layout of this ship for ourselves. And if you think it would be fun, all the better."
    He nodded in agreement.
    "Very well, then. We'll get started right after we finish our meal in our room. With any luck, this situation will sort itself out by the time we've finished our exploration."

    Mordred led the way back to the room they used earlier and the two of them sat down at a table. Right after they started eating, Mordred's ears perked up and he stopped for a brief moment.
    He turned his head towards the wall.
    "I thought I heard something from the next room over. It might have been nothing, but one can never be too careful."
    Then he turned back to Trinity.
    "We might have gone over this lesson before, however, let this serve as a reminder. Never become complacent in unfamiliar territory. Remaining vigilant in situations like this can mean the difference between victory and defeat, or even life and death."
    Even though they were an item now, Mordred still planned to keep teaching Trinity how to fight and survive, just as he did before. In fact, he was more determined now than ever before to make sure she learned everything he had to teach.

    OOT: Mordred doesn't realize it yet, but Lorena and Donavan are in the next room over. :D

    Leon's crew shot vicious glares at the man, but they slowly backed away all the same, clearly looking unsure of themselves and wondering if they should block his path or not. Some of them looked ready to stand their ground while some of them were nearly quaking in their boots, but it was clear that all of them were thoroughly intimidated in some way or another. Before they could do or say anything, Karma spoke up.

    "Not to worry, lad. Ah can handle this one."
    I give Karma a pat on the shoulder and step away from him and the crew, standing right in front of the undead pirate with a confident smirk.
    "Now listen 'ere, ye undead husk of a man. First off, ain't nobody allowed to call me crew pansies 'sides me, let's be clear on that right now. Second, ye obviously don't know who yer dealin' with here or ye wouldn't be mouthin' off like that. Let me clue ye in."
    Using my magic, I summon a scimitar in my right hand and point it towards him.
    "Ye say Hell spit ye out? Well, we went an' walked in an' outta it on our own two feet. This Hell called Levia Infernis has got plenty ah monstrosities far worse than anything ye can throw at us, ah can say that fer sure. We've been facin' down elves, a dragon an' even an evil god since we got 'ere. Compared ta all that..."
    I smile widely at him.
    "...Who in the blazes do ye think ye are?"

    As if on cue, Leon's crew, who had now found the courage to stand up to Oran after hearing their captain's speech, drew their weapons all at once and pointed them at him. Oran found himself facing down at least a few dozen muskets, pistols and swords all pointed directly at him, ready to unload on him if he made any wrong moves.

    Leif stepped out through the crowd, standing next to Leon with his rapier drawn, whispering to Leon with a wry smile on his face.
    "I gotta hand it to you, captain. You actually sounded kinda cool for a second there."
    He pointed his rapier at the pirate and spoke up.
    "We might not be able to kill you permanently, but you've gotta realize by now that if you screw with us, we're just gonna break every bone in your body and throw you in the ocean. That should get you out of our hair for a little while, at least."
  9. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Trinity followed Mordred as they headed towards the room. She sat her plate down and started eating. When Mordred pointed out hearing something in the other room, her ears perked. She could hear muffled talk in the room next to them, but she turned her attention towards Mordred when he started giving her a lesson.
    "I guess its a good thing I have good senses huh?"
    she smiled and took another bite nearly finishing her place. She took a moment to chew her food and made sure she didn't have food in her mouth when she spoke.
    "It sounds like someone is in the room next to us. I can hear muffled voices, but really didn't take the time to listen to what is being said. Would you like me to listen in on them?"
    She took another bite
    "The food is rather delicious don't you think?"
    she looked up at him wondering if he to was enjoying the food as much as her

    When Lorena heard the word keg she perked right up. As he headed out of the room she yelled
    "Make sure ye get the good stuff"
    She sat back on the bed and waited for his return, wondering how the night was going to end. It had been a while since the two of them spent a night in the same room together, usually a crew member would pop in on them from time to time which made it hard on them to get close and once led them into a whipping. Before she knew it Donavan was back with the keg. Lorena jumped up and walked over and took her mug and started to drink. She chugged about half of hers by the time Donavan mentioned playing poker. She raised her brow when he claimed the deck was rigged
    "Rigged eh?"
    she set her mug down, pulled a chair up by the table and sat down.
    "lets settle this then"
    she pulled out a deck of cards and placed them in front of Donavan.
    "Ye claim the deck be rigged, ye check the cards and deal"
    she took another drink of her mug.
    "So what be the winners trophy this time"
    she set her mug down and looked up at him
  10. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Oran smirked.
    Ah! A good ol' round of 'Who's the Toughest Pirate' is it? Well then.
    "Aye, that's very impressive. Not many a crew can claim to have faced a god can they?"
    He moved slowly towards the sword line, making eye contact with every pirate there. "But none among you can claim to have faced what horrors our kind, can ya?"
    He locked eyes with the youngest of the crew and walked up to him until the tip of the man's blade rested against Oran's gut.
    "You see, it starts off simple. An empty void, an abyss of nothingness. Then slowly, you start to feel it. The sensation of the maggots and worms boring into your flesh, eating away at you. Then something, someone, gets into your head. It recounts your every sin, your every regret back to you in vivid detail. Sometimes it was showing you what you did. Other times it showed you through the eyes of the men you killed. All the while you're being infinitely devoured by these parasites. You lose track of time. You can no longer discern day or night nor comprehend the concept of an hour. That would drive any normal man mad. But me. But Oran Hades survived it, pulled himself out of the pit to stand before you here!
    He raise his arms to the side and turned to look at the rest of the crew. "A god is all good and well, but nothing can compare to facing yourself. And who among you can claim they've done that?"
    And now, the fun part.
    He turned to Karma and smiled good-naturedly. "You know what, friend? I'll take you up on that offer of drink. Thanks for offering to foot my tab."
    Then he turned back to the heavily armed crowd and yelled to the rafters, "Next round's on me, lads!"
  11. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    Donavan shuffled and reshuffled the deck while thinking.
    "Well two things, the first be the last item taken off by the loser. The second being the winner gets to order the loser around for the night, same stakes as back on the ship"
    As Donavan dealt the cards he got an idea.
    "Say let's make it more interesting, each round loss the loser has to chug a mug huh?"
    Looking at his card he frowned, he had a single pair and nothing else, almost anything else could beat his cards.
    "So how do we decide the strip? Winner picks the piece taken off or losers choice?"
    He hoped it was the loser as Lorena would go straight to him going commando if not.
  12. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Lorena looked down at her cards and smirked. She didn't have anything good but wanted to make Donavan sweat a little.
    "I'm feeling nice today so..... we play losers choice."
    she looked up at him
    "I guess it be the fresh start of our relationship that has me in a good mood"
    She looked back down at her cards
    "So will ye be playing this round or folding"
    she looked up at him with a raised brow
  13. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    That last question caught Mordred a little off-guard; he didn't show any outwards signs of surprise, but there was a slight delay before he responded.
    "Well, yes, I must admit today's food is quite good. If nothing else, these so-called pirates seem to have honed their cooking techniques."
    He was eating while Trinity spoke and while he didn't really give it any thought like she had, he could tell that the food was well-made. He cleared his throat and continued, not wanting to get off the matter at hand.
    "More importantly, yes, I think you should at least try. Nearly all of the crew is in the dining hall and I cannot help but wonder if someone has quietly slipped away from the festivities for less than noble reasons. It may just be a coincidence, still, I would rather err on the side of caution."

    This guy's really starting to creep me out...I'm not even sure what he's saying, but I don't like it. I can't believe he didn't even bat an eye I told him everything we've done. There's more to this guy than I thought, I mean, besides the whole immortality thing. Now I wonder if he was just toying with Karma earlier. What is he, anyhow?

    Well, for the time being, he seems to be...not attacking us. Good enough for me, I'm calling that a win! The crew looks to me and as the sword in my hand fades away, turning back into the magical energy it was formed from, I turn to them and give a mighty shout!
    "Ye heard the man, lads! Drink up, this 'ere party ain't over yet!"
    They looked a little nervous while they were listening to Oran, but when I let them know everything's alright, they give a loud cheer and the party soon goes back to the way it was. A light atmosphere soon fills the room again as I turn to Leif.
    "I don't know 'bout ye, Leif, but I be glad the man can listen ta reason."

    Leif raises an eyebrow.
    "Is that what happened? I get the feeling he's only started causing trouble."
    With a dismissive wave of his hand, he starts walking back to his table.
    "But it looks like things have cooled off for now, so I'm getting back to my drinking. Let me know if you need anything, mon capitan."
  14. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    "Fold" Grumbling Donavan set his cards down and removed his coat and drinking his mug. He reshuffled the cards and drew again. This time he had Royal Flush, the only way Lorena could beat him was if she had the same even then they would both strip. He laid his cards out and had a smirk on his face.
    "Beat that!" upset at Donvan's Lorena yelled about him cheating before removing her corset.
    Another round passed and they both had the same so they removed their boots and drank. As the played the flirted back and forth while each began losing an article of clothing. When Lorena removed her shirt he could help but make a comment
    "Take it off, take it off" Donavan had a shit eating grin on his face. The game continued for some until Donavan was down to his boxers and Lorena her bra and panties. it was at this time Donavan realized he was at a disadvantage, as up till now they had the same amount of clothing to take off.
    "Hold a moment, let me grab this cap..." He grabbed a night cap from the side of the bed and placed it on his head "There now we be even"
    As the round began they both had the same hand, meaning the both had to strip. Sighing Donavan got up and grabbed his cap placing it over is crotch before removing his briefs and sitting back down re-dawning the night cap.
    "Not the first time ye got me down to this but still aint to happy about it...., well Lass your turn now, what's coming off?"
  15. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Trinity perked her ears up to listen.
    "It sounds like a male and a female, one seems angry with the other. I can't quite make out what they are saying"
    her face suddenly turned bright red
    "Umm, one of them is yelling take it off......"
    Things started to settle and it was hard for her to hear them.
    ""I cant really make out what is going on over there, the voices are to low for me to hear."
    she looked up at mordred
    "Do you think we should check it out?"

    As Lorena began to removed her skirt and Donavan started to cheer, Lorena had an idea and decided to slowly remove her skirt. Just to tease Donavan a bit. When he grabbed a cap, Lorena raised a brow
    "Fraid ye family jewels might get cold?"
    Next round Lorena had a bad hand, which resulted in her losing. She took her drink and stood up, she placed her hands on her panties as if she was about to remove them, watching Donavans reaction to the tease. But she suddenly went to her bra and removed it instead, thankfully she had removed everything from her cleavage earlier. She placed her bra on top of her clothes which were next to the chair she was sitting on. Her gun holster she had hung at the back of the chair in case she needed to access it knowing they were in unfamiliar territory. She sat back in her chair and crossed her arm over her chest. She glared up at Donavan
    "Well are ye gonna deal or stand there and gawk"
    They were now each down to one article of clothing. This was it, the last round, whomever won would had a day to boss the other around. She knew if she lost, he would probably have her wear that god awful dress he kept on the mannequin . She shuddered at the thought of wearing that uncomfortable thing.
  16. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    "I'd stare all night if ye let me, then again ye know me staring ain't the only thing i'd want" He began dealing cards while making his crude comment. As he dealt he glanced up repeatedly at Lorena, while she had her chest covered with her arms she was still showing of alot of her breasts. Before dealing the last card Donavan moved his cap to his lap.
    "Now let the final round be a...." He looked at his hand and saw he had absolutely nothing "....good one" He grumbled while setting his cards face down.
    Grabbing the cap he placed it on the table and hung his head.
    "Damn it damn it damnit.... Well ye won Lass, have ye fun. Ye want me to get up and dance a bit, or perhaps go fetch ye a meal like this?" He sarcastically said. After a few moments a devilish idea came to his mind.
    "That was a might fine game my dear, what do ye say about shaking on it?' He extended his hand out for a congratulatory handshake but his motive was something entirely different...
  17. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Lorena blushed a little when he stated staring at her wasn't the only thing he wanted
    "Well maybe if ye play yer cards right...."
    she smirked and looked down at the cards she was dealt, she had a full house. She laid her cards down and sat back in her chair as Donavan took off the cap.
    "No that be a fine sight"
    she chuckled a little. Then raised her brow at the ideas he gave her
    "Those be some very good ideas but, I think I'll take some time in thinking what I want to do to ye. But in the meantime...."
    she stood up and offered her hand to shake on it
    "It was a mighty fine game indeed"
  18. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Now that Oran was pacifies, Karma decided to put on his coat and other weighted clothing he had set earlier, now that he had cooled down. Stretching and getting used to the weight, he prepared to play his violin.
    Something more fitting for this sailor and pirate setting for music. I know of one that will do! But I don't remember too much about it.
    Karma begin playing a song worthy for the sea, loud and clear. But, thanks to his lack of memory on how it went, he played the song in thirty second loops, repeating over and over again.
  19. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    "Perhaps, perhaps not, but we will nonetheless. Follow me and stay close."
    Keeping his left hand on Apocrypha's scabbard, Mordred quietly exited the room with Trinity following behind. When he got to the next door over, he pulled out a lockpick and went to work on getting it open.
    "I hope she is not watching this too closely. This is one skill she certainly does not need to learn."
    Keeping his thoughts to himself as he worked, he unlocked the door after a few seconds and turned back to Trinity, counting to three on his fingers.


    In the blink of an eye, he flung open the door and stepped inside, his right hand resting near the hilt of his sword as he took on a cautious stance. When he saw the not-so-nefarious and rather personal events taking place inside, he relaxed his stance and briefly turned to Trinity.
    "Needless to say, It appears I have misjudged the situation."
    He then turned to Donavan and Lorena, completely unfazed by their nudity.
    "My apologies, it seems we have interrupted something very *ahem* private."
    He wasn't about to say it out loud, but one question was nagging at him the entire time.

    "Were they about to make love right here on a vessel they do not even own? These pirates appear to have no shame at all."


    A thought occurs, so I turn to Leif and grab his attention.
    "Aye, Leif, any idea where our guests 'ave gone off ta?"

    Leif shrugs.
    "No idea, why?"

    "Mmmm...they must be in one of de rooms, then. We oughta be checkin' on 'em ta see if they need anything."
    With a slight look of concern, Leif rubs his chin and responds.
    "Yeah, that's a good point. Who knows what they're up to? Well, it seems like everything is alright here for now, so we might as well see for ourselves."
    With that, the two of them get up and start making their way to the crew's quarters.
  20. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    "And that be a fine sight!" He stood up, grabbed her hand and shook it, while grinning. In moving her arm for the handshake Lorena exposed herself, before she could really react he pulled in close to him so she couldn't really attack him. Running his fingers through her hair he spoke softly. "Couldn't help my self Lorena"

    As the door swung open Donavan went on guard despite being only in his birthdaysuit. As the man spoke and eased his own stance Donavan glared at him.
    "Ay arsehole, that door was looked fer a reason, a rather private reason. Wait don't tell me" A strange look came arcoss his face
    "Ye two aint voyeurs are ye? Or ye looking to join in" He looked both of them up and down. He hadn't seen either of them with Leon's crew so he wonder just who exactly they were.
    "Care for any introductions, or ye just gonna stare?"

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