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World of Warcraft

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by Heizengard, Dec 8, 2016.

  1. Heizengard AKA Cernel Joson

    Apr 11, 2013
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    Was wondering if anyone here plays World of Warcraft. Looking for some people to possibly play with, and also looking for some possible tips on the game. I got it a couple days ago and so far am really enjoying it. Playing a Worgan Rogue and a Pandaren Monk so far.
  2. Dylanar Trophy Hunter

    Oct 13, 2016
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    How is WoW? I haven't played it in 3 years.
  3. Heizengard AKA Cernel Joson

    Apr 11, 2013
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    It's all right. I don't know how much of it has changed though since this is my first time playing it.
  4. Dylanar Trophy Hunter

    Oct 13, 2016
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    Ah, it was good when I played it. If you need any tips for your rogue, feel free to ask. (I was a lvl 90 Night Elf Rogue as my main). Enjoy the game, good sir.
  5. Vashnik Guest

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    I started when Wrath of the Lich King (version 3.0) was the latest expansion. A friend of mine was playing when it was 1.0 (Vanilla). As for changes, I put it in the spoiler tag.
    Burning Crusade (2.0) opened the Dark Portal to fight the Burning Legion (again), added the Blood Elves (Horde) and Draenei (Alliance) races, introduces a sanctuary city (Shattrath) where PvP is disabled and becomes the first Portal Hub city;
    Wrath of the Lich King (3.0) gave WoW players access to the Norther Continent (Northrend), the Death Knight "hero" class, Inscription became a new primary profession and introduced Achievements, Dalaran moves to Northrend and becomes the new Portal Hub city;
    Cataclysm (4.0) changed the face of Azeroth (lore-wise, this is probably the 3rd or 4th time Azeroth has changed dramatically), added Goblins and Worgens as playable races, Dwarves forgot how to find treasure, but instead specialized in Archaeology, Archaeology was introduced and became the 4th secondary profession you can pick up (level 20 required) and more races were trained in other classes (Taurens can now be Paladins for example), Thrall names Garrosh Hellscream as his successor as Warchief of the Horde as Thrall devotes himself to the Earthen Ring as the World-Shaman, Orgrimmar/Sotrmwind become a Cataclysm-based Portal Hub city while Dalaran is slowly forgotten as all portals except for Orgrimmar and Stormwind have been removed;
    Pandaria (5.0) added another continent, new race, new class, and introduced the first neutral playable race (until the near-end of Panda school when you have to choose a side), a certain someone discovers how to view points in time;
    Draenor (6.0) introduced time travel and an alternate timeline to the planet of Draenor (previously known as Outland), Vol'jin becomes the new Warchief, Garrisons becomes the new home for main toons, you gain followers, and actually become a commander (like the RTS games) of those followers;
    Legion (7.0) introduces the Broken Isles, Demon Hunter "hero" class, class halls (garrison replacement in Legion), Dalaran moves over Karazhan (quest chain introduced in the pre-patch) then moves yet again to Broken Isles and becomes the Portal Hub city once again (with even more portals), World Quests introduced, you can now steal/share kills from/with players in your own faction and all who tag the mob gets loot, and Lady Sylvanas is the new Warchief.

    Also.... Battle.net Tag are listed [here]. Although not everyone listed plays World of Warcraft, I'm one who does. Feel free to add me. (Let me know who you are though, otherwise you might stay in the pending friend request part.) I have a level 110 Night Elf Demon Hunter and I'm working on a Draenei Mage (103) and Draenei Paladin (101) (all on Grizzly Hills on the North American region, United States tab); 106 Blood Elf Rogue, 101 Blood Elf Death Night, 100 Blood Elf Priest (all on Velen on the North American region, United States tab); 100 Pandaren (Horde) Monk (Bloodhoof on North American region, United States tab). I also have some lower level toons.

    Legion is by far the most alt-UNfriendly game once you hit level 100. lol

    You don't have to be on those realms to party up (thanks to cross-realm and Battle.net Friend tags), but being on the same realm does allow me to send you stuff (materials, gear, etc) or make stuff for you (crafting professions: blacksmithing, leatherworking, tailoring, jewelcrafting, and some engineering items) if your on the same realm or a realm that is connected to it (Velen and Eonar are directly connected to each other, but no other realm is directly connected).

    All the realms I have toons on:
    Grizzly Hills (Alliance; United States tab); Part of the D Wolves Inc guild.
    Bloodhoof (Horde; United States tab); Part of the Safe Haven Safari guild.
    Velen (Horde; United States tab); Part of the Umbernox guild (I inherited this when the guild master handed it to me and left while I had stopped playing for a while). I'm still trying to think of a guild name to change to that's worth $20 or $25.
    Saurfang (Alliance; Oceanic tab) - I don't play on this realm very often, but my parents and a couple of friends did (yes, they play WoW too).
  6. sayWut Head Market Research Analyst

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Im getting back into wow, started when it was vanilia , tbf was much better, and I love rouges, I haven't caught up yet to the latest so I only have a lvl 90 rouge names Misaka

    Rouges FTW! Love the class, probably because I love stealth but then again I did like the druid class, the animal transformations were great for PVP

    WoW certainly has progressed , I need to get back into it, its just the game is all end game now, its much easier, its turned into a somewhat pay to win aka lvl boost to 100 which is stupid IMO ofc.... I preferred old wow when there was no auto dungon , you had to find groups by yourself, it was fun and challenging. Ok not so fun when your in a middle of raid or dungeon and the tank or healer dissconects lol.
  7. Vashnik Guest

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    I think Feral druid is the top PvP class at the moment. At least thats what people were complaining about being overpowered. I never really got into PvP.

    Yes, yes it has. Although, when you're a classic (up to Wrath) and then they completely change you're class to something drastically different when you were at the then-level cap and have to relearn your class, you kind of shake your fist at Blizzard for making it harder for current and returning players to use their formerly level capped toons.

    First the abilities, then the talents, then abilities and talents, then abilities and talents again, then remove a mechanic feature to push it as a minor cosmetic feature while also completely obliterating your abilities and talents and pushing a theme-based ability and talent tree for your specialization. The sudden change to, well, everything your toon used to do to something your toon no longer does or changes abilities and talents to do something different than they used to, or add new abilities that you have to reconfigure your rotation for if you want your toon to be great again. Kinda gets old.

    As for the level boost, purchases of Draenor (before Legion came out) granted you one free boost to level 90 to experience Draenor content (if you had 2 toons and one wasn't level 90 yet, but you experienced enough of Pandaria and wanted to skip it, you could). Same with Legion, boost to level 100 and experience most later-content Draenor and early Legion content. Level 1 wouldn't get the skill boosts, while level 60 would get first aid, and both primary professions boosted to 600 (Draenor's level boost) or 700 (Legion's level boost). Draenor and Legion however only require a skill level of 1 to start crafting/disenchanting Draenor and Legion items. All nodes now have a minimum skill level of 1, but higher level nodes (except Legion nodes) award ore nuggets (mining) stems (or leaflets, etc for Herbalism) if your skill isn't high enough. Skinning awards scraps if your skill isn't high enough.

    The change to profession mechanics I definitely like. It's a bit more realistic. Anyone becoming a miner can mine iron, but a skilled miner can get more ore chunks than an amateur who is getting nuggets, instead of just being denied the ability to work on the skill.

    More ranting/personal experience ranting
    Draenor was a bitch for my Mistweaver Monk. I used to be able to safely quest as a Mistweaver because I could still deal damage and be able to heal myself without changing stances. When Draenor came out though, some moron at Blizzard decided "hey, Mistweavers are too powerful. They can solo all non-group quests, so lets force them to change stances between healing or damaging so when they need to heal, they have to switch to their healing stance and if they want to attack to drop the 5 mobs that started piling up, they have to switch back to their damage stance and risk dying again." Needless to say, I stopped playing my monk at level 91 all together because Mistweaver was the ONLY Monk spec I knew how to play. So I ended up raising my rogue to level 100 before any other toon and went from 46ish to 100 easily because Subtlety rogues became playable again. Then I worked on my paladin and went from Retribution spec to Prot spec as my main spec for everything I did. Mistweaver became playable again when Legion's pre-patch came out. I hated playing mages, but then Pandaria changed that for me. I actually enjoyed playing a squishy toon! So I eventually raised my mage to level 60. Then Draenor came, got my mage to 63 and I was was like: "fuck it. I'm using my level boost on this one."
    So, yeah... lots of changes. Some good, some not so good. Some features ended up with a lot of both good and bad.

    In the end, I think most of us who decided to continue playing WoW is because it's just a better MMO than most of the alternatives out there, especially the free ones. Not to mention the astronomical amount of addons that's available for WoW to make you experience so much better. I keep going back to WoW because of the addons and controls setup. Rift is the only other one I can play decently, but the amount of addons are very lacking and the refinement of the addons are... poor.
  8. Dylanar Trophy Hunter

    Oct 13, 2016
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    I only played for about 5 years before I eventually quit. I started back in 2008, just right after Wrath of the Lich King came out. It was a joint account between me and my father, we took turns playing; I of course only played one character and couldn't really get into playing alts. I quit around September 2013 (Mists of Pandaria) due to being burnt out on the game. I'm debating whether or not to start back up (I'd have to start a fresh account) or just try to find a new MMORPG (Revelation Online is looking good as long as they don't do P2W).

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