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Ended What Are You Thankful For 2016

Discussion in 'Contests, Events & Activities' started by Sporadic, Nov 3, 2016.

  1. Crazy Potato Designer

    Apr 13, 2013
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    +207 / 0 / -0
    I'm thankful to be working here on this wonderful site of unique individuals to which I call my friends. I love this site and the community that it comes with new and old.
    Thank you everyone, I'll do my best to improve and take in feedback to make our home better!
    For 24 hrs starting now backdrops from Halloween will be activated!
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  2. Cpt_K3nny Trophy Hunter

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Hey Guys & Gal

    Happy American Thanks Giving!!!!!!!

    I want to formost appologize for my recent inactivity no i am not dead I was simply in training for work and after that I just felt to lazy and drain to do anything else but play video games :p


    I am thankful for all of you for putting up with my silly antics and over the top comments!!


    thanks for everything you doand keep on doing for us anime lovers you are our savior and maybe eventually Lover? I dont talk to you as much anymore but you are in my thoughts always and no not in a platonic way either if you know what I mean!! :p Ella Watch out I am gunning for him!!! hahaha

    @Miss Elegent Serenity

    Thanks for just being the out going person on this forum its always a pleasure to talk to you about really anything and everything I enjoy our conversations very much and its always nice to get advice from an Elder like you ya know considering how old you are :p


    thanks for running the elim games I keep hoping you throw me a win eventually but right now Ill just be thankful your running with it :p lol


    Thank you for being old and wise you old fart you!!!

    To everyone else Thanks for making this site what it is without you guys it would not be fun to be on here!!!! Especially @Noobs @Core
    Id write down more but I got to go spend some time with the wife!!
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  3. jmriz Trophy Hunter

    Feb 11, 2016
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    #23 jmriz, Nov 24, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2016
    • Like Like x 5
  4. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    +63 / 0 / -0
    It's technically Friday now but hey, I like to think that Thanksgiving is as much a state of mind as it is a holiday. Or something like that. You know, better late than never, right? Let's do this!

    First of all, credit where credit's due, thank you for keeping this motley crew of anime fans that we call a community together and being an all-around cool site owner. If it weren't for you, all of our sweet roleplays might never have happened! Stay classy, Spor. You run a tight ship and I'm glad to be onboard.

    @Miss Elegent Serenity
    What can I say, you've been awesome. If it wasn't for you and everyone else back on TBRP being patient and working with me when I first got started roleplaying, I wouldn't have found one of my all-time favorite things to do. You've been a great friend to me for as long as I've known you and to hear that you feel the same way has definitely been the highlight of what's already turned out to be a really good day. Also, thanks for taking the time to read through all of my weird, rambling RP ideas over Skype. Let's see if we can make these roleplays even bigger, better and crazier!

    Heizen...YOU JUST MADE THE LIST of people I'm thanking today! See, even though you're groaning at it, I know you'll get the joke even if nobody else does. This guy right here, he's my bestie and a fellow Jerichoholic.

    My one and only Brony friend...at least for now. One day, we will open the minds of the non-believers. But first, I will make you admit that Lugia is best Pokemon.

    That five-hour Skype conversation, though. Oh, you know what I'm talking about. That was a special time for me. All of the homo No homo.

    Not always the nicest guy, but he's better than Seals 1-6.

    @Core @Nejat @Shinimagami @Rouge_assassin @Rayden413
    My roleplaying homies! We make magic together, baby.

    I know you're going through some hard times right now and I just wanted to say that if you ever need to talk and I'm online, I'm all ears. You've been a good friend and an inspiration to me since I first started roleplaying in TBRP. Seeing the things you write, the worlds you create and the plots you weave inspired me to push my writing skills as far as they could go just to keep up. I really appreciate that and I just wanted to tell you, I'm here if you need me. Also, I wanted to say that if you still need more time before you get back into roleplaying-- speaking for myself at least-- it's not a problem at all, so don't even give it a second thought.

    You will rise again
    Like a phoenix born anew
    I'll wait until then

    Yeah, okay, maybe the haiku was a bit much, but you know I don't do things halfway.

    @Anybody I forgot.
    Sorry if I missed anyone! It's close to 3:00 in the morning and I probably should've went to bed a couple of hours ago. Also, I tend to say weird things when I'm tired so I should really shut up now.
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  5. Supernatural-Knight Asylum Game Master Moderator

    Apr 21, 2013
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    I wasn't sure if I was going to bother with the american tradition this year, but since I was mentioned what the hell.

    First and foremost @Sporadic for keeping this place going, where else would I be able to brag about how much anime I've seen. The time I've spent here over the years is innumerable and I wouldn't want to have spent it any other way.

    @Batosai for all of those messages, it has definitely been a good few years. I do miss chatting about all of those series we were watching, Gintama, Hajime no Ippo, Naruto and Initial D. I think we had some better conversations than what the anime cafe had ever managed. So many random topics, great fun.

    @Noobs you know I still blame you for keeping me here, originally it was you and Lunar in the asylum that made me find this place so much fun. Your messages always manage to leave a smile on my face, I really don't know how you do it.

    @BK-201 watching all of those shorts together, man we sure went through some hardships. I know things are tough for you now but to me you'll always be the same old BK. It was a lot of fun.

    @Mafiacow you Aussie bastard you with your shit taste, we really need to talk more recently. I feel like its been a long time since the last nonsensical message that takes an hour to write. I miss it, as torturous as it was to write something that long back every time the response was always worth it.

    @Metazoxan for being my go to guy for anything manga. You were one of the largest contributors for my club, ah I miss the old days where it was bustling. Hope you're enjoying however you spent this joyous occasion

    @Vladnyx you've been quite an interesting person to chat to since you joined a while back. You never run out of stuff to say about anime which is great, I wish I had your vocabulary, and now that you're reporting news that section has really exploded. So much more for me to check out after being away for a whole day.

    @Kaede you're one of the most active newer members that have decided to stick around, still can't believe it has been a year. Would be quite a different place without you recently. We may have been talking about cake a bit too much though, I can't remember much else now due to wanting more cake.....

    Of course any and all staff get a mention from me as well, esp @Laximus for the the amount of content you keep managing, without you there would be no new members experiencing anime.
    @sayWut your dedication to all the stuff I don't understand about traffic, bringing as many people here as possible. Mostly for your AMVs which you know I enjoy the hell out of as well of course.
    @Crazy Potato obviously you get a mention here as well, more stuff I don't understand coding and the like. You never allow us to grow bored around holidays, good fun seeing what you've changed as the days go past
    @Kiri I don't see you log in too often anymore but I know you're still doing all that important stuff in the background, it is hard and quite often a thankless job but thank you for your dedication.

    @all members past and present, because we've lost too many to simply list. This site needs everyone and wouldn't be the same without a single one of you [that have posted at least once of course].

    I feel like I'm forgetting someone, oh yeah. @Ovyda as if I could forget you. Wish you'd post a bit more but beggars can't be choosers, glad to see you back here a bit. All of those discussion we use to have as well, plenty of good times. Don't be a stranger you hear.
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  6. Kaede Trophy Hunter

    Nov 7, 2015
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    +450 / 0 / -0
    I was going to be sooo mean by posting a blonde anime girl curled up on the table, holding all the cake but my phone said no room to save.... So you got lucky.... It looks like I'm forced to give celebration cake out since it's thanksgiving.... :p
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  7. Vladnyx Everyone is the main character of their own life.

    Sep 26, 2015
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    It's been an extremely busy weekend for me. There has been so much that Iv'e needed to get done and haven't been able to. Normally I would forgo the ladder bringing you news content, which I will I promise you, but this is that one time of year to give my thanks. It's been over a year since I joined JD as a member and it has been one of the best life decisions a guy like me could make. You all keep motivating me to greater heights and your kindness literally seems to know no bounds. I know I'm late in saying my thanks, but later is better than never.

    @Sporadic thank you for keeping this site going for all of us. Whenever I had a question or problem I knew I could rely on you to help answer it or find a solution.

    @Miss Elegent Serenity thank you for being our liaison. You are consistently welcoming our new members in with open arms. Also, thank you for the most recent help in managing TMC. It means a lot.

    @Batosai thanks for being such a pal. I have enjoyed the discussions we have had, both about how to direct the Elimination Games and everything else in between. A person couldn't ask for a better Elimination partner.

    @BaconMan8910 thanks for your participation in the Elimination Games and Music Video Weekly Events.

    @Core your post & comments always put a smile on my face. Thank you for being so gosh darn lovable & funny. Also, thank you for the participation in the Weekly Music Videos. We have similar taste in music and at times you surprise me with something I haven't heard before.

    @Cpt_K3nny as one of the first friends I made here on this site I'll always cherish are friendship. Recently it's been a delight having you attend TMC.

    @Ddos_Dragon thank you for being such a active new member to the site. You've provided positive feedback and countless suggestions. Most recently I have enjoyed are discussions on "Favorite Anime Fight Scenes".

    @Jaysp656 thank you for always lending me your support. You've helped me countless times and for that I'm thankful. Also, thank you for all the work and continued work you put into this site. Without you it wouldn't be what it is today.

    @Kiri thank you for your continued efforts in maintaining the security of this site. You calmed me in my sense of worry and got a quick handle on the situation. So thank you for that and all the effort and work you contribute into making this site what it is. Without you I'm not sure where we would all be right now.

    @Crazy Potato I nearly forgot about you bud. Thank you for all the great themes and events you provide us with every year. This year particularly I think you really outdone yourself. Can't wait to see what you have lying in wait for us all come December, but I know it'll be great. Also, if you need suggestions I may have some you'll like.

    @Kaede it has always been my pleasure to provide you with DN news whenever possible. It's a never ending joy having you here with us. Over the short span Iv'e been here you have come and gone, but you always come back. Thank you for always coming back. We'll always have a light in the window especially for you.

    @Laximus thank you for putting in all the effort in providing us all with videos & links. Without you we would have a sheer train-wreak of broken videos and downloads. Your always on top of it all, and I admire that about you. Also, it's been nice helping you out when I had the free time as well as just chatting in general.

    @SkeLo thank you for taking the time to like so many of my post. I don't know why you do it, but thank you. I often view your post as helpful and other times laughable. And thank you for participating in the Music Video Weekly Events. You always have something unique to share that I find myself enjoying.

    @Ovyda I couldn't possibly forget about you. It's always great to see you pop in and out of here. We may have had a rocky relationship starting out and I take the fault for that, but we smoothed it out. Now your someone with whom I respect and see as a lifelong friend. Can't wait to discuss Showa Genroku with Super, Jrmiz, and you.

    @Roy-Blue thank you for founding the Music Club. Lately I haven't shown much participation either due to forgetfulness on my part or lack of time. Hope you can forgive me for that.

    @Supernatural-Knight you've been a interesting person to talk to as well. Your responses to the news I post only makes me want to continue providing you with more. Also, thank you for helping me out back when I had questions about Anime & Manga Releases and pinning that for me for easy access. By now you know I have good intentions, though I don't always go about them in the best of ways.. So thank you for lending a helping hand. Lastly I'll have some news for you to check out later today.

    @Timekeeper thank you for providing us with such great reviews. You always add a flare of comedic seriousness that garners my attention. Even when I wrote my first review you were kind in the way of how you critiqued it. Iv'e taken that with me and plan to use it in the future. Yes that means I'll have a review or two coming next month so look forward to that. Lastly thank you for convincing me to write the review on "Shelter" myself when I first proposed the idea of you reviewing it. It showed me that I'm capable of more than I think I'm capable of.

    To everyone else if I forgot to mention you I'm sorry. Also, a thank you to everyone who participates in the Elimination Games as Bato & myself couldn't host these events without you. Coming this month I'll have a added extra to the Royal December Elimination Game for you all. So look forward to that come December 1st. I hope to see a lot of your faces here next year and many new ones as well. Happy Holidays

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  8. SkeLo Trophy Hunter Content Manager

    Jan 9, 2016
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    Ok everyone its probably time to finally add my $0.05 cents worth...

    Firstly as a non-american I am first privileged and honored to be apart something that is one of my passions in life, I wish I had discovered this site a long time ago but hey better late than never right :rolleyes: ... also knowing that I am not the only one who loves dubbed anime as much as me... it's gratifying knowing this... esp. when people in my immediate family and friends don't get it or think its a waste of time, childish blah, blah ... you know all the haters or just people that don't realise that anime is actually a source of encouragement, enjoyment, excitement all rolled into one...

    Having a group of people who I have not met in real life... in the short time I have been on here and enjoying the content that has uplifted my soul... I am grateful to you all...

    So without further a due this is just a big thank you to you all in this community (all I have interacted with so far and will eventually will in the near future)... ... ... ...



    PS - special mentions to @Laximus @Kaede @AngeloDaniele @Core @Vladnyx @Batosai ... ...

    For being my friends, bearing with me (at the best of times), sharing your knowledge and just making this site enriching...

    One day hope to meet some of you in real life so can give you a big hug...

    Faafetai Lava (means Thank you very much in Samoan)
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  9. Ddos_Dragon Trophy Hunter

    Nov 5, 2016
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    +136 / 0 / -0
    Thank you for the sentiment -- ditto.
  10. sayWut Head Market Research Analyst

    Apr 28, 2013
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    +151 / 0 / -0

    better late than never! You may think that I don't right enough here, its just that ive never been a in-depth person in a sense of hmm posting / talking. Thats just me.


    Known you for a HELLA long time! With out the initial leader ship im fairly sure we wouldn't all be here today, thanks for the hard work and effort over these years bro

    @Miss Elegent Serenity

    Always welcoming new comers with open arms and just generally being elegant


    Always nice to have a chat with you, its always something different, I like your criticism and you say it how it is. Plus you seem to like my AMVs so that's a pro :p


    Couldn't forget you, known you for a awhile, was sure fun meeting up irl, need to do it again and talk some more my man! always had fun chatting with ya!


    I love reading your reviews, there detailed and never bias. Plus you just have a way of writing captivating reviews, maybe your just a pro ^^


    I remember our Skype chats! I know things have been rough but regardless you've kept on going. Always been a pleasure having our morning Skype chat!


    I always like talking to you, I think we share quite a lot of similar interest and are somewhat like minded, I thank you for helping me through certain parts of my role man, seriously much appreciated!

    @Crazy Potato

    Crazy Crazy Crazy, the potato in my dreams, You've done, always done great themeing work, and the sigs awell as your graphic design ability amazes me. We sir need to do another Sig Battle royal my friend!

    Weve never talked that much, hopefully itl change but thank you for your continued support in the back-end with out you we would certainly be in trouble. Seriously thank you for your work!

    Its really hard to point out names, as there inst just 1 person, we as a community are whole. All of use together brings much warmth, Hard Work and diversity, im extremely great-full that there is a community like ours. Like minded individuals! Together we grow and keep on, I truly like very member and if your name hasn't been called that has nothing to do with anything were a community, my love extends to all!​
    • Like Like x 3
  11. Ovyda The Phantom Member

    Apr 11, 2013
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    +82 / 0 / -0
    Feels good to be remembered ^^
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  12. Rayden413 Trophy Hunter

    Oct 29, 2016
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    +84 / 0 / -0
    As I am new I would like to thank everyone for accepting me into the community.

    @Nejat @Core @Miss Elegent Serenity @Dungeon Master and everyone in the RP Group
    Thanks for allowing me to be part of the magic of Roleplay.

    As I have just gotten back from a weekend of Thanksgiving celebration, I am a little late to post on this thread. For that I ask your forgiveness. This is a hard Thanksgiving this year for me since I will be loosing a greatly valued family member very soon. My Great Grandmother is 94 and was diagnosed with Stage 4 Terminal Cancer. I am honored to have been able to have my G-Maw for so long and I'm sure many of you would agree. But due to doctor's diagnosis and from seeing how she is, I am not certain she will make it to Christmas. So bear with me if I end up disappearing from the forum for a week or so.

    Again, I want to thank everyone here for just being who you are.
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  13. Noobs I Love Trophies

    Apr 22, 2013
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    +631 / 3 / -1
    better late that never. i was dead busy on thanks giving. some of you already know that im not that wordy of a person so be ready for short messages for everyone.

    for keeping us misfits in check and keeping the site user friendly and for site. oh and for taking good care of ella.

    @Miss Elegent Serenity
    for keeping sporadic in check. who knows that he would be doing if you were not there.

    for handling the back-end stuff of the site up and running and also for security stuffs that happened months ago.

    for putting content for the dub watchers around the english speaking community around the world. you have been consistent at being great at your work. please know that there are people who appreciates your dedication.

    though it was for a while, thanks for being the reviews manager of the site.

    for writing reviews that are (imo) on point and on perspective. though i dont reply, i do visit your reviews.

    @Crazy Potato
    your mad creativity is just what this site needs and for that i thank you. (can i have my one piece back drop now?)

    i thank you for blaming me. wait. thats ... oh well. now seriously, your input to anime is no joke. you put good points as to why its good or bad. whenever once needs an anime to watch, we know who to look for.

    for those skype chats that we 3 shared months ago. those are cherished. i hope we could do that again the future.

    @Batosai @youngnozomi
    for keeping the eliminations (for the most part) on track and for taking the work.

    @BaconMan8910 @Mark Denn @Znelson
    for handling the podcasts. i enjoyed listening to the released episodes you guys made.

    and for my asylum buddies...
    @shifter101 @Core @Cpt_K3nny @Negi-Springfield @Kaede @Ddos_Dragon @Delta @Vladnyx @Rayden413 @Ryder @SkeLo @jmriz @AngeloDaniele @Cman131
    thanks for spamming that part of the forums when i thought that area was dead. you guys revived me when i though i was going to be alone there. let it be known that there is at least one who appreciates your activity there.

    now for the community as a whole,
    i would like to thank the interactions we had. you guys added color to my boring daily life. it will always be a pleasure talking to you guys. i may have not tagged you specifically this time but rest assured that you i had fun talking with you may it be long or short, you have my out most thank you.
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  14. BaconMan8910 Blue Bomber

    May 13, 2013
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    I'm kind of late to this.

    I'm thankful for my kids, for the opportunity to finish my education, for my wife, my family, and my handful of awesome friends.

    Thanks to everyone on the forums with whom I've enjoyed many fun conversations and games over the past three plus years.

    Thanks to all of the people who regularly post in HOE. I wholeheartedly disagree with many of you, but I've rarely found such a bastion of civility and considered discourse online. I appreciate that we can have candid discussions and disagreements about each others' beliefs without making it personal. But thanks especially to @Mafiacow and @kaylentine for always agreeing with me. XD

    Thanks to everyone whom supported the podcast. It's a project which the community has been interested in getting off the ground for a while, and I tried to take the initiative to get it going. I apologize for slacking off this year, a lot has happened and I've had to rethink and pull my life back together over the course of this year. Expect an announcement on the future of the podcast by the end of the year.

    Thanks to everyone whom posts/comments on Caption This! and to everyone whom reads/read my articles on Japanese history/culture and my Oh, Japan! articles. I look forward to working with Spor and the rest of the media staff over the next year.

    Finally, I know I'm not around as much as I used to be. There are many new faces that I'm not familiar with. Still, thanks for being an awesome community that I can always come back to no matter how busy life gets.

    Cheers, guys.
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  15. jmriz Trophy Hunter

    Feb 11, 2016
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    Will pray for your Great Grandmother, your family, and for you!
    God Bless
  16. Mark Denn News Man

    Nov 10, 2014
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    +23 / 0 / -0
    im thankful for everyone here for being around as long as i am i havent been around lately do to school and other circumstances

    @Sporadic thanks for the one of the best sites ever

    @BaconMan8910 for allowing me to be part of the podcasts that was a hell of a time

    and finally thanks to everyone here for making this site whats its become today
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Sporadic Site Dev Moderator Director

    Mar 26, 2013
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    To all @JustDubian members. Thank you for being my drive to continue with this site. If it were not for every member here I would have given up a long time ago. Knowing that we are making this site enjoyable for everyone is what keeps me motivated. Thank you all for your continued support and dedication to this site. Each and every one of you is the reason we are still here today. You all bring so much to this community and continue making it a diverse and entertaining place to be a part of.

    I apologize for not going through the time and tagging each person individually. I inevitably miss a couple people and the whole process can take over an hour. Sorry, I know it feels like a cop-out but I have to spend that precious time organizing the December events for everyone :)

    I did enable tagging for the members group for this post and this post only. So if it's any consolation I do not know if the forum sending out an alert to all 20,901 members will break anything but I think that sentiment alone shows how thankful for everyone on this site.
  18. Sporadic Site Dev Moderator Director

    Mar 26, 2013
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    lol. I don't think it even sent any of the alerts out.

    Fatal Error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 32 bytes)

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  19. Kaede Trophy Hunter

    Nov 7, 2015
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    +450 / 0 / -0
    If you were to give it up, I think you would have some very agitated members. Good luck dealing with the very many members this site has gained. :p

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