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Earths Pawns (reboot)

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Miss Elegent Serenity, Oct 23, 2016.

  1. Nejat Defender of the Morgue

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Upon hearing the bells ring, Old Man Nejat stood from his seat; his wait may be over. As he made his way towards the deeper parts of the village, he only got more impatient.
  2. Joshier Trophy Hunter

    Apr 21, 2013
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    +5 / 0 / -0
    (OOC) Okay, so there is a lot of information here, most of which is for personal referral but I figured I may as well have it all posted here for easy access and quick referral by anyone else who may so desire to do so. Profile contains the basic information you'll need to get by, description wraps it all up with details to round things out and abilities will tell you what she can do. Her equipment lists worn and held items that she is or may use.

    Name: Unknown
    Race: Half-Human (Kitsune) Variant*
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19

    Height: 5'3
    Weight: 112lb
    Figure: 32B-24-34

    Eye Colour: Gold
    Hair Colour: Black

    A figure adorned by a black travel cloak is a common sight in times such as these when both the good and evil of the world would prefer to move around with minimal issue or confrontation, but perhaps that is also why a dark figure would be all the more suspicious? Golden eyes glint from a pale face bordered by black bangs, hidden within the confines of a shadowed hood. The form that accompanies such appearances is rather petite with an ample figure and no notable advantage in height nor gain from a lack thereof. The figure appears feminine despite their cloaked frame, under which they then lack any toning past the subtle traces of athleticism, albeit it barely at that. Long black silken hair lurks past the telltale bangs of her face, falling against her back in a neat but slightly travel-worn fashion. If the golden eyes did not hint at a stranger heritage beneath though, one may instead find their suspicions peaked by the gentle bumps visible at the top of her hood or instead by the way her cloak seems to faintly widen back at her rear; for beneath the dark protection of her cloak one may come to find the plushie fur of vulpine ears or the thick black tail which hangs delicately from just above her rear. Should the looker not find satisfaction from her eyes, tail or ears though, they may instead find it within the sharp bite of fanged semi-vulpine teeth.

    Black Travel Cloak (1) - Reaches from shoulders to just shy of the floor. It's warm but not too thick, offering a hood to help keep off the rain. The cloak is wide and easily flows to entirely cover the wearers form with minimal hassle or disturbance.

    Black Dress (1) – Styled similarly to a shortened Yukata but simpler in design and colour. One side is drawn over the other and secured by a thin belt or length of silken rope. It covered from shoulder to thighs, tightly fit over the torso if bound correctly whilst still offering free motion of the legs with a loose skirt.

    Leather Torso (1) – Tailored leather torso intended to comfortably and securely fit the intended wearer, it offers minimal protection from attack but is durable and weather resistant. This is worn above all but the cloak.

    Leather Leggings (1) – Thigh high length leather armour. The style is similar to the torso, offering mobility over protection whilst being durable and weather resistant. A cloth layer is fitted beneath it, allowing one to wear it directly on the legs. The leather is split into three parts, the thigh, the knee and the shin, thus allowing the extended mobility that a more secure armour would not.

    Black Boots (1) – Durable travel boots intended to remain resistant and comfortable even on long journeys.

    Large Bandages (2) - Bandages for larger wounds.
    Small Bandages (5) - Bandages for smaller wounds.
    Salve (6/6) - Salve to help stop bleeding and ease pain.
    Needle (2) - Needle for sewing... In theory.
    Thread (n) - Large spool of thread for sewing up wounds... in theory.

    Aspect Hunter – The ability to draw out an aspect of the recently deceased, gifting it to the Aspect Hunter. Aspects may manifest in various forms; examples include weapons, abilities or body parts. Aspects, aside from a few rare variants, must be manifested (Summoned) to be used. The focus required to use an aspect varies on the size and complexity of it's manifested form. The strength of the Aspect varies on how powerful the corpse was in life (or death). Some aspects, especially weaker ones, may be similar enough to reinforce each other. For example, aspects in the shape of a weapon could be combined such as multiple daggers, swords, etc. This is not restrained to just weapons.

    Vulpine (Variant) – Grants several vulpine (Kitsune) assets. This is permanent.

    Hunting Chains – Summon chains from nearby surfaces to restrain or harm a target.

    (OOC) I'll create an entrance post separately so as to keep the profile isolated.

    (Personal Reference) https://justanimeforum.net/threads/earths-pawns-reboot.12692/page-2#post-140381

    #22 Joshier, Oct 30, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2016
  3. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    +10 / 0 / -0
    Alistair's axe blade torn deep into the cornered man's flesh, breaking bones and rending his organs. The villager's bullet glanced across his side, but didn't react to it. He pressed his weight down, forcing his weapon through the rest the man's body, bisecting his quarry.
    He then turned towards the man that had shot at him. Shaking the blood from his axe, he advance on the hapless villager...
    ...and straight past him out onto the main street. His job was done, what that villager did was of no consequence to him.
  4. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    +488 / 0 / -0
    A month ago...

    A wagon slowly rolled down a snow covered road in the winter landscape,
    trees spotting the field. A blonde girl of 19 was sitting in the wagon, bound. The tan rope did not match her red and white dress very well in terms of style. Four rough men armed with rifles surrounded the wagon, while one drove it.
    "Please, let me go."
    The man remained silent.
    "Please, jus-"
    She sat silent, unable to do anything.
    Suddenly, a shot rang out, and a streaking bullet impacted into the
    wagon. The driver jumped out, snatching the young women. All of them
    gathered on the far side of the using the wagon as a shield.
    "Where did it come from?"
    "Came from that hill."
    "I can see the glare of the gun metal. That must be where the shooter
    "You two split up and make your way to the shooter. We'll provide cover fire."
    Two men parted from the group, running to the cover of the trees, and carefully advanced to the shooter's location as their comrades covered them.The girl hid fearfully, secretly hoping that this was a rescue.
    When the two men advanced up the hill and reached the location, they realized they had been tricked. A barrel, firing chamber and a small convex mirror were wedged between rocks, with a string leading off to a location somewhere ahead of the wagon.

    "Where is the shooter!?"
    At that moment, a shot rang out once more, but this time, it was behind
    the hiding group. The bullet entered the back of the driver's head and exploded out of his face, suddenly creating a new layer of paint on the unpainted wooden wagon. Another man spun around, trying to find where the next shot would come from, but never found out since he was the next target, with a bullet entering his face.
    "This is not worth the pay! The king can send his own soldiers for this!"

    The last man ran to the other side of wagon, leaving the girl to the sniper. He tried to retreat to the trees, but a bullet blew a hole through his spine, rendering his limbs useless.
    The men that separated from the group were halfway back to the wagon. Again, another bullet rang out, this time blasting the knee off the victim. He tumbled to the ground, screaming in agony and crawling behind a tree.

    "What is going on!?"
    As the last untouched man reached the wagon, a young man clad in light
    grey clothing jumped him, seemingly out of nowhere. The young man crushed the man's windpipe with a well-placed blow. As the man staggered to the ground, the young man thrust his left hand into the rib cage of the man. It was not just a sharp blow, it was a stab. The hand sank in, gripped a rib, and tore it through the clothing. As the man tried to scream through his crushed windpipe, the lad thrust the broken rib into the man's eye socket, killing him.
    The lad walked over to the tree, as the girl stared in fear. She tried running, but her legs were bound. When he came to the tree, a swift kick to the wounded man's head snapped his neck, finishing him off. The lad turned around and made his way to the girl, ignoring the last living man, leaving him to nature's mercy.

    The lad came to the girl as she trembled. His expression was emotionless. He knelt down, and with his bloodied, gloved left hand, he reached out for her. She trembled, trying to get away from the claws that extended through the gloves.
    "Get away!"
    "Hold still."
    The lad grabbed her wrists using his right hand, and with his left, he cut the bonds loose from her. She stopped trembling, wondering what why he was freeing her. He moved onto the next set of bonds on her ankles, and cut those free as well.
    She rubbed where the ropes once were. She wondered who this lad was, and why he saved her.

    "Why did you save me?"
    "Someone payed me to take down a group of the King's mercenaries. You are nothing more than a secondary objective I decided to do on a whim."
    "I was hoping my savior would be more caring."
    "Well, you hoped wrong. Be thankful I was the one who was hired to do the job. Stay here while I get some proof of these kills and collect my equipment."
    The girl waited for the lad as he trekked up the hill to recover his decoy gun, staring at the five foot gun that hung on his back.
    That gun must be heavy. Probably accurate, too.
    When the young man returned, he was carrying the decoy and a small bag.

    "What is in the bag?"
    "Thumbs. And rings."
    The girl was confused, but before she could ask why, the lad was loosing the horse and mounting it.
    "At least take me back to town. Please."
    Without a word, he directed the horse to her, holding out a hand so she could board it as well. After that, he gave a howl that was much like a wolf's. In response, multiple howls responded back. He patted the horse, calming it. A little while later after the girl and the lad left, a pack of wolves poured into the area and descended upon the fallen mercenaries, including the last living one that was paralyzed.
    They began to ride back to the town, where he could get his pay, and where she could do whatever it was she was going to do. He was not concerned with what she would be doing once he returned the young woman.
    They rode in silence for some time, with the girl holding the young man from behind. Initially, he stiffened, but did not stay that way for long.
    "What is your name?"
    "That does not matter. You won't know me long enough for it to be useful."
    "Come on, tell me."
    The lad lost his cool for the first time, giving her a good laugh, even though her question was left unanswered.
    "My name is Beatrice."
    "I don't need to know that."
    They finally came within sight of the town.
    Or where the town used to be.
    The lad stopped the horse, and they both stared at the giant, clean-cut
    crater. No trace at all of the town, except for the roads that led to it.
    They remained this way, silent for some time. Then finally, the lad broke the silence.
    "My pay!"
    "Your pay!"
    "Stop it!"
    The lad was clearly agitated about his loss of pay, and by the fact that there was a monsterous threat lurking.
    "Whatever it was, it came and left silently. I can somehow tell it is no longer around here, though. It is best we turn around."
    "Looks like we will be stuck together for some time."
    "I was only going to take you back to town!"
    "But there is no town now. Besides, you wouldn't leave a helpless woman to fend for herself, where wolves are, would you?"
    The next moment, with a firm push, she was off the horse and on her backside in the snow.
    "I actually would leave a helpless women by herself to fend for herself
    against the wolves."

    "How cold! This snow is warmer than you!"
    "Well? Are you really that cold?"
    "Get back on. We are leaving."
    "Yay! You do have a heart after all!"
    The lad turned the horse around, and began to ride off once Beatrice climbed back on.
    "Where to?"
    "Another town. One that is not too far away."
    She gripped him again, holding on as they rode away.
    "Why do you need to hang on so tightly? There is no need for it."
    "I don't need a reason. So, how about the name?"
    "...It is Adolph."
    "Is that it? Just Adolf?"
    "Adolph Schwarzkoph."
    "Nice to know your name now, Adolf Schwarzkoph."
    "For some reason, I feel like you are saying my name wrong."

    Elsewhere... Looking upon these events...

    "Thanks for getting those two together, Ex. Though that may have been a bit overboard."
    "I only did as you requested. Blotting out an entire village was just the simplest method, seducer."
    "Well, at least those people won't need to suffer from the struggle any longer."
    "Agreed. Now begone. Go pester someone else, like the Old Man."
    "Fine, fine. You were never so good around me. But I must thank you for getting my-"
    "Don't even thank me. I know how you can be when you are thankful."
    "Such a wet blanket. Well, good luck on finding a reason to exist."
    With that, The Deity of Lust left the Deity of Existence, satisfied with the result.

    name: Beatrice
    age: 19 (presumably)
    sex: Female
    weapons: unarmed
    power (if any): Unknown
    special characteristics: Has blonde hair, red eyes and like to wear red
    with white. Can be quite friendly, playful and affectionate.

    She was raised up by her father, a friendly, well-to-do man who liked to travel. She never knew her mother. When she turned 18, she left and began her own travels. She was captured by a group of men upon leaving a town, before meeting a seemingly cold-hearted young man who saved her. Since then, they have been travelling together.

    [OOT: I intend on adding a pic of her]

    Present day...

    A month had passed since the day Adolph and Beatrice met. Adolph still
    did not appear to be so warm, and Beatrice still teased him often. But somehow, they seemed to get along well.
    They neared a town, one that was apparently suffering from the ravages of the King's attacks.
    "Perhaps there will be some sort of work we can do here."
    "It's 'me', not 'we'. I'm the one who does the work."
    "So picky about words."
    They began to hear a bell ring.
    "I wonder what is going on. Let's find out."
    "It might be wiser to stay clear."
    "They might pay you for helping."
    "It might be wiser to stay here."

    OOT: In case you do not know, they are coming to the town Ella, Brad and Zillis are in.
    #24 Core, Oct 30, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2016
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  5. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    +63 / 0 / -0
    After his conversation with Ella was over, Brad headed upstairs, grabbed a book from his room and went to Zoe's room to read her a bedtime story. After reading just a few pages from the book, it was hard to tell who was more excited about the story, Brad or Zoe. They had just finished the chapter when Ella came in with a rather vague and cryptic message, but Brad had a good idea of what it meant. He tucked Zoe in, smiling when he saw how peacefully she was sleeping, before turning to Zillis with a more serious look. He spoke in a hushed tone so he wouldn't wake Zoe up.
    "Sounds like trouble. Let's roll, bro."
    He quietly made his way to the front door, but not before getting his gatling gun and his backup guns. When he saw Ella waiting, he nodded with a slight grin.
    "Ready when you are."

    (OOT: No update for Terios this time, kinda in a rush today.)
  6. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Ella gave Brad a nod
    "lets go"
    before heading out the door. She let out a whistle and a few seconds later her horse came galloping up to greet her. Ella hopped on and offered Brad a hand to pull him up on the horse. Going by horse would get them there faster. Once Brad was on she clicked her tongue signaling her horse to go it didn't take long for them to reach the village. Clouds were starting to move in, it looked as if a storm was heading their way.

    As they got to the edge of town, Ella took no time and hopped off the horse and started running, something was wrong and she had to find out what. Was it another attack? Was it those night watch that Brad had spoken of? No matter what it was Ella had to find out and take care of it.
    As she was running she kept her guard up, looking around for anything out of the ordinary. Then she noticed a man carrying a bloody axe walking in her direction. Ella stopped suddenly when she saw the Axe, she studied the guy a moment and then noticed one of the villagers behind the man. The villager was rather shaken up, she also noticed the villager was holding a gun. She knew the only reason they would use a gun if it was something serious. Several other villagers were walking towards the alleyway to see what was going on, one woman, upon seeing the body left out an ear piercing scream. Ella blinked and turned her attention back to the man carrying the axe, this man seemed dangerous and whatever happened in that alleyway was cause by this man. She moved her hand over her holster preparing to defend herself if needed
    "Stop right there, don't come any closer than where you are"
    It started pouring down rain but Ella didn't seem phased by it, she was to focused on whomever this man was and wanted answers
    "Why are you here?"
    She heard another scream off in a distance, 'what the hell is happening here?'

    OOT: @The_Lullabye I know you were waiting for a reply so I added that Ella heard your scream off in a distance
  7. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    He stopped walking upon hearing the woman order him to stay where he was. Alistair took a few seconds to look her up and down. She was armed, better armed than the man in the alley. And unlike that man, she looked competent with her weapons and unafraid to shoot to kill. Even so, her body language was skittish.
    "I am here to fulfill my duty." He said. His voice was gruff and muffled by his mask.
    "I would advise removing the beast's corpse as soon as possible. Wouldn't do for that blood to spread its affliction to the rest of your people."
    Alstair moved to leave again. He didn't know if the woman would let him leave without incident, but he didn't care either. He knew she wouldn't be able to kill him before he could take her down.
  8. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Ella quickly grabbed her gun from her holster and aimed it at him when he began to move
    "Not another step!"
    she threatened
    "What do you mean by beast?"
    she glanced over at the villagers, who were now moving the body to put it with the rest of the bodies. Ella turned her attention back to the man and narrowed her eyes at him
    "Who are you? .....are you with the king?"

  9. Joshier Trophy Hunter

    Apr 21, 2013
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    +5 / 0 / -0
    A bluster of rain cascades over the old cobblestone streets - old misshapen rectangular bricks well worn by the passage of time, the wheels of carts and repeated treading of both heavy and light steps alike. Dark buildings rose to cast shadows over the cobblestone road, though few were left intact. Most the buildings had smashed windows, many then boarded up but quickly torn back down by those whom struggled to find shelter with each dim and cold night. Not all whom broke in bore such intentions however, the scattering of cupboards and boxes within both ransacked homes and shops told the tale of looting. Few buildings seemed to have escaped looting however, instead finding themselves burnt down or toppled into shale and stone by the wake of war. The singed remnants of thatch and tile showed those whom looked where the fires had been put out and stopped from spreading, leaving only the most outer structures of the old market district as little more than rubble. As one walked further inwards, the buildings fell back into the looted state, their roofs tattered and blackened but still mostly intact, offering hardy protection against the worsening weather.

    The streets widened out into a raised square, perhaps half a foot taller than the road which wrapped around it, but wide and intended for use for stalls as evidenced by the cracked, broken and splintering remains of wood spread over what was likely once a bustling farmer's market; scraps of cloth and rotting vegetables left to desperate looters and hungry bugs as a testimony of original purpose.

    Few would have likely spotted the lone figure whom quietly walked from shelter to shelter, avoiding what they could of the rain through the looming protection of each building the lined the street. When the protection of buildings or wall failed, their pace quickened to dexterously skip through the surfaces touched by rain, their cloak offering apt protection against the rising downpour which struck them in it's endless pittering and pattering, the sounds repeating softly off what was left of windows and roofs. The figure moved briskly but without seeming purpose, stopping short of crossing the occasional road or path, seemingly spending a moment to decide which direction they should take. The only pattern seemed to be a preference for shelter, to keep themselves dry despite the dark travel cloak which consumed the petite form. It just so happened however, that their path seemed to lead them into the direction of the church, the source of ringing bells and perhaps even towards the location of others. The figure was still with some distance to travel however.

    Profile Reference: https://justanimeforum.net/threads/earths-pawns-reboot.12692/page-2#post-140381
  10. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    He stopped again at the woman's behest. Her gun was now raised and trained on him.
    He looked at the woman in the eyes, briefly gazing at the townspeople every so often. She needed to look strong in front of her people, and her fighting him would only go one way.
    "I don't want to cause you any more problems than I already have. Your people are spooked, panicked. It'd be better if you tended to them rather than wasting your time threateneing some stranger that's intent on leaving. I promise you, however, you will not like how this will play out if you continue down this path."
    He began moving again, slower this time. More deliberate.
    "Don't make the wrong choice here." It wasn't said as a threat, only as an request.
    #30 The7thSeal, Nov 2, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2016
  11. Nejat Defender of the Morgue

    Jun 18, 2014
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    The Old Man neared the scene. He could see that weapons were already drawn and he had no intention of placing himself in danger. He simply waited, watching to see who will make the first move.

    A seemingly gentle voice spoke in Ella's mind. The volume of the voice seemed to be almost mute - loud enough for the words said to be made out, quite enough for it to flow with her thoughts. The sentence was simple, "Shoot him." It continued almost as if on loop.
  12. richardthedark1 Trophy Collector

    Nov 2, 2016
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    +14 / 0 / -0
    Name: Axel Bishop
    Eye Color: Black and Red
    Hair:White cut short and spiked
    Appearance: Walks in a slouch, people see him as a bum or lowlife. Dressed in a coal black trench coat and black pants, they can't see his many scars from battles.
    Weapon: Black Scythe with red trim, the blade comes froth out of a skull in the pole.
    Powers: With his mastery of the scythe, he also has control over a black flame. The fire can cover his body to protect him from projectiles. With his unique eye's he can see up to four miles and has mild night-vison.
    Weakness: The sea or lakes for he can't swim. Ladies in trouble and hungry children... Also short skirts... and he smoke little cigars.
  13. richardthedark1 Trophy Collector

    Nov 2, 2016
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    Axel heard the bells ring as he walked down the back alleyways.
    "Damn that's loud" He muttered as he walked.
    Through the alley, he smelled the corpse before he saw it... Sliced to shreds... It looked like but it could not be...
    Axel rounded the corner to see a young lady having a stand off with a man in a hat and wearing a mask.
    "Alistair!?" Then he heard the young lady speak.
    Damnit he thought. This girl is a dead one if she doesn't move. Alistair always has a duty and will cut down anyone or anything that stands in his way.
    Axel had met Alistair a few months ago. The scar on his chest ached as he remembered that day.
    "I lost last time but I am not the same man I was." He whispered as he begin running to them.
    He placed his scythe at Alistair's neck. "Hello Alistair!"
    Axel looked at the girl and then he was shocked that he remembered her! Ella, that little girl from ten years ago, who held a toy gun on him accusing him of being the god of death.
    He spent over three hours trying to convince her he was really a human. After that she told him that she was going to protect the people of the village.
    It was then he found out about her parents, dying in a raid just a year before. The villagers were just rebuilding what they could. Many people lost alot and couldn't help themself's, much less a kid. Axel reached into his travel pack and handed the girl the rest of his jerky, the girl looked at him before snatching it out and eating it there.
    He handed her some gold and left the village that day and didn't return until now.
    "Look miss, you need to move now. This man will not hesitate to kill you if you try and stop him." Axel raised the scythe closer. The man didn't seem to care even when the black flame rose from the blade.
    "Alistair the last time you got me but this time is different! I'm stronger now and let's face it. Your going to attack a lady? I can't allow that and you know it!"
    Axel swallowed hard. His throat was dry from the nerve's. He was hoping Alistair would back off but knew if pushed, the man would fight.
    "GO NOW!!!" Axel yelled at Ella as Alistair reached inside his coat.
  14. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    +26 / 0 / -0
    Helen - Unnamed City - Streets

    A heavy rain began to fall as Helen stared at the dissipating puddle of vomit with a sense of confusion. Her confusion was the product of something missing from herself. She had recoiled from the awful sight of barely digested human bodies and screamed her horror to any nearby that could help her. However, she know wondered what had prompted this actions. The only thing that came to her was that it was the expected behavior for a woman of her age to be placed in this situation. There had been no true emotions behind her scream, even her disgust at the chunks of meat before her was now in question. She knew she should be feeling horror and a soul tearing disgust with herself, but the feeling that she should feel these things was all she had. The feelings themselves would not come forward.

    As the cold rain ran along her skin, soaking hair and clothing, she stood up and decided to see what all the commotion was. The church bell had started ringing and hadn't seemed to have stopped yet. The pastor wouldn't dare hold a service at this ungodly hour, so it could only mean an emergency. Perhaps she'd discover why King Abbadon's soldiers where now in town and why her library was in ruins. Getting to her feet she began walking in the proper direction.

    "Take care of yourself, My Dear," a voice called from the shadows all around her.

    Honing in on the source, Helen turned her head and spied the nobleman from the library, his face still covered by shadows. An overwhelming feeling took hold of her, while there was no fear per se, the man's gaze invoked the sense of a predator watching its prey. For the sake of self preservation, Helen took off at a full sprint for the church.


    Marie Elonice - Grand Haven - Entertainment District

    "Welcome back, Lord Mark," Madame LeFleur said with a forced enthusiasm and a curtsy. Marie took the older woman's hand and lightly kissed it.
    "It's always a pleasure, Madame LeFleur," she replied in the voice of a young man going through puberty,
    "You would like your usual again tonight, yes?"
    "Of course, Madame. In the usual room. However I would like to conduct some business with another client before ours is conducted. Where may we speak privately?"
    "You may use the upstairs changing room. It is the most private."
    "I see, thank you, Madame. I shall be down again shortly."

    Melody LeFleur watched the young nobleman hunt around the establishment for his business partner; an unreputable shrew of man with obvious ties to the vile King Abbadon, but none that could be proven by the magistrates. The young lord conspired with such a man at his own risk. Though she knew that the young man calling himself "Lord Mark" was a false moniker, she had no idea who her most aggravating client truly was.

    With a sigh she began arranging things for business with the young lord, inwardly hating herself for not throwing him into the gutter for her loss of profit.

    OOT: I'm retooling this character. I'll make changes to the original bio and remove him from the intro post.
    Cecil Valence - 33rd Infantry, Extermination Army - Medical Tent

    Cecil looked up from the blood drenched table. The man on it was no longer alive, he hadn't been for some time now. Yet he didn't clear the corpse away for processing. He kept on staring at the bloodless corpse, missing an arm and a leg with a superficial chest wound. It was not out of compassion or pity for the now dead soldier. He had long since compartmentalized and did away with his remorse. But something about how the disease in the man's remaining foot compelled him to simply stare at it.

    As an emissary of the God of Plagues, Epidemios, Cecil had been fulfilling his duty as a doctor for the 33rd for the last ten years. The unit he was attached to were known as the Plague Bearers. Men who were diseased and used as berserker troops since current medical technologies couldn't save them. Of course, in a war of extinction, survival was ultimately impossible. Research into keeping men alive only went so far as sustaining them as long as possible before the corpses were sent back to the processing plants to be reanimated. The God of Death had given Lord Abaddon a devastating new majik, and the priest caste had long since been filled to the brim with necromancers and necroartificers.

    A steam whistle blew in the distance, finally breaking his focus from the diseased flesh on his table. Bloody hacksaw still in his hand he exited the tent to watch the supply train come in.

    The machine thundered into the depot and came to a rest with a loud hiss accompanied by a cloud of steam as the engine cooled. Before the train had come fully to a stop, men had rushed towards it. Now as the cloud of steam thinned, men came back through the fog carrying boxes and weapons. With a shout at some lazy fools lounging about, Cecil got them to go into the medical tent and begin carrying the bodies to the train. They'd be taken to the Processing Plants and repurposed to better serve Lord Abbadon.

    A sickly green glow lit up a section of the steam cloud and the groaning of metal could be heard. Footsteps that shook the ground came from that section of the train and Cecil felt his blood chill at the sight of the new weapons. The new weapons weren't larger canons or faster repeating muskets. They were metal giants that stood as tall as two men. Their helmets had eye slits that produced that off green color that uneased a man's stomach. Their armor bristled with spikes of bone and cruel engravings. Their hands ended in bone inlaid canons and Gatling weapons, or vicious looking claws and axes. As he watched a Necrotech urged one of the machines to hold a hand high and the circular weapon began to spin at a high velocity, emitting a head splitting screech.

    With a grim grin, Cecil turned from the machines and went back into his tent. Despite the unsettling nature of the Repurposed, he had no doubt that these metal giants would further sway the war in their favor. Grand Haven had always stood no chance against their exterminators. Their defiance had given them years of continued existence, but now with these new weapons, their time on this planet was about to run out.
    #34 The_Lullabye, Nov 2, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2016
  15. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    "Hey, Ella, you know this guy?"
    Brad, who had been quiet until now, shouted down from his vantage point. While the scene with Ella and the mysterious strangers played out, Brad quietly made his way into an old building. As they spoke, he'd climbed his way up a few sets of old, decrepit stairs while occasionally leaping over places where the stairs had fallen out. It took some time, but he made his way to the roof and set up his gatling gun, keeping it aimed at the man wielding an axe. Naturally, he had now given away his position, which didn't dawn on him until a few moments later.
    "Oh...kinda botched the ambush, didn't I?"
    He then turned his attention back to the more aggressive of the two strange figures and shouted down to him.
    "Whatever, since the surprise is ruined anyhow, let's get right down to it. You're in a bad place right now, creepy axe guy. Do you still wanna play or are you gonna leave without a new set of holes? Fair warning, this baby's a straight-up bullet hose!"
    He smiled confidently with his right hand on the crank and his left hand keeping the gun steady.


    Marcus sat down at a dimly-lit desk and motioned for Terios to sit down across from him. When Terios did so, Marcus pulled out a cigar and lit it, giving his customer a strange look as he did.
    "Don't take this the wrong way kid, but you look a little young to be Night Watch."
    "You're not convinced?"
    "Nah, it's not that. It's just...well, the world sure has gone to Hell in a handbasket, hasn't it? We're living in a world where even kids are becoming assassins now. Ahem...no offense."
    "None taken, I've gotten used to it. Besides, I prefer to let my results speak for themselves."
    He opened up his bag and placed an array of weapons on the table, taken from his earlier encounter.
    Marcus nodded, looking ever so slightly impressed.
    "Not a bad haul. How long did it take you to get 'em?"
    "Picked them up tonight."
    "All in one night? How'd you manage that?"
    "I hit a patrol squad on the docks. Six men, six weapons."
    "Where's the rest of your team?"
    "I work alone."
    Marcus whistled, now much more openly impressed.
    "You don't screw around, kid. A lot of guys would at least grab a buddy or two before trying something like that and you took them down solo?"
    Terios just shrugged.
    "It's not that uncommon."

    "For people who are twice your age, sure."
    Marcus sighed and leaned back in his chair, still somewhat taken aback.
    "What a weird, messed-up world we live in. Ah well, let's talk business, kid."

    Marcus leaned forward and inspected the guns closely, jotting down notes until he ended on a total amount that he was willing to pay. Terios haggled for some assorted supplies as well; he was so good at it, in fact, that Marcus was too busy being impressed with the young Watchman to give him much trouble. Though in the back of his mind, he'd already decided that he wasn't going to go easy on Terios next time. When they'd sorted things out, Marcus leaned back in his chair again with a slight chuckle.
    "You're just full of surprises, kid. Honestly, I'm kinda hoping you come around here again. Anything else you need before you hit the road?"
    "I'd like to know where the nearest library is."
    Marcus raised an eyebrow.
    "An assassin and a scholar? Well, everybody needs hobbies, right? Let me get you a map."
    Marcus pulled out a map from his desk and pointed out the town's library.
    "Here's the place you're looking for. Tell you what, go ahead and take the map with you so you don't get lost."
    As he spoke, he folded up the map and handed it over. Terios nodded as he put it away.
    "Thanks. I'll see you around..."

    "Marcus. And you are?"
    "Heh. There's a name you don't hear too often. Good hunting, Terios."
    With his business concluded, Terios made his way out of the shop and into the streets.

    As he made his way through town, Terios couldn't help but notice an old church along the way. While he wasn't a particularly religious man, he decided that belief in the old gods "couldn't hurt" and often stopped by the local church of whichever town he found himself in to offer a prayer or two. To him, it was something of a good luck charm. He made his way inside and sat down in one of the few pews that remained unbroken and hadn't rotted to the point of being completely unable to support weight. He sat down and closed his eyes, though he still remained quite wary, listening closely for any noises that seemed out of the ordinary.

    After just a few moments, his honed senses caught the sound of footsteps splashing in the mud from a distance; it seemed that someone was approaching quickly. His trained reflexes had him spring up out of his seat, draw his bow and nook an arrow in the blink of an eye, staring intently at the door as the stranger approached.
  16. Joshier Trophy Hunter

    Apr 21, 2013
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    A flicker of gold, a flutter of black. The figure's hood-shadowed head turned, their body seeming to cease up straight as a gentle pulse of motion momentarily pushed at the roof of their hood. Footsteps resoundingly clicked along the long road, bouncing off shattered windows and broken bricks, dancing from wall to wall as if slowly drawing in from all directions, surrounding the dark figure from all possible openings. A second gentle pulse tried at the confines of the hood before drawing still, the world seeming to slow.

    The bells rung as loudly as ever, their sound drawn into a long dulcet roar with each swing, their hammers striking at their shells with violent clanks at each swing's summit. The rushing of feet rose in volume between each strike then fell into suppression under the weight of the bells great heavy clangs, only to rise once more until the next strike came to fall. The pattern wasn't particularly long, but the stereo of footsteps echoing around them drew each dull chime into an eternity, the sounds between drawing louder and closer, but more succinct with each crack of that soon familiar pattern.

    The seeming trance was broken by a voice behind her, the figure's head turning back forward as their pace pulled into motion once more, the steps growing loud behind them until a glitter of gold from within the dark hood spotted the unfamiliar figures running by. Some held torches and lanterns to keep back the dark, a few of the former having already given out beneath the blustering weather that fell to the ground in such damp droplets, leaving what ashes remained to fall into waiting puddles on the roadside, to be drawn by gravity into the slow flow of water downwards as the roads height succumbed to the decline of the hill behind. The figure made no raise nor slow in their pace as the group of assumed townspeople passed, their loud murmurings too crowded and overridden to make out clearly beneath the ringing of bells, splattering of rain or clattering of feet. Before long the steps had turned back to echoed stereo then finally fell into silence, leaving only the companionship of weather and bells to the lone cloaked figure; black boots slowly taking her higher along the road, drawing in closer - though still out of sight, of the awaiting scene ahead.

    Profile Reference: https://justanimeforum.net/threads/earths-pawns-reboot.12692/page-2#post-140381
  17. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Alistair's situation was becoming untenable. Against a single opponent, he'd have no problem, especially against someone that didn't have much experience in close quarters. But now he had a deluded madman with a scythe at his back, and apparently some aquaintance of the girl on the rooftops with some form of machinegun.
    A growl eminated from deep within his throat, followed soon after by a few slow, deep breaths. He caught himself reaching into his coat for a mild sedative on instinct and withdrew his hand.
    Once again composed he took stock in the scythe weilder. He seemed to know Alistair well, at least by name. He looked over his shoulder, and didn't recognise the man. He didn't have a good memery for names or faces, and this man was no different. He kept spouting on about being stronger than the last time, but from his stance and his position, that strength hadn't transition into intelligence.
    His eyes drifted to the man on the roof. More specifically his gun. He couldn't really tell whether the weapon would have a delay in firing or would fill the air around him with bullets in a matter of seconds.
    He quickly scanned the area, before settling on the narrow alley he'd cornered the beast in. It was a narrow chance, but that was better than if he tried to fight here against these odds.
    'A word of advice,' he finally said to the man with the scythe, 'if you want to threaten someone, don't put them between you and your own blade!'
    The last word of was coupled with Alistair swinging his head back into the man's nose with a crunch, before he dived free of the scythe blade and made a mad dash for the alley. He leaped for the wall, aiming to bound off of it on to the rooftops, providing him with more cover from the machinegun and decreasing the chance of collateral loss of life.
  18. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    OOT meant to post this last night a little catching up on my part.

    "Shoot him"
    Ella flinched at the sound of the voice. With the tension being high, it startled her enough to pull the trigger, the bullet grazed the mans mask. If it wasn't for her flinching, the bullet would have hit her target dead between the eyes. Ella's eyes grew wide when she realized what she had just done, but the voice, it wouldn't stop it kept repeating. "Shoot him, shoot him"

    Ella covered her ears, gun in hand, but it continued.
    She dropped to her knees on the now muddy ground.
    "Make it stop, make it stop!"
    She could feel something breathing down her neck, but there was nothing there. What was going on, what was this voice she kept hearing? She was trying so hard to block out the voice that she hadn't noticed the newcomer or the man making an escape. She just wanted it to stop, she screamed out while clutching her ears
  19. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    The two travelers entered the town, and matching strides. Nobody was to be seen. After turning a corner of the damaged town, they spotted a commotion. This explained why nobody was seen until now.
    Townspeople were gathered in the street, watching as some guy with an ax jumped onto a wall. A woman tried to aim at him, while a gunner on the roof tried to aim, but his gatling gun's aim was being hindered by the buildings.
    Adolph whipped back around the corner, while Beatrice kept walking. Reaching out from the corner, he yanked her back around the corner and pulled her behind himself.

    "Ah! Hey!"
    Beatrice was apparently annoyed at having her curiosity cut short by the Adolph's caution.
    "Stay back. This doesn't look like something we should be close to. If bullets start flying, we will need cover."
    "Fine, I guess you are right," Beatrice reluctantly responded and pouted.
    Adolph let his rifle Ekel slip off of his shoulder, whipping the 5 foot gun to his front, standing it up on its stock in case it would be needed.

    "I really need to invest in a revolver. This is clumsy."
    "You really should. A real man carries more than one gun."
    Adolph poked his head around the corner, keeping an eye on the situation, while Beatrice impatiently waited for something to happen.
    "...I do know of a place where we could get you a good revolver. I think it would suit you well," Beatrice stated, now somehow serious.
    "Sounds interesting. Maybe we will look into tha-"
    A gunshot rang out and a bullet whizzed by Adolph.
    He whipped his head back around the corner, eyes wide, embarrassed at his error. Beatrice snickered at his reaction.

    "What was that you were saying hiding from bullets?"
    "...uh, well... oh, never mind."
  20. Nejat Defender of the Morgue

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Nejat watched as the woman fell to her knees - there was only one person who could do this, and he was. Old Man Nejat stared directly ahead at his younger brother: Venenum

    He moved quickly in front of Ella, looked down at her. To the others, he didn't exist - an extremely faint shimmer. But to Ella, he stood at his humane height, strapped by his jacket. "Pathetic." He spat out the words, moving in close to whisper into her ear again, "Next time, kill him." He knelt momentarily, reaching out and cupping her chin, forcing her to look upwards. Stepping back he grinned widely at her, "And if you don't, I'll crush you like a bug."
    Venenum's body started contorting, his entire body gaining mass and growing in all dimensions, his hair whom is made of snakes fumbled down in long drapes, circling Ella and flicking out their forked tongues. "Or I could let my babies eat you!" He laughed loudly once again, the thunder striking directly where he stood. And at the moment he was gone; almost as if he never existed. All that remained was a small puff of smoke and a charred mark on the ground.

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