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"Mister President"

Discussion in 'Hall of the Elders' started by Core, Sep 13, 2016.

  1. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    This is an idea I had, after hearing some things about the older Metal Gear Solid games and when I realized that America currently has the worse set of presidential candidates it has had in a long time.

    My idea is this: Instead of having a president (or a leader for that matter), fill the position with something else: an AI.
    The AI will be called Mister President. It would be constructed by various people from across the nation. Made by the people, for the people. An AI to fairly, and logically, govern the nation. Technicians would monitor it, seeing to it no anomalies would occur, and it would be guarded by a defense system separate from it the President, so that in the event of an error, the President will not mow down people. It will be built so that any ports to connect will be safeguarded, and in plain sight.

    Of course, I cannot come up with all the idea for it, but my idea is a governing computer monitored by people, which can be shut down if it goes nuts.
    ...and somehow, I think I lost track of my main idea. Well, at least we would not need to worry about flight tickets for the President!
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  2. Wilhelm-von-HU Trophy Hunter

    Aug 21, 2013
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    The problem with an A.I. is what if someone hacks it? What if someone changes the A.I. to have a far left wing ideology or a far right wing ideology. how will checks and Balances work? there are 300 million plus people living in the U.S. how will this A.I. be able to keep everyone happy. how will meetings with world leaders work. How will this A.I. deal with conflict. How will it deal with world leaders like Putin? How will this A.I. handle war?
  3. Supernatural-Knight Asylum Game Master Moderator

    Apr 21, 2013
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    I'm curious, obviously this idea can't happen but it could eliminate a lot of wasteful spending if it were set up to be the president indefinitely. But AI's have issues, anyone remember the one they tried launching for windows or whatever, Tay I think it was. It took less than a day to turn her into a whore that loved Hitler.
    I'm sure there have been a few movies where the AI has taken over after learning what a horrible species the human race is, it then moves on to destroying us. Of course you said there would be people to watch it but as long as people watch it the idea is mute since it will still be governed by the watchers. Man 1 could be like Trump, see the AI talk about being friendlier with Mexico and delete the idea from it [sorry had to use that as the example, I'm not keeping up with your election at all].
  4. Lince Trophy Hunter

    Apr 28, 2013
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    It's a logical fallacy really. It's impossible for anything that is perfectly unbiased to be perceived as perfectly unbiased, especially a machine. In the event that the unbiased persona makes a decision that goes against the wishes of one group over the wishes of another, bias will automatically be asserted into the equation.

    Let's say, for example, Person A accuses the machine of being biased when making a certain decision. Person B then tells Person A that there were no changes to the machines code. Person A will now shift the bias to Person B for being the person to check the code and etc.

    The whole point of a democratic government is to debate the validity of different viewpoints, essentially different biases, and have the public choose which viewpoint they believe in. Having an unbiased machine make all the decisions will essentially take the "choosing from different viewpoints" out of the nation.

    The candidates we have in place currently is a result of the corrupt political system we as citizens choose to support. It's public that the DNC swept the rug out from under Bernie Sanders, and it's also public that Clinton is a no good crook and Trump is an idiot. But that's not the point of this. The point is that we as citizens are allowing this to happen because of fear. We are afraid of what would happen if we tried to make major changes. They won't happen by themselves, that's for sure.

    We can't make a perfect government, that's for certain. But we can remind Washington that our voices need to be heard, and if they aren't there will be consequences.

    Now I sound like a revolutionary xD. But the support for both sides are very real. Whatever happens from this election is our own fault. A machine can't fix a a broken system like this. Only we can.
  5. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Just bringing it up, since it feels like this is a "Hell and Hell" situation for candidates.
  6. VeritasOdiumParit Cult of Personality

    Apr 21, 2013
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  7. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Hehe this reminds me of my story in the role play thread
    This has always been one of my favorite ideas as a government type. It's fun to imagine just what kind of stuff could happen should a super machine get lots of control over everyday human aspects of life.
    Okay here's a long thought on the matter. Since this is one of those things I really thought about (and even based a story on) I guess I'll share what I think would happen. I think it fits towards the "cynical" slide of machine ruler government (as in we're screwed no matter how many safegaurds)
    I think inevitably the "Mr. President" machine will come to the conclusion that the only way things will go the way it perceives as "right" is to rely on the use of other machines. Since humans are imperfect and bring each other misery (in the machines view), it will remove people from positions that could be used as a way to take advantage of others.

    First it'll start with government positions, say after a few years the Mr.President machine reveals the vast amount of politicians that prays upon the weak. Unless it has more power it won't be able to fulfill it's mission to remove these people and govern effectively.

    A human president can either convince his supporters and objectors to get what he wants or gets nothing done at all. The president machine isn't human though, it needs to fulfill it's original purpose of "governing well".

    Now this is my personal opinion but a one party system does get things done.
    However whether it's right or wrong is something else entirely.
    There will be resistance in the idea that the Mr.President machine cannot be given power to remove people at will. Unfortunately the very purpose of the machine is made useless unless it could remove obstructions like this.

    So I believe that at some point people will agree that the goal of the president machine is unattanable unless you give it that kind of control. You'll then have yourself a one party system.
    That's not the end however. This autocratic machine leader will find faults within it's own "party". Unlike a human president who would rarely call out one of their own this machine will be fair and call out inefficiencies and flat out corruption. At somepoint once again you'll find that the machine will then want to replace every position of government with it's own choices.
    People will resist of course, but since the machine isn't serving term limits and unless the party decides to shut down their leader (which will prove that the last remnats of the second party was right after all), then at some point in time the president machine will convince the population that unless it is given full control of the government then people will still be made to suffer under bad human judgement.

    We're not done yet!
    Eventually even that won't be enough, it will find that other positions such as police forces aren't as effective as they should be. After some time it will convince people that it can "help" run the other services that government runs. It trickles down from there.

    It's quest for efficiency will find humans unable to run even the most basic jobs satisfactorily.
    Too much power for one machine? Why not create more that serves the Mr. President machine? The process will be slow, there's no way the first generation of humans will allow so much power to be given at once but who says their children won't do it? Then their children?

    Before you know it the Mr.President machine will be in your schools teaching people (via the subordinate machines).
    It will be incredibly efficient. After enough time has past where the Mr. President machine is in the minds of every human and acceptable then that's where it will strive to spread it's influence for other humans throughout the world. After all, it's not like everyone else is going to watch and do nothing. In order to bring them under control (since they will be causing problems for the host nation and that is inefficient!), the Mr.President machine will use organizations like the U.N and empower it.

    One of the things it will definitely want to do it encourage democracy. That's right, it will want to encourage the very thing that it hopes will allow it to be elected in other countries as well.
    It wants to empower this new world order so it can influence other countries as well. Other country leaders will either be cordial or openly mock the machine president.
    In all cases the Mr.President machine will publicly call out inefficient world leaders and their own governments. Using it's own country as a basis it will compare and contrast in extreme details what is what in complete transparancy. It will especially call out violence and crime in other countries and if that's not an issue it will point out how much more effective it will be if given powers over some aspect of government over another nation.

    Will their people like that? No of course not, nationalism is a concept still and people don't take kindly of other world leaders critism of their own country.
    As I said though, this is a slow proceess. Over time the ageless machine will continuely be an outspoken critic of human governance. Inevitiably like all ideas this will effect other political parties. Remember increasing democratic rights the U.N will be spreading, that includes these so called fringe groups.

    And this is where things get random, either one of these parties will take power and try to copy the machine or the machine gets kicked out for spreading such hateful ideas of human government.
    We'll go with the former, proceed to the next point

    Now we have other nations consider their own "Mr.Prime Minister" machine (or miss. Can we have female robots? ;))
    And why stop there? Using the idea of subordiante machines each country will have their own machine leader that serves the unique needs of that nation.

    And once again things get random. It's the old "Globalism vs Nationalism". How much would these machines serve their own nation over the needs of the world?
    If it can't the system fall apart and this long post has to end.
    That's boring, let's say the machines are able to find a decent compromise

    (by the way mostly everything so far is based purely on popular opinion. The machines could be complete crap at governance but so long as the humans think it's working the system stays in place)

    Then the road to new world order begins. Using all the aspects of controlling various parts of governent (education especially), a new generation of humans will learn the benefits of this system.

    Skip a few generations (so the old ones don't impede "progress") and then you'll find that these new humans will find that the remaining humans not under U.N control is quite frankly backwards
    Since by now those types of nations could easily be seen as a threat to peace (if not already), there will be a unification war of some type.

    And the U.N forces will win

    World peace?
    Hahaha...no...no not quite

    Part 2!
    Wow still reading? Okay follow along then.
    So we got a unified earth at last. Well then the next question will then have to be what about those humans who don't want this system to be in place?

    Two choices here, either the machine ignores them to it's peril or it actively removes them. If the former the system faces instability to anti-government terrorism. If it waits to act against these rogue elements then it will have to fight them publicly which will only serve to spread the wildfire faster.
    Not very efficient now is it? Just wait until one of them detonates a nuke on a city for the first time since Hiroshima. Yeah think the old way was less bloody now...

    But...what if it preempts such revolt?
    This is where the machine turns "evil" (if it hasn't already in your mind) and with the safeguards that were placed way too many years before it will be able to do so secretly. Suspected people who have the potential to harbor anti government sentiments will be sent to re-education centers. I suspect the last remnants of religion will be wiped away, and this includes those who support the government. History will be altered to paint human history as the folly of humankind and it's not like it has to be altered all that much for double effectiveness! It will not so subtly point out that only the clear rational judgement of the machine could make the hard choices reasonable and logical.

    I wouldn't go so far as to say it will use machine worship as a way to get it's point across but...

    Once again, strictly in my opinion, people in their pursuit of something greater then themselves will look to this Mr.President machine as the savior of the human race all the while it regularly sends people into secret re-education centers. Free will can't be eliminated and no matter how many people get sent to the shadows for all time there will always be someone willing to cause some sort of trouble in the machine's point of view. Or something like that.

    Expect any new ideas to be rejected regular because progress may bring unknown problems. Why take that chance and risk human lives (so says the machine).
    I think you'll find such a machine government to be surprisingly strict and conservative when faced with new ideas. People will be conditioned to accept the status quo and any radical new ideology that props up will be silently sent away so it won't spread discontent.

    Well anyway those are some of my thoughts of the matter. As you can see I probably put way too much thought into this but then again I'm writing about it elsewhere so it's all fun stuff for me.

    TL;DR (And really you should read it :p)

    Either the machine gets shut down because it tries to take too much power away from people or we give up all our rights and live in a dull, drab, free will crushing society that believes humans are the problem and only the machine could answer for our lives.

    Well that that came out more depressing then I thought it would :(
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  8. Wilhelm-von-HU Trophy Hunter

    Aug 21, 2013
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    what if someone over throws the A.I. in a coup?
  9. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    The humans may reign free for awhile, but I suspect that "Mr. President" will be backed up, or his VP "Mr. President Mk2" will step in.
  10. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Depending on which step it gets overthrown the result will vary from political upheaval to full blown warfare between those who support the new world government.

    If late stage, then expect those who will get hurt the most by the lack of a computer president to attempt to retake control for their former uh...master?
    If overthrown early then the bloodshed will get spared since it's unlikely to implement any major reforms. They'll be some upset people though that's for sure.

    I'll definitely be on the coup side, just make sure that if I die in the attempt then you have to promise me to travel back in time to today and tell me how I died and what I have to do to save the human race

    (And if you did travel back and time and are reading this then tell me what went wrong...o_O)
  11. Wilhelm-von-HU Trophy Hunter

    Aug 21, 2013
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    Core are you "Mr.President"?

    We did not have enough Cowbells. bring more Cowbells lots more. Also if Danny says we have plenty shoot him. He was working for "Mr.President".
  12. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    If so then it's time to go underground
    Actually this will make a cool horror movie, robot mastermind takes control of human civilization but for whatever reason it has a phobia when it comes to cows and cowbells.
    Make the protagonist a farmer who wants to lead a revolt against the machine but his "friend" Danny is a spy for the government who is keeping tabs on the farmers. Seeing that the protagonist is going to stage a revolt "Danny" makes sure that the farmer doesn't discover the machine's weakpoint.

    It's important for the movie director to include many cows in the movie and film them in "dark and atmospheric" situations. Keep showing cows over and over and make sure the movie frequently plays cowbells for no apparent reason.

    Then in the end of the movie In the end it's revealed that cowbells are the weakpoint of the machine president when it sends it's robot subordinates to put down the farmer.
    Double points if a cow breaks into the barn house where the farmer is about to get killed.

    The sequel could come at some other time.

    I should write movies as a living.

    Okay I think I derailed this topic far enough :)
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  13. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    "Don't ask, don't tell."

    Besides, we all know how good Mother Brain was, how she controlled a worlds ecosystem and weather.
    #13 Core, Sep 16, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2016

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