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Magi season 3 discussion

Discussion in 'Anime & Manga Chat' started by nagato, Jun 30, 2016.

  1. nagato Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2016
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    Warning you're going to have to have updated knowledge of the manga open till at least chapter 301

    The first thing I really want to talk about what is it going to be named first we have Labyrinth of Magic then we have Kingdom of magic now if there is going to be a 4th season I think the logical choice for the third season would be country of magic and then for the 4th season World of Magic thats just my theory.

    the second thing is where are they going to make the stopping point for the season . they have a thing about using Yunan at the end of each season and to follow up with that theme I think they should do it when he's explaining to Alibaba how things changed while he was at Alma Torran for three years thanks to Hakuryuu a lot of people believe that it's going to end with Hakuryuu exiling his half-brothers. to be honest I can totally see that happening

    next Alma torran arc I would hate for them to some up in two episodes but I've been on a few other forums and they say that it did not get a good rep and it was too long but it's like the core of the series everything that's happened everything that's going to happen beyond that story arc has to do with this background I would hate and leave so much stuff behind and give us the brass tacks

    Next I want to discuss voice actors
    who will be the voice of who no they pretty much got half of the Alma Torran voice cast already the voice of Solomon sorry I forgot the name of his mother Aladdin mom I don't remember I do remember her personality I got through half way of that story arc and I thought Johnny Yong Bosch for the voice of Solomon but since he's the voice of Titus I don't think that's happening course It could but its highly unlikely
  2. Timekeeper Great Big Jerk

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Just because a voice actor voices something in the show doesn't mean they won't get another role

    An example is Clannad with Nagisa and Ushio who are both voiced by Luci Christian
  3. nagato Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2016
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    Yeah I know I just said it was unlikely also I just said that to not get my hopes up lol

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