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Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Nejat, May 10, 2016.

  1. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    +26 / 0 / -0
    Kara followed Mr. Elroy into the cafeteria and listened to his short speech. As he walked away she watched him go, unsure if she should stay standing in the cafeteria or follow him. She spied The boy that had yelled at her at the front of the cafeteria lien and was unsure what she should do. She saw someone sitting alone at a table and then sat down across from them.
    "I'm sorry," she apologized, "I'm not really sure what do do right now, but my name is Kara." She introduced herself to Vito.

    He was sitting alone, she didn't have any clue what to do after being brought back here.

    "Um... so this may sound a little odd, but could I get some of your sperm? It's for a, uh, experiment of mine." Kara tried to be cute and bubbly about it but wasn't sure how it went over.
  2. MateusseDarkslight Trophy Hunter

    Jun 24, 2014
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    Martin watched from a distance, feeling a little bit... intimidated. This wasn't what he liked. Violence... literally left a bad taste in his mouth.
    He popped another pill - they made him feel better as a general rule, less the effect at this point and more force of habit - and shyly shook the headmaster's hand. "I'm... Martin. Pleased to meet you sir."
    #62 MateusseDarkslight, May 31, 2016
    Last edited: May 31, 2016
  3. Dangoon Trophy Collector

    May 4, 2016
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    +2 / 0 / -0
    Vito was keeping to himself until someone sat down in front of him introducing herself as Kara. Then she asked a question a very strange and creepy question time to dodge the subject. "Umm no sorry that's not my sort of thing that question was very awkward by the way" Vito was still trying to comprehend why someone would just ask another person that out of the blue. "You shouldn't try to ask that to people they will usually say no or take it the wrong way" Vito said to Kara. Vito wouldn't have been worried for a person in this school but he would make an exception this time.
  4. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    OOT: Wow, this topic lit up like a Christmas tree while I was out! Sorry I haven't been keeping up, I was out on vacation for Memorial Day weekend. If I'd known it was gonna pick up like this, I would have said something earlier lol.

    As they were placing their lunch on their tray, Kurt had to take a second to think about what Felix asked him.
    "Man, that's a good question. Lemme think..."
    He clicked his tongue when the answer came to him.
    "Oh yeah, they've got me somewhere on the first floor. It's pretty convenient, actually. I just hope I can remember where it is."
    Without even thinking about it, he picked out a table and sat down along with Felix, continuing the conversation.
    "The only thing I'm not a fan of is the shared bathrooms. Kinda makes it a little hard to get some privacy, you know?"
    A few moments later he cracked a small smile and chuckled under his breath, finally realizing the situation he was in.
    "Huh. Funny how that happens," he muttered under his breath before looking back up at Felix. "I was planning on just keeping to myself while I'm here but here I am shootin' the breeze with somebody on my first day. So much for that plan."
    He leaned back in his chair slightly, looking a little more comfortable now.
    "How about you? You seem like the kinda guy who doesn't mind standing out. I'd imagine you probably had your fair share of friends at your last school, right?"

    Stefan had every intention to snap back at the student who flat-out ignored him, but things started to heat up quickly in the hallway and he decided to slip out before anything serious happened.
    "I don't need anything like that on my first day. I'm in enough trouble already, thank you very much."
    He made his way to the cafeteria, waited in line (much to his chagrin) and picked up his lunch, halfway listening to the headmaster's announcement along the way. Just as he was looking for a place to sit, he noticed a certain student who was in the hallway earlier. With a slight smirk on his face, he made his way to the girl's table and sat down next to her and the boy she was talking to.
    "Hey, you're the one that Mr. Cane was talking to earlier, right?"
    He laughed and took a bite out of an apple.
    "Let me tell you something I picked up while I was working in the biz. You can't just sit around, you gotta go where the action is. And you, little lady, seem to be a walking magnet for all kinds of crazy folks. It's the kinda stuff you can't even find in a script! So I'll tell you what..."
    He leaned in a little further for dramatic tension.
    "I'm going to give you the distinct honor of asking for your name, and I might even remember it when you tell me. Pretty sweet, right?"
    Just then, he finally noticed that somebody else was at the table and turned to him.
  5. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    Mr. Elroy was pleased that Martin talked to him he offered Martin a seat and though shyly he accepted it. Mr. Elroy saw something while reading his file that intrigued him, in fact he knew that he belonged right there. But at the same time he also knew that he had the chance to work with him closely.

    "So, what do you like to be called? Theodore, Martin. It does matter. I just want to know who you identify as." he paused for a moment. "Anyway I called you into my office today because I want to follow your case closely. You see, the court hasn't been happy with what we have produced so far but it's the best option for kids who had no choice but to act the way they did. And you seem like you have the potential to show most improvement. Now it's up to you. But I would be honored to work closely with you."

    The Headmaster waited his reply as he leaned forward in his chair.

    OOT: We are fast forwarding as it is crucial that we do.

    King, Lou, Melanie, Jen, and Jon were all walking together. A year had passed since the original fight with Jon. But they had become friends during detention. They all seemed to have improved and actually enjoyed their life in second chance. King was talking like a normal teen again.

    "So guys. It's been about a year and evaluations are right around the corner. I believe that we have made a lot of improvement notably Jon and I. If I get out this year I think I'm gonna give up this Gang stuff. It isn't that I'm bad at it. It's just I don't wanna mess up my life anymore this place taught me I had plenty of potential. I don't think I wanna waste it."

    King was smiling however admist all the good things happening there was a dark air that seemed to be consuming the outside world and the affect on it was beginning to come to the prison. As they all were talking about life on the outside from seemingly nowhere the sounds of gunfire erupted. Not in One area but completely around the prison. King not only confused but also scared of what is going on. He started to run.

    "Come on guys we need to find a safe place."

    As he ran towards the cafeteria.

    Lou and his sister like usual were walking side by side. They both made friends in the school King being the first. His opinion on leaving was less than desirable but he knew that he had to one day. Regardless of what the past has brought them 2 legally Jen and Lou could only stay till 21.

    "I think I'm gonna get a job here. Hopefully Jen will too. I don't wanna leave this school really we have nothing to return too. I never opened up as to why Jen and I are here But the reason being is we ran away from home due to an abusive father and our mother encouraged it. So my preference is to stay here."

    Once the gunfire started he grabbed a hold of his sister and started running at the same pace as King as they made their way to the cafeteria he saw King stopped. Which made Lou stop and when they turned. What they saw Was Mr. Elroy trying to run from something that didn't seem to be there. And then suddenly.

    Mr. Elroy was terrfied. What he saw in front of him just wasn't normal. It was a swarm but of what is unknown they appeared harmless but he saw that they weren't. He watched as they ripped 2 of the teachers up to absolute nothingness. Their bodies adorned the hallways. But for some reason it seemed the students couldn't see them and they even weren't affected by them no smell or vision. Mr. Elroy didn't know that and so he turned to see King, Lou, Jen, Jon, and Melanie. And he shouted.

    "RUN! Get out of here. You're all going to-" was the only words he could get out before the Locust entered inside of his mouth and starting to eat him from the inside out. As they chewed him up from the inside a gaping hole where is stomach was opened up his intenstines began to hang out. He fell to the ground in immense pain much earlier than you would be lead on to think. Passing out his pulse completely stopped and the Locust entirely left his body. However he didn't disappear his body remained and the group had saw only him get torn apart from the start to finish.

    King and Lou both stayed and stared in absolute shock trying to understand what happened.
  6. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Something doesn't feel right.
    Rose thought as she came out of the school library. She checked PDA, seeing what assignments she had left to do, since she had been putting off some of her projects. Though it was not difficult for her, the school work was well done to challenge students. Being is Second Chance gave her a chance to be with other people her age. Too long had she not been to a school-like environment. She became used to the students here and got along well.
    There was an echo of gunshots, and Rose quickly ducked and slid for cover.

    I'll need to find out what that was.
    Rose was reminded of a memory, soon after her escape from the lab years ago.
    That man back then took out those thugs with pistols. No kills, but he was quick at it.
    Cautiously, she made her way to where the gunshots were heard. When she came to the site, she made sure to keep her distance.
    Peeking around the corner, she saw King, Lou and Jen. Lying on the ground face down was Headmaster Elroy, and it did not look like he was well at all. She was not new to violence, but this did not mean it did not bother her.

    What... is happening? I can't get any closer, I don't know what is happening. It is unlikely King and his friends did that. But what's going on?
    Rose decided to take a chance. She called from the corner, still remaining mostly hidden to the trio.
    "What's happening? What happened to the headmaster?"
  7. Nejat Defender of the Morgue

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Melanie smiled at the group as they told their stories of the future, "I personally want to go back to school and get my degree in nursing. A life long dream finally come true!" She giggled to herself, "We'll all look back one day and see this as a simple hiccup. A mistake that only propelled to be much better!"

    Jennifer spoke after, "Yeah, I don't think I can leave this place anymore. It kinda feels warm and I want to make sure others are able to break out of bad habits. It's the least I can do to repay Second Chance."

    Jonathan spoke last, yet was also the grimmest, "There isn't a place in society for a person like me. I'll most likely have to go into hiding even after - I have too many enemies, lusting for my blood far too much. Regardless, it'll be a case of wherever the road leads me."

    Upon the group racing to a stop and watching the actions unfold, the following happened:

    Jennifer screamed as soon as she saw what was happening to the headteacher. She turned around and moved to hide behind her brother.

    Melanie attempted to rush forward and help, she already had tears in her eyes, she screamed, "NO!"

    Jonathan lashed outwards, gripping Melanie's arm tightly and pulling her back. Whatever had done that wasn't something they could turn on, "Come on guys, we can't stay here. Whatever just did that will be coming after us next." He seemed calm, almost used to seeing people die in such gruesome ways and the truth being, he was. He performed much worse executions before. However, the emotions still bubbled up inside him. He pulled on Melanie, patting King's shoulder twice before turning to the corner of which Rose's voice came from.

    He had seen Rose a few times around the school but had never gotten the courage to go talk to her. She was absolutely dazzling, a goddess amongst mortals; his new priority to protect. Jonathan wasn't very familiar with love - he resented everything - but the way he felt about her could only be summarised as absolute love.

    He pulled on Melanie, half-pushing her behind the corner, even against her constant aggressive struggle.

    "Let me go help him!"

    "No." Jonathan held her behind the wall, expecting the rest to come before they left.

    "R-Rose. Come with us. Whatever is happening, you, I mean me, I mean us. We can't be here, they might come for you next... come for us..." Dammit Jon, get a hold of yourself. This isn't the time to be lovestruck nor to be distracted. Think! His mind brought up a map of the school, figuring out all possible routes to take and where the best bet would be: The Library. Down the stairway between the Cafeteria and Girl's Dormitories. 3 sets of doors, 1 at the end of the stairway, 1 at the end of the first half of hallway, and 1 leading into the library.

    "Come on. We need to head to the library. If you see anyone along the way, make sure they follow us. We'll be stronger in numbers."
  8. Dangoon Trophy Collector

    May 4, 2016
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    A year had passed after that strange conversation at breakfast when after a third person appeared Vito got up and left. Vito has been able to reign in his emotions though his thoughts would occasionally think about him putting back on the Plague Doctor Mask and costume, but Vito is able to control those impulses. Vito also has been studying for a year so he could become a Prosecutor and make sure criminals get put away for good.

    Vito yawned he had stayed up the night before reading a mystery novel, he had a pop-tart hanging out of his mouth and his once messy black hair was now slicked back and he was now wearing orange tinted sunglasses instead of the plain glasses he was wearing a year ago. Vito was sitting were one of the Liberians usually sat he was a Liberian assistant a student who helped out in the Library he seemed to be one of the few people who wanted the duty anyway. Vito sighed it seemed it would be another lackluster day of boredom for him.
  9. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    +26 / 0 / -0
    Kara sighed leaned back in her computer chair. She was playing some mindless MMO, she'd gotten to a high level but she was only playing it due to boredom which is something that the game couldn't alleviate. She turned her head to look at the calendar on the wall, the evaluation day had a big red X on it. She wasn't exactly excited by the prospect of an early release. About six months into her stay at Second Chance, her secret laboratory set up in one of the janitor closets had been discovered, along with the fact that she used ether to knock her fellow students out to collect samples from them. Since that time she had been forever banned from the science wing of the school.

    But the six months after that had been pretty good. She'd started talking to her roommate, a nice girl by the name of Sarah. She'd killed the girl that her ex boyfriend had dated after he'd broken up with her to be with the other girl. A pretty mundane murder, actually. Nothing like the torturous deaths Kara had caused. Despite what the therapists had hoped, she never regretted her actions. As a matter of fact, aside from her game shock sites were her favorite things to do on the web.

    The dorm room opened and a groggy Sarah walked in wearing a bath towel. "My head hurts," the blonde girl said. "You didn't do anything to me in my sleep, did you?"
    "Not unless you count cuddling," Kara said.
    Sarah's retort was cut off by the sound of gunfire. Kara's eyes narrowed as the cacophony continued. Sarah ducked down, hiding under one of the beds.

    "The password for the security cameras," Kara demanded. Sarah told her in a fear filled tone. Clicking into the system, her screen transformed into multiple boxes showing various points across the campus. Several of them showed dismembered bodies that had once been staff members. But there were no monsters or gunmen in sight.
    "That's... weird."
    She watched as the Headteacher was chewed into nothingness.
    "We aren't going to class today," she told Sarah in a dull tone.

    Felix dropped the dumbbells to the floor with a clank. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with a towel and made his way toward the showers. He nodded in greeting to several of the other guys, and the occasional girl, in the weight room. The locker room was pretty much standard for anywhere, although the locker doors were made to be particularly difficult to remove. He moved into the shower area and pulled the curtain closed. Removing his clothes he reflected on the past year as he showered off.

    Things had gone well for him at Second Chance. He'd slipped back into his roll as a well liked and kind person and had made a decent group of friends. He spoke with Kurt when he could, the two had kind of hit it off on the first day.

    He'd kept his grades up and was looking forward to an early release. He just hoped that being sent here wouldn't screw up his chances with law enforcement. He'd seen Kara around but the two had never talked much. He'd actually been the one to turn her in to the staff. She was probably furious with him. Oh well, I guess.

    As he snugged his tie up to his neck he stepped out of the locker room and began heading towards math when everything went to hell.
  10. Kaede Trophy Hunter

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Beatrice's still remained the quiet student here at Second Chance. Perhaps it's because she doesn't talk much at all to the other students. She spends her time studying. This school has given her the life she never had. Beatrice still finds it hard to fit In though.

    Suddenly, Beatrice heard the gunshot echo. She quickly got up out of her chair. She always hid a letter opener in her pocket as a weapon in case something went down. First rule of survival on the street, every person for themselves. Second rule, know your surroundings then analyze your next move. This was the cold and harsh rule that Beatrice learnt the hard way. Her instinct kicked in and she walked cautiously as she goes to find out what's going on.
  11. Crazy Potato Designer

    Apr 13, 2013
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    +207 / 0 / -0
    Name: Shi, Akui AKA Mr. Death
    Reason for nickname: Given to him by the organization for his cold demeanor, no hesitation to succeeding his mission and true to his last name.
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Cold as ice, does not trust anyone but the organization.
    Appearance: 175cm, slicked backed White Hair (Medium length), Red and Blue Eyes, Skinny. Has well kept suit and standard clothes to "Fit in" currently he is wearing a red dress shirt with a black jacket over it, black jeans, red high top shoes.
    Age: 17
    Long Background:
    One night he heard a few noises coming from downstairs so he got out of bed and went to check it out. At the base of the stairs he noticed a man and a woman by their built, they warn masks so he could not tell how they looked like. The man had his mom and dad tied up in the living room while the woman held a silencer handgun and shot his mom in the head leaving a mess behind. Seeing this he clapped his hands "Nice! You seem to know what you're doing, mind if I join?"
    Shocked they did not expect the kids to be here! The man told the the woman to shoot as the bullet priced his shoulder he fell to the ground. "Ow!! You have terrible aim miss." as Shi got up the man stopped the woman "Hey, What's your name kid?" "Shi, Akui Shi" "Interesting name you got there, I want you to meet our boss he'll be very interested in you." "Sure, I don't see why not." The woman talked to the man angrily. After awhile the man spoke "My partner does not believe in you so I have a task for you, Kill your family." "eh? Fine." The woman was utterly appalled by that reply.

    The man tied a clothed around Shi's shoulder and manged to stopped the bleeding. Shi's dad was in tears screaming throughout the conversation they had, then silence fell upon the night once more as smoke peered from the gun. No mess was made it was a natural smooth kill "This kid is born to be an assassin!" The man said, The woman had no words to say 'I just started and I still don't have it in me yet this kid...' she thought awhile and knew at that moment their leader will be happy to know they found a potential successor to their organization. "One moment" Shi said as he walked up stairs the man called his organization. While the man was on the phone the woman started to clean up when they both heard faint shots being fired. Walking back downstairs "Now it's just us." Shi stated. Shocked they knew how many kids the Shi family had and one was really young too 'This kid is the devil himself, he is perfect!' The man knew at that moment he and his partner were getting promoted big time!

    Two years go by Akui learned a lot from the organization and succeeded in many missions till on a mission with two partners Ren and Kayla ended badly. Kayla was a cop and set up Akui and Ren, Ren gunned his way out but was killed as he fell into a lake. Kayla's mission was to find who the successor was and arrest him at all cost, her mission was a success. Shi was being transported when he manged to fatally wound Kayla, the only reason she was not killed was because there were so much officers on the transport bus on the way to court. During court the judge took a chance and decided to transport him to Second Chance High-School in hopes he'll change and be used for the Law instead many were in an uproar. The organization caught wind of the setup thanks to Ren, they'll use all their power to find him at all costs!

    That was years ago because the location of Second Chance is unknown and top secret even they will have a hard time. 'I need to find a way out my self in the mean time I'll act and lay low.' Shi knew that was the only way.
    As Akui was studying a gun shot was heard, he got up from his seat as quickly as possible to investigate out of nowhere locusts came in the room. He knew at that moment danger was near as he looked around as fast as he could he picked up cologne and reached in his pocket for his golden insignia lighter. The insignia was that of a snake wrapped around an apple, anyone who knew this insignia was a true killer and a member of the organization. As Akui lit his lighter and made a mini flame thrower, he burnt the locusts but they were already on his right arm tearing it he did not hesitate and burned his own arm.
    Free from danger his took off his jacket, wrapped his arm and went to investigate that gun shot when he saw a group of people around a body and noticed it was the headmaster 'Oh? Seems like the headmaster is also dead'.
    #71 Crazy Potato, Jun 2, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2016
  12. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    +63 / 0 / -0
    OOT: Welcome aboard, Tater. :)

    Things had been going fairly well for Kurt since the first day of school. He had above-average grades, nobody really gave him any trouble and he'd even made a friend despite all odds. Aside from a few casual acquaintances, Felix was his only friend at the school but that was enough for him. Sometimes, he even thought that his life was becoming something vaguely similar to "normal." He almost didn't want it to end; the thought crossed his mind that he just might be released on evaluation day. When the day came, he wondered what he would even do if he returned to the outside world. A small part of him wanted to stay. He began to think that he could get used to this school.

    Little did he know that this past year was just the calm before the storm.

    Kurt ran through the halls, checking around every corner frantically.
    "Felix...where is he?"
    He muttered to himself between heavy breaths. Out of all the questions that were racing through his mind, that one was the most important to him right now. Of course, he could think of many other questions if he allowed himself to stop for even a moment. Who or what was attacking the school? What did they want? And...how did they so thoroughly obliterate the teachers' bodies in such a short time? But he refused to even acknowledge those thoughts now. More than anything, he had to find Felix.

    Even when the occasional group of panicked students tried to run away from the danger, he pushed forward through the crowds to make sure he checked every last room. He wanted to call out, but he knew it was too great of a risk. He might be ambushed by whoever or whatever was attacking the school, then he wouldn't be any help to anyone. So he stepped quickly and lightly, making his way through the halls until he ran into a vaguely familiar female student who was carrying a letter opener. He came to a complete stop and took some time to catch his breath.

    "Something about that scar...I think I've seen her around the school before. Wasn't her name..."
    After thinking to himself for a moment, he called out.
    "...Beatrice, right? I don't know if you've noticed, but things have gone to hell pretty fast. Something looks like it's...eating the teachers. I don't know, that sounds weird, but it's the only way I can describe it."
    He took a quick look around the halls again before continuing.
    "I'm looking for a guy named Felix, have you seen him? Black hair, green eyes, kinda acts like a boy scout?"


    Things hadn't gone well for Stefan in the last year.

    Because of his superstar status, he'd expected to have a legion of fans by now. It turns out that a lot of Second Glance's students were either criminals, psychopaths or something in-between. The rest just couldn't be bothered. He had made a few adoring fans here and there, but hardly enough to crown himself king of the school as he thought he should be by now. His grades suffered as well, since he couldn't be bothered with things like homework and studying. When he was told that there was a chance he might not be released from the school on evaluation day, he nearly exploded in rage.

    Unfortunately, that would soon prove to be the least of his problems.

    Stefan's heart was pounding as he hid behind the corner of the hallway. When he heard the gunshots, he dropped everything he was doing and ran for his life. Paranoid and thoroughly shaken, he carefully crept from room to room as he looked for a safe place to hide. This time, he was passing by the headmaster's office, thinking that surely he must be safe from all of this. Finally, he turned the corner and slowly walked up to the office, not even saying a word to the male student who was blankly staring inside.
    "Uh...Elroy-- no, Mr. Elro-- Principal Elroy?"
    He spoke in a meek tone as he was slowly peeking his head inside the room.
    "What's going on here--"
    He froze mid-sentence, a look of shock and terror now on his face. His eyes widened and began to tear up, his mouth hung wide open and despite his best attempts to scream, he could only manage a faint. high-pitched whine.
    "Mother of God..."
    He looked up at the boy with red and blue eyes who seemed unnaturally calm about the situation.
    "How...how can you just stare at this?! There's a dead man right in front of our eyes!! What's wrong with you?!"
    He saw some of the other students leaving down the hall, apparently sticking together for safety, and motioned to them.
    "Come on, we gotta get out of here before we end up like...like...like him! Maybe those guys are going somewhere safe, or at least somewhere safer than here!"
  13. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    I just came from there. No problem to find my way back.
    "Let's go, quickly. Be sure to stop any students that are coming this way. Some of them might lose it if they see what has happened, Jonathan."
    Nervousness, stuttering... yes, those were some symptoms of a sickness Jonathan had, known as love. It didn't take a high skill in understanding and predicting people to figure that out.
    A bad time to feel that way right now.
    Rose turned around and began to quickly return to the library, taking lead of the group, being sure to crouch beneath the windows as she passed them.
    She was no stranger to the death and violence, that was common enough when she used to be in the lab years ago and there was a reject sample.

    "Keep low. We don't need to become easier targets for... whatever it is."
  14. Kaede Trophy Hunter

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Although Beatrice hadn't talked to him much, she still remembered his name.
    "I am Beatrice... And I'm assuming you are Kurt." She stopped walking.
    " I think it is quite obvious something is wrong." Her voice still had that chilling tone.
    "I do not know where Felix is. My main objective is to find out what is happening..." She paused to properly face Kurt. " Perhaps that could lead to the one you seek..." She answered before slowly walking off again.
  15. Crazy Potato Designer

    Apr 13, 2013
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    I need some medical supplies otherwise I won't have an arm and this person might get me killed from the way he's acting. "Sorry, I need to get a few things from the Nurses office. Go on with me."
    This whole thing might be some experiment, it's better to find clues about the whole ordeal first. 'Where is the gun?' sadly I have no time to look, I turned around and continued to walk towards the nurses office. My arm started throbbing I need to hurry! Akui quickened his pace down the hallways.

    OOT: I re-read and found out students can't see the bugs and I was to late to fix current the problem. I did read all the pages but 2, this was early in the morning when I was somewhat buzzed.... Sorry about that. I'll fix the error down the line when he discovers that others can't see them. I'll say his killer instincts allow him to see the dangers or something. Thank goodness I said that in the first post when he sensed danger.... lol
    #75 Crazy Potato, Jun 2, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2016
  16. Nejat Defender of the Morgue

    Jun 18, 2014
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    OOT: The way the bugs work is that if you're 18 or over, you can see them. That said, currently Jon/Vito/Beatrice/Melanie/Shi are 18 and can see them.

    Therefore your post is entirely valid.
    #76 Nejat, Jun 3, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2016
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Crazy Potato Designer

    Apr 13, 2013
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    OOT: Akui is 17 written down but like in the pm he could be 20yro. One of the other members can say "How can you see them giving our ages if I'm not mistaken you're 17!", when he trusts someone or he'll reveal his age later down the line when someone/everyone else discovers the age recruitment.
  18. Nejat Defender of the Morgue

    Jun 18, 2014
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    OOT: I thought he was 17 when he first came to Second Chance? Don't forget that we had a 1 year time-skip.
  19. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    OOT: I was talking to Nej recently about someone who isn't 18 with the unique ability to see the Locust. I don't see a problem with your character having the ability.

    King stood in shock. Not because of How gruesome the death he just saw Was but because of there being a lack of any evidence that something happened. King heard what Jonathan said about getting to the Library and he turned over to him. Though the situation was really terrible he Wasn't going to back down from anything that might be destroying the school.

    "You guys head on down to the Library without me. I'm gonna go look for other students they deserve a chance to live too. Regardless if we dislike them or not we need to protect what we do have in case there is something or someone around. Don't try to stop me. It won't change the fact I'm doing this. Lou, Jennifer. Go with Jonathan he will get you two to safety. Melanie, Jonathan bring everyone else here back to the Library."

    King waved goodbye to his friends and began to walk in the opposite direction of them. Immediately raising his voice. "Kurt, Kara, Felix, Stefan!" he shouted once. As he made progress down the hallway he would keep shouting their names. He started by walked to Karas dorm and knocking on the door. "Kara, if you're in there come on. Its not safe on main campus. Pack your stuff we need to head down to the Library."

    King waited for her to open the door.

    Lou felt his sister hide behind him and didnt pay much mind to it. Upon hearing what king said he turned to Jonathan. "Well let's go than. We need to get a move on. King will come back just fine. If you see anyone bring them along with you. He was right we need people right now."

    Lou never let Jennifer feel like she was in a position of vulnerability around him. He would protect her no matter what.
  20. Nejat Defender of the Morgue

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Melanie looked visibly broken. She was shaking and kept repeating, "M-mr Elroy... I'll help you..." She had gone limp in his arms, her struggle over. At the moment Jonathan decided to move forward, she passed out.

    Jonathan nodded, suddenly his entire demeanour had changed. His mind switched from 'don't make a fool out of yourself in front of Rose' to 'Survive'. "Let's go." He tried to shake the image of what he just saw out of his head. Those things ripping through the poor man. He pointed at anyone else which wasn't originally with them, "All of you, stick close. You don't want those things coming next to you, nevertheless on you." He careless chucked his extended cane towards Stefan, "Hit anything that gets in our way that isn't another student. Defend the back." He slipped an arm behind Melanie's back, another under her legs and lifted her up. "Let's go." He led the way down the hall, slowing down at corners to peer around the sides to make sure it was clear. Anytime he saw another student, he raised his voice, "Students, follow us to safety. There is power in numbers and we do not want to be alone in this crisis."

    Jennifer followed her brother closely. His very presence reassured her and believed in his ability to protect them. She also trusted that Jonathan would be able to navigate them safely. Over the year she hadn't met anyone nearly as cunning and smart as him and now, it really was his time to lead. "I'm scared..." She held her brother's hand - an act she would do since their childhood whenever their father came home reeking of alcohol.

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