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America: the World's Policeman

Discussion in 'Hall of the Elders' started by Timekeeper, May 15, 2016.

  1. Timekeeper Great Big Jerk

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Now honestly with America's foreign policy we're pretty much hot and cold.

    Places where the US has helped: Gulf War, Korean War, post WWII Japan, the Balkan Wars

    Places where the US has made things worse: Majority of South America, Somalia, Vietnam, Afghanistan

    So what's your opinion on the matter? Should we remove ourselves from the world stage and let other countries do what they want or should we remain as the world's cop because there's no one else to stand up and take the responsibility?
  2. Vashnik Guest

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    Personally, I think we need to step down and force the UN to be the world police. Make them spend money on policing the world. Make them pay our military expenses if they want our military to intervene. The only time we should intervene without the UN paying us to do so is when it actually impacts us: war is declared on us; threats are made against us. Let it be known that although we won't be policing the world, we will show our military might and wipe the floor with them if they want to pick a fight with us. But let us also not waste money helping the very people who despise us. If they don't like us, then they must not need our humanitarian resources either.

    We also need to stop dictating what Japan can and can't do. They're no longer a threat to our security, their culture has progressed beyond imperialism. Why are we even restricting their military anymore? We may have helped them post WW2, but we're still trying to control them in 2016. Maybe if we stopped trying to control foreign nations, we can finally get control of our own borders and put a stop the invasion (illegal immigration), especially from the southern border, or at least severely cripple the invasions.
    #2 Vashnik, May 16, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  3. Timekeeper Great Big Jerk

    Apr 28, 2013
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    I think it pretty much has to do with Kim Jong-un's consistent threats. He not only hates South Korea, but Japan as well because of their hand in mistreating the Korean people during WWII. That's not to say SK isn't annoyed, but at least they're able to put aside some differences and join Japan to tell NK to back off.

    Also, if anything, we should try and help out Mexico clean up their quite messy country because of the fact that our border is a fair bit difficult to patrol all at once. We've been helping their government with the Drug War for years, but it's not enough to stop the cartels

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