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Lazarus: Land Of The Elements

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by BlackHeartedRose, Dec 7, 2016.

  1. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    As Sylvia was headed home, she wasn't to far from her home when she felt something hit her from behind, causing her to fall. Her supplies had been scattered from the collision and she quickly started gathering them up. Some of the supplies might seem out of the ordinary for a normal person. After she gathered everything she stood up and turned her attention to the woman. Taking a step back in order to keep her face hidden.
    it took a moment and then she remembered there was a path not far from them that lead deeper into the woods. Sylvia pointed in the direction
    "If you take this path and turn right at the fork, it will lead you further into the woods, sorry I can't be much help"
    She couldn't have the woman follow her back to her home, she promised to protect it and since she didn't know the woman, didn't know if she was able to trust her with knowing where she lived.
    She started to walk away, but by the time she took about 5 steps she heard a male voice speaking to them.

    The king?
    she thought, why would the king be interested in her? no one knows about me or who i am or even that I exist.
    She started walking backwards, but cautiously.
    "I'm sorry but I must get home, its getting late. Besides, I don't think your king would want anything to do with me"
  2. RenNya Trophy Hunter

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Lucille was totally following Gideon around. Kind of mindlessly, almost sleep walking. She just wanted to sleep more, but noooooo. She snapped back to attention after Gideon started talking. "Huh, What's happening?" She looked around at the people he was talking to. "I must have missed something."

    ((OOT: I'm still trying to get into the swing of forum rping again so I'm really sorry if I miss something and make short posts again ;n; ))
  3. Heizengard AKA Cernel Joson

    Apr 11, 2013
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    Name: Gerick

    Age: 28

    Personality: Calculating and composed. Very few situations are able to freak him out.

    Appearance: Wears light grey clothing and has short brown hair. Is missing a finger on his left hand.

    Short Background: After the leader of the earth kingdom went missing, Gerick left the kingdom as a refugee, setting his sights on the air kingdom. Not much is known about him.

    Which Kingdom you would like to represent: Earth/Air

    Weapons: A dagger that he keeps to his side and a blowgun.

    OOC: I'll post more later.
  4. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Lain bowed to show acceptance of her queen's wishes. "I simply ask what my mission entails, your majesty," Lain asked.

    Duke Anias gave his daughter a concerned look at her eagerness to throw herself to her death.
  5. BlackHeartedRose The Bookworm

    Feb 15, 2015
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    Earth Queen hasn't disappeared just yet..
    OOT: I will be replying pretty soon.
  6. Rouge_assassin Trophy Hunter

    Apr 21, 2013
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    OOT: alright getting back into RPing here so please forgive the rustiness.... And here's to adventure! Also I'll add a reply later since I'm posting this really late.

    Name: Haseo Hurai


    Personality: Fiery yet charmingly calm. (thats if you haven't managed to piss him off)

    Short Background about the character: Haseo Hurai comes from a huge family of mountain rangers so naturally he was raised with a sense to protect and serve his Kingdom along with how to fight multiple ways. This included learning how to use dual broad swords, all the martial art skills that comes with it, knife fighting skills and marksmanship with a bow. These skills have been passed down thru his family for generations and his family is well known for it. Certain members from this family are also well known for their control over the element of fire and the many ways in which they can use it to their advantage. These few have figured out a whole set of techniques and tools that have been passed down to those who unlock their potential abilities. The Hurai family has been serving the Fire Kingdom for generations both in times of keeping peace and in war. More recently members of the Hurai clan ether find themselves being employed protecting outlining villages from bandits or becoming mountain guides.

    Appearance: He's 5'10" with long black hair and brown eyes. He also wears fighters robes that are black, dark red and forest green.

    Which Kingdom you would like to represent: The Kingdom of Fire

    Weapons: Dual broad swords, fighting knife, and a bow and arrow. All of which have been passed down from his family masters and can be used with his fire abilities.
    #46 Rouge_assassin, Dec 19, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2016
  7. Rayden413 Trophy Hunter

    Oct 29, 2016
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    Shunsui shook his head when he was asked the question from Cinder. "The Palace has several safeguards in place. The Royal Guard should already know that there was an intruder based on the specifications of what the wards around the Palace do. The intruder may or may not be identified by the wards. It is unlikely that we will be targeted. Furthermore, I wouldn't be a suspect in any event. All Guardsmen are warded by the King to never bring harm to him. I'm as good as a witness as there is." He walked over to the site at which the woman had disappeared from holding his hand out to where she once stood feeling the air tingle with the residual use of strange magic. He was no adept at using his powers but he could tell from the way the energy felt, that it was not like any magic from any of the Kingdoms. "A person like this shouldn't exist..." He whispered to himself not really caring if anyone heard him.

    He turned back to Cinder. "We will need to organize the Head Families of the Fire Kingdom. Without a leader, we will all fall into Chaos. I will be working directly with the Royal Guard and Shadow Guard to appoint a representative of the City. As per the law, a Regent needs to be appointed."

    Sakurako walked over to a chair and sat down, crossing her legs as if to get serious. "I know the letter is real. I know that you need Cinder for a mission, but you said earlier that, and I quote, 'Troublesome times are coming.' As a member of the Shadow Guard, I need to know what this is about." She shifted in her chair not exactly comfortable talking for as long as she has or with as long as she will need to. "The reputation of the Water Priestesses is very well known among all organizations who seek to know the unknowable. For your help in this, the Shadow Guard is willing to make an exception and make a special appeal to our King to have you released, posthaste."
  8. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    "That is more your style. I'm just the guy who makes house calls to people who need to be judged or executed."
    Cinder turned away, making his way out of the room.
    "Since I have nothing to do now that the king is missing, I'll go speak with the woman from earlier."
    I did agree to speak to her, after all.

    Shizukesa closed her eyes, remembering the knowledge that came to her of the future to come.

    "In all honesty, I don't know much, except for that the balance of power will be upset, at least for awhile. Kings and Queens will go missing."
    Opening her eyes, she stared at the woman.
    "I didn't really need to come, since this was trip was of a personal interest. I wanted to employ the help of someone who was skilled yet detached from his group, which was why I came for Cinder. The talk about troublesome times was just an excuse that also happened to be true. I told the queen that there would be trouble, but I did not tell her about how kings and queens will disappear. Since it will happen regardless of the efforts made, I chose to remain quiet so as to reduce the amount of guards the would get harmed. Cruel, I know, but it was the way of keeping damages to a minimum."
  9. Rouge_assassin Trophy Hunter

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Haseo removed the hood as he moved through the outer city. To anyone it would look like any normal city busy with trade and everyday business. But to Haseo he could tell that something was up and that it would soon effect the kingdom as time went on. Haseo made sure his broad swords where wrapped up so he wouldn't be seen as a problem. he came here with good intent in seeing the king.

    He made his way to the inner city's gate, where he met a guard. He took a letter of mark out of his robe and handed it to one of the guards.
    "My name is Haseo Hurai of the Hurai mountain rangers and I wish to ether speak with the king or a member of his guard. This might sound strange, but I have a sense that some dark times may be coming and I want to make sure I'm in the best place to serve my kingdom. This letter should prove who I am and my purpose here."
  10. BlackHeartedRose The Bookworm

    Feb 15, 2015
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    “Your mission is to retrieve Shizukesa. I sense that the balance has been disrupted. It’s not safe for her to be in the Fire Kingdom any longer,” Queen Elena responded. She smiled at the young girl. “I know you won’t disappoint me. Also don’t worry. I will be sending some of my guards with you for protection.”

    She looked over at Duke Anias. “I can see you have concerns, but I promise your daughter will be safe.”

    “I shouldn’t have sent Shizukesa to talk to Cinder. I should have stopped her from going. Troubling times are definitely ahead.”

    Queen Elena’s smile dropped from her face again.


    Zael awoke a few hours later with a headache. He looked around and realized that he wasn’t in the castle anymore. “Where am I? What happened to me?”

    His anger started to flare after he remembered the battle. He lost to a little girl. “When I see her again I’m going to kill her.”

    “You shouldn’t make threats that you won’t be able to keep,” Aurora’s voice replied from nowhere.

    “You’re not even here. How are you talking to me,” Zael asked.

    “I can hear what you say. I have ties to this realm no matter where I am. It is my realm after all. ”

    “Who are you? What do you want with me,” Zael asked. His head was still pounding. His anger was starting to dissipate.

    “You know me as Luna right now, but my real name is Aurora. As for what you’re doing there...I will tell you when the other three arrive. I have my reasons for taking you.”

    Zael’s eyes widened. “Aurora…but you’re…”

    Zael wasn’t able to finish his sentence because he was too stunned. Why would someone this important want anything to do with him? He was confused now. He also had other questions for her. He couldn’t formulate anymore words.

    “Everything will be revealed to you when I come back to my realm. I promise you, Zael,” Aurora responded her voice softening.

    “Will you answer one question for me?”

    “Of course, you can ask me anything.”

    “Now that I’m in your realm what will become of my Kingdom and the balance between the other elemental kingdoms?”

    “The balance between the elements will become unstable. The element you control will run rampant. Your guards are probably going to find a regent. That won't help as much as they think it will. The amulet you wear around your neck keeps the balance between the elements in complete control. Also they would need an heir to run the kingdom of Fire. You don’t have one yet. The only Kingdom that has an heir is air. The balance is going to remain shattered until I return you to the human realm. That may take a while. It all depends on the four of you.”

    “You’re bringing all four of us here? Don’t you think that’s a little dangerous?”

    “It is, but I have no other choice.”

    “I’ll trust your judgment. Why did you come after me first?”

    “Do you see your attitude,” Aurora asked while laughing.

    “You have a point there,” Zael blushed and laughed a little too.

    “I’m going to be talking to Yuri in a few minutes. I need to go.”


    Yuri was pacing back and forth. That dream from a few nights ago was bothering him. He sighed, but he knew that he would get his answers pretty soon. The guards were bringing the girl in now. He noticed that she was trying to keep a smile on her face. The guards were hauling her in by her arms.

    “You may release the girl,” Yuri responded.

    “Yes, your highness,” the guards responded skeptical. They didn’t trust this girl. They let her go as the King ordered.

    Aurora’s amulet turned pink. The guards and the whole castle besides Yuri and his daughter froze in time. She didn’t anyone else hearing this conversation. King Yuri looked at the amulet she wore around her neck. He noticed it was very different from his own.

    “I guess this really isn’t a formal visit then, is it?”

    “I’m sorry, Yuri, but I can’t have anyone else hear this. I need you to come with me.”

    “Where do you need me to go with you?”

    “I need you to go to my realm with me. If I have to defeat you to come with me I will, but I don’t want to fight you.”

    “There will be no need. If you need me to go with you then I will go with you. I knew you were coming. I just didn’t know when.”

    Aurora smiled sadly. “Your daughter will be coming with us. I know she can’t be separated from you.”

    Yuri nodded.

    “We must leave now. My power will not hold up much longer. I used too much of my power when I was at Zael’s kingdom. I have very limited power in the human world. I will explain everything to all of you in due time.”

    Yuri nodded again.

    Aurora smiled at him. He was an easy going guy. That was what she loved about him. She opened the portal to her realm. Her power disappeared after that. The guard’s eyes widened when they saw that the woman, their King, and their daughter went missing.

    “Only two more left…Elena may be hard to influence without fighting. Calista will be easy especially if she knows her brother is missing,” Aurora thought to herself.
    #50 BlackHeartedRose, Dec 19, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2016
  11. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    OOT: So for the sakes of keep a coherent narrative, the gala with Lain and Water Queen happened in the past. Sooo Lain will arrive during the fire king kidnapping.

    "I'll go alone," Lain said calmly. "It will be easier to infiltrate the Fire Lands if I'm alone. I will complete my task, Tide be my witness."

    With that said she turned and walked from the ballroom. She stood outside in the cold staring up at the moon. Her fingers stroked the spine of the old book in her handbag as her mind began contemplating her moves. Shizukesa was somewhere in the fire lands. It would be difficult to find her, but then again she'd probably be in the capitol, somewhere. She had no idea who Shizukesa even was.
    Details," she said with a verbal shrug.

    Purchasing the ticket for the trip to the fire lands was simple. The trip itself was filled with bored tension. Landing in one of the harbor towns, she made her way to the capitol just in time to catch the tail end of the fight between Shizukesa and some fire kingdom brute. She'd chosen a burgundy cloak to cover her leather armor and keep her sword from being too obviously displayed.

    She scoffed a little from the crowd as so many members of the elite shadow guard revealed themselves. But of course those were only the ones who let themselves be seen. How many more were observing from the crowd as she was? It didn't really trouble her all that much though. With what she hoped seemed to be a curious peasant tagging along for the juiciest bit of gossip, Lain followed the guard party that was escorting Shizukesa to jail.


    Meanwhile the ship carrying Mew lands in the fire kingdom.
  12. Rouge_assassin Trophy Hunter

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Haseo couldn't help but notice that a few of the guards where frantically running around the castle. Whatever's going on, it might be a good bet that the royal guards captain might have his hands tied right now.

    Haseo smiled at the guards. "Please be sure to hand that to the captain of the guard and tell him I'll be hanging around the markets. I have a few things that I need to sell. But don't worry, I won't cause any trouble!" Haseo said as he made his way to the markets.

    Haseo sold the things that he had acquired from his journey. most where rewards for doing things for people along the way. It was the way of both the Hurai family and the Hurai rangers to help out anyone in need. Some where given to him while others he gained as a result of the job given to him. As he came out of the last shop, he couldn't help but chuckle and talk to himself about how lucky he's been.

    "I did not imagine those scales going for that much.... who would have thought." He sat down for a minute to visually count out all he had in his money pouch. Even through he didn't show it, he was supersized at how much he actually had this time.

    "Oh wow. I didn't expect to be doing this well." He took off his bag and looked through it, finding his leather gauntlets. The stitching on one was broken as the result of his last fight with a beast. "Well it's never good to have this much while traveling. Might as well get my armor fixed and see what else is here in the markets."

    As he wandered the markets looking for Leatherswork shop, his mind started to wander and he started wondering along with it. before he knew it he found himself at one of the older shops. he stepped inside and found a lot of old jewelry and all kinds of small metal crafting tools. at a first glance some of the tools looked normal but a closer look reviled that most where made for craftsman who had the ability to control fire themselves. Haseo picked up a small engraving tool and looked at how it was made. "Hmm, didn't know anyone else outside my clan's family used this kind of tools...."

    "Hmm, you'll be surprised at what you can find here in the capital my dear."

    Haseo looked around to find a little old lady inspecting a on a silver pendant over at the counter.
    "The day's been full of suprises for me. But I am just a young mountain ranger so really haven't been around much!"
    The old shop keeper smiled back at him.
    "Ah I see. So your a Mountain ranger. Would you happen to be from the Hurai clan by any chance? I've known a few whom come through here looking for tools like the one your looking at." She couldn't help but laugh a little. "It's been a while but you wouldn't have happened to have lost your tools, have you?"

    Haseo was about to say something but something on the far wall caught his eye. He caught a bright glow of a stone that somehow looked familiar. As he got closer he could see a richly colored fire opal, shining brightly as he looked at it. It was a oval shaped stone set in a gold amulet that has some age to it. As he picked it up it shimmered like it had a little flame dancing in it. The shopkeeper also noticed his interest.

    "Ah, I see you have a good eye as well. thats a very interesting piece in itself. I should know, it's been sitting here with me examining it for a good while " The old lady said with a smile.

    "I've seen something like this before. Every portrait of my great ancestor that I've seen I've always noticed him wearing a amulet just like this one. He sort of became a role model of sorts to me as a child. I was told right after his death that it vanashed without a trace. It was always assumed that a bandit might have taken it...." Haseo said as he continued to look at the fire opal amulet.

    "How much for it, if you don't mind?"

    "Hmm, since it's been here for a good while and after hearing your story.... I think I can give you a good discount! As long as you buy a couple metal smithing tools off of me that is." The old lady winked at haseo.

    Haseo smiled at the old shop keeper's charming offer. "that sounds like a good deal to me. I needed to replace some tools anyways and I've been lucky enough on my journey to have been able to make a good amount as well."
  13. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    OOT: These Christmas colors make my eyes want to scream.

    Gideon gave Lucille a quick glance and quietly replied.
    "Indeed you have. Do try to pay more attention from now on."
    Somehow, in that brief moment of time, the mysterious girl from the king's dream slipped out of sight. Whether she moved too quickly for the eye to see or disappeared entirely they couldn't tell, but neither Gideon or the guards had any idea which way she went, much to their shock. They wouldn't find out until later that she was apprehended by the royal guard...who were much closer to the castle than they were to Gideon's entourage.
    One of Gideon's guards spoke up, saying what the other guards were thinking.
    "Should we give chase, my lord?"
    Gideon, the only one who remained entirely calm in this strange situation, shook his head.
    "How would we even begin to look for her? If she can move that quickly, she is surely well outside of our grasp now. Let us focus on the matter at hand."

    He turned back to the hooded girl, who was now walking away from them. Gideon signaled for the others to wait and followed at a distance, keeping pace with her so that she was still within earshot. When he was far enough away from Lucille and the guards, he spoke up.
    "You say that the king would have no reason to meet with you, but we both know that's not true. I've already seen it. The moment when that girl ran into you...it was brief, but your hood came down just enough for me to notice those eyes of yours, though I believe none of my companions saw it."
    They were almost to the cottage. He decided that if this last attempt to convince her failed, he would have to come back later.
    "I will admit that I have no proof of this...however, I believe that dark times are approaching. Not just for us, but for all the kingdoms of this land. If my guess is right and you do wield the power of the elements, I must ask, will you still walk away when that power could help save our people?"
    As they approached the front door, he still kept his distance, alone and unarmed, to show that he had no intentions to force her into anything. He simply waited for her answer.
  14. Rayden413 Trophy Hunter

    Oct 29, 2016
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    Sakurako listened to Shizukesa's story and nodded. Still uncomfortable with talking for as long as she had, she shifted again in her chair. "You tell quite a tale Priestess. If things are as you say, then the dark times will be upon us soon." He stood and started heading for the door. "The door will be unlocked. The Shadow Guard are taking this matter seriously. Recently there were several reports from across the Kingdoms from Oracles and other Priestesses such as yourself who have said the same thing. Don't worry about my brother, the Shadow Guard will be taking things into their hands in this matter. We just needed to confirm with you to get facts straight. You're free to go." With that she walked out of the building and spoke briefly with the guards. When she was finished she vanished in a whirl of fire.

    Shunsui watched Cinder walk away and began organizing the Guard into what they were meant to do in such situations. He gave orders to several of the Runners to gather all Captains of all Guards. It was likely that the Shadow Guard Captain would be appearing before long and the Royal Guard Captain would be along shortly. In addition the leaders of all the Head Houses would be arriving once they have gotten his messages. He also sent word to all Guard Squads to begin to lock down the City. "This will not be easy."

    He made his way into the Grand Meeting Hall. A hall with a large table that was meant to seat all members of rank and station within the city. It wasn't long when he received a message from a runner from the outer city informing him that a certain Ranger was making an appearance and had requested an audience with the King. "Just what I need now. Someone asking for the King when he isn't even here." He turned to the runner and spoke directly to him. "Return to this Ranger and tell him that he isn't going to be able to see the King. However, I will meet with him personally on this matter once my duties are complete. If he requires lodging, inform him to go to the Crimson Flame Inn in the outside the Guard's Square. Tell him also that to mention that Captain Kurohomura sent him when he speaks to the Innkeeper. That will get him lodging paid by the Guard until I can meet with him." He began to notice that the other Captains had begun to arrive. "Now go." Upon his command, the Runner that had brought him the message had left to make his way back to the Ranger.

    Within a couple minutes the entire Guard was assembled with all ranking member of the Head Houses. Once they were seated he began his report. "I'm sure some of you are wondering why the King didn't send for you himself, and why the Inner City is now in a scramble to lock down the City. Fellow members of the Council, it is with my great regret to inform you..." And with that, the proceedings began.

    OOT: I'm not going to narrate the entire meeting. That's too boring and it is a waste of space. I'll skip to the end on my next post.
  15. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Sylvia stopped dead in her tracks when she heard the guards voice. Her eyes widen when she realized she was careless and he had followed her. The cottage was within their sight and it was to late now to turn back and lead him away. So she just continued to walk, hoping that maybe he would leave, but instead he continued to follow. When he mentioned that he saw her eyes, she let out a huff of frustration. She really was careless. When she reached the door to her cottage she turned to face him.
    "So you saw my eyes?"
    She sighed and dropped her hands to her side. After a moment of thinking it through she decided not to hide it anymore, she reached up and pulled the hood of her cloak down, revealing her hair and her eyes. Born of two different elements, branded her with her two different eyes and silver hair, it made her unique. Her appearance was only thought to be a myth
    "Even if I wielded a power of the elements, it wouldn't be enough to save the kingdoms of this land"
    she looked up at him
    "Besides, why should I help the kingdom? The only ones I would help would be those that I care about in town. Everyone else has either left me, because of the kingdoms and their laws, or died"
    She turned her back for a moment to unlock the door, she turned the key halfway and stopped, she let out a sigh before speaking
    "What exactly have you heard about me?"
    curious as to what tales were being told and how anyone discovered her. She finished unlocking the door and pushed it open and turned to look at him
    "It would be rude for me not to invite you in, and since I'm certain you have a bit to tell me about how and what you heard of me..."
    she paused a moment
    "Would you care for some tea?"
  16. BlackHeartedRose The Bookworm

    Feb 15, 2015
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    Aurora led Yuri to where Zael was. “Take a seat anywhere you like. I have to still retrieve Calista and Elena. You’ll be seeing your sister soon, Zael.”

    Zael smiled. It’s been a few years since he last saw her. He missed her. He looked over at Yuri. “I haven’t seen you since the funeral of your wife. How’ve you been, man?”

    “I’ve been okay. It’s been hard on me since I lost my wife. I know I seem happy all the time, but that’s not the case. I’ve been sad, but I have been keeping busy. My daughter has also been taking up a lot of my time. She’s a daddy’s girl completely. She doesn’t really like too many people,” Yuri responded.

    “You still helping people in your village? I admire you, Yuri.”

    Yuri smiled and laughed a little bit. “You could always do the same thing.”

    “I really don’t have the patience. I am always angry.”

    Aurora sat down on one of her couches. She needed to take a quick break before she set out to the human realm again. “It’s been so long since I’ve been in the human realm. It’s taken a lot of my energy. I should start going down there more often.”

    “You should learn some self control. Maybe then people in your villages wouldn’t be afraid of approaching you,” Yuri responded distracting Aurora from her thoughts. His daughter woke up a few minutes later. She looked around. She then saw Aurora. She felt drawn to her for some reason. She left Yuri’s arms and started walking over to Aurora.

    “Yeah, yeah,” Zael replied. He rolled his eyes.

    “You’re really brutal,” Aurora responded. She felt a tug on the sleeve of her shirt. She looked down to see Amelia. She lifted the little girl into her arms. Amelia smiled. Yuri was in shock.

    “I’m surprised she went to you. I can hardly get her to go to anyone else. She doesn’t really like the maids in my castle. How did you do that,” Yuri asked giving Aurora a skeptical look.

    “I’ll explain why later. I need to go get Zael’s sister,” Aurora responded giving Yuri his daughter back. Tears sprang into the little girl’s eyes. Aurora patted her head. “Don’t worry little one. I’ll be back. I promise.”

    After that Aurora disappeared from her realm.


    Calista was looking out of the window in her throne room. She had a lot of stuff on her mind. She couldn’t sense her brother anymore. She was very worried.

    “Your highness,” one of her guard’s said.

    She looked at him. “Yes?”

    “We have the report you needed.”

    “Thank you. You’re good to go. Have a nice rest of your day,” she responded. The guard bowed and walked out of the room.

    “Why did I have to become Queen of this castle? I want to go search for my brother. I know he’s still alive, but I can’t sense him. Why did my brother and I have to born of different elements? I know when my parents were married they were able to marry who they wanted. Now it’s forbidden to be married out of the Kingdom. I wonder who came up with such a stupid law.”

    Calista went back to staring out the window. She sighed. She was really worried about Zael. That was the only thing on her mind. She didn’t really care about the villagers right now.

    Calista was so wrapped in her thoughts that she didn’t even realize that Aurora had entered her palace. She was standing right in front of her. None of her guards were around either.

    Aurora cleared her throat causing Calista to look up. Aurora smile at the girl. Calista didn’t smile back.

    “Who are you and what are you doing in my castle?”

    “My name is Luna. I know where your brother is.”

    “Yeah, right, I highly doubt that you know where my brother is. No one in his stupid kingdom knows where he is either,” Calista responded in a cruel tone.

    Aurora smiled at the young girl again. Her body started to glow. “If you take my hand now I will bring you to where your brother is.”

    Calista looked into Aurora’s eyes and realized that she was telling the truth. Calista smiled and took Aurora’s hand. Together they went back to her realm.

    I knew it was going to be easy to convince Calista to come with me,” Aurora thought. She led Calista to her brother. Calista’s eyes widened when she saw that her brother was safe. She ran over to her brother. She jumped into his arms with tears in her eyes. Zael smiled and hugged his little sister tight.

    Aurora smiled at the touching brother sister moment. After that she felt her body was starting to weaken. She needed to go get Elena and she needed to get her now. She sighed. She knew that her next victim wasn’t going to be so easy…
  17. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Gideon bowed politely and replied.
    "Certainly. Thank you for the kind offer."
    He made his way inside the house where he was invited to sit down in front of a table while the girl brewed some tea. As he calmly waited, he looked around her house, taking in the sight of it and noting the small details to himself. When she returned and handed him a tea cup, he took it and nodded.
    "Thank you again for your hospitality. Now, I believe you had asked me how I found out about you."
    He took a drink before continuing.
    "It was no easy task, let me assure you. In fact, before I arrived, I thought it entirely possible that your existence was merely a bit of folklore, an old wives' tale if you will. As for how I found out, you have to understand, information is of the utmost concern to me; I have eyes and ears all over the kingdom. Even then, the fact that you were able to stay unnoticed for so long is a testament to how secretive this village truly is, even for me."
    He took another sip of his tea. While it wasn't as refined as the tea he was used to drinking at the palace, he still appreciated its...rustic charm.
    "I could hardly gather much more than rumors and hearsay from a distance. Even when I arrived and asked the villagers myself, they were quite reluctant to tell me anything of substance, even after I showed them the king's seal."
    He smiled ever so slightly.
    "You should know that they speak very highly of you. It seems you've made quite an impression on them. And it was good to hear that you care about them in return."
    Then his face turned more serious than before.
    "But I have to wonder...if something were to happen, would you be able to protect them by yourself? How much do you think you can accomplish alone?"
  18. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Cinder made his way out of the castle, seeing a woman of the Shadow Guard vanish in a whirl of flames.
    Wish I could do that.
    After asking a guard for Shizukesa's place of captivity, Cinder made his way to her.
    So, she was released. I'll find her before she leaves.
    Cinder came into the lobby of the the prison Shizukesa was being kept at. After speaking to the guard, he retrieved her blades to return to her.
    Walking into the high-class prison suites, Cinder met Shizukesa as she made her way through the halls.

    "Just as I thought, we were able to see each other once more. I did have misgivings and think you wouldn't come."
    "I keep my word. Here."
    Cinder held out the two blades he obtained earlier, and Shizukesa took back her confiscated items.
    "You even went the extra step and brought them back to me. Thank you."
    "It was nothing. What did you want to speak with me about."
    "Follow out of the city. I only came to speak with you, so I have no lodging to bring you to."
    "Out of the city? This is already a pain."
    "Stop whining."
    They made their way out of the city gates, and as they walked down the road, Shizukesa began telling him her reason for coming.
    "There will be trouble in the land. I wanted to meet with you earlier, to tell you that balance would be thrown off. Kings and queens will go missing. But already, I know your king has gone missing."
    "How did you know that!?"
    "As I said, that was what I wanted to tell you earlier. I have seen glimpses of the future, and it is not for good times. For this reason, I want you to come with me."
    Cinder stopped walking, as well as Shizukesa when she noticed him halt.
    "Come with you? Here and now?"
    "You don't have anything else to do. I would like for you to return to the water kingdom with me."
    "Why should I bother?"
    "Your skills could use some sharpening. They are sloppy and not used to their potential."
    "You do not make a sword with fire alone, but with water as well. I am wanted to temper you, make you better. You could be so much better than just someone who slaughters groups of people at a time. That alone may be an amazing feat, but you can already tell that any run ins with someone of a higher skill, and you are finished."
    "You have better skills than the average person, and your potential power is great, but you are too unruly to work with a team, and you see no problem in killing dozens of people on the wrong side of the law."
    "... So this is why you want me to come with you?"
    Cinder thought about it for awhile, and finally came to a conclusion.
    "Fine. I'll go. I was getting tired of being stuck in this place anyway. I could use a break from this place."
    Pulling out a sheet of paper, he scribbled down a note, and to a passing couple on their way to the city, Cinder gave it to them.
    "Take this note to the castle guards. And be sure you wait until tomorrow morning at the break of dawn. No sooner, no later. If you do not, I will disembowel both you and your woman, and strangle you to death with her intestines while she watches in agony and horror. Understood?"
    The man nodded in fear, and ran to the city with his wife to get away, intent on following the threat they were given.
    "That was mean."
    "I know. Now let's go."
  19. BlackHeartedRose The Bookworm

    Feb 15, 2015
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    Once the gala was finally over Elena was happy. Her mood as of lately hasn’t been the best. She wasn’t really in a people person mood. “I really wish that things would go back to normal. I know the balance between, earth, air, and fire has all been disrupted.”

    She walked quickly to her throne room. She was going to be talking to people in her village.

    “I really don’t have a good feeling right now.”


    Aurora could feel herself getting weaker by the second. Her powers were taking its toll on her body. She didn’t have any time to waste. “I cannot use my time stopping powers when I go to fetch Elena.”

    She slipped out of the room. She didn’t even notice that Amelia was following her. The little girl tugged on her clothes again. “I’m sorry, sweetie, I can’t hold you right now. I will when I get back. I promise.”

    Amelia had tears in her eyes. Aurora felt bad that she was making her cry. She patted Amelia’s head. The little girl smiled and went over to her daddy.

    Aurora left her realm. She landed in a forest close to the castle. She didn’t change to her human form yet. She walked through the wall to get into Elena’s throne room. Her body started to appear in front of Elena.

    Elena’s eyes widened when she saw a girl appear in front of her.

    “Elena, I need you to come with me.”

    “There is no way I will go with you. The balances between the elements are thrown off. I need to find out what’s going on. I don’t have time to talk to children.”

    Aurora sighed. “I’m not a child. If I have to do this the hard way I will. You’re coming with me whether you like it or not. If I have to fight you I will.”

    Elena smiled. “I’m not coming with you. Looks like you’re going to have to fight after all.”

    Aurora smiled back. The amulet around her neck turned white. She was going to use the air element. She was going to try to hold back using her powers. She sighed. She knew that she was reaching her limit. Her body wasn’t used to being in the human realm still. It’s been ten years since she has been down.

    Elena charged at Aurora throwing a punch. Aurora blocked her punch. Elena kept punching, adding water to every blow, and Aurora kept blocking. Aurora threw a punch back. She made contact. Her air power decided to have a mind of its own. It blew Elena backwards a bit.

    Elena was starting to get frustrated. She formed a tidal wave with her powers. The water hit Aurora and slammed her into the all of the castle. She fell to the floor. She struggled getting off the floor. Her body reached its limit. Elena started laughing. “You really must be weak, huh? You’re using weak air powers. Yuri would find you pathetic. He must have wasted his time training you, weakling.”

    Elena blasted Aurora with another wave of water when she stood up. The second time Aurora’s head hit the wall and she was knocked out. Elena smiled at her victory.

    Aurora’s body started glowing, Elena felt herself stop moving. She was completely confused. Aurora’s body started floating in mid air. Elena felt herself gravitate towards the body. Elena’s eyes went blank. Soon they both disappeared back into Aurora’s realm.


    Aurora ended up landing in Zael’s arms when she came back. She was still knocked out. Zael was surprised. He started blushing when he realized what happened.

    Elena was returned to her senses when they reached the realm. “Where am I?”

    “Aurora’s realm,” Yuri responded.

    Elena’s eyes widened. She couldn’t believe her ears. “That means that I just fought…the ruler of Lazarus.”

    “Yes, you completely knocked her out to,” Zael responded his temper flaring up. He hated Elena. He always thought she was too stuck up.

    “I didn’t know…that was her. I swear,” Elena responded.

    “Yeah, right,” Zael responded picking up the knocked out girl in his arms. He laid her down on one of the other couches in the realm.

    “What are we going to do now,” Calista asked.

    All of them remained silent as they watched their ruler sleep.

    OOT: Decided I'm going to cut it short. You'll learn more about Aurora in my next post. Didn't want to make it too long.
    #59 BlackHeartedRose, Dec 24, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2017
  20. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Slyvia sat across from Gideon sipping quietly at her tea. When he was finished she sat quietly for a moment taking another sip at her tea before setting the cup on the table. She then looked out the window
    "Even the villagers don't know much about me."
    she turned and looked at him
    "They only know me as the girl with strange eyes and unnatural hair. I was born this way. My parents asked the villagers not to speak of me, and they respected my parents. Even when they passed, they continued to respect their wishes as well as mine"
    she paused a moment and smiled slightly, but her face became serious
    "well the villagers that have seen me at least. My parents were very cautious on who they trusted and kept me hidden"
    she paused a moment before continuing
    "and they had reason to"
    She tilted her head
    "You said there were rumors. What rumors did you hear might I ask?"
    She looked out the window again
    "As for protecting them, I am not capable of doing such a thing. I probably wouldn't be able to accomplish much. I am only human after all"
    she turned to face him, he had only heard rumors about her, but at this point as far as she was concerned, that was all they were to him. No one could possibly know who she really was

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