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Lazarus: Land Of The Elements

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by BlackHeartedRose, Dec 7, 2016.

  1. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    As Shunsui dictated the law, Cinder rolled his eyes, silently mouthing the Captain of the Guard's words as they were spoken. Once the law was read out, Cinder began to walk away.
    "Well, whatever. Not like this was the first time. Good luck, lady."
    I'll be free of having to deal with her at least.
    Picking up his fallen mask, waved off the guards as he made his took his leave, leaving Shizukesa to the guards.
    "Get the Hell out of my way, pawns."
    Shizukesa appeared to be unconcerned at this turn of events. Quietly, she sheathed her blade, somehow managing to smoothly slip out a sheath from an unknown location. Holding out both her wakizashi and odachi blades
    "Fine. I will go quietly."
    We'll be meeting again.
  2. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Relatively unfazed by Lucille's rough and tumble entrance, Gideon quietly drank his tea until she took a seat. When she did and asked what they were doing, he lowered his cup and replied.
    "Well, the idea was for us to sit down and enjoy some morning tea but it seems you still haven't acquired the taste."
    He shrugged and took another sip.
    "I suppose it can't be helped. Feel free to ask for something else to drink tomorrow morning. As for your...rather unique entrance, I'm sure I've told you this before but you really do need to pace yourself. Otherwise, you might end up injuring yourself behaving so recklessly this early in the morning. Although..."
    Underneath his usual calm expression, he stifled a laugh.
    "...I'll admit it is fun to watch."
    An amused chuckle could be faintly heard from him. He quickly changed the topic of conversation.
    "But enough of that, how are you adjusting to life in the castle? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you haven't been here all that long, have you?"
  3. Rayden413 Trophy Hunter

    Oct 29, 2016
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    Shunsui took both of the woman's blades and wrapped silk cloth around the guards and sheaths so that the blades couldn't be pulled free easily. He motioned and a contingent of guardsmen formed up around him and the woman. By this time all but one of the Shadow Guard had disappeared. Only Sakurako remained and she remained within the Guard Formation. With another silent motion, the formation, Shunsui, and Sakurako began moving through the streets towards the Guard's Square. A compound dedicated to the Guardsmen. "There are many questions I would like to ask you 'Water Woman.' It is unfortunate that I am not going to be able to interrogate you myself. That is the task of the Shadow Guard. I would like to know why you decided to start a fight on my streets? This is the least you can answer me. Especially since you should know the laws of a Kingdom before entering it."

    "You need not fear for accommodation. Though, my brother may say 'interrogate' the only thing we will be doing is asking simple questions, wanting simple answers. You will be placed in a suit benefiting your station within our city, Priestess." She didn't have to look at her brother at that moment to know that he was glaring at her for knowing such information without divulging it to the Guard. "Additionally, the Shadow Guard has already dispatched a rider to appeal to your Court on your behalf if our King decides to not be feeling amicable."
  4. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    OOT meant to post sooner but forgot to watch the thread to get the alerts lol.

    On the outskirts of the air village was a little cottage in the woods. Nearby was a pond, this is where Sylvia would spend most of her days practicing. Today, like any other day she was by the pond, but instead of practicing like she normally would, she was resting against the tree. The sound of the pond rippling had put her to sleep, after she had sat down to take a break. She must have slept for a good hour before waking up. Sylvia sat up from against the tree and stretched her arms out while yawning. She took in a deep breath, and took a moment to soak in the scenery.
    "I don't think I have slept that well in quite a while"
    She spoke to no one but herself. It got kinda lonesome being in the cottage all alone. But since her parents, the ones who took her in, passed away, she really didn't have anyone to talk to.
    "I am out here every day and I don't think I ever once took the time to enjoy this beautiful scenery."
    She sighed a sigh of disappointment
    "I will be sure to take a little bit each day to enjoy this from here on out"
    After a few more minutes of enjoying the scenery she had ignored all this time, it was time for her to get up and head into town. Today was supply day, which mean she would have to go into town and gather supplies she would need for the next few days. But before doing that, she would need to get stuff from the house. SHe grabbed her staff and used it to help stand up. She took a moment to stretch before taking the trail that lead back the cottage. She passed the place where her parents were buried and payed them a little visit.
    "I really do miss you guys."
    she sighed
    "I promise I will take care of this place and protect it"
    She bowed, then headed towards the cottage, it wasn't long before she reached her front door and entered the cottage. She headed to the kitchen and grabbed a basket, along with some food to eat along the way. It would be night before she would make it back home. After making sure she had everything she needed, she grabbed her cloak by the door and headed out of the cottage, making sure to lock the door behind her. She slipped her grey cloak over top of her and pulled the hood to cover her hair and eyes. She had unusual eyes and growing up, she was told to keep them hidden, it was for her safety. Only a select few people in town knew about her secret and swore to never speak of her to anyone.
    It wasn't long before Sylvia reached the town of Air. She decided to walk around and shop for anything she might like and then gather any supplies she would need. One of the shop keepers flagged her down and offered her to look at the items he was selling. She knew the shop keeper, he was one of the few people who ever saw her face. She smiled beneath her cloak when she realized who he was, she couldn't help but walk over and pay him a visit.
    "How are you doing today Jim?"
    "Doing alright and yourself"
    "The usual, just picking up supplies for the week. Do you have what I need?"
    He took a moment to look over the list she had
    "I do, but could you give me some time to gather them and get them ready for you"

    She smiled
    "Of course, I think I will check out some clothing shops while I am in town, so take your time"
    with that she headed towards an other shop, this one was sat outside, they shop keeper had several different color fabric hanging, so she took her time to check them out and maybe purchase a few she liked
  5. BlackHeartedRose The Bookworm

    Feb 15, 2015
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    Aurora landed in the Fire King’s land. She sighed. She knew he was going to be the toughest one to deal with. She thought to herself. “It’s going to be hard for me to get him alone. There is always someone watching him. Zael maybe the King, but he’s a brat to me.”

    Aurora looked down at herself. She looked out of the norm.“I know no one knows who I am, but I have to change my appearance.”

    Aurora needed to change her appearance. Her flowing white hair changed to pink. Her white dress changed to pink as well. Her eye color stayed the same. Slowly she walked forward towards the kingdom. She whispered to herself. “I’m coming for you, Zael, whether you like it or not. Be prepared for a fight.”

    Zael sighed as he looked out of the window of his kingdom. He had too much stuff to do so little time. He needed the full report from his guard, Shunsui. He didn’t know why his guard was late today. He was normally on time. He was impatient waiting for him to. He yelled impatiently. “Where is he?”

    One of his servants walked towards him…shaking. He could sense that his King was angry. “S-Sir, I brought you your breakfast…”

    Zael looked down to see eggs, toast, and bacon waiting on his plate. He glared at his servant. “Can’t you tell I’m too busy to eat this right now? Leave before I send you to dungeon.”

    His servant fled the room, scared out of his mind, and shaking more.

    Zael couldn’t believe he had such a weak person working for him. He rolled his eyes in annoyance. “Shunsui better get here soon before I blow a gasket…”

    Zael was extremely annoyed today. He could sense that something was coming. He just couldn’t tell what.

    “I’m going to have to come up with a new name for myself. Hmmm…what to call myself…” Aurora pondered as she walked through the forest. She came up with a name she always loved. “I’ll just go with Luna. I can tell people that I’m from the Water Kingdom.”

    Once Aurora was close to the castle she was going to cast a spell on everyone. She needed to make sure that no one was going to get hurt. Zael was a jerk to his subjects. She’s seen it from her realm. She knew this was going to be a long fight. Zael didn’t take it easy on challengers from other kingdoms.

    She knew that none of the Kings or Queens knew that another realm existed.

    Aurora casted her spell with the amulet she wore around her neck. Her amulet was different from that of the Kings and Queens. Her amulet was white, red, blue, green, and pink. Once she reached the Kingdom she walked through the wall. Aurora hadn’t made herself human yet. Aurora pouted. “I hate being human…”

    Once she was through the wall she turned herself human. The castle was eerily quiet. She smiled. That meant her spell worked. “I need to get to him quickly…I don’t know how long my spell will last…I haven’t been in this realm in a long time…”

    She knew her powers were going to be rusty.

    She walked into the throne room where Zael was sitting. Every person in his castle, but him has stopped moving. He gaped at her speechlessly. He was the only person who wasn’t under her spell. “Why hello, Zael, it’s very nice to finally meet you.”

    “Who are you,” he asked gaping at her.

    “Oh, no one…but I need you to come with me. It’s quite important that you do,” she responded.

    “I’m not going anywhere with you lady. For one reason I don’t even know who you are,” Zael responded. Anger was starting to flash in his eyes. Aurora could see his fiery attitude flaring up. “Also don’t be demanding me in my own castle.”

    “I’ll demand you all I want, urchin. Since you asked so nicely…my name is Luna. You will be coming with me whether you like it or not,” she responded. The amulet around Aurora’s neck started turning blue. She was going to use water magic.

    “How dare you speak to me like that,” he yelled. He charged at her. Zael raised his fist towards her. Flames started to dance around him. Aurora jumped back quickly. She threw a water ball towards Zael. He dodged it. He round house kicked her and it made impact. Aurora hit the wall. She cushioned the impact with water.

    She knew this wasn’t going to be easy…

    Zael started walking towards her. She pretended to tremble as he approached. He laughed. “You come here threatening me to go with you. Now you’re scared of me.”

    He grabbed her by the throat and slammed her into the wall. “My mother said to never hit woman, but you are an exception to that rule.”

    “You’re mama should teach you some manners,” she replied. She smiled at him.

    “You’re about to lose and you’re smiling,” he scoffed.

    “Who said I’m going to lose,” Aurora responded. She made two water balls appear out of nowhere and she punched him as hard as she could in the stomach. His eyes widened as he let go of her. He was not expecting that. His anger blinded him. Aurora knew that. Aurora hit Zael in the back of the head with another water ball and knocked him out. He lost consciousness.

    “Never underestimate your opponent. Hasn’t anyone ever taught you that, Zael,” she asked his unconscious form. While he was unconscious she brought him to her realm. “One down, now only three more to go...”

    OOT: Yes I know I haven't been around. I was sick. I wasn't writing at the time.
    #25 BlackHeartedRose, Dec 15, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2016
  6. RenNya Trophy Hunter

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Lucille decided to disregard Gideon's laughter and leaned back in her chair, almost to the point of falling. "Well.... I like it so far. It sure is different than the normal farm life. No work to do early morning, no chicken to feed, no... special cow pies randomly on the ground." She leaned back forward and flopped her head onto the table. "Plus I get to sleep in allllllll I want... Sometimes..." She shot a piercing glance at Gideon and let out a drawn out, over-exaggerated sigh.

    ((OOT: Sorry for small post I'm tired and can't think much ;w; ))
  7. BlackHeartedRose The Bookworm

    Feb 15, 2015
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    OOT: No problem. You're free to write as much you want and as little.
    #27 BlackHeartedRose, Dec 16, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2016
  8. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Shizukesa's calm face changed into one of slight realization.
    "Ah, I forgot. Here."
    She pulled out a letter from the chest region of her robes, handing it to Shunsui. The letter, bearing the Queen Elena's seal, stated her objective of coming to meet Cinder and possibly retrieving him.
    "As you can see, I came here to meet with Cinder. But apparently, I can't do that with someone who refuses to listen. That's why the fight happened, to convince him to listen. But I had some interference."

    That's one less annoyance to deal with.
    Having been able to get out of his talk with the water woman, Cinder made his way to the King Zael's castle.
    Need to give a verbal report when I get to him. He wanted to know what became of those bandits that looted three towns.
    Walking in through the castle, Cinder noticed that people were frozen in place.
    What happened? I need to see what has happened to the king!
    Cinder broke into a sprint, throwing open the throne room's doors. Before him, was a woman with pink hair and clothes. And below, on the ground, was the unconscious king.
    Cinder whipped out his rapier, the flames wrapping around it as heat rapidly caused the blade to glow. He took on an offensive stance, ready to take on the woman.
    "What have you done!? Answer me!"
  9. BlackHeartedRose The Bookworm

    Feb 15, 2015
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    “King,” Aurora heard from behind her.

    Aurora turned around and her eyes widened. “Crap, I should have known my powers wouldn’t work outside of the castle. My powers are very limited in this human world.”

    She smirked at the boy. “I need to get out of here now before anyone else comes.”

    She looked at his readied weapon. It was aglow with flames. “I see your training with the King has benefited you. I guess that’s good. Zael isn’t as worthless as I thought he was. As for what I’ve done…I just fought him and your king lost the battle.”

    Aurora stepped a little closer to the boy. “Now if you don’t mind. I have some other business to take care of. I don’t want to fight you, but if I have to fight you I must.”

    Aurora’s amulet around her neck started to change back to normal. “Crap! I thought it would have lasted a little longer than this! I need to hurry. I need to get out of here and take Zael with me…this boy is going to be a nuisance.”

    OOT: I will be putting everyone's character in spoiler as well as mine. This will make it easier for all. Also thank you all for joining. I'm loving this RP :)

    #29 BlackHeartedRose, Dec 17, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2016
  10. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    "You look beautiful," Duke Anias said to his adopted daughter.
    "Thank you, Father," Lain said uncomfortably. She didn't understand why people had to say things like that. Especially her father. She was dressed in a fashionable midnight blue satin dress with a low neck line and her back was exposed. A matching scarf was wrapped around her neck and that was all. Her unease was heightened by the modest, but vulnerable outfit. It simply wasn't a match to the leather armor that she wore like a second skin.

    "Aren't you cold?" He asked her without having to gesture at the blanket of snow all around them. The wind picked up and the Duke couldn't fight back the shiver the cold wind caused while his daughter stood there without any reaction.
    I'm fine. Let's just go inside," she said with a resigned sigh.

    Anias took his daughter's arm and led the way inside. The gala hall was decorated in the resplendent colors of the water kingdom, azure and tan. Hundreds of people milled about in their best finery, chatting, eating, dancing; and if the shouting from one corner meant anything, sporadic duels a normal occasion as always at the gatherings of nobility.
    "Announcing Duke Anias Brook and Lady Lain Brook!" Shouted the crier at the door. Those closest to the entrance turned and made polite noises before turning back to whatever they were doing.

    In the back of the hall sat the Queen of the Water Kingdom. Her honor guard stood nearby the throne and she was speaking casually with some noble or something. Lain felt she should go and greet her, but the throng of people kept her back. She set her eyes upon a table in a shadowed alcove and began moving towards it but her father had other ideas. Keeping a firm grip on his daughter's arm, he led her decisively towards the throne.

    "Good evening, your majesty," Duke Anias said with a bow.
    Good evening," Lain echoed her father with a small bow. The young woman was clearly unsettled.


    The boat rocked severely on the raging seas while the wind and rain howled outside. In a small cabin that reeked of fish, brine, and unwashed bodies, a young girl sat on a cot hugging a bucket. As a swell rose up and knocked the boat to the side, the little girl was thrown off the cot and onto the floor. The contents of the bucket sloshed out onto the cabin floor and her white dress. The girl proceeded to throw up again. Sea travel did not sit well with her.

    The door to the cabin opened and a man stuck his drenched head in to check on her. "Once this storm lets up, we'll be on dry land again. Just hang in there a little longer!" He shouted over the noise of the wind. He pulled the door shut and locked it. The girl picked the bucket back up and crawled onto the bed to cower.
  11. Rayden413 Trophy Hunter

    Oct 29, 2016
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    As the guard unit walked past a clock tower, Shunsui realized what time it was. He did a mental and physical face palm and turned to his sister. "Sakurako, you examine the documents and make sure she is placed where she needs to be. I've got a meeting with our king." With that he gave the letter to his sister andsplit off from the group making his way towards the inner city where he would find the king.

    Sakurako nodded towards her brother and watched him go off. The letter in hand, she turned to the priestess, "I'll need to examine the letter to authenticate it. I'm sure you understand the process necessary. Forged documents are more common than one would think." She continued to lead the priestess towards the Guard's Square where a special foreign dignatary suit, albeit warded so no one could enter or exit without proper authority, waited. "You'll be placed in a suit designated for people of your station who cause trouble. It's quite lavish if I say so myself."

    Shunsui had made his way into the inner city and heard a commotion towards the palace of the King. Most of all, he noticed the distressed sound of none but Cinder. Something is wrong. Something is very wrong... Shunsui's temper flared as he started running towards the sound of the commotion. His blades already drawn and set ablaze. His footsteps leaving a trail of fiery footprints as he sprinted towards the King's admittance chamber.
  12. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    OOT: No worries, it's been a little while so you just need to shake off the roleplay rust, that's all.

    Gideon returned the glance with a blank, unamused stare. He then finished the rest of his drink and replied.
    "How very fortunate. Since you seem to have so much spare time on your hands, surely you won't mind accompanying me on a little journey I plan to take today."
    He pulled out a piece of paper that he'd written some notes on and gave it a quick look.
    "It might just be rumors and baseless hearsay, but if it's not then I think it would certainly be worth investigating. I hardly think anything will happen along the way, though one can never be too careful, as I always say. I suppose some of the king's men could be sent out for this errand but I would rather investigate the matter personally."
    He stood up, facing the main hall.
    "I think that a change of scenery might just do you some good."
    He then gave her a wry smile.
    "At the very least, you wouldn't be lazing about when there's work to be done. You can think it over while I meet with the king or follow along, I'll leave that much up to you."
    With that, he left the dining hall and made his way to the throne room.


    Gideon approached the king's throne and bowed, as was the land's custom. With his hands folded in front of him, he formally addressed the king.
    "Your majesty, I am pleased to report that all is well within the kingdom and we have been blessed with another peaceful day under your great and prosperous rule."
    He then handed a more fully detailed report off to a nearby servant and continued.
    "Because we in such a peaceful state at the moment, I have a simple and humble request to make, your highness. I have heard rumors of a powerful elementalist living in a village near the edge of our borders. It may amount to nothing, but if these rumors are true then we could potentially recruit a powerful ally to our cause, one who would help ensure the safety of our people in these uncertain times. I have already made the necessary preparations, naturally. By your leave, Lucille and I can leave for the village within the hour."
    He waited politely for the king's reply.
  13. BlackHeartedRose The Bookworm

    Feb 15, 2015
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    Queen Elena smiled at the Duke and his daughter. The smile didn’t reach her eyes. “Good evening, Duke Anias and Lady Lain. I hope you enjoy your time while you’re here.”

    She touched her amulet as she spoke. She noticed that the young girl looked uncomfortable talking to her. She smiled lightly again. “I have a bad feeling. I can’t place my finger on it. Is balance between our Kingdoms finally starting to fall apart?”

    Her smile fell from her face. She looked at one of her guards and he nodded. He walked towards her.

    “Yes, Queen,” he asked.

    “Send someone to the Fire Kingdom. Please.”

    “Right away, Miss.”

    “Wait, Lain, will you do me this favor,” Queen Elena asked looking at the young girl and her father. She smiled again. The guard gave her a skeptical look. Was she really planning to send a young girl to her death? They have heard stories about what Zael did to others.


    Yuri was sitting on his throne when Gideon approached him. He smiled at the man. He also bowed down. Some of the people in his land thought he was too kind. “I’m glad to hear that everyone is having a peaceful day. I will be going out soon myself. I need to go to the orphanage. I’m bringing my daughter with me. She’s very excited.”

    He looked down at his daughter. She was sleeping in his arms. She had a nightmare just a few minutes ago. The maids tried to do anything they could to sooth her, but she wouldn’t calm down. She just wanted her father.

    He then looked back at Gideon. “I humbly respect your request. You may leave whenever you see fit. You never know when we may need backup.”

    Yuri smiled again. “I wish you and Lucille luck on your journey.”

    At that moment, King Yuri, took his leave. He was going to head to the orphanage to donate food with his young daughter, Princess Amelia.
    #33 BlackHeartedRose, Dec 17, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2016
  14. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Sylvia looked thoroughly through the fabrics, but didn't fine anything she liked. As she was looking at through the last stack, she spotted something shiny out of the corner of her eye. She put the fabric back on the stack and headed over to the table where the shiny item was. Before her was several pieces of jewelry, but there was on in particular, the one that caught her attention earlier, that stuck out to her. It was a necklace with a light blue opal stone shaped like a raindrop. On the stone the metal swirled around it like wind. She had to get it
    "Excuse me miss, how much for this amulet"
    The woman turned to face the girl in the cloak, the woman was very elderly and was hunched over
    "It is rather expensive my child"

    "its really pretty, I would like to purchase it, even if it is expensive"
    The woman seemed shocked by her response.

    "If you really want it my dear, I shall give it to you half price, you seem very sweet"
    The woman took the necklace and handed it to Sylvia, who handed the money to her.
    "Thank you so very much, I shall take good care of it"
    The woman got a glimpse of Slyvias smile, before Sylvia walked off to gather her supplies from the shopkeeper she visited earlier. He should have her supplies by now. Sylvia took a moment to put the necklace one before speaking with the shop keeper
    "Is my order ready?"
    the shopkeeper gave her a nod and handed her several bags with supplies. She looked over it, then thanked him for getting everything for her before saying her goodbye and headed home.
  15. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    "What is it with women today!?"
    Cinder pressed his mask onto his face, growling angrily as it seated itself firmly on his face.
    "Seriously! I have had enough of this for one day! At this point, I would use my execution sword!"
    Cinder charged at Aurora, who was currently under the guise of a someone named Luna. Flames spiraled around him from his glowing rapier. The distance closed rapidly.
  16. BlackHeartedRose The Bookworm

    Feb 15, 2015
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    Aurora looked at the boy with a smirk on her lips still. Aurora’s colorless eyes started glowing. “I’m sorry I have to do this to you.”

    Aurora’s amulet turned white. The wind magic blew the boy into the wall. She cushioned the wall with water magic so he wouldn’t get hurt too badly.

    She looked down at Zael’s unconscious form. “We must be going now.”

    Zael’s body started to disappear in front of the boy’s eyes. Aurora’s body glowed white and she disappeared herself.


    Aurora started breathing heavily once she was back in her own realm. “Being a human really sucks! My powers are really weak in the human realm.”

    “I need to go into the next land. Which one should I choose…hmm…?”

    Aurora left Zael unconscious on the couch as she disappeared again. This time she landed in front of air’s palace. She turned back into her human form. The guard’s gawked at her. The guards sent word that there was a mysterious intruder at the gates.

    “Uh oh…”

    She started running as fast as she could through the forest. The guards started chasing her.

    As she was running she didn’t notice she was about to collide with someone. Aurora fell to her butt. She saw the girl fall too. Aurora held her hand out. She noticed that the girl she ran into had two different color eyes. “I’m really sorry.”

    She knew she needed to get going before the guards caught up to her. She knew they weren’t very far behind…

    She looked at the girl she bumped into. “I’m sorry. I know I don’t know you, but will you be able to help me? I promise I will help you in return.”
  17. Rayden413 Trophy Hunter

    Oct 29, 2016
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    Shunsui burst into the admittance chamber only to see Cinder laying against the wall and the form of a translucent, disappearing woman. "Damn!" He took as much time as he could to memorize as much about the woman as he could before she completely disappeared. He sheathed his blades and strode over to Cinder who was still slumped against the wall. "She must have been pretty strong to do this to you. Even that water woman didn't do this kind of damage to you. You alright?" He held out his hand for Cinder to take.

    About this time Sakurako had dropped of the water priestess in her new cozy quarters and had begun to examine the letter. She looked at everything from the type of paper it was written on, to the ink used, and even so much as the consistency of the wax used to seal it. From what she could tell, it was authentic. Brother's not going to like this. He can't let her go because of her crime, but he won't like the fact that another Kingdom is trying to use members of high ranking houses in ours. The Kingdoms might work together, but because of our differences, there is still much tension between some of us. Fire citizens don't get along well with Water and Wind though, we are amicable with Earth. It only makes sense since Water and Wind have the easiest time defeating our flame.

    She got up from her desk and took a walk out to the Warded Estate that the Water Priestess is now staying in. She entered the quarters and began to look for Shizukesa. She had a few other questions to ask of her before she submitted her report. "Shizukesa, We need to talk. Just us girls."
  18. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    Name: Sight, the blinded

    Age: 26

    Personality: Cocky, friendly, reserved.

    Short Background about the character (If want): Mercanary for hire, assassin.

    Appearance: I'll try to find someone to draw something.

    Which Kingdom you would like to represent: Fire/Water

    Weapons (if any): Cane Sychte
  19. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Cinder reluctantly gripped Shunsui's hand and used it as leverage to pull himself up. Agitation filled his mind as he waited for his blade to cool down.
    "I'm fine enough, but this will be a pain to have to deal with as a report. And there will be panic if this is found out. To make this worse, no witnesses saw this happen. We could end up being blamed for this. Any thoughts?"

    Shizukesa was impressed by the quality of the room. Comfortable bed, carpeted floors, a desk, and a bath. Lying down on the bed, she decided to bide her time.
    A gilded birdcage. This is the best comparison to this room.
    Eventually, she heard the door open, followed by Sakurako's voice. Shizukesa stood up from the bed she rested upon before responding.
    "What is it that you are needing?"
    And was that emphasis on "Just us girls."?
  20. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    +63 / 0 / -0
    Gideon bowed to King Yuri as the latter left the room.
    "Thank you, your majesty. May a fair wind guide you both in your travels."
    He soon followed behind the king, parting ways with him to meet Lucille again. He stopped only for a moment to call for her.
    "Come now, Lucille. This is hardly the time for an afternoon nap."
    He then made his way to the stables, where the horses and a squadron of guards were waiting to accompany Gideon.

    OOT: I'll leave it open as to whether or not Lucille actually came with him or not. Things are going quick so I can't really wait for a reply. :p

    After a while, Gideon made it to the village where he took some time to speak with the villages and gather as much information as he could. Most of them knew nothing and the ones who might have known something were very tight-lipped about it. However, he managed to convince a couple of the shopkeepers to share what they knew once they realized who Gideon was and that he was on official business from the king. He made his way down an old dirt road that supposedly led to a small cottage where this elementalist was staying. He only made it about halfway, though, as he soon found a mysterious young woman walking the same road. They soon caught up to her and Gideon signaled for the horses to stop, then they dismounted and approached her. As they did, the strangest thing happened.

    The guards murmured quietly to each other about the mysterious woman who seemingly appeared out of thin air while Gideon looked on with an eyebrow raised in curiosity. Then the realization struck and he whispered under his breath.
    "It's her...isn't it?"
    As he was one of the king's trusted confidants, Yuri shared with Gideon a dream he had just a few nights ago. The dream was rather vague but one thing that stood out was a woman whom Yuri described to him in great detail. He had no idea who she was or where she came from, only that she had a very important part to play in the future of the Northern Kingdom. Gideon's expression, usually calm and composed, betrayed a slight bit of shock upon seeing the woman Yuri described right in front of him, an exact match down to the last detail. He approached the two women and politely introduced himself, his guards cautiously following behind him, still wary of the girl who appeared from out of nowhere.
    "Please pardon the interruption, but I would like to have a word with the both of you."
    He pulled out a scroll that contained the king's seal to prove his identity.
    "My name is Gideon, I have come on behalf of his majesty King Yuri to investigate rumors of a powerful elementalist living near the village."
    He took a closer look at the girl with the mismatched eyes-- an unusual trait that caught his attention immediately-- and the girl from Yuri's dream and continued.
    "I believe that his majesty would be quite interested in speaking with both of you. Would you be willing to follow me back to the castle? I realize that this may be an inconvenience and I ask only because this is a matter of the utmost importance. Of course, I will make sure that your accommodations at the royal castle are to your liking for the duration and I would be more than willing to compensate you for your time."

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