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Entirety Of Funimation Anime Library Being Transferred To Crunchyroll

Discussion in 'Anime News' started by DubAnimeLover, Mar 3, 2022.

  1. DubAnimeLover Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    TL;DR... the entirety of Funimation's anime catalogue/library will be transferred into Crunchyroll. According to Funimation themselves (at least on their official Discord server and yes I'm on there so this is how I know this) 80% of it will be moved by the end of this month with the other 20% by mid-April. Personally... I'm pretty sure it's going to take longer than that so I'm more expecting all of it to be transferred by May or June.

    Now whether this is a good thing or not... is debatable. First of all, they aren't letting current Funimation subscribers (which was me) have their subscription fully transferred into Crunchyroll. All they really did is if you had a Funimation subscription prior to the last day of February you are being given a free 60 day trial of Crunchroll premium. However, this doesn't apply to people who already had a Crunchyroll subscription. Big OOF there. Luckily I didn't. I watched some stuff on Crunchyroll before... but without actually making an account. So admittedly I'm one of the lucky ones.

    I mean yes you could argue it's good... and it is in a way. Because there was lots of stuff on Crunchyroll that wasn't on Funimation subscription so I'll get to watch that now. Plus if Digimon Adventure 2020 english dub goes to Crunchyroll... obviously I'll be able to watch it now and that's a good thing. They just announced this out of nowhere and expected everyone to accept it and be excited for it. Which didn't happen. At all.

    Personally I feel like this more bad than good but just me I guess. I liked my Funimation subscription and I don't know if things are uncut on Crunchyroll or not. I've heard they aren't. So it's a good thing I buy physical stuff as well. But everyone is being given no choice but to accept it obviously.

    It's more expensive than what I was paying for my Funimation subscription as well. But considering how large it's about it be... (again assuming absolutely everything gets transferred) it's worth it in the long run. I guess.

    They really should have announced this sooner with a slower build instead of this. But it is what it is I guess.

  2. shedninja the sites bug/bug maker Moderator JustDubs Site Admin

    Dec 14, 2019
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  3. Supernatural-Knight Asylum Game Master Moderator

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Who cares really? Sub all the way.

    Now for something more meaningful. Its too little too late isn't it? Zero rewards for existing payers with no earlier news meaning you were stuck paying up until they said too bad. Seems pretty scummy.
    Also licensing sucks regardless. They don't have all the seasons anyway. Back when Ippo's last season aired you could watch that but if you wanted to watch his journey to that fight too bad.
    One last thing.
    If you are a Digimon fan from years gone by. Do yourself a favour and don't watch this one. Absolute trash relying on nostalgia. Terrible plot full of one off episodes. It was disgusting.

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