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Sep 21, 2020
Apr 21, 2013
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Sep 2, 1989 (Age: 35)
President of the Illuminati


I Love Trophies, Male, 35, from Paradise

Really working on my writing skill these days. Gotten pretty confident in what I can pull off. Apr 16, 2019

Doomguy was last seen:
Sep 21, 2020
    1. jmriz
      Happy Father's Day!!! Have a great day!!!
    2. jmriz
      Hey, I know this is an odd question, but do you have a pic of yourself posted on the " Post a Pic of Yourself " thread in the Off-Topic Section?
      1. Doomguy
        I remember checking a while back, I thought I did but couldn't find it. Was actually going to post myself at some point but kept putting it off.
        Jun 2, 2016
    3. jmriz
      "The evil scientist said to Doomguy, " Why don't we let loose on these unsuspecting JustDubians, a thread so wonderful, so amazing, so full of the praises of the old TV Show, that they, in the ensuing euphoria, will never watch a reality show again!!!"
      1. View previous comments...
      2. jmriz
        Depends on which series!
        Jun 2, 2016
      3. Doomguy
        My dad keeps putting the original first series on Netflix. You know the one with Spock and Kirk. Actually always liked the over the top acting of Kirk :).
        Jun 2, 2016
      4. jmriz
        Yeah, I'm def not a fan of ST but I can see what you mean
        Jun 2, 2016
    4. Core
      I came across an interesting mod for Fallout NV. It is called Superhot, and is based off of a game with that name. Not sure quite how it works , but perhaps you could give it a try. The link is below, should you decide to try it.


      (It might just be a slow motion mod.)
      1. Doomguy
        Heh, it's like a buffed up "Bullet Time" mod. I know one of my mods already has bullet time built in but this looks like it takes it further.

        Actually I have something similer that happens. it's called
        "Frame per second drops due to overdone graphic mods and 100 other stuff mod"

        Thanks for the input and link!
        Mar 16, 2016
      2. Core
        You're welcome. Just wanted to help out.
        Mar 16, 2016
    5. Kaede
      Looking out the way you role-play. I think you wright pretty good. Do you have any tips on how to do so?
      1. Doomguy
        Thank you. To be honest I'm not too sure what it is that makes me write the way I do. I like to read a lot of books and one of my favorite things is when authors focus on "world building"

        I'm also not afraid of cliches. Ever been to to the website "TVTropes"? It's like a toolbox of how different forms of media is written up.

        That's a fun read, easy to waste the day in though!
        Feb 23, 2016
      2. Kaede
        Ahh I see. Cool... I have been wanting to learn for a while just not doing so well. So I'm looking at people's role play here and I've notice you and Dungeon master write in good detail.
        Feb 23, 2016
    6. Doomguy
      I have created a race of robots
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Doomguy
        I don't remember much. More then half of it tried to show off the cuteness of Chi. It was only towards the end it tried to actually establish that the show had a plot.

        I do remember it having closure though. That's more then what similer anime could pull off
        Feb 23, 2016
      3. Kaede
        Sorry... Didn't mean to leave this hanging.

        I understand what you mean. The ending seemed to have a plot but it was far to rushed in my opinion... Which is a shame really... It did have a direction but it was certainly lost with all the other stuff.... :(
        Jun 7, 2016
      4. Doomguy
        Chi > Plot
        Jun 7, 2016
    7. Doomguy
      Brace yourselves, NBA playoffs are coming
    8. Doomguy
      From now on I'm making extensive notes on the things I write and think of. What started as a past time has become a favored hobby.
    9. BlackHeartedRose
    10. Doomguy
      Justdubs throws masterball. Doomguy has been caught! Doomguy has been sent back to the asylum.
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity likes this.
    11. Doomguy
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity likes this.
      2. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        lol of course :D
        Dec 13, 2014
    12. Doomguy
      I have recharged my willpower! I've come back more focused then ever! Now where did I put my conversational skills?
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. DemonEyesJoe
      4. Doomguy
      5. DemonEyesJoe
    13. Miss Elegent Serenity
      Miss Elegent Serenity
      Because you have deemed me goddess I have now read goodness as goddess and made a complete fool of myself.. I hope your happy **crosses arms**
      nah just kidding. I gotta stop reading things wrong lol :P
      1. DemonEyesJoe and Doomguy like this.
    14. Doomguy
      I have created the ultimate class. A wolfman\summoner hybrid with the dancing ability. None shall dare tango with my character!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Doomguy
        Wait what!? Nobody told me I had to tango with the Goddess in the beginning of the game!

        I still haven't leveled up my salsa dance skill set.
        Sep 4, 2014
      3. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        Fine ill be nice and wait til you level up some. But I'm very impatient so don't make me wait too long :P
        Sep 4, 2014
      4. Doomguy
        Oh your impatient? In that case I'll pump up my "slow dance" skill to further aggravate you. For good measure I'll teach my guy how to summon a dancing turtle.
        Sep 5, 2014
    15. Doomguy
      I'm a level 99 wizard\bard hybrid that duel wields a chainsaw and ocarina. Needless to say I confuse my enemies into submission.
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Doomguy
        The server banned me for "unfair play" so I had to downlevel my character.
        Now they accuse me of trolling, I say learn to play the game!
        Sep 1, 2014
      4. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        You trolling?? whatever gave them that impression?? :P
        Looks like youll have to use your godlike powers to hack the system. But the question is are you capable of the task??
        Sep 3, 2014
      5. Doomguy
        No point now, the latest patch nerfed my class. I decided to start a new game with a wolfman summoner with dancing abilities.
        Sep 3, 2014
    16. Doomguy
      I'm on a quest to take over the internet. Right now I'm short a bard, dancer, and a great sword\heavy armored thief.
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        A thief has stolen your quest...welp looks like your back to square one
        Sep 3, 2014
    17. Doomguy
      Meow. Meow meow meow meow. Meoooooow.
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        KITTY!!! :P
        Sep 3, 2014
    18. Doomguy
      And the great masses of the people rose their hands to the air and shouted "Hail Doomguy! Master of the Universe!"
      1. Heizengard likes this.
      2. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        could have sworn they were shouting
        " hail serenity all mighty mistress goddess of the universe"
        and THAT how I won the war
        Sep 3, 2014
      3. Doomguy
        It was hard to hear actually, the jail cell you put me in have sound proof walls
        Sep 3, 2014
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  • About

    Sep 2, 1989 (Age: 35)
    President of the Illuminati
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